Deja Vu and You
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Premiere Sire (126)
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05:27:09 Nov 28 2016
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We all know what deja vu is. We've all experienced it at one time or another. You'll find yourself in a situation which feels eerily familiar ... "Wait. I've been here before. I've had this conversation before."

Science rules out any paranormal explanations for the phenomenon, claiming that it is an "anomaly of memory." But do you agree with science, or do you feel that it is paranormal in nature? Is it a psychic event? Does it occur when we pierce the veil of time?

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Premiere Sire (122)
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17:31:18 Nov 28 2016
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Most all red pills know that a "Deja Vu" is a glitch in the matrix.
At that point the system has changed something. There is insufficient data to suggest a trigger for how the subject becomes aware of the change.

Blue pills generally lack in the category of awareness. In most cases, they generally accept Deja Vu as a mere state of 'confoooshun'.

I see it as an individual glitch in the complex equation of time. In this moment, the visual preview perceived by the subjects mind, gets a sneak preview of the instant. A trailer or teaser if you will.

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17:47:54 Nov 28 2016
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Thank you Agent Smith but you are suppose to make sure everyone remains blissfully unaware of those categories...You have failed us. You are to be deleted.

Couldn't resist. lol

It can feel like either you been there before or have somehow foreseen it. Note that no matter how good your memory is, when experience deja vu, you can't quite put your finger on where you have "seen" the situation before.

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Premiere Sire (122)
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18:13:45 Nov 28 2016
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As a teen I used to experience this particular glitch quiet often.

There were certainly a handful of visions where I could say, "I just saw that 3 days ago."

Other times where I saw something, saw it again, then remembered seeing it a few days before actually seeing it happen.

It comes in a flash. Minds eye kind of stuff. People often get too caught up in the feel of things. I focused on and remembered more of the visual image as opposed to saying "we've done this before".

"A black cat went past us, and then another that looked just like it."

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18:26:20 Nov 28 2016
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I get what you are saying though, not everyone is aware of the true nature of the world around them and sometimes that veil is self-inflicted on a subconscious level.

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Premiere Sire (126)
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03:34:30 Dec 01 2016
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When I experience deja vu, I feel so frustrated. It really stops me in my tracks. I'm like, "This has happened. I know this has happened." It takes me a long time to shake the feeling. Also, when I first get that deja vu feeling, I want so badly to keep feeling it so that I can know what comes next. It never happens. It seems like as soon as I acknowledge what I'm feeling, it's gone. Poof. I wonder if I could control it better, would I experience a premonition? Could I see the future? And if I could see 5 minutes into the future at first, could I work my way up to seeing further into the future? Wouldn't it be neat if we could exercise the mind in such a way???

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Great Sire (110)
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17:35:34 Dec 01 2016
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I have had several deja by experiences via dreams. There have been places in my dreams that were vividly clear and identifiable. It is very remarkable when I randomly visited the very locations I saw in my dreams.

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13:05:37 Dec 02 2016
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My take on this, and I have seen this thread come up in my 9 years on VR ( yes I know my batty says 1 yr, but my journal entries go back to 2007), anyhow Einsteins theory of relativity comes into play here that time never stops. When we sleep the brain is still firing off energy, what we perceive as dreams are quite possibly going into the future, then when that future event comes we feel like we have done this before hence the saying "deja vu". We can also in our sleep have dreams of an alternate reality, in our time period (the sliders effect), to where something has changed in history to create an alternate timeline. (This was explained in Back to the Future 2). I've had these types of dreams myself and from what I can gather deja vu's and these alternate realities can be quite livid as if you are actually there.

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Phantasm (48)
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23:07:15 Dec 02 2016
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My mother's people believe in reincarnation to better yourself. When you die, your body returns to the Great Mother but your spirit may not. If you have done well enough in life you can choose to stay with her. Some choose to be reborn in order to be worthy or learn more of the world. Others choose to keep being reborn so that they can help others in their lives. The general consensus is that Deja Vu is your soul speaking out and trying to help you pay better attention to a situation that may have turned out badly for you before so that you don't repeat the mistake.
I'm not sure what I really believe about it.

