An idea which has been making me ponder and wonder for quite a while now is that of healing through energetic cleansing, meditation, and even energy balls.
The latest thing regarding this topic which I stumbled upon, was the Reconnective healing technique - - here, you can get a general idea.
This Eric Pearl guy, the initiator of the reconnective wave, seems to have both a phony air, however, there is quite a high percentage of sense his practice could make.
I address this thread especially to those who are interested in such forms of healing, which, realistically speaking, seem to be not yet fully practicable by humans , as socio-cultural, even cognitive limitations are still passed on from a generation to the other
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
I would take anything from sites like that with a pinch of salt, reminds me of the chakra thing actually which was recently discussed in another thread. Some spiritual believes about chakras involve ways to heal or cleanse oneself due the imbalances that can happen to a chakra.
MordrakusxMortalitas - I am taking it with more than one pinch of salt, this is why I thought I would subject it to debate.
However, that link was only to illustrate this new-age wave I stumbled upon. It has an aggressive marketing strategy, and even though the guy has been endorsed by Deepak Chopra and I dunno who else, something seems strange about him.
However, it is well-known that humans have an electro-magnetic field, which can be expanded the more one tries it.
The problem is all these methods have almost no scientific back-up and objective measurement, and most practitioners, I think, are not fully dedicated and illuminated to be able to achieve great results.
As far as chakras and energy is concerned, right after saying the objective measurement is difficult and insufficient, I came across this:
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Anyone who claims to have such abilities never prove it, there is still millions of dollars waiting for someone who can prove it.
The bio-electrical field of the living body is proven by science, namely galvo or whatever his name was discovered something he coined as "animal electricity" though his rival disputed it and rightly so but both were right and wrong in varies parts of their debates and discoveries.
The living body functions because of electrical impulses created by the nerves and whatnot.
If no one had seen at least a small effect, the topic would've become long extinct. If no one had healed or been healed, idem.
The human capacity is far greater than we think.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Perhaps, but I still humanity are just a bunch of weasels. That said I am curiosity to see what could be harnessed from electrical field, such as electrokinesis perhaps.
Electrokinesis, telekinesis :) of the people who have such powers, not many talk about them. It is neither a novelty, nor a lie that psychic abilities exist. How do you explain those?
Telepathy is experienced more and more widely.
This means the human species goes far beyond the "what you see is what you get".
Regarding the "bunch of weasels", well... one problem of humanity is lack of curiosity and not questioning anything. This leads to an easily manipulated pack, but this is an entirely different topic.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Electrokinesis aside, no one has demonstrated telepathy or any other ability when asked. Like I said there is literally millions of dollars waiting for anyone who can prove themselves to have psychic abilities and there is no real reason to hide it. Yet there has been no winner, plenty of frauds though. Thus, its existence is questionable.
You're right though, what you see is not what you get with humans, they are much more pathetic than they look.
Now this:
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
I have heard about that but its just artificial, its not actual psychic telepathy from human to human.
Humans should be worried about more refined and advanced tech like this, because their minds will be open to invasion. No more privacy.
Well - the human mind is already open for invasion. However, it is our job not to let the flood in.
Have you never experienced saying the same thing as a peer, or thinking of someone immediately before they call or stumble upon you?
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
For the speaking part I would say its a coincidence, since whenever two individuals think or otherwise come to the same conclusion about something, they are just merely savvy about a subject and are capable of deducing it.
How about having the same idea, not as a conclusion to a discussion?
In couples, or in close families, it is often observed. I only believe in coincidences as far as the effective meaning goes - happening at the same time.
Aside from the marketing campaign from those websites, and fraudulent air from anyone who wants to make a buck...
The two of you are failing to realize that those who actually practice healing, meditation, cleansing, balancing, etc.. Take the practice very seriously. I'm one of those people. The term Reiki comes into play here, and yet... I don't practice that term. I'm more of an instinctual practitioner more than anything.
