Are Servitors created from matter/energy or are they spirits forced to do the bidding
of the one who called them.
This term is new to me but I saw something similar a long time ago in my research called a thoughtform that was made of spiritual energy to do the bidding of the person who made it. I discarded it at the time but is it possible these things could be related or the same with different names? As for forcing a spirit to do what you want the only thing that sounds like to me is a bad idea.
Servitors can be existing spirits or they can be created. It is debatable as to whether there is actually a differences between a pre-existing spirit such as a daemon or a newly created one as they are technically both a form of egregore.
Servitors are created from energy and housed in matter. Whether you are creating a servitor or summoning one it is always advised to have a dwelling of some kind for it and only it.
If it is a created spirit, the matter it is housed in is usually indicative of the tasks for which it is created. When the servitors tasks have been completed the servitor is usually destroyed. This is not always the case, though. Some people will create and keep lifelong servitors. It is sometimes theorized that some if not all pre-existing spirits/daemons were originally created servitors that were never destroyed and over time gained a tulpalike existence.
According to many old grimoires, spirits may be bound to do the will of the sorcerer and may not be free of the burdonsome sorcerer until his will has been completed, but this is usually because of a pact/business agreement between the 2 parties.
So I suppose the answer to your question is: YES, to both.
Having said that, there are many of us who like to work with spirits as co-magicians and even consider them good friends. These spirits are not forced to do anything but often work on ones behalf out of friendship and or respect.
I read in a book that hinted a living vampire with magical
abilities could create servitors. Anyway, I thank you both
for your informative replies.
egregore is also a similar concept but more widely known, it is a thought form given specific tasks but bound to a physical object or sigil.