i heard about creatures who can shape shift , i want to know is it real or not .
any one here has shapeshifting powers?if you have then tell about it how you do this thing.
I highly doubt anyone here can physically shape shift. Now there is a mental condition known as lycanthropy. Clinical lycanthropy is defined as a rare psychiatric syndrome that involves a delusion that the affected person can transform into, has transformed into, or is a non-human animal. Its name is connected to the mythical condition of lycanthropy, a supernatural affliction in which humans are said to physically shapeshift into wolves. It is purported to be a rare disorder. Affected individuals believe that they are in the process of transforming into an animal or have already transformed into an animal. It has been linked with the altered states of mind that accompany psychosis (the reality-bending mental state that typically involves delusions and hallucinations) with the transformation only seeming to happen in the mind and behavior of the affected person. A study on lycanthropy from the McLean Hospital reported on a series of cases and proposed some diagnostic criteria by which lycanthropy could be recognised:
A patient reports in a moment of lucidity or looking back that they sometimes feel as an animal or have felt like one.
A patient behaves in a manner that resembles animal behavior, for example howling, growling, or crawling.
According to these criteria, either a delusional belief in current or past transformation or behavior that suggests a person thinks of themselves as transformed is considered evidence of clinical lycanthropy. The authors go on to note that, although the condition seems to be an expression of psychosis, there is no specific diagnosis of mental or neurological illness associated with its behavioral consequences.
The average adult human body is 50-65% water, averaging around 57-60%. The percentage of water in infants is much higher, typically around 75-78% water, dropping to 65% by one year of age.
and i think it is affected by vibration a particular frequency
people say vibraton creates matter
vibration or a particular frequency can affect shape and size also
for more go on youtube and see this video
vibration Creates Matter. #eTHErSEC
Visible light waves are the only electromagnetic waves we can see. We see these waves as the colors of the rainbow. Each color has a different wavelength. Red has the longest wavelength and violet has the shortest
Together Max Planck and Albert Einstein explained the photoelectric effect by assuming that light was actually a stream of little particles, or packets of energy known as photons or quanta. Scientists now believe that light is both a wave and a particle – a property which they term the wave-particle duality.
In physics, string theory is a theoretical framework in which the point-like particles of particle physics are replaced by one-dimensional objects called strings. It describes how these strings propagate through space and interact with each other.
None of that information proves anything, humans cannot transform into another living creature physically.
Ok, no. Movies aren't reality, ok? Just because you saw something in a movie doesn't mean it's real. Is Shia LaBouf really Harrison Ford's son? No. But he was the guy who played Indiana Jones' son. See? Reality and fiction. Movies are fiction.
Living animals don't shape shift into other living animals, humans included. It isn't physically possible. If it was, I would shapeshift myself a much better rack than the one I've got. I'm talkin' Ds, ok? But it's not, so I'm stuck with what I have.
I have natural D'angelo and yes, I understand where you are.coming from.. But don't pass it off as completely impossible... Just because. You haven't seen it in reality.... Not everything that happens on Earth (or any other planet) can be explained by science.
This falls under the category of legends, stories passed on from generation to generation. To the OP you might want to read though this thread : https://www.vampirerave.com/forum/message.php?message=169433&group=1&catid=1
We had a good debate on it and I will share here what I had in that thread:
My culture believes in doctrine of animism. Animism (from Latin anima, "breath, spirit, life") is the worldview that entities in nature—such as animals, plants, and often even inanimate objects—possess a spiritual essence. We call it manitowak, the Tsimshian, halaayt. My language has a word for "Medicine" but only as it is used in the context of physical healing (haldaaw, meaning to medicate, or ni~lgutxa'ootga, meaning poultice). We see the universe as being composed of multiple layers. Earth was the middle segment. The Lower World (below the Earth). The Supernatural World(the world of the Ancestors above the Earth). Also our God we call Mamawi-ohtawiyimaw, translated means "Father over all".
We believe in Windigo. (I promise I am getting to the point here soon. I just felt it was important to explain some of what we *Cree* are about) Roughly translated, the word ‘Wendigo’ means ‘the evil spirit that devours mankind’. Wendigoag have an insatiable hunger for human flesh - no matter how much flesh they eat, they remain hungry. Legends say that Wendigoag were once human beings.
The first Wendigo is said to have been a warrior who made a deal with the Devil. In order to save his tribe, he gave up his soul, and was transformed into a Wendigo. When peace ensued, there was no need for such a fearsome creature, and the warrior was banished from his tribe, and forced to live as an outcast.
