Dark Greetings to you...
There is something that I would like to share and discuss in this thread. I am sure that there are plenty of you on Rave, who do tarot reading or have, at some point in your lives, received a tarot reading - be it online or face-to-face. So, here we go.
Besides, the history of Tarot reading, which, I believe, have been discussed in a previous thread, or your personal experiences, whether the readings have been accurate or not, the focus of this thread is slightly varied.
Instead, I would like to discuss the methods of tarot reading; as in:
+ What type of tarot spread you most favour, or, are currently learning or using.
+ How often you get a reading done.
+ What kind of tarot decks you have or have used.
+ Why you use tarot cards.
Of course, you may expand on them further, if you would like. So, yes, this is the focus of this thread, on tarot cards/readings. :)
I paid $5 for an angel card reading once. Te deck was by Doreen Virtue I believe. I don't know whether it was coincidence, but my reading was accurate.
I didn't see the old thread, but I also have not issued a reading so I don't know about different Tarot decks.
I did have two different readings performed for me. One in real life and one online.
The one in real life was extremely vague, and I over heard the woman say most of the same exact lines to the next customer. It was a poor waste of 20$
On the other hand, the online reading was free and accurate AF. She asked me a serious of questions and starting telling me all kind of super accurate and some even very personal details about myself. It was borderline creepy, but she was very nice and insightful.
I read for myself just a few times a year now. I've found that on many occasions, I will get answers to things I didn't ask about; I wasn't really looking for them, even though those things/events take place later on. lol
With that, I use a three-card spread, or a basic cross spread. If I want a little more detail, it's the Celtic Cross Spread.
I like the Waite deck, but I'm more drawn to and use the Mythic Tarot deck. (The Greek mythology archetypes
presented in the deck make readings easier for me).
I'd love to buy a vampire deck or two, in addition to the Tarot of the White Cat! :)
^^You're not meant to read them for yourself, or buy your own decks. They are meant to be gifted to be accurate.
And your own desire for what you are thinking of to come true can fog the reading. You have been getting lucky getting accurate readings for yourself.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Self-fulfilling prophecies can happen a lot at readings, especially about negative things since then your anxiety about it will provoke you into doing things that bring about negative events.
Thank you all for the interesting posts! :)
@ LuvlySwan86
"^^You're not meant to read them for yourself, or buy your own decks. They are meant to be gifted to be accurate."
You see, that brings a whole new focus to tarot reading: Superstitions.
I know that most tarot readers rely on their own spin on things with regards to a being's reading,, or simply when they are merely playing with tarot cards. Tarot cards, afterall, originated as a form of card game, which later, then, became a form of divination tool.
To equate readings or methods of acquiring a deck like you have mentioned, seems to be more of a superstition.
Is there really a need to have superstitions attached to tarot cards... or is it just a way some beings inject mysticism into the decks? I'm just asking.
I'ts actually meant to mess with the energy of the deck. Which is also why professional readers (You know, the one's who know what they're doing) have you touch the deck/shuffle it/split it for them. Your own energy changes the outcome of the reading.
My first deck - the traditional Waite deck - was a gift.
As for doing one's own readings, I know a reader who reads for herself a lot. I don't think that there is a fast hard rule that says 'Do not read for yourself'...lol
Anyway - this is a cool, informative thread!
By the way - I actually forget a lot of what I interpret, so I jot down the reading results, and then forget about them. It's only when I go back weeks - months - later, to discover that the cards were on the nose.
Not suppose to buy your own decks? That's a bummer for those who collect different decks. Good thing it's not true.
I'm working on personalizing a deck of Robin Wood Tarot cards. Already sliced off all the white borders (Man I hate white borders) and rounded the corners. Larger curve on top of the cards than bottom.
I don't read cards in reverse so no biggy. Working on sanding the edges and lightly sanded backs of all cards. The next step is to tea stain were I sanded. After they're dry, using a teal metallic paint for the edges.
Tarot Cards should feel comfortable in the reader's hands. Don't really matter the how's. That includes letting some-one else shuffling and/or cutting the deck. Nobody touches my decks when I'm reading. Nobody.
If someone asks for a reading, it's their spiritual guides and your guides doing the work. The cards are only tools to communicate.
Telling someone to shuffle or cut the deck is similar to having an expected father to go and boil water.
No mysterious energy is in the cards, they're paper.
But I'm not going to diss tradition. Do what works best for your style of reading.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Hell, you can get readings over the internet these days, in fact I remember having one done during a cam session on here.
I used to read tarot cards, but it has been so many years ago that I have all but forgotten how. I want to relearn though.