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23:26:27 Dec 02 2016
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Just being hypothetical and no way subscribing to this but maybe deja vu and perhaps the whole "past life" thing may just be a form of genetic memory, something that one can have without sensory experience.

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Malefactor (67)
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23:26:32 Dec 02 2016
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I personally do not think that it is a paranormal phenomenon but I for some reason think that it is similar situation from a past life and the mind recollects this as something that you have done before.. Not saying that I believe in past lives but didnt say that I didnt either :)

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Shadow (10)
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22:18:16 Dec 04 2016
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I believe that my instances of Deja Vu are instances of previous lives memories.

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Chimera (90)
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22:50:24 Dec 04 2016
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What if we all able psychic abilities, just some of us aren't as open to them as others? What if deja vu is our third eye opening for just an instant?

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Premiere Sire (122)
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18:47:36 Dec 13 2016
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New Scientist says:

So instead of a whole bunch of memory activity (which to me should be expected since the vision is to not have happened yet), the areas of decision making and conflict resolution are kicking up the wattage.

"No one can see beyond a choice they don't understand, and I mean no one." - The Oralce

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Wraith (46)
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23:43:43 Dec 13 2016
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Personally, when I get deja vu, it always involves all 5 apparent senses. I need to be in the right place, in the right arc of movement, touching the right thing, hearing the right thing, smelling the right thing and seeing a particular frame to get the feeling. And like most of the posts I've read so far, I can't duplicate it but on occasion I have recalled dreaming about the exact moment and like others here I have tried to prolong the feeling. I feel that all of the sense need this nuanced combination in order to trigger the feeling.

"Swiss scholar Arthur Funkhouser suggests that there are several "déjà experiences" and asserts that in order to better study the phenomenon, the nuances between the experiences need to be noted. In the examples mentioned above, Funkhouser would describe the first incidence as déjà visite ("already visited") and the second as déjà vecu ("already experienced or lived through").

As much as 70 percent of the population reports having experienced some form of déjà vu. A higher number of incidents occurs in people 15 to 25 years old than in any other age group."


What I find curious is the age grouping. Any thoughts?

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Premiere Sire (122)
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02:08:51 Dec 14 2016
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The age grouping certainly caught my attention. I can confirm that my own Deja Vu activity peak was on the lower end of that same described spectrum.
And when I juxtapose your data with the previous brainwave location information, it appears to me that a good reason for this being the prime-time for Deja vu activity is simply, growing up. Becoming an adult. What other time would compete with such a universal big decision making age bracket. Spending time internally debating resolutions to conflicts you have not even yet experienced. What other time do we most want to be able to perceive the future? Looking into that crystal ball, trying to plan an educational path or a career. Visualizing being a mother or father, someday.

Perhaps Deja Vu is really like when you are looking for your keys, and find & see a whole bunch of other stuff, but not what you're trying to look for, or wanting to find in that moment of search. Instead, you get what you get.

Like a glitch in the Matrix ;)

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Premiere Sire (126)
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03:19:32 Dec 18 2016
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So, areas of the brain involved in decision making and conflict resolution lit up, huh? Well, if we're experiencing deja vu and thinking, "Oh! I know this!!! What happens next?" then, naturally, these areas would fire. We're trying to decide on an action to make. At least, that's how I react to deja vu. I'm always like, "I need to know what happens next so I don't do the wrong thing. What happens next???" This, of course, leads to frustration, but I still have to make a decision; I have to act regardless of whether or not I get a vision of how to act.

So, maybe it is some kind of psychic event. Something meant to help in the decision making process.

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Premiere Sire (122)
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03:33:42 Dec 18 2016
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Now my reaction was always "Where was I when I saw this before?"

