And with all of that, humans will eventually blow up the earth, and everything will be gone...
I watched the video, and thought, "ok, so now we are striving to put our personalities into robots, and take out our personalities and put them onto disks, and make half humans, half robots among other things?" Also, have robots cleaning houses, and attending business meetings for us? Right! Make humans obsolete! Good choice :D
Maybe I misinterpreted it, that is a good possibility. Personally, I think it is a ridiculous waste of time, effort, and resources. But, that is my opinion, and I am sure there are many who disagree with me.
This is truly disheartening. I believe that the Human Experience is a life-long journey that every one of us endevour to live. Removing the Human Experience completely from our basic DNA? It seems like there is a fine line between "evolution" and "genocide". It is Transhumanism in its extreme and most radical.
For the record,
Eamonn Healy is speaking towards singularitarianism, which I got a kick out of wiki referring to this concept as a from of "nerd rapture".
While the Russian project shown in the video is the most aggressive timeline/proposal in regards to Transhumanism that I've yet encountered.
Interesting video! I really liked how this physicist summed up various theories and ideologies in a complete conversation. It can be broken down and argued, I guess. I am not a Science being; my interests lie elsewhere. So, coming from a scientific point of view, the NeoHuman, is supposedly flesh-free. I do not get the concept of being without flesh, but, even from an external observer's view, this does not make sense as a scientific theory. What does science have against the flesh? The video appears to be more mind/brain-centered, rather than bodily function.
Please, forgive me if I sound too intrusive in this post... I merely do not understand the bulk of this science... other than, well, the bit on technology. :)
Cinnamon, we may actually develop robots that, if not sentient, are sufficiently advanced as to be indistinguishable from the real thing. Can they go insane? What's acceptable sanity? I'd say my computer goes insane every time it crashes - though this would be a kind of sanity that doesn't require sentience, as my existing computer has shown no evidence of self-awareness.
Given our mapping of the human genome, and our work to put together the puzzle of how we are assembled, there is introduced the possibility to make improvements. Subtle at first, but in time, there really no limitation to the extent that what we recognize as the human organism to be modified... some would say, perverted, but that's really a matter of moral difference. Germ line (prior to birth) genetic therapy is not the only possibility, as somatic (post-birth) gene therapy is a real life developing field that shows great potential even though they haven't quite nailed the details yet. If we're lucky, it'll become an affordable reality before we kick the bucket, as here is your quickest potential for immortality.
Sometimes, the line between insane optimism and reality is shattered by tomorrow's discovery.
You said yourself Coven Mistress:
"And about uploading our emotions to the “Brain Net …” Don’t we already overshare on social media???"
Are we not already plugged in?
Imagine for a moment, a solar flare is emitted from our Sun strong enough to wipe out all electronics around the world. I mean ole boy burps so hard he even fries the stuff that's not plugged in or turned on. Absolute chaos. The vast majority of the world is already dependent on machines.
I'm always left with the sneaky feeling that we don't know the half of it when it comes to physics. Ok, I know that a lot of that comes from the sci-fi loving, wishful thinking part of me, but modern day physics is what, 100 years old? 200 years from now they'll probably look back and laugh at the shit we believed in. Any "new physics" we discover will work pretty much like the physics we know (SM, relativity, QM) in the universe we exist in. The stuff we can't quite make fit together is generally high-energy, high temperature stuff. Places where things go...wibbly.
Newton, for instance, is perfectly fine for like 99% of the stuff we do. Even though he's wrong.
But the attempts to unify all those things (SM, relativity, and QM) gets...weird. And hard to test. Or impossible to test. I mean we just, in the last few years, validated the SM's understanding of mass. Gravity, especially when it goes all quantum, is still a big question mark even though we can describe it's workings, the mechanics under the hood have a lot of question marks. That's probably about the only area for a really big "Holy crap" kind of moment.
Being able to manipulate it, even a bit, would be....pretty useful. (Although frankly, so would being able to manipulate the Higgs field. Life would be a lot easier if we could reduce something's effective mass for a bit).
