Demonic Possession
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Premiere Sire (126)
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21:14:33 Dec 27 2016
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In 1973, child actress, Linda Blair, traumatized America with her grisly, terrifying portrayal of a young girl possessed by a demonic entity. The movie, The Exorcist, which was directed by William Friedkin, was based upon the 1971 book of the same name, written by William Peter Blatty. The book was inspired by the 1949 exorcism of a 14-year-old boy known by the pseudonym, Roland Doe (or Robbie Mannheim).

Roland Doe lived in Maryland. He was an only child, who was born into a German Lutheran family. As an only child, he depended upon the adults in his family for social interaction. According to sources, his Aunt Harriet, who was herself a spiritualist, introduced the boy to the Ouija board when he expressed an interest in it. Upon Harriet's death, the family began to experience strange phenomena in their home, especially when Roland was nearby, such as furniture moving or objects levitating.

Things began to escalate quickly, with the boy undergoing several exorcisms, the first of which was performed by Roman Catholic priest, Edward Hughes. After the priest was wounded during the exorcism, the family took Roland to St. Louis, Missouri, where they sought refuge with family. There, Roland underwent more exorcisms. William S. Bowden was the second priest to attempt an exorcism on the tormented youth. This attempt also proved futile.

During yet another exorcism, two additional priests were called in. Walter Halloran and William Van Roo assisted Bowden, and both reported activity such as the mattress shaking and words appearing in the boy's flesh. Reportedly, Halloran's nose was broken during the ordeal.

Seemingly, the last exorcism was successful. Halloran told a reporter that the boy went on to live a normal, productive life.

Many have contested the story, insisting that Roland was simply a troubled, often mischievous teen. Author Mark Opsasnick conducting an investigation in which he spoke with the boy's neighbors. He learned that Roland would often throw tantrums to get out of school or to glean attention, and that he was, simply put, a brat. Opsasnick stated that, "the boy had been a very clever trickster, who had pulled pranks to frighten his mother and to fool children in the neighborhood" -- Wiki: Exorcism of Roland Doe. He also claimed that psychiatrists saw Roland as suffering from mental illness.

So, what are your thoughts on demonic possession? Is it legit? Or is it a form of psychosis? Has Hollywood made it out to be something that it isn't? Do individuals claim to be possessed in order to gain their 15 minutes of fame?

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Changeling (71)
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22:50:44 Dec 27 2016
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Actual possession, I don't believe is possible. The body is only built for one soul. But attachment, feeding off of a particular energy produced by a particular soul, that I believe in. Being an empath tends to convince me a great deal that you can feel, and certain people/beings can feed off of someone else's energy. Ever noticed the joy you feel when a smiling child walks past you in the supermarket?

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23:13:52 Dec 27 2016
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the human body was built for one soul true..but can hold multiple under certain circumstances.

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Malefactor (67)
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23:30:33 Dec 27 2016
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I believe in possession I have seen it first hand. I used to do seances and seen especially one person move his body in ways that he was physically unable to do plus his voice changed. It took me and a white witch to get this spirit out of this guy.. Posession is a very real thing.

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Bestial Spirit (27)
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02:44:21 Dec 28 2016
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Demonic possison is possible is the current human body's soul is weak and devoured, think of it like a tree, once the pest eats it's way to the core it takes over

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Premiere Sire (126)
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21:31:24 Dec 28 2016
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Luvly, but if we're talking about demonic possession, are we really talking about another soul taking up residence in the human body? I wouldn't think demons have souls.

Besides that, what about mediums who claim to channel spirits? Do they not take another soul into their body during the act? Or do their own souls vacate the body during the process? I know that's kinda going on a different tangent than this what this thread presents, but it's an interesting thought. :)

Also, now that I'm thinking about it, what if the soul of the possessed person is ejected from the host body during possession? That would take care of the one soul per body issue.

Still, I wouldn't say demons have souls, per se.

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Changeling (71)
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00:44:48 Dec 29 2016
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Good points Cinnamon.
I gotta say, having never heard of it actually happening outside of movies I was somewhat skeptical, but now that I've read of someone witnessing this first hand I'm not so sure of myself.
Astoral travelling is something that mediums also do, so when they have another human soul enter their body, yes, leaving their body is exactly what I believe they do.
Are demons souls? Well, that would go back to whether or not you believe in god. Having said that, to admit your belief in one side of the coin is to admit that the other side of the coin must exist, whether she's the biblical god or not is another matter entirely. But. Let's say we're talking biblical demons. They're fallen angels, yes? And the souls within our bodies were once angels, yes? That makes them a soul without a body.