Thinking about it now in retrospect, my logic was that if I could remember where I was, exactly what I was doing, maybe I could figure away to reverse engineer it. Or at the very least determine optimal conditions to facilitate more. Maybe something dietary, or maybe after a specific activity. Obviously I made no discoveries there. But I had hit a point where I had gotten pretty good at remembering what it was I was doing before.

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12:06:22 Dec 26 2016
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I mentioned this in a cam session I hosted and I don't really believe it but one theory I have which is connected to re-incarnation, multi-verse and past lives is that maybe all life is stuck on a loop i.e you never move on or get reborn, you simply relive your own life with no or little memory of the past life.

Example, john smith is born in the year say 1999, lives his life and then dies but instead whatever one expects to happen after death such as re-incarnation, John simply relives his life again, and unlike re-incarnation where you are reborn at a much later time in the same universe, John is simply reliving the exact same life and experiences hence why he gets deja vu, because he HAS been in that circumstance before he just can't place it because he has no memory of it, a glitch in matrix so to speak in Lazarus's words, of course each life would have to re-start in another universe because there would a lot of bodies of the exact same person otherwise.

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Premiere Sire (122)
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02:24:04 Dec 27 2016
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When one subscribes to the believe that the individual spirit is not bound by space and time, all kinds of theories begin to open up.

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Evil Spirit (60)
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00:50:20 Feb 02 2017
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I have Deja Vu quite often, I've never really given it much in depth thought though. I have heard the typical theories behind it, I always chalked it up to my forgetfulness that I have done something before and am repeating it.

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Premiere Sire (122)
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21:54:43 Feb 04 2017
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Deja Vu is the French word, that means current situation. It is a situation which means that you have experienced this present moment before. I can't really say, what causes this phenomenon to occur. It could be something to do with the brain; or it could be events that we keep living in over and over again.

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22:01:34 Feb 04 2017
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You will never quite figure out where you think you "remember" the situation from, you just get that feeling of familiarity when in fact you probably never even encountered what is familiar before. Sometimes you don't play tricks on others, you just play tricks on yourself.

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Premiere Sire (122)
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22:03:38 Feb 04 2017
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Premiere Sire (122)
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22:30:38 Feb 04 2017
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Check out that linkage Magic:

"In my new book I describe many theories to explain déjà vu: a memory of a dream, a precognition, a coincidental overlapping of events or even a past life experience in which we rekindle ancient alliances. What matters is that it draws us closer to the mystical. It is an offering, an opportunity for additional knowledge about ourselves and others." -Judith Orloff, M.D.

Solid point she made there. My failed attempt to reverse engineer the Deja Vu experience was by far my first journey of in depth self discovery. It opened the door to Lucid dreaming which opened the window of manifestation from the inside.

Nice share.

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03:03:23 Feb 07 2017
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I cannot fully understand how it all works. However, I have been in some places that were really old and I felt like I had been there before. I felt like some people that i have encountered as strangers seemed completely familiar to me. Some things just feel familiar , like an old friend and yet they are new to me.

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Sire (105)
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06:46:26 Feb 08 2017
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I tend to accept science's view of things, however, there certainly could be other explanations.

One alternative view is that new universes are created with every thought, action, movement of dust (it fell to the left instead of right etc).
And that deja vu is actually a rare period when two time frames of two universes cross/interact.

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Venerable Sire (137)
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15:00:38 Feb 09 2017
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Have you beings head of the "Quantum Suicide" theory?

The experiment seems to only work from the perception of the experimenter, the one conducting the experiment. In most worlds, there is one less experimenter, but the experimenter himself does not experience death.

In an experiment conducted by Max Tegmark in the late 1990's, originally a thought experiment, everytime a gun is triggered, an invisible bullet theoretically comes out of the gun and hits the experimenter, whilst the bullet actually hitting the experimenter’s head is equivalent to an observation made by a being who lives on.

