Image has issued a challenge on making this site better well here is a thought I personally miss competing in the contests site wide. I think we should work on bringing them back and maybe look into a series of contests for covens so to speak like a battle royale. Instead of earning memberships why not we compete to donate to charities or something to benefit others so when people buy those memberships they can hold them with pride knowing that this site doesn’t just care about its members but those outside the site too.
Different contests can vary from design to even writing.
Coven contests: how about holding a contest once a year where the convenes compete in either favor or some form of activity in a hunger games setting.
I believe images was talking more along the lines of forums posts that require discussions, database submissions, article submissions or things of that nature. Since there isn't any discussion, just a site suggestion, I am closing this.
*imagesinwords edit* You're right, Moonie. She messaged me personally and I told her that too. I didn't know she came here and also made a thread about it.