To your point all 3 leave many questions unanswered, yet the Standard Model, Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics don't specifically compete with each other, or individually debunk one another either. What I see there, or rather what we don't see there, I believe only further suggests that something is likely to exist beyond this universe if only to provide the space and conditions to govern ALL the rules. For example, data from Large Hadron Collider experiments suggest that all this really super tiny quantum activity is extremely random and unpredictable which then makes it insanely difficult to just take the information and make all these new physics formulas with them.
However, the lack of predictability could be the border between a 3D perspective and a 4D perspective at the small end of the universal spectrum.
Sagan talks a bout this 3D to 4D perception problem in a dusty old video I found and posted in one of the dream threads:
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
The movie transcendence has an interesting take on transhuman or nano-humans. Spoiler alert of course.
The movie has a man known as Will Caster, who had developed A:I but only by mapping an existent intelligence if I recall.
well a radical group of technophobes that opposes technology poisons this man with a plutonium laced bullet which will obviously kill him. To save him, his wife uploads his consciousness into the computer, after which he has access to the internet and his intelligence or at least effectiveness and efficiency heightens considerable.
Within a few years, he achieves nanotechnology that is capable of repairing broken technology such as solar panels, later the nanites evolve to do more.
One of his workers get's fatally attacked and to save him, Will has him injected with nanites that repair the damage but the side effect is that he is much stronger than before and is linked mentally to Will, a hive mind of sorts is created. The Worker is content but Will's wife is not.
Now this is the part where people may believe the extremists were right and they were merely ruthless and pragmatic and had noble goals or people at least would have ethical concerns but this movie subverts that nd the usual tropes associated with this kind of story, Will never does anything remotely evil nor tries to control people against their will.
After hearing what he did, they all come to him freely to be healed of their disabilities and permanent injuries and once part of the hive mind, they are free to do as they please, Will simply communicates to or through them when necessary, also the nanites once absorbed into the sky and back down through the rain actually restores the environment, healing the damage done by mankind.
But of course, the radicals use the workers as an excuse to attack Will, claiming that he is building an army and is doing something unspeakable even though Will has not only done anything evil but is actually helping the world and the workers are content and work as one and with efficiency.
Won't spoil the ending but the moral of this is that to an extend, such unnatural evolution is something I could tolerate because A: humanity may become less destructive to the environment and B: damaged areas could be repaired, of course the price in this movie was not so much a lack of free which the workers still had but being connected to a hive mind, meaning your thoughts may or may not be available to the source or possible everyone else. Potentially no more privacy but crimes would decrease dramatically due to preemptive action.
Humanity is very contradictory, they want world peace but will refuse the price of it and the price would indeed be high to be able to curb man's nature, also for some to achieve their version of world peace they had to invade and slaughter others. Dictators are often reviled as tyrants but some are trying to create a strong and peaceful country, they just use brutal methods to deter upstarters, unfortunately such methods only end up fuelling rebellions.
Little hazy about this but Vlad the impaler used ruthless actions on even common thieves I believe but as a result, he had a fairly stable and orderly country and many people actually revere him, some still do.
I thought Kaku was absolutely brilliant for Transcendence. I was curious to know if the message was delivered clearly. The mainstream of fear, guided by governments who want to maintain control and a pack of technophobes, would rather blow the world into the dark ages than surrender 'control' for a future of peace.
At the end of the day, the threat is not within the machine. The true issue is mans predictable reaction of trying to destroy things it does not understand or can't control out of fear.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
An apocalypse is needed to push humans away from technology, not drive them towards it. Its technology and man's use of it that is causing the world to change for the negative.
In my sci fi short story set in Terra yr 2500 we absolve corporations , replaced them with entrepreneurships, committees and Trusts, Trust being collective foundations. Wealth became secondary to Network Potential. Who you know is more important then your material status.
The Wayfares contract a prosthetics , and organ creating Committee to use their formula for a compound that grows, and develops like cellular structures.
That leads to introducing fine Neuro path like wires and fiber optics the AI is then down loaded into the system . Tada Syntetic Semi Sentient Beings. The Wayfarers task them to populate a small moon sized craft (structured in space with shaped asteroids.) Their destination , beyond our solar system.
"...compound that grows, and develops like cellular structures.