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Malefactor (67)
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01:52:15 Dec 29 2016
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There are so many factors in anyone being possesed. Depending on the level of demon they may not know that they are.

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Changeling (71)
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09:41:49 Dec 29 2016
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I was told I was once. By a born again christian pastor.
I was sixteen. That guy was an idiot though. He also told me my mother was in hell because she was a mormon when she died. Same man's own bible says if you believe in jesus your soul is saved. (For those who missed the irony of that, mormons believe in jesus.)
I DID however, have a demon following me a few years later. Big hulking black thing with yellow eyes and catlike features. Looked nothing like you'd expect a demon to. It looked, from the neck down, like a starving human. I am not the only person who saw it. My husband at the time did too, and a few years later (Which is why I say it was following me) a neighbour pulled me aside and asked me if I'd ever seen anything strange like this thing he saw the other day. He then proceeded to describe what I'd seen. I had a panic attack and asked him when and where he'd seen it, and he said this morning, following you to the bin outside.
I did the lessor banishing ritual of the pentagram. Only problem with that is that I'm not certain what I believe about god. (And that requires belief in the biblical god, and the archangels.) So for all I know, that backfired. But I haven't seen it again, and neither has anyone else.

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Great Sire (118)
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11:33:28 Dec 30 2016
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My two cents to an interesting subject. Demonic possession is active today, as drinking a cup of coffee. If you read the papers and see the news, the possession are happening by the thousand all around the globe, including America. Possession, got nothing to do with your soul, is just a control of your emotions and actions. Th resent case happen here in NC, the headline news read, "911 call reveals moments after NC dad purportedly stabbed, cut open baby son". the boy is one years old. Demons are pesky creature, sometimes, playful. They like to play game with their host intentions and they have a blast. Now, for the normal Human out there, who will say that demons are not real, wake up and smell the coffee. can happen to you.

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Premiere Sire (126)
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20:13:37 Dec 30 2016
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It does seem like there are more and more grisly murders of children. I don't know if that's because they're actually happening more or if we're just more plugged in and thus aware of the tragedies.

So, you're saying that demonic possession is the root cause of all this? That's interesting. What if demonic possession is more common than we realize? What if bad people are really demons?

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Great Sire (118)
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20:06:27 Jan 01 2017
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Cinnamon, They are demons.by the way, the Vatican and all the others religions knows about it. If they talk, they will create panic. So, is just a quiet Revolution.

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Carnal Creature (56)
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11:15:05 Jan 02 2017
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I have no problem with what someone believes so if you believe in demons, fine. I don't believe in demons at all. Most of them were gods of other cultures and many are made up. I do believe they could be other things and why many times religious ceremonies to get them out or unattached so to speak, don't work well. Most of the time exorcisms by Protestant ministers work better than all the ritualism of the Catholics.

As for more than one soul inhabiting a body, the Otherkin community believes they can. They call it a house of many souls or Nosselinfea.

In the middle East, they don't talk about demon possession but possession by Djinn. I have seen the exorcisms and the behaviors of those that have gone through it. I believe it is a self manifestation caused by the individual. Something similar to thought forms but rather than outer, inner. Most of the time except in movies the person suffering is very devout or an innocent.

All in all it is hard to say because people claim to see many things and we don't really know where they come from. Some say they do but do they really? It is always based on their belief system with no real foundation of facts to support it other than something heinous is going on. However it manifests, it clearly does impact the person drastically and not for the good. This is only my opinion of course as are all the others posted here.

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13:50:46 Jan 02 2017
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Well dissociative personality disorder is basically like possession, the afflicted houses multiple personalities in their body, sometimes reportedly more than just one or two, I remember reading about someone who had 13. Must be a party in that head.

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Changeling (71)
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14:58:40 Jan 02 2017
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You're thinking multiple personality disorder.
Quite often people who dissociate do so from their emotions, not from actual reality. Some do dissociate from reality, but that is often in the form of hallucinations like a schizophrenic. (I know these things because I have borderline personality disorder, and sometimes I dissociate from my feelings. I'm still in reality when this happens, I'm just lucid. It's actually quite common. I've also been hospitalized for my condition, and seen alot of shit.)

