Hello everyone,
It's been a while since I've been here, hasn't it. As they say, 'This Army Life is Crazy', and they weren't kidding. However, I have a few weeks before my next Duty Station, so I thought I'd spend it with you guys.
Let me preface this topic by stating that I am not trying to 'flame' anyone, nor am I wanting to be seen as a 'Troll'. I'm merely curious about a few things.
As some of you may know, I've been a member of this website for over 10 years, give a year or 2. Had I kept the Darklight profile, I'd be one of the highest-ranking members here, I've been here THAT long.
Unfortunately, I felt the need to depart from this website when it became overrun by individuals who seem to mistake fantasy for reality. I think what did it was reading a thread here in the forums regarding a 14 year old girl claiming to summon demons and some such. That was the straw that broke the camel's back, I believe, and it seemed that this place changed from becoming an environment where people gathered who shared a love for vampires and other creatures of the night, who chose to live a vampiric lifestyle, but did not believe that vampires actually existed. There is a BIG difference between living a vampire lifestyle and believing that people can change into bats or live forever or whatnot.
So I suppose my question is, and please bear with me, I speak from a scientist point of view, how many of you actually believe that you are immortal and can actually summon Goetics without preparation? I've been studying Demonology for 20 years, and I'm nowhere near close to being confident that I can summon those I am fascinated by, especially Orobas and Seere, two Goetics whose wisdom I could have used ages ago. Whilst I am convinced that I have the knowledge to communicate with them safely, I'm not sure. Which is why it was beyond insulting when we have children who make such grand claims, which ends up insulting people who actually take things such as Demonology seriously. I am sure I was in the minority, so that is neither here nor there. It was just concerning that people are highly confused, highly mistaken, or just people who come onto a website and tell their tales about doing things they actually cannot do to 'fit in'. How abhorrently pathetic.
So to paraphrase: Do people here know 'the truth' about vampires, that they don't exist except in stories and legends, or are you convinced that they really do walk amongst us, not as an RPer, but as an actual immortal entity.
If They are group, that follow the Vampire style of living, I don't think they are going to discuss it here. Vampires, are creatures of the night and for sure, there is a lot of things that's going on the "Underground". As to be immortal. Impossible.
The 'underground'.
Well I don't think that following a Vampiric lifestyle should be something that is private on a website that seems to glorify vampires.
Regarding the actual existence of vampires, it is impossible. I've even scoured the Deep Web (No, you won't find out for me how to access it) and have seen no evidence. Lost of other dark sh!t, but no Vamps.
I think it depends on how one views reality and how one defines vampire. Science tells us that nothing ceases to exist but merely changes form. And if one defines a vampire as a creature that drinks the blood of another to survive than you start to realize that our planet is rife with living, breathing vampires. For example we have 4 kinds of vampire bats, 650 species of leech, 2 kinds of fish, at least 7 kinds of bugs, and countless kinds of spiders that fall under the category of vampire.
As time has passed, how we define vampire has evolved and will likely continue to evolve.
The undead folkloric versions of vampires are most of the time people not understanding the process of decay, misidentifying a diseased individual such as one with rabies, a hoax, a misidentified animal attack, or someone's made up story for attention. The likelihood of there having ever existed vampires in the form of undead bodies who need blood is so small that it is quite laughable.
I am a modern living vampire. I consume blood and energy. I believe that if I become proficient enough in my practices that when I die I will be able to continue to feed as a spirit on the living and the dead regardless of species. At that point I would technically be considered the undead. And since I believe that nothing ceases to exist but merely changes form, I would technically be immortal. And if I continue my afterdeath practices, instead of choosing to reincarnate, I will continue to evolve and change until I possibly become something different or new.
So now it becomes a question of how we define dead vs undead.
It is of my opinion that if the enforcing section of the vampiric system were to be more harsh and set a good precedent for the younger members (our future), this breaking the camel's back wouldn't be a problem.
However, vampirisc systems seem to be all of a secretive nature... even geographical halos are so secretive that there will always be "mundanes" claiming that they are vampires, and this is something that is inevitable.
I've delved deep into demonic happenings after I witnessed someone under demonic attack...obsession.
The first book I picked up was by Malachi Martin, someone who was an exorcist. In the accounts of priests who he had interviewed, one said the Demon's true appearance was reptile, scaly and horrifying. I'd have to grab my book to quote it, but it sounds like what people claim to be reptilians. Which I believe are the reason for vampiric and demonic mythology.. why I say that is because reptilians inhabit the 4th dimension and enjoy drinking blood and tormenting. They are also known for their shape shifting abilities
Vampires are secretive about their lifestyle because regular society will not accept them.