But beyond a shadow of a doubt, the Chakra, Kundalini, Spiritual Aura and Soul Attachment are very real. If the Spirit or Soul of a person is under pressure and needs healing or balancing than that persons physical body may become ill with the flu, common cold or sick with disease of any kind. Once the Soul aspect is cleansed or balanced, by way of the Chakra or through the process of mediation and grounding... the physical body will follow suit and begin to "get better" for the next work week.
Energy Healing is very real, and through my own experiences which are numerous... I can tell this audience that beyond a shadow of a doubt in my mind, I stand by my convictions in telling you that it is a very real thing. Very unexplainable unless someone has been through it and feels the benefits in first person, but quite real nevertheless.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Real? yes and no. Weakness and imbalances does indeed cause one to become more vulnerable to diseases and whatnot and replenishing one's energy speeds up recovery, while reducing one's stress can remove the vulnerabilities somewhat, but I wouldn't call it mysticism or an unusual ability since its something anyone could with knowledge on how it works. "magic is just science yet to be explained" as the quote goes.
I'm not talking about apparent subliminal or manipulation of healing. It has been scientifically proven that energy healing does work. A few of us can see how it works as well... a few of us are so in tune that we actually see the spiritual changes taking effects. I can't quite explain how I see things, but in my mind... with the things that I see, it is very real to me. To use said practices and to help people out who actually need that type of healing, makes me feel good. That I've helped them out, makes me happy.
I cannot deny that this type of healing, does work.
The question was not about mysticism - matter produces energy. Or... it is energy.
This magic you speak of will, nonetheless, be scientifically provable and measurable. It's only a question of time, as it is already being measured.
Soulshroude - thank you for mediating this debate. I have bits and pieces of information, which point to, maybe, a half-learned "lesson".
Regarding that site-thingy - the guy uses the... field? ball? created between his hands to heal affections/wounds. But I see a big deal of sectarianism used wrongly in his approach.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Oh I believe you, but I thought I would explain a little since when one talks about healing in such ways, mysticism and wiccan practises are the first thing folks think of without realizing that energy does surround them, there is a field about a few feet wide from the living body, the so called aura if you will, but its actually just the electrical field but it can do more than one thinks it can.
I might have formulated it in such a way, that it leaves a lot of room for interpretation.
The energy ball is for children... anyone can play with it and manifest it at will. The man seems to be on that level of childish maturity.
As far as the "field" of white foggy light that wraps around a person like an egg as wide as 5 feet, most people tend to call it an aura. I call it the spiritual radiance of the soul. The manifest of what our true nature has to offer.
Once a person learns to harness the hidden qualities of that radiance, simple practices can turn into marvelous and wondrous achievements. If used wrongly by approach, would deem a person as a charlatan at best. Energy "balls" should be used properly and are not toys to be trifled with as he plainly does.
Without forming the childish "balls" of energy, one can tap into certain frequencies by using their hands in other ways for the benefit of healing and or "laying of the hands" in different ways. The method is mainly to relax tension in muscles much like a massage. But with metaphysical results.
I don't think anyone should call something someone is doing childish. It is just a different perception. The man is not a fly-by-night person. He is very well known and traveled around the world. It's just another idea and it works for him obviously or he thinks it does.
Other healing methods have come out and everyone rushed to learn it like Reiki which as a massage instructor and a spiritualist most of my life I consider a total scam in the beginning. As to whether it works, I reserve judgment. Most consider it in mainstream medical circles as pseudoscience with no empirical evidence it works at all. "Clinical research has not shown Reiki to be effective as a medical treatment for any medical condition." I've been to seminars and all the ideas everyone ran to because it was new and seemed "cool". When it first became popular it was nothing more than a money making scheme. The same as when Yoga was introduced in the 60s in the US, which is a major part of a religion, chakras etc. I'm not saying no one knew about it previously but it became a fad then due to the gurus coming here wanting to make money, because of the Beatles. People in the west repackaged it and made claims that had no basis in fact. That is my opinion anyway. It's always something new and I guess this one is too. When I went to massage school they were teaching oriental skills along with Swedish, although I first learned Esalen style, and two other things, polarity therapy and reflexology which border on the metaphysical. This seems to be something of that type. I never used the others and have forgotten most of it. I am no longer a massage practitioner.