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Premiere Sire (126)
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15:39:23 Jan 02 2017
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In 1976, a 2-part television mini-series starring Sally Field portrayed the real life case of a lady named Sybil (Shirley Ardell Mason), who had a total of 16 different personalities inhabiting her psyche. I was thinking about making a separate thread regarding this concept, and whether or not it could be multiple souls living within one host body, but then I had hoped this thread might take that turn. Well, look. It did. :)

Now, not all people suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) have "evil" personalities, or even bad ones. Most do have ... troublesome personalities. So, I'm not saying that people who have DID are possessed by demons, but ... if we're saying demons have souls and that, maybe, people with DID are housing multiple souls, then this means that, yes, people can be possessed by demons. Here's the thing. Not everyone has DID. Not everyone has been possessed. Not everyone is a medium who can channel spirits. So, what if this sort of event only occurs in people who are more receptive to that sort of thing? Like, maybe they forgot to lock the front door so everyone can come in. Or maybe they're like a radio which is tuned to a different channel than the rest of us are.

I wonder if there is a correlation between people with DPD and psychic/paranormal phenomenon?

P.S. Dissociative Identity Disorder was previously known as Multiple Personality Disorder.

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19:47:54 Jan 02 2017
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Yep, I meant dissociative PD, not multiple PD because that is older term for it.
I bet that condition didn't help the sufferer in superstitious times....

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Great Sire (110)
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22:11:39 Jan 02 2017
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I'm inclined to believe in demonic possession. I understand that this belief is watershed based upon my acceptance of demons.

There have simply been too many documented circumstances to dismiss it. Further, scripture, validated by Favius Josephus, confirms the existence of possession. I know many on VR will reject scripture as a legitimate source.

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22:13:56 Jan 02 2017
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Nothing wrong with have beliefs, a good debate cannot happen if everyone shared the same exact view or belief.

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Venerable Sire (130)
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00:16:37 Jan 05 2017
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Cinnamon the Sybil case turned out to be a hoax. Google Sybil exposed as hoax.

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Venerable Sire (130)
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00:22:17 Jan 05 2017
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Premiere Sire (126)
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15:37:08 Jan 05 2017
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Dabbler, I already knew that there was controversy surrounding the case, but thank you for sharing. I wasn't using this example as hard science. I just know it's a familiar story that could illustrate the point I was trying to make.

I do have to say, though, that Shirley Mason, through personal letters, insisted she had multiple personalities up until her death. It has never been proven beyond a doubt that she didn't. The controversy comes from others accusing her doctors of manipulating her for their own personal gain, but, as I said, nothing has been proven.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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22:25:24 Jan 05 2017
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Back in 2008 a rather quiet in his late 30’s boards a Greyhound bus. He took a seat in the back of the bus next to younger man paying no attention to the younger man whom was listening to music on his headset. The next moment, witnesses said, the older man stood up, still quiet, and repeatedly stabbed then beheaded his seat-mate with a large hunting knife. Fellow passengers reported, "There was no rage or anything. He was like a robot, stabbing the guy; all very calmly. He was wearing sunglasses. It was no big deal to him. The guy came to the front of the door with buddy's head in his hands, decapitated. He dropped the head and went back and started cutting the body back up," Olmstead told Brandon radio station CKLQ.

The bus was carrying 37 passengers and the driver to Winnipeg from Edmonton.


What posed this man to do this? Is it demon possession? Insanity? Drugs? Mental Issues? Society demands to know when a human behaves like this case; when something happens out of the normal so bizarre that we tend to reach for the bizarre as to the why. At court before the Judge he tells the judge, ‘Kill me.’ If you had a demon in you wouldn’t you want someone to kill you? I am not claiming personally that I believe this man suffered from demonic possession.

I am just relating the case.

On this forum we have spoken about the soul and going off Going off of the soul being our consciousness then yes, demons do have souls. They are sentient beings so they would have souls. After God created the angels, He tested their fidelity to Him before admitting them to the Beatific Vision, the sight of His very essence. For purely spiritual beings, this “seeing” of God’s essence would be a purely intellectual vision. Some angels obeyed the divine test; others did not. Those who disobeyed were irreversibly transformed into demons and cast out of heaven.

It may seem surprising that some angels would choose to hate God. Those who rebelled saw God no longer as a good–as the Good–but as the oppressor of their freedom. Hate was born as their wills resisted the call of God and held fast to the decision to leave the Father’s house.

Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they were defeated and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world–he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him (Rv 12:7-9).

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Great Sire (118)
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11:38:39 Jan 06 2017
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....every time there is a case of any individual, showing a sign of possession or any type of multiple personality, the Psychiatry community declare the war on each other, as who is right and who is wrong. But, What if the real truth is Demonic possession? Only a believer can detect the demon.

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Premiere Sire (126)
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18:13:36 Jan 06 2017
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We fear what we don't understand. I believe that the need to point to a medical cause for such behavior is an attempt to understand something that is feared. A mental disorder? We can treat that with therapy and medication, and if we can't, we'll just stick them in a home somewhere and forget about them. Demonic possession? That's not so easily controlled or "cured." That's scary. That requires, as you said Markus, belief to "cure."

Science is always trying to explain the inexplicable. What if DID isn't a medical issue, but a spiritual one? What if we're looking for answers in the wrong place? What if the multiple personalities residing in an individual are just other souls, not always demonic, either?

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Premiere Sire (122)
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18:50:24 Jan 06 2017
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Coven Mistress,

I'll say this, I believe that if one believes that love is the ultimate spiritual armor, I highly doubt that they will become some demon host.

I've had many strolls thru hell in dreams. I always know that I can leave. The demons are disgusting and tortured souls, but they don't bring that ugly noise my direction.


"It may seem surprising that some angels would choose to hate God. Those who rebelled saw God no longer as a good–as the Good–but as the oppressor of their freedom."

I am not one of those who is so surprised.

The problem is choice.

The gift, if one chooses love. The curse if one chooses hate.

9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
(Revelation 12:9 KJV)

See through deception. See love always.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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20:14:59 Jan 06 2017
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Lazurus, this line really stuck out to me: Hate was born as their wills resisted the call of God and held fast to the decision to leave the Father’s house. Hate was born. Also, there freedom was taken from them. Almost makes me feel empathetic towards daemons.

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Premiere Sire (122)
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20:41:27 Jan 06 2017
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My sympathy is real limited because even a demon has the right to choose good.

In these hell journey dreams, the torture I mentioned is shown as demons being sucked into themselves turned inside out and back again on a non-stop loop. Being burned at the stake with nothing to bind them to the stake itself. I don't witness the devil or demons kicking each others asses at all. Talking about it now, it is almost as if the wounds are self inflicted. You're on fire dude, get down from there!

For example, I had this one, where I am walking along cliffs well above the tortured. This woman is stranded on a cliff a little below, sitting, posing almost. I ask her if she needs help and she extends her hand, but doesn't stand up. Now in order to help here, she'd probably have to stand on her tippy toes, but here she is sittin on her ass. I yell, "Help me, help you!"

She stays there. So I bounced. Hell sucks bro.

The exit is in the mind, freedom is in the mind, the way out is believing it's all a trick. Believing in love beyond all the bullshit smoke and mirrors.

The problem is always choice.

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Heretic (18)
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12:18:19 Jan 07 2017
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Before I begin, I think it is fair to include a disclaimer about myself;
I have never done any illegal drugs.
I don't suffer from Schizophrenia or psychosis.
I've also witnessed someone who has experienced psychosis + have a mental breakdown.

Similarly, I hope I don't sound too bat-shyt crazy for this,
[this is all included for the sake of discussion,]

but here it is;
I do think that Demons exist, are real, their existence, will, intelligence, and emotion and feeling are all as valid as a humans.

I've almost been possessed not once, but three times.

I've also had someone stalk me via scrying, and, the goon
swears that they didn't summon anything + was only acting on their own/was in full control/knew what they were doing, when confronted.
[Input annoyance here.]

Well...that's not what I felt when it was in my room, beyond pissed that it was being held against its own will just so that that particular goon could, "scry."

Given this experience, I think that Demons
can be unknowingly summoned to do an occultist's
bidding, but, to the unaware, [occultist without psychic awareness,] occultist, they won't be able to detect the demon that is forced to do the occultist's handi-work.

These demons, because they are being held hostage,
and doing something against their will, are wrathful at the
occultist and want to murder these humans
for, what they feel, being abused
by them.

My first encounter was with an entity named LEGION.