Quantum Suicide here, seems to be a plausible cause behind this deja vu effect! I am not a science person, but, I came across this while just on the web.

Here it goes:

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Premiere Sire (122)
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21:22:16 Feb 09 2017
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Scientist are certainly actively chasing down evidence to support the claim:

Top 5 Multiverse Theories..

I posted another link in the dreams thread as it pertains to the multiple universe theory, the theory has come up here in Deja Vu but the link in the dream thread is a little better at describing the how and both the pros and cons of the concepts.

Multiverse Overview..

This video is about an hr but breaks things down pretty good too:

I recently saw a play about a couple, the female character was a scientist who was chasing the data we're discussing here and the idea was that the audience got a glimpse of several different ways in which the relationship could play out. They would do a scene, then repeat the same scene with slightly different lines, or different expression, or dramatically different outcomes, or with the lines said by the other character instead. It was very nicely done.

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Chimera (90)
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00:08:58 Feb 11 2017
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Laz, the shared knowledge is much appreciated. Intelligence is quite sexy.

Deja vu being the result of a multiverse overlap or glitch is an interesting concept. It is one I find much more plausible than one citing psychic phenomena. Although, if one wanted to, one could argue that it is a multiverse which allows humans to be psychic. Perhaps psychics are not seeing into the future of the current universe they occupy, they are merely seeing a future that has already happened in another universe.

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Premiere Sire (122)
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21:28:21 Feb 13 2017
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It is certainly a pleasure to both interest and stimulate your cookies ;)

There has been a lot of discussion about these multiverse concepts as of late.
Coupled with the less popular but still reoccurring topic of quantum mechanics, consider this, perhaps the multiverses themselves are not stacked outside of the universe side by side, or up in a corner of the 4th dimension, but rather, right on top of this universe, right here, right now.

Imagine for a moment that the true reason that quantum activity is impossible to predict because the elements have been broken down past the threshold of this reality.

In other words, at the quantum level, you've peered down past the mathematical or physical structure. 3-D man has dissected his physical reality to the minimum 2-D border, when speaking in directional terms.

Conversely, while I am sure there is plenty of space in any existing 4-D or greater reality to house the space for stack-able multiverses, it just seems to make more sense to me, that 3-D stacking would exist within 3-D space. Instead of looking for room elsewhere, if realities are organized in a frequency or harmonic like method. all the space you'd need, for alternates of the same space, is right here overlapping, layered within the same existing space. Or rather, within a uniquely different quantum combination of the same physical space. Consider this a universe ID number or source code.

In the same way that a dog can hear sounds that exist at a different frequency which man can not hear, these realities are coded at a unique "mass" frequency for each individual reality. That alternate mass is moving around on this same plane at a slightly different frequency making it all invisible to anything not of the same source code.

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Chimera (90)
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22:43:12 Feb 13 2017
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You're welcome to stimulate my cookies any time, Laz.

So, dogs can hear noise at a higher frequency than humans. Could, then, psychics or mediums be like dogs in that they can "see" at a different frequency than other humans? Or does regular ol' human eyesight have the ability to pierce the veil when universes overlap? Perhaps it has nothing to do with psychic ability.

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Premiere Sire (122)
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23:54:31 Feb 13 2017
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Don't mind if I do.

So in the name of Deja Vu, if mass is source coded and reality is stacked making a Deja Vu event a pierce through the reality code, this glitch would then be a conscious experience perceived by the physical mind. Though this experience is not viewed with the physical eye, it is viewed with the minds eye. Hence some feelings of the confusion. It feels like you saw it, but did you really see it?

Not with two eyes, but with the 3rd.

In this case, I'd equate psychic or medium ability to be found in those who have greater access to, or understanding of how to use their 3rd eye, or minds eye perception in a waking state.

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Premiere Sire (122)
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00:06:32 Feb 14 2017
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And to more directly answer your question, I do not believe psychics or mediums to be wired differently. I believe plain eye sight to be plane eye sight across the boards. I suggest, that psychics or mediums are simply more aware of practical 3rd eye applications.