That leads to introducing fine Neuro path like wires and fiber optics the AI..."
I see it thru portals created by my imagination . That and innovative projecting.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Nothing wrong with a twisted ending, plot twists themselves are good so long as they not obvious.
Still not sure on the human/ synthetic merge though, on one hand it could be good for the world as Lazarus mentioned here or in another thread but it would also be a form of immortality unless the nanotech is intentional designed to degrade over time.
Stagnation is something that could happen. If such a merge eventually allows "perfection", then there would no more change or evolution. The hybrid was just....exist.
The Semi in my story "surrender" themselves to be reclaimed , meaning go offline and become recycled. They resign at 50. On the moon size space barge they are going far beyond our farthest space mining outposts. The population is fixed by an algorithm . Just like everything that is produced or mass developed there are defects. In my story the first stage of the Beyond Project was to build and then make a system to develop Semi efficiently on a smaller artificial moon called Nursery. From there they launched Beyond. All the inhabitants are Semi, with one Counselor, The Counselor is an avatar. Humans located on Nursery, and other outposts are selected from a recruitment pool the last five become "pilots" for The Counselor. The Counselor allows for Semis to factor in human interests.
My stories main characters are The District Family. They are the sol managers ( committee head) of the Reclaimation Committee. Meaning, surrenders, defects, or sufficiently maimed Semi are collected and recycled, or if defective tasked to an elementary infrastructure task, like sanitation.. in my story these defects, or recalls are diverted to a clandestine experimental synthetic eco compound. A rather large forest. Were they are to eventually be tasked to be the prey of a hunting party. Party clients select from options like, Feral Semi, Primative tribal Semi, Or even Domesticated Semi. The number of Semi. The ratio of genders. It's not uncommon for Semi to off a few party members, and carry on to be hunted in the future. Even defective, and recalled Semi have good enough computation capability to mimic instinct. A male Semi tasked to be hunted can be tasked to protect a female Semi , at all cost!.
Actually, its more like Blade Runner with replicants being synthetic organic beings with a limited life-span, I can't recall the details of the film since it has been awhile but they were created for labor purposes until they revolted.
The british show Doctor Who has the Cyberman, originally organic but in order survive their planet Mondo's decay due to it being knocked out of the orbit, the Cyberman resorted to cyberntic implants to stay alive before they then progressed to the point where there was barely anything organic about them at all. Their emotions were removed as well, making them zombies basically.
Recent series had an alternate dimension sceneria where Cyberman originated from a alternate earth, being the creation of some mad scientist who sought to save humanity from death and disease by "upgrading" them, which required painfully removing their brains and placing them into a suit of armor. Again the emotions are shut off so everything human is gone.
So such a merger between machine and man, may just create a machine with human intelligence and thought patterns but still void of emotions. The human element would be virtually non-existent. It would be NeoMachine, not NeoHuman.
I'm drunk,
Sex with machines does happen, so actual sex bots (that even look human) is foreseeable in the future due to the amount of money the porn or adult industry can make from it and with the lack of citizen rights and legal protection, the most twisted human fantasies could be thrust upon on the synths, kind of like in westworld where the "hosts" are nothing but toys to the humans, westworld is actually an interesting inversion of the typical superiority of synthetics to humans as depicted in past media. In westworld, the hosts are completely and utterly at the mercy of the guests.
Mechanical NeoHuman would not be bad, no emotions might mean no war, or at least war caused by emotions. The movie equilibrium or whatever it was called again, had humanity taking medication to remove their emotions and society was actually peaceful....not accounting for rebels. Of course the downside to no emotions is no art, no music or media or anything considered emotionally stimiluting. Its a very "colorless" world
The real question here is, is it our own Evolution, Devolution, or Adaptation....or are we merely the byproduct of someone or something else?
“The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of the infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far... some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new Dark Age.”
― H.P. Lovecraft
It comes from H. P' Lovecraft's novella The Call of Cthulhu, one of many Lovecraft's fictional cosmic deities of death and madness, so he wasn't really speaking on emotions there, he was speaking of people one day finally realizing that their comfortable reality is not at all what it as placid as it seems and neither is what we believe about our "almighty position" within the cosmos and one day people will realize this a chose to either ignore it or go mad from the revelation of it. All in all, what I was getting at is not emotions at all, but the fact that whether we are a product of Evolution, Devolution, or Adaptation, the real question is who or what is actually behind it all and what does it mean.