Their manifestation, [as they appeared to me,] was in numerous, dense clouds in a phantasmagoria on the wall, all numerous hints of laughter scattered around from different directions, ebbing and flowing, different rythems, and faces emerging from numerous clouds, whose clouds and
faces kept multipling.
They were laughing at my horror.
They were aware of me, just as I was aware of them.
LEGION was also trying to escape the realm that held them back from their realm, into ours.

It was terrifying.
The way that they were trying
to pierce and manifest
through the veil into our realm was...vicious.
They were very malicious.

But, something, [I have no clue what,] protected me.

What I mean when I say that I saw them is with my third eye.

Demons, [again, all of this is only my humble opinion,]
are not detected by typical eyesight.
You can only see the way they manifest with psychic ability.
But you can certainly feel their energy intuitively.

I am also very psychically aware of my own self on a subconscious level, and, if someone, [or, rather, if something,] is trying to attack me within my subconscious, I can understand it as foreign.
I can detect their energy.

Everyone and everything has an, "energy signature," as I like to call it, and every energy is distinct.

Humans and demons both have very different energies; and very different presence when both enter a room; both are not the same.

I've also witnessed mentally ill patients walking through the halls with, [in a nursing home,] with no self no awareness of what they're doing; the energy in the atmosphere, and the energy does not change like it does in a room the way of a demon enters.
It's unmistakable.

There are no words for how
terrifying it is to encounter these
Also, because it is an
experience that is
unexpected, thus
unprepared for.

I think that these entities are intelligent
and sentient entities because they
feel emotions, and are very aware
of what and who they are,
[not human,] and have self
awareness/a distinct
sense of self.

They know that they are different
from us and they know what they want
and do not want.

My second encounter
I still have no clue what this
entities name is.

I believe that being able to
sense this thing,
[along with a very strong
will in fighting it off,]
helped me.

"It," tried to enter my
subconscious and then
possess me when I was asleep.

Let me say this; it is a war,
an exhausting war to fight
these things off.

It is more than just
exhausting; it is a
dreadful, miserable

I also had a feeling that all
three demons were being
held back by something.
[I assume that if I wasn't
protected, I would have
been possessed.]

Not by me, but something
greater than themselves.
What it is,
[fate, the
universe, whatever,]
I can't say/I can't explain.

When I woke up, the
figure was by the end of my bed.
It was dressed with a black
crown and a black robe draped
along it's humanoid-like form.
I had the sense that it was masculine.
I also had the sense that it had
a high rank/status in its realm, but not
as strong as a demon like LEGION.
The most disturbing thing of all was
that it had no face.
Just a black void of nothingness;
Where a face should be.
It had no expression.
It was also mute, but again, I felt that it
was dangerous in the sense that it would
stab you if you turnEd your back on it.
I stared at it for a good
minute?. Maybe?.
until it finally left.

I think that Demons
are very anti-human
within their hatred.

All three were very cunning,
intelligent, and remarkebly cruel
within their vehemence.
Murderous, even.

[They were trying to possess me,
after all.
Just think of the kind of
evil, ego, and hatred that
has to have to possess
a person and try to override
their free will and possess
that which is not theirs;
a human body.]

But another thing that
remained clear was that they wanted
desperately to enter our realm.
For what purpose?.
Again; I don't know.

I also theorize that they
probably enter our realm by
possessing humans.
And that is a way
to escape their realm into ours.
Again, I'm still not sure.

Only more questions than answers.

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Premiere Sire (126)
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19:19:16 Jan 07 2017
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Thank you very much for sharing, Null. I think it's a very real possibility that demons attempt to possess humans in an effort to escape Hell. I mean, who wouldn't want to escape Hell? Also, maybe they feel like if they can take over a human host, they will live a human life, and die a human death, whereupon they have the opportunity to be accepted into God's bosom. I'm not sure if it was this thread or another, but there's been talk of demon's rejecting God's love. Maybe some demons see this as a mistake, and possession is their attempt to be loved again. Maybe?

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Heretic (18)
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04:07:29 Jan 09 2017
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Thank you.

In advance, please excuse my blunt
opinion of these beings.
I can only speak of what I've encountered.
[With these three entities.]
These entities, [demons,] are like us in the sense that they have emotions/are sentient beings, with their own will...
but that's about it.These entities are not human.Similary, they are remarkably intelligent. They are very cunning, and manipulate to get what they want. By trying to possession that which is not theirs, a human body, that is malevolent. They were not thinking about a God's love by trying to masquerade as a human; only to destroy me.