I agree with minde many people these days hate and despise the dark and unknown therefore they remain unnoticed and in secrecy. That's my opinion.
Humans throughout the world consume an unmeasurable amount of bloody meat every day. Therefore, they consume "blood" to survive, which makes them "vampires" in most definitions of the word. Unless, an individual is a vegetarian, they are a "Vampire".
Exactly! Doru'.. You're right! I am Anemic and must have blood or iron. I've tried the beans'.. I'll tell you I prefer the rare steaks. I get way more instant energy'.. I'm told my face gets rosey immediately after taking a few bites. I look younger as well'.. I'd have to agree meat is the main reason for my lack of aging. Or the blood. Some need it more than others.
It is really frustrating for those who really are vampyres to separate themselves from the unrealistic fantasy of vampires that media has portrayed us to be to those claiming to be one. As a vampyre hybrid, I agree with minde as well.. most of us choose not to openly share our lifestyle. I did because I am utterly beyond annoyed. As for Deamons. I know quite a few personally and I agree with the originator of this thread.. you cannot just summon one easily. Nor are all of them this evil entity. Yes, quite a few can be quite nasty..had my fair share of that as well.. Separation between fact and fiction of media, legends, and even the bible (which a lot of it is kinda bull..i apologize if i offend those who do follow it..) has gotten so twisted.
I was in a room with people who practiced magic for a living and they are the ones who first told me I drained the energy of wherever I was and it's been confirmed since and I like the taste of blood but don't consider myself to be any form of physical immortal. If you don't mind my asking where did you learn what you did about demonology I can never tell what's a trusted source and what is not.
Aemilian, from my understanding, the person you’re referring to, either is or is not a vampire. Their description and definition of what vampirism is, is their own. Aside from cults, covens, houses and other “groups”, vampires, upon their “turning”, tend to have their own views in life.
For example, here is one of my thoughts on goetics, so far:
“Goetics would be pointless for a vampire - vampirism has no place in the realm of demons, as it is outside of it.”
Other than that, I understand demons to be delusions. What logical acceptance of a “demon” may exist, i’m not aware of. The difference of turns in a path leading to the same place, I have no count of.
To obtain your own translation of truth is fluency in this world.
Some of the terms I use such as, “turning” and “realm” have been enough for some to consider me a “troll”, in the past. I am not a troll, though, and I am just trying to be as honest as I can. As much as I could think the individual you are talking about is simply misunderstood, it’s equally possible they actively troll and have no desire to openly discuss anything. I’ve met both kinds of people.
I do not know who you’re talking about, so I can’t be certain - at all, that they are, or are not, a vampire.
I would need a link.
My answer to your question:
That I understand the nature of creation to be immortal. The possible forms of immortality which individual existences take, vary. If one isn’t a vampire, then they go back to wherever they came from, say, the central sun, to try something different. Possibly they will be a ghost or turn into a spirit. As a vampire, my immortality is greatly dependent upon my beliefs... so for me, no summoning of demons takes place, or at least, that is not how I would describe the science.
As an agnostic, I really don't believe in a god, demon, or any other other-worldly or paranormal higher being. That being said, I am fascinated by them. I do know from extensive reading that some demons in Jewish and Christian religions were believed to be originally angels (many of the Fallen, in addition to Asmodeus, Beelzebub and the like), with some of those myths/legends branching out towards vampires/vampirism.
I'll try to list some of the books I've read at a later date.
As for individuals who actually believe that they are vampires, can summon demons, fly, etc, I'd suggest some serious psychiatric care.
lmao I'm love vampires, and i know it's just a fantasy... but... i do accept that it is possible. i beleive there are real things like demons, and idk about vampires, but im gonna pretend i totally beleive 100% in them *wink wink* lmao
From my personal experiences, I am a human living vampire and have been close to other psi vampires for many years. I used to question the existence of vampires but I have learned that even in Jewish mystical teachings, (thanks to my ex-bf), has written about vampiric entities that exist outside of body but have yet to find anything on human living ones. Plenty of people here confuse novelty vampires with human living ones. There is a big difference. Other Psi vampires can generally sense other ones by energy signature. We do not claim immortality but the soul is.