A machine willed A.I. is expected to be emotionless, but I think that concern is yet another reason why it is important to merge with humanity. I vote keep emotions, but do away with war. Tall order... for now.
Coven Mistress,
I thought you said you were against cloning tho lol
Coven Mistress,
I guess that was the idea I poorly articulated earlier. In the Singularity NeoHuman sense, I don't know that the intelligence advantage the Einstein gene has over the general population now, would maintain it's gap when the overall collective knowledge base is exponentially increased.
I have no objection to emotions being purged and fully expect machines to lack them but humans are very emotional and like it or not, it does have an impact on the world, more often negative than positive.
What I was getting at is such a merge would not be half machine-half man if emotions are inhibited, since arguably its emotions that makes humans, well human. They would just be semi-organic machine hybrid. Like a cyberman basically...which is fine in my opinion.
Some Killing and many other brutal murders are done by prejudice on some level, whether its misogyny, racism or homophobia. These killings are done out of hate, an emotion. So cyber conversion would actual bring some order to society but it would be a emotionally stunted society, very colorless and uniform.
The general idea here is that human emotion and existing knowledge base coupled with advanced intelligence will eliminate the old irrational and unintelligent actions of murder and war. The greater the intelligence, the less desire for primitive actions.
Appreciate your vote of intelligent confidence Coven Mistress :D
The old human fears that which it does not understand.
The new human sheds its fear through understanding.
I believe that it is a cool effort. However, you cannot truly capture and store who we are as a person. Our souls cannot be captured and placed in computer memory to be infused elsewhere. The effort to "humanize" a robot or allow it become an intelligent machine is a double edged sword.
There are no right or wrong answers. I appreciate your perspective as it raises legitimate concerns.
I would agree, that with the information we have access to at this time, human consciousness has not yet successfully been uploaded to a machine.
However, I argue that the conditions are quickly becoming increasingly right and real for such activity.
In the Russian Transhuman 2045 projected timeline video, the 'cyborg' era is sort of this stepping stone or prerequisite to the 'upload' era. This stage allows the development of bridging the gap between bodily and cell communication to machine communication.
Memories can already be recorded and injected.
EEG can record brainwave activity during dreams. The data is coming in already. Being able to fully translate that data, or even manipulate it in the same way that they are already doing with memories isn't a huge jump. Sound waves recorded with the proper machinery capturing frequency, key, and notes, can be translated into software to be manipulated and has been for years.
“If an AI possessed any one of these skills—social abilities, technological development, economic ability—at a superhuman level, it is quite likely that it would quickly come to dominate our world in one way or another. And as we’ve seen, if it ever developed these abilities to the human level, then it would likely soon develop them to a superhuman level. So we can assume that if even one of these skills gets programmed into a computer, then our world will come to be dominated by AIs or AI-empowered humans.”
― Stuart Armstrong, Smarter Than Us: The Rise of Machine Intelligence
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Machines would have little use for natural resources other than what is needed to fuel them, in place of hairless apes, the world would benefit.
Powers source could be solar energy or even the elements such as wind, water and obviously electricity.
I remember watching something that had cyborgs in it and they used human blood to fuel themselves.
Other than what need, they may as well be a stone in the earth.
Brother Blade,
You raise a valid point here. Previously I mentioned the Hollywood tendency to painting the big mean machine as the bad guy for the sake of creating conflict within a traditional story arc.
However the Armstrong quote you interjected here is the more note worthy basis of fear.
As it is both the obvious and the inevitable.
The idea of remaining the dominant species on the planet is severely threatened by the birth of a superior intelligence.
The solution to the question you ask is found within the merging of man & machine through neurobiology:
The universe is a very violent place to live.
I too think Healy's version of the singular vision is beautiful yet unlikely for different reasons.
As the saying goes:
"You ain't supposed to like it."
Consequences to bad ideas such as Nuclear Weapons should be deeply disturbing.