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Heretic (18)
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04:10:52 Jan 09 2017
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If these beings wanted a God's love, then they would try to gain it by trying to reason with that said God.
The fact that they tried to possess me speaks of how little they think human autonomy is. These three demons, in particular, do not care about what you or I could want. Similarly, if love is compassionate and non violent, and these three are malevolent, then they are the absence of love, so trying to possess a human to get a God's love wouldn't work. They know what they are. And they are proud and very prideful of who and what they are.

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Heretic (18)
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04:20:55 Jan 09 2017
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Are you familiar with case of Ed & Lorraine Warren's, "Annabel?."

This is a satisfactory example in proving the nature of a evil entitie's malignancy.
They use what makes us human, [our empathy, compassion,] to cross over into our realm.They see our empathy for them as weakness and as, "permission to enter," attach to us, and the, ultimately, possess us.
Do not fall for any entity that says that it, "wants out," and is, "trapped."
They lie, and very, very well.

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Premiere Sire (122)
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08:48:56 Jan 09 2017
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In the encounter you mentioned a feeling of being protected.

When I speak towards love in this conversation, I mean that believing in love, choosing good and consciously not to empower evil generates self made protection.

I guess in a spiritually specific discussion :::insert any religion here::: God's love. This can follow you anywhere right.

But in a more broad and general perspective simply consciously choosing the positive side of the equation. +/-

I wouldn't deny the possibility that sitting on the fence with no protection might make a target for possession.

Influence and persuasion would likely be as powerful as using empathy and compassion for these host traps and tricks to be set.

So being a good person alone does not ensure protection if one is ignorant to the choice.

Of course I would agree that demons want no parts of love. That's why they are demons. It is their spiritual kryptonite.

Arm yourself to the teeth with love. Free spiritual armor. It costs you nothing. Do not underestimate the power of your own mind, spirit, and gift of free will.

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Premiere Sire (126)
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17:50:34 Jan 09 2017
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I just thought I'd offer up the whole love scenario as a twist. I don't personally believe a demon is trying to find God's love by attempting to pass itself off as human. Just thought it was an interesting concept. The writer in me couldn't help it. :)

I'm still on the fence about the whole demon thing, anyhow. Just because I discuss something doesn't mean I believe in it. In fact, I often like to take the other side of the argument so that I can learn. I can easily say why I don't believe in demons, because I mostly don't. It's harder for me to argue for their existence, thus I am now arguing for their existence and contemplating their motives regarding possession.

It's refreshing to walk in the other side's shoes for a bit. More people should try it. A good practice in empathy.

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00:06:58 Jan 11 2017
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Why would such a being want God's love? (going by the hypothesis of the existence of these lot)
I see no benefit in being loved, why would any demon want to be loved when it is already fulfilling its purpose so to speak by using meatpuppets out of apes.

If demons want god's love, then that makes them pathetic beings no better than humans, "daddy issues" Some are just desperate for validation...tut tut.

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10:39:28 Jan 13 2017
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I was raised to believe in Dybbuks and they are said to be souls trapped in our world. They tend to enter a host of similar temperament to theirs.My family and I have wondered if that can also contribute to multiple personality disorder. However, if a dybbuk can reside in a person then why not a demon as well. I have encountered some people that were not on drugs or mentally ill. Yet they were "not home" so to speak.

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13:50:51 Jan 13 2017
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Wendigos are sometimes known as a creature possessed, partaking in human meat can have side effects, a form of possession, though the host in't completely taken over as their personality and mind may remain somewhat intact but they will be struck with an intense craving for human meat, which no matter what their morality was...they will be compelled to devour a human which more often than not requires killing i.e murder.
Of course a smart wendigo would make use out of morgues or donated bodies that scientists got what they want from.

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Evil Spirit (60)
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17:02:24 Jan 14 2017
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Mort, a Wendigo was a Native American folkloric creature with an insatiable appetite for human flesh. It is most often associated with tribes of the northeaster united states and Canada, and is also usually associated with the winter during which period a lot of tribes experienced the most sickness and starvation causing many individuals to resort to cannibalism in order to survive. It is believed that the Wendigo is a folkloric tale derived from these not so pleasant events. According to these tribes, those who committed the act of cannibalism would turn into Wendigos, frail human-like creatures with an undying hunger for human flesh. The tale of the Wendigo also served as a moral to not become greedy and gluttonous.