He has a page in Facebook which doesn't make him anymore viable but it looks like he has a huge following, not just from the page but he is recognized. I've been trying to find out what type of doctor he is, medical or academic and in what. It's an interesting topic but all it is going to do is attract people's opinions and nothing that viable. It's alternative and in so saying will not be accepted as anything more than quackery. Many who are interested in alternative ideas will be flocking to him. I'm more interested in sound and healing than this, especially via music but not altogether just that. I would have to see him do a healing and a peer reviewed article on the scientific theory behind it. Not interested in metaphysical or spiritual ideas about it. To me, that is a personal thing but concrete evidence that what he is professing works. These types of things come and go and I do take it with a grain of salt.
Do you remember when Acupuncture came into the light, and people though was a hoax? well, is proven that this method can heal and help. So, as we progress in our Journey through our existence, there will be more and more way to influence the body to heal itself. I use self meditation to bring Blood pleasure down, because I don't like too much chemicals inside my body. If you don't try, then, your opoinion is based in your imagination.
Sinistra, nice touch.
Regarding the empirical support, Eric Pearl was invited on the Doctor Oz show and asked/confronted with exactly the lack of such support. His answer was that there are about 5 studies (only!) so far, and that he'll leave others do the research. Somehow evasive/defensive, or maybe he's plainly not interested in doing the research, only practicing the method.
Markus :)
You are right, acupuncture is more and more recommended by well-reputed physicians today.
Meditation, relaxation techniques and simple breathing exercises, such as the diaphragmatic breath exercise are known to increase awareness, well-being and, as you said, decrease blood-pressure. To take it even further, down the syllogistic rabbit-hole, if relaxation techniques normalize blood pressure and high stress levels are associated with elevated blood pressure and fuel the release-process of cortisol, then properly done relaxation techniques are very likely normalize the homeostatic "index". If you practice meditation, you must be very aware of this.
If all parameters could be easily kept within normal levels, using a holistic approach, then chemicals and prescription drugs would rarely be needed.
Also - what do you mean? That I should give it a go, do some kind of exercises? That if I don't, my opinion is only a floating idea?
I barely expressed an opinion - I expressed doubt regarding the whole packaging of the idea I started with, which was "served" to me by someone who claims to practice that type of healing for years now, and claims, of course, it works.
It's good that your taking the extra routes when trying to figure yourself out. Self doubt is a restraint that needs to be lifted. Never doubt your abilities or what you can do. Regardless if your just growing into a new level of "I AM AWARE", it is okay to question it. But never doubt what your becoming.
Don't let others leave you in doubt either. This only leads to a deconstructive base that you don't want to be caught in. Leave all fear at the door if your willing to take that extra step further into your own path that seems to be coming at you.
Energy healing is a benefit that could help you along your new road. Not many people acquire abilities in this area. Consider yourself blessed if this is the path that is knocking. Challenge yourself to better yourself. If this is the way you feel happy with, by all means... pay no attention to the world around you and use your new potential at its best. Hones your skills and let no one bring you down. Keep your frequencies as high as possible... Just DO.
What I mean was, that to get the full experience of healing, you have to try and if you don't, then, you are just expressing an opinion without the full effect.
Soulshroude, thank you for the insight.
Self-doubt is the worst enemy of the self, indeed :)
Markus, yes - you are right.
However, I don't know where to begin. And I would not want to practice some irrational way of thought, with no solid knowledge base.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
The body can heal itself but your state of mind and emotional well being can contribute or diminish your healing.
Yes, definitely the state of mind is of crucial influence :)
I've had a few Reiki sessions in the past. I did not notice any physical healing effects, but I did enter the deepest state of introspective clarity I had ever achieved before.
In retrospect, I was both stunned and a little jealous, that after the years I put into Lucid Dream exploration, a 3rd party healer could bring me to a place far more enlightening within an hour.
