During my studies on the caste system used by COVICA affiliated groups, I noticed there seems to be 2 schools of thought on the subject. They are either ritual roles one can choose to adopt or they are a categorization system used to describe the type of vampyre one is based on chakra alterations and feeding needs.
I was wondering of those who identify as 1 or more of the 3, did you choose it or is it what you are? If possible, please explain your answer.
I think what you are trying to articulate is whether one can become a vampire birth or if one can become a vampire by being made into one... via a ritual or not.
I am not a vampire by birth. I was a creation of the folklore. It is something I have grown into, not born into. I am not a blue-blood, but, of a pure vampiric caste. I am made. Life has a way of doing that to some creatures who are "different" from other beings.
I'm currently reading "the Vampire Codex" by Michelle Belanger and have just read the portion of the book in which she touches on a caste system she is associated with through house Khepheru. Their caste system refers to a "type" of vampire based on how much energy intake/feeding is necessary for that vampire.
I have heard of the COVICA in earlier days. COVICA (Council of Vampyre International Community Affairs) seems to be defuntc as of this moment. The familiar names can be attributed to the COVICA - Father Sebastian and Michelle Belanger.. amongst other big names.
Again, like what Aghori has said, it appears to differentiate between "born vampires" and "created vampires".
I am not too sure of the actual terminologies, though.
Bellanger is the best source for the answer you need. Too many different opinions on the subject that lack clarity.
I think yall have misunderstood the question. I am not asking for an explanation of a system I already understand. I am asking, of those who identify as Mradu/Kitra/Ramkt, do you agree with the Kheperu description/school of thought or the Strigoi Vii description/school of thought or another and why?
Kheperu- chakra alteration and energy deficiency types
Strigoi Vii- ritual roles that one choose based on proclivity
There is nothing to compare and contrast here. They are two very different schools of thought. I do not see how one call himself a StrigoiVii and practice Kheperu's ideologies.
On Apr 24 2017 SireWallFlower wrote:
I'm currently reading "the Vampire Codex" by Michelle Belanger and have just read the portion of the book in which she touches on a caste system she is associated with through house Khepheru. Their caste system refers to a "type" of vampire based on how much energy intake/feeding is necessary for that vampire.