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17:13:49 Jan 14 2017
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I know of the Wendigo's origins my friend and it is indeed a native american legend, some of the tales have the transformation be caused by a malevolent spirit bonding to the cannibal, twisting him into a monster, which is a form of possession but the Wendigo retains its mind so to speak but the hunger for human meat is on the mind a little too much.

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Ghoul (21)
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07:09:10 Jan 16 2017
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I believe that anyone is prone to being possessed it just depends on the situation I believe because from what I have read the demon breaks you down slowly to the point where it is able to gain entrance into your body when your will power is down is when your phone to the demon but that's just my opinion

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Malefactor (67)
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00:42:57 Jan 18 2017
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If any one here has a thing about there being no demonic possession then please for all things look up Ed and Lorraine Warren. This couple experienced 10k+ cases either paranormal or supernatural. These guys are my heros. They went through a lot of stuff to make it to where they were before they both passed. As a paranormal investigator I give many props to them :)

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Quadruped (33)
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04:36:08 Jan 18 2017
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So how did this guy end up possessed any how ? Drugs , alcohol or was
he dabbling with the wrong entities ?

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Premiere Sire (122)
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06:13:25 Jan 18 2017
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Trial of Arne Cheyenne Johnson.

The Trial of Arne Cheyenne Johnson, also known as the Devil Made Me Do It Case, is the first known court case in the United States in which the defense sought to prove innocence based upon the defendant's claim of demonic possession and denial of personal responsibility for the crime. On November 24, 1981, in Brookfield, Connecticut, Arne Cheyenne Johnson was convicted of first-degree manslaughter for the killing of his landlord, Alan Bono. According to testimony by the Glatzel family, 11-year-old David Glatzel had allegedly played host to the demon that forced Johnson to kill Bono. After witnessing a number of increasingly ominous occurrences involving David, the family, exhausted and terrified, decided to enlist the aid of self-described demonologists Ed and Lorraine Warren (noted for their investigation into the famed Amityville Haunting) in a last-ditch effort to "cure" David. The Glatzel family, along with the Warrens, then proceeded to have David exorcised by a number of Catholic priests. The process continued for several days, concluding when, according to those present, a demon fled the child's body and took up residence within Johnson. Several months later, Johnson killed his landlord during a heated conversation. His defense lawyer argued in court that he was possessed, but the judge ruled that such a defense could never be proven and was therefore infeasible in a court of law. Johnson was subsequently convicted, though he only served five years of a 10- to 20-year sentence. The trial attracted media attention from around the world and has obtained a level of notoriety due to numerous depictions of the events in literature and television.

End Transmission.

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Premiere Sire (126)
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17:25:03 Jan 19 2017
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flame4u, if you're asking about the boy the original post is about, he supposedly tried to contact a deceased aunt through a Ouija board, which then led to the possession.

Laz, I did a little looking, too, for demonic possession cases. I found one that was interesting: A very devout man named Michael Taylor, from Great Britain, began to act out of character, so his wife sought the counsel of a local priest. The priest ended up performing an exorcism on Taylor, claiming to have removed 40 demonic entities from him. The priest informed the wife, however, that the demon of murder was still deep within in his soul, untouchable. Just hours later, Taylor brutally murdered his wife and their dog. He was found wondering the streets, covered in blood. He plead insanity at his trial and was acquitted. -- 5 Terrifying True-Life Cases of Demonic Possession

The case you shared, Laz, with Ed and Lorraine was fascinating. I believe I've heard of it before. I'm actually a big fan of Ed and Lorraine. I've watched them work before (on documentaries), and there's just something about them ... I really like Lorraine's energy.

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21:34:32 Jan 19 2017
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Coven Mistress,

Nice find! The 2008 levitation case is real crazy too.

But what stands out to me, is that Taylor actually got the Insanity ruling in court.

I'm also noticing that there is no real rhyme or reason to how long it takes for these people to snap once it is assumed they were possessed.

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Cannibal (30)
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04:07:45 Jan 24 2017
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Demons are always whispering in our ears to do things, it's wjether we choose to act upon these whispers or ignore them is the question. Do demons exist...it's probable. But then again there are those that believe in aliens. Could the aliens be the demons? Do they get int our heads with some mind controlling device and observe and document what their experiments are doing to the human mind? Makes one wonder.

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15:55:16 Jan 24 2017
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Differences between demons and aliens is that the latter is more plausible, since life another planet in the massive universe is more likely than a demonic magical ghost possessing humans.