And in this induced state of mediation, I asked some very serious questions. And got some very serious direct answers. Well worth the experience.
The sudden push for advertising of this movement however, is a concern though. I believe that the intentions of your guide is almost as important as your own. And I am sure there are a bunch of crack pots out there just hustling for a few bucks. I was fortunate that these were people I knew BEFORE they were certified.
In everything, the purity of the intention and dismissal of any judgement are prerequisites for success. I think a lack of these can lead to residual elements, which can interfere with a good result.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Due to humanity's tendency to question everything, only a few would try out such techniques with genuine openness, and without doubt.
Doubt truly is a mind killer but that said, not everything you hear about is truth, so doubt and a pinch of salt is sometimes the smart option.
What I meant was openness and pure intentions on behlaf of the practitioner
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Please just call me Mortalitas, God is what worshippers call me lol
I was referring to the practitioner, doubt will hinder one's efforts at attaining their desire.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Well fire is good for cooking some human meat nicely, and not for healing.
That said, heat has been used to alleviate aches and soreness, such as those thermal supports for knees and spine.
Elements are merely manifestations of energy themselves.
MoonlitGoddess - could you please elaborate more on the question? What do you mean by elemental healing?
im not 100% sure but by using the elemental properties to heal
I haven't really read much on the topic. However, it is clear that many of the human afflictions these days come from cutting the roots, the bond to the earth. The disrespect for the planet. Disconnecting from the basic elements. And ultimately, from the self. Hugging a tree, lol, I would start with that in testing the elemental healing :)
I went to a light therapy session which yielded me no noticeable result. My wife is a practitioner or Reiki. I haven't seen any tangible result from it.
I do feel like there is something to crystal therapy, not necessarily energy aside from vibrational effect or placebo effect.
I also feel like there is something to be said for accupuncture and accupressure. Auricular therapy, reflexology, and massage therapy are all proven methods as well.
Music, vibration, breathing, and some of the auyervedics are absolutely proven effective.
It is interesting that the chakras are becoming so prominent over the past few years.
Instead of asking why, I think we should be asking why not.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Some of those are good for relaxing, and its being relaxed that allows healing to be better.
Speaking of relaxation, there is a culture or something going about called ASMR, which is supposedly able to relax people.
I believe simply enough that it is the transferring of our own body's natural energies to another via physical, verbal, and/or emotional. After all, our body's nervous system does run on electrical impulses from the brain and ever noticed humans make excellent conductors of electricity? LOL! Yeah, so healing energies is not all that far from the truth I would say. As for whether or not it is spiritual or scientific or a little of both, that personal opinion I will not express here as it is my personal opinion, constantly doing so is just asking to have your beliefs drug through the mud.
Oh it it was not directed at anyone, just that whether others believe what I believe or do not believe what I believe has never really interested me much. I never see usefulness in debate of beliefs because I am always of the mindset, "hey if it works for me or it works for you, then why debate what works". Kinda like the saying if it is not broken, leave it alone. lol
Besides, I have never been one to openly express my belief because I have had them drug through mud before, not on here, but in the past and I come to realize that sometimes it is best to just keep my beliefs to myself, that's all I was saying. I was always of a strong belief in "A fool uttereth all his mind - A man should be careful to keep his own secret, and never tell his whole mind upon any subject, while there are other opinions yet to be delivered; else, if he speak again, he must go over his old ground; and as he brings out nothing new, he injures his former argument."
I have done a lot of research on the subject but not much practice, unfortunately.
Most problems people have are psychosomatic and/or nutritional.
Scientifically one can equate chi with enzymes. A person needs chi/enzyme rich nutrition to survive and thrive. Ones diet will affect ones mood. Ones mood will affect ones diet. Ones diet/mood will affect ones health in general.
Healing techniques are never very effective on their own, especially in the West where medicine is symptom based. It is the coupling of techniques that seems to really make a difference.