Many years ago an old Cree man was tried for the murder of a Cree woman. Whilst he pleaded guilty to the crime, he defended himself by saying that the woman was on the verge of transforming into a Wendigo, as she was being possessed by the evil spirit. He believes he had to kill her before she murdered other members of the tribe.
Recently my studies have taken me into this area.
I have studied also about SkinWalkers. (skin-walker (yee nahgloshii) is a type of witch who has the ability to turn into an animal) The problem I run into in my cultures is our history in not one that is written in books but passed down through stories from generation to generation and I am wondering if Skin Walkers and Wendigo are not one in the same.
You can do google search on SkinWalkers and there are documented cases where Local Tribal Police are called out on calls and have seen some very strange things.
Demons are not humans and movies are fictitious, these are not reliable sources to base claims on. You are relying on pseudoscience for truth.
Pseudoscience consists of claims, beliefs, or practices presented as being plausible scientifically, but which are not justifiable by the scientific method. A topic, practice, or body of knowledge can reasonably be considered pseudoscientific when it is presented as consistent with the norms of scientific research, but it demonstrably fails to meet these norms.
Pseudoscience is often characterized by the following: contradictory, exaggerated or unprovable claims; reliance on confirmation bias rather than rigorous attempts at refutation; lack of openness to evaluation by other experts; and absence of systematic practices when developing theories. The term pseudoscience is often considered pejorative because it suggests something is being presented as science inaccurately or even deceptively. Accordingly, those termed as practicing or advocating pseudoscience often dispute the characterization.
The word "pseudoscience" is derived from the Greek root pseudo meaning false and the English word science, which is itself derived from the Latin word "scientia", meaning "knowledge".
When I was in the Army, I had a friend who was a Wiccan and a Werewolf/Lycanthrope. Her transformation was only noticeable if you were paying attention. She was a tiny individual, but when she would transform her eyes would become more intense and the muscles in her neck and back and upper arms and lower legs would get huge and she would seem more bestial in general. And when she would perform spells the outer edges of her iris would be slightly glowing gold and when she would get angry it would rain like clockwork. Now as to whether or not the glowing eyes and angry rain is linked with her lycanthropy is not known. But I list it anyways because most occult references made to lycanthropy tend to involve some form of witchcraft or shamanic practice. So they may possibly be linked. Most things I read about shapeshifting mention that it is not a physical transformation in the conventional sense but instead an astral transformation that can result in a noticeable change in appearance and behavior. The more proficient one becomes in the practice the more bestial one will seem.
Telepathy- Me and my spouse have a very special bond that allows us to read eachothers minds when we least expect to. My spouse will be thinking a question to ask me and I will answer the question before it is asked not realizing that I did not actually hear anything being said. The look of shock is always amusing when this happens.
My family and I have always had a bond where we could read each others minds and aura's and know when something was wrong.
My dad is more extra-ordinary because he can pick when a woman is pregnant.. before they themselves even find out... (and before the baby bump even shows)
Shape shifiting is possible. All it takes is telekinesis to do it. Once a vampire makes up their mind they are going to do it they will make a double who starts resembling someone else. They can make plants and animals too or any inanimate object. One example is police impersonation one of the big problems I have is Osama bin-laden coming around to my house pretending to be police. He's other people too like Ronald Reagan. He also possesses people so that's another way he can be people. Once it makes a double who starts being someone chronokinesis has happened so it becomes someone back through time. Cops know about it but most of the time they won't investigate it because it will knock them off too. Lots of bands people know about are shape shifting telekinetically counterfeited doubles. The Rolling Stones and Pink Floyd are two well known examples. I'd really like to make contact with people on this site who aren't the bat from Ferntree. If you want to message me feel free.
I believe science can not explain everything here just because one has not seen a transfermation themselves doesn't prove that it is immposibole. Just as hullucination is possible it is possible that change of matter can exsit in the form of shape or changing shape by doing certain things hell anything is possible. Read up maybe there's info on evidence of it happening who knows. You might find you are friends with a lycanthrope
I would like to add to the discussion that there are many animals that could be dubbed "shapeshifters." Consider the cuttlefish, puffer fish, the mimic octopus, etc. Maybe "shapeshifting" isn't impossible, but it just does not exist in the capacity we see in movies. If it does exist, I do not think it would violate the law of conservation of mass- matter is neither created nor destroyed. For example, a human would not shift into something much larger or smaller than themselves.