In this case, seeing the glitches, as more than just a glitches.

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Premiere Sire (122)
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21:01:14 Feb 16 2017
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Indeed. Many of the same radical and hard to prove ideas keep popping up and reoccurring in a variety of VR threads. It's like one really long, really indepth conversation, that seems very very familiar.

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Wyvern (85)
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15:04:08 Feb 19 2017
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Honestlly I have been through Deja Vu plenty of times and find it a pleasant experience. No science cant explain it away and never will.

On that note. I believe if you keep track of you're dreams you will find many occurances of where the deja vu comes from. No I am not talking about preminitions. Or am I? These things are just as confusing as deja vu to me. And in turn I put one with the other.

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Premiere Sire (122)
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08:10:30 Feb 28 2017
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I made a serious attempt to try to track down any conditions or triggers for deja vu and didn't find much other than being able to remember where I was when I first saw whatever clip was the moment of Deja vu.

But I do agree that keeping a dream journal, and recording every dream you can remember, will not only assist in remembering your dreams moving forward, but it will also boost the xp on your dream awareness in general.

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Chimera (90)
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17:15:49 Mar 02 2017
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Let us backtrack to the age when deja vu experiences seem to be more common: 15-25. Laz, you mentioned that this might happen because individuals are becoming more self-aware during this time-frame, they are thinking more. This is an excellent point. During this window, most adolescents and young adults are more self-aware and have less responsibility for others. Before 15, children are children and not as likely to wonder about why they experience what they experience. Of course, this not does apply to everyone. Some children are extremely self-aware. After 25, most young adults are out in the real world, with real world responsibilities: children, work, bills, etc. This can take up quite a bit of headspace, which could make it more difficult for one to ponder a deja vu experience as something metaphysical. With so much on their minds, adults are more likely to chalk it up to forgetfulness. Having said all this, perhaps it is not that deja vu is more common between the ages of 15 and 25 but it is simply pondered more, noticed more, during this age range. Speaking from personal experience, I still have deja vu quite often, and I am well beyond the age of 25.

Interesting tidbit: In people with temporal lobe epilepsy, deja vu was often reported to occur just before a seizure took place. This tells scientists that deja vu is likely linked to the temporal lobe, which plays an important role in making and remembering memories. It has been suggested that deja vu is merely a symptom of a small, harmless seizure.

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Premiere Sire (122)
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16:23:22 Mar 03 2017
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My only beef with the seizure theory is that it implies you only remember the feeling of remembering.

In that peak window age bracket, I had gotten to a point where I could remember where I was & what I was doing prior when I saw the scene or clip, that ended up happening later.

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Apostate (62)
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17:49:49 Mar 07 2017
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I'm going to defer back to science on this one. The human brain is quite possibly the most complex organ in the body. The sheer complexity of it cannot but lead to little snags and complications because replication is far from perfect. Each person's brain is going to be just a little bit different from their parents, from their siblings, from great-great-great grandmama.

What sensory input the brain takes in and how it makes sense of that input, I should imagine, is then diverse between people. There is just too much variation for every single brain to work exactly the same way. Not to mention, we throw in social influences, and you've also got people learning to understand, see and respond to their world differently than the others.

So yeah, I can say without a doubt in my mind that I believe some people may experience deja vu, as well they might experience it to different levels and ends as another.

As for whether it's a psychic event or a scientific one, I would think it to be both. Scientifically speaking, I believe it happens. Metaphysically speaking, I think we all have different understandings of why it happens. All I can really hope for there is that how one chooses to view it is helpful and healthy within their worldview.

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Exasperater (20)
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05:22:33 Apr 15 2017
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Every instance of deja vu I have ever had was a moment I had dreamt months/years before. Since most people do not recall there dreams very well or at all, I have to assume based on personal experience that their deja vu is also the result of prophetic dreaming that unfortunately remains a mystery because of the lack of recall. So I feel the need to inform those who have trouble with dream recall that it has been proven that one is more likely to recall their dreams if they sleep on their right side. There is the possibility that by increasing ones dream recall that ones moments of deja vu will also increase.