Most energy based healing techniques are not symptom based and cannot be tested in a conventional way. One can only prove the effectiveness of such techniques via personal experience. Most energy based techniques also depend a great deal on the focus of the healer and the receptivity of the client.
As for me personally, I have had varying degrees of success in my attempts at self healing via energy. I am a Shadowcaster and have noticed that when I use energy to heal myself that it is never as effective as when I use dark energy. So I have so assume via personal experience that energy healing's effectiveness is based on the type of energy one uses.
I have read articles that this can be done. I have not witnessed it or experienced it yet. I am open to the concept.
![]() KatriannexVeldonxDrakul Great Sire (113) Posts: 2,015 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Actually it really does work....I use energy to help people with ailing muscles and joints, people say that I can pinpoint where they are hurting and manage to help releive them of their pain and all I am doing is sending some of my own energy into where they ail at through my hands. Strange as this may seem, but if done too much, the pain of the person will come into me if I don't have myself balanced enough.
While it's been said already, I tend to fall under the same view with all forms of healing (but spiritual or faith healing in particular):
Belief does a world of good. Even if you strip all of the methodologies and spiritual elements out, if a person believes they are being healed, their stress levels tend to fall. Stress will complicate most issues. Being at ease, in itself, aids healing. So if you believe that a faith healer can heal, you have that reduction in stress and potentially are elevating your recovery. Honestly, I'm not about to come down on anybody who has found something that alleviates their pain or suffering. I don't honestly much care if someone believes that a particular diet heals their arthritis. Or that a particular crystal in a particular spot stops their digestive disorder. I'm all in if they call on me to think on them and their better health while meditating.
The fact is that when your health is suffering, you will do anything or try anything to make it better. As long as you're not actually making your situation worse with whatever you have found that helps, I am all on board. If that Chakra alignment got you through another day without a panic attack, you go hard. My only ask of people is that if it stops helping, to continue to find what works.
Sometimes the placebo effect does make a huge difference. One's attitude and belief in the healing power of something is both instrumental and effective.
I find crystal healing and healing through the tattvas fascinating both on a Hindu and agnostic level.
I find it interesting that people who are vampires, lycans ect, have difficulty believing in alternative healing methods.
I believe the human mind and psyche are capable of incredible and wondrous things on many many levels.
I most certainly did not come into this thread expecting science but I certainly took notes! I once received a massage from someone who was able to somehow heat his hands and the towel he used during the massage and it helped with more than I asked for. What was ailing me was my back from working illegal hours at a factory that I will not name (I snuck in the three straight ten hour shifts without the knowledge of the people in charge of the job site so it wasn't their fault anyway). When he was done my back, mood, and knee felt better and my frequent headaches stopped and have not since returned. When asked the only info I was able to obtain due to a language barrier was that his grandfather taught him and his grandfather practiced qui gong. Probably spelled that wrong. I agree with some of the monks that are also scientists in their own right in regards to faith vs science. How can one have faith in anything without really seeing the world around them or see how it works and not see how vast, complicated, and wondorous this world we live in is yet have faith in nothing?
I've actually just been getting into qi gong to support my not-even-a-beginner level energy working. Had my very first exercise session this morning and I felt amazing afterwards. This might get into TMI territory, but I've had terrible anxiety for the past 3 months due to a sudden change in my life. It's been causing all sorts of physical side effects, such as a trouble breathing and swallowing, chest pains and a missing period, which in turn led to more anxiety due to a pregnancy scare. 6 hours later, those symptoms went away and my period started, 3 weeks late. I feel like I can breathe easier, my mind is more clear, and it's really hard to feel depressed even though that's been the norm for me for the past 10 months.
I feel like there is something to be gained with practices like these, but whether they're based on actual working mechanisms in the body or just placebo, I can't say. They're not a replacement for actual clinical medicine though.
![]() KatriannexVeldonxDrakul Great Sire (113) Posts: 2,015 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
I know that Reiki is a form of energy healing through the use of hands-on and through crystals. I hope one day to learn this technique now that I have completed massage therapy school.