If you have voices in your head...listen to them, obey them and maybe they will give you a break.....my advice is not at all dangerous and ill-advised..>:)

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22:12:36 Jan 26 2017
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I really liked how Constantine explained the demonic presence being manifested on the physical plane as pure influence. I dare say, I've seen it play out like that in real situations.

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Evil Spirit (60)
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03:41:24 Jan 28 2017
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I have no doubt evil lurks within the world we live, I simply question if it doesn't have better things to do than take over someone who has no influence in major world events. If I were a demon, I think I'd be possessing high ranking officials in the government. Just saying.

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06:22:14 Jan 28 2017
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I dare say, that we've already witnessed government officials under the influence and I wouldn't limit that to the states or just contemporary times either. I wouldn't doubt, with the kind of dirt that has been facilitated over the years, formal paperwork had to be signed.

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Evil Spirit (60)
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06:38:54 Jan 28 2017
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But then again, what better way to take over than to take over the common people first. I think demonic possession is rarely as bad as it portrayed in books and movies, considering a lot of that is hyped up to make money. But I wouldn't go as far as saying it doesn't happen at all. I just think there are other logical explanations for a lot of it such as mental instability, drugs, and just flat out evil people. Insanity is stronger and stranger than one could imagine, it knows know boundaries thus why it is called insanity. Drugs can alter the mind as well and whatever alters the mind can alter the body since the mind controls the body. Its a whole lot easier to claim yourself or your loved one is possessed by Satan than admit they are crazy or on drugs or are just flat evil.

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07:32:23 Jan 28 2017
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I've certainly seen hard drugs turn some relatively nice people into some real ugly monsters.

I originally jumped into this conversation talking about how to avoid demons. So for the sake of the thread, let's say that narcotics is a fast track to being under the evil influence of demons.

The government official signs said paperwork, and proceeds to target the common folk first...

An August, 1996, series in the San Jose Mercury News by reporter Gary Webb linked the origins of crack cocaine in California to the contras, a guerrilla force backed by the Reagan administration that attacked Nicaragua's Sandinista government during the 1980s. Webb's series, "The Dark Alliance," has been the subject of intense media debate, and has focused attention on a foreign policy drug scandal that leaves many questions unanswered.

This electronic briefing book is compiled from declassified documents obtained by the National Security Archive, including the notebooks kept by NSC aide and Iran-contra figure Oliver North, electronic mail messages written by high-ranking Reagan administration officials, memos detailing the contra war effort, and FBI and DEA reports. The documents demonstrate official knowledge of drug operations, and collaboration with and protection of known drug traffickers. Court and hearing transcripts are also included.
The Contras.

Here you have the government officials facilitating drug trafficking to fund a guerilla war in another country. Not only did it allow narcotics to be supplied in California, but it also supplied the arms race. All those cryps and bloods toting AK's in the late 80s did not purchase them at Walmart.
Drugs, guns, and bodies for both Nicaragua and in the hoods of America. At that point, if it is called the influence of a demon or satan, or mere greed, evil is evil. And that is just an example of the kind of thing they don't even bother to hide.

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14:22:26 Jan 28 2017
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Right you are Umyalanaraku, a lot of these so called possession and unusual behavior is down to drugs. Just look at what bath salts do, it turns humans into naked zombies lol

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Evil Spirit (60)
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00:14:05 Jan 29 2017
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Naked zombies that chew off other people's faces. lol

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00:34:33 Jan 29 2017
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Indeed, and its not a one off side effect. More than one report seems to mention cannibalism.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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01:01:24 Jan 29 2017
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I disagree that anyone could be open to demonic possession. (In Ref to the comment made above.) I think -if- it is possible then it happens to those who buy into that sort of thing. Mostly it seems to happen to a lot of the Catholics.

demon: Ah here is a nice Catholic Boy to posses, woops, nope, my mistake, its that darn Injun Sean. I am out of here!

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18:35:09 Feb 03 2017
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Skynet Says:
"Requested and performed exorcisms had begun to decline in the United States by the 18th century and occurred rarely until the latter half of the 20th century when the public saw a sharp rise due to the media attention exorcisms were getting. There was “a 50% increase in the number of exorcisms performed between the early 1960s and the mid-1970s"

I wouldn't doubt that the resurgence in documented exorcisms was directly correlated to the popularity of the Roland case that started this thread.

The mind makes it real.

End Transmission.

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