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Premiere Sire (122)
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13:29:19 Apr 20 2017
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Deja Vu update:

A few days ago I had a conversation with an ink artist. At one point he described a dream where he helped a friends recently deceased father accept that he was dead, and continue on from the 'inbetween' or astral plane and into the true after life. His story had a very "Lovely Bones" feel to it. Helping the dead, accept they are dead and to accept the next step.

Now you know, as soon as I heard the word dream. I was all ears. About as good as the Batsignal itself going up.

Of course I engaged his dream knowledge and experience without hesitation. I probed further and he went on to say that his own grand mother had gone to hell as a result of holding onto guilt over a failed suicide attempt. He told her, the same thing I told everyone here on these forums, that hell isn't real, and that she can leave whenever she wants. When she let's go, and forgives herself. Or at the very least, believes that God forgives her.

At which point, I had to double fist pound this guy. I wasn't baiting or feeding him any information yet in the conversation, he just kept on sharing. And all of the things he was sharing had an element of relation or understanding that is pretty difficult to describe. The entire experience was overall "Deja Vu" like.

I shared my theories on wood being a spiritual conductor to which he agreed. He said that the saying knock on wood comes from the idea that one is summoning spirits.

Knocking on wood Wiki-
The origin of the custom may be in Germanic folklore, wherein supernatural beings are thought to live in trees, and can be invoked for protection.

So another WILD topic of discussion, that I previously discussed on these forums and rarely get to talk about anywhere, this guy I met for the first time agrees with. I think we're up to 3 so far. And by now, it is more than clear to me, that he has far more understanding and experience within the astral plane or the dream scape than I do.

He then immediately takes a right turn and brings up Ley Lines. Stating that in places where they intersect, there are overlapping portals on the Astral or spiritual plane of things, making these areas transportation hubs, transfer station like even.

Of course as a result, this creates the optimum conditions for super weird shit and spiritual encounters.

S/O to all the ghost hunters out there, I'd definitely check out that hot spot in Mexico if you have the means & your passport ready.

So after all that, he then makes a left turn and asks me if I know what Deja Vu really is. I said I had a few theories, mentioned the experiences of failed reverse engineering and how that opened up further dream explorations, the same as I did here. I mentioned the reality checks, and the nightmare ejection. I mentioned the intruders in lucid dreams, which he said are actually the deceased.

And then he says... Deja Vu is...

A checkpoint.

He made reference to the illusion of time, or lack thereof on the spirtual or astral side of things. However glass half empty or full you choose to perceive it, mundane or important the moment, these moments are moments that you must experience. That momentum to time.
He said that when one experiences Deja Vu in abundance it means that they are on the right path. And I further added that if there truly is no fate but what we make, these Deja Vu events are a sign that we are MAKING the right decisions.

With all this familiarity obvious and in place, I had to ask, "Have you ever seen me around in the area before?"

To which he replied, "I don't think so, but if I haven't met you in a past life, I've surely been in the same astral space as you in this one."

It was a very validating experience. That 3rd party verification chits.

The most important thing though, is that if you do ever find yourself in hell, which I'ma go ahead and assume some folk here will...

You really can leave whenever you believe you can go.

Want to hang out there, that's your business. Your choice.

But if you are still alive, and want out of hell... well, you know, just...

Wake Up.

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Premiere Sire (126)
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21:16:24 Apr 24 2017
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Laz, I'm reading back over this thread, and I'm trying to understand something. When you speak of deja vu, are you saying you have visions? Visions of something that's already happened ... or something that is going to happen?

For me, deja vu isn't a vision. I don't have visions. Deja vu strikes me when I'm doing something. It can be as simple as picking up a hairbrush. I'll get this overwhelming sense of having lived that very moment before. Now, logically, yes, I've picked up a hairbrush several times during my life. One could argue that I'm just experiencing familiarity because of that. But it's not really the action that is current that brings about the deja vu feeling. It's this ... expectation. It's like I'm waiting for something else to happen, and I know what that something is, I just can't ... grasp it. That's why it would seem to me that deja vu is a sort of psychic experience. While the feeling I get is one of familiarity, the sense of expectation would speak to a psychic event. So, that makes me think I get the sense of familiarity because I've had a vision in the past of what is about to happen. Perhaps in a dream, like Amalga suggested. Also, the research Li provides backs up this hypothesis. If deja vu seems to stem from the part of the brain responsible for memories, it would make sense that I would be remembering a vision or a dream when having deja vu.

Now, having said all that, if that's true, then your newfound friend's theory about deja vu could be plausible. But if we experience deja vu more frequently when we're on the right path, then I would have to argue for a predestined Fate, not one of our own making. If we make our own Fate, how can we have psychic visions of it that later manifest in moments of deja vu? If we're just flying by the seat of our pants, there's no way to foretell our actions, or the consequences of those actions. Therefore, I can't see the connection between experiencing deja vu and making the right decisions. Unless ... there is a sort of predetermined Fate for everyone, or maybe multiple Fates, and when we make decisions that steer us down certain paths, let's say the right paths, then deja vu kicks in because we saw, at some point in the past, that this was the right path to choose.

When it comes to Fate, I don't rely on deja vu to let me know I'm doing the right thing. Or at least I haven't in the past. Just the other day, though, I had a deja vu moment. It was very, very brief, and even now I can't really remember what triggered it. It was such a fast flash, but the feeling lingered, like an aftertaste. And when it happened, I thought back to this thread, and I said to myself, "Well, does this mean I'm making the right choices?"

As far as Fate goes, there have been just a handful of instances that I knew, knew, something needed to happen or was going to happen. And I didn't experience deja vu. Instead, I experienced this overwhelming feeling of anxiety and impatience. And certainty. The first happened when I met my first husband. I was 16, at a high school basketball game, and I was standing next to my best friend when I saw him sitting on the bleachers. I had never seen him before. I immediately grabbed her arm, pointed him out, and said, "I'm going to marry that man." She thought I was crazy, of course, but I remember her talking about how funny it was that I called that after he and I were married. Now, knowing that I was going to marry him, everything else in between ... I don't want to say it wasn't important, but it wasn't the event I was ready for, waiting for. Until the day we said "I do," I felt this drive, this current pulling me along. I wasn't crazy with it or anything like that. I didn't start packing Bride magazines to school or anything. It took us 2 years to get there. There was a really nasty break up in there, too.

Now, it wasn't a happily ever after fairy-tale. He ended up cheating on me, sleeping with my best friend. But I think all that was supposed to happen. I think they were meant to be together (they still are), and I think she wasn't meant to be in my life. My heart was meant to be broken. We are all where we are supposed to be, and we've all learned the lessons we needed to. As horrible as an experience as it was, it felt right.

The second time I felt this drive to do something because I knew I had to was having my daughter. I planned for her. And not like some people plan for babies. I planned for her in a way that was downright creepy, looking back on it. I knew she was coming. I even had a miscarriage before having her that barely fazed me because I still knew she was coming.

Enhanced deja vu when on the right path? Uh, I dunno. Bone-deep, gut-wrenching anxiety, extreme impatience, unwavering certainty ... Yeah, all that I experience when I know I'm on the right path toward something. I'm not just meandering along, I have a purpose. Sad that I've only felt that way a few times in my life. And, actually, both times, I feel like my role was only a supporting role. I brought Ashley and Dan together. I was thrown out of the picture so that they could be together. I had my daughter because she's going to do/be something truly amazing.

I'm currently experiencing that anxious, impatient feeling again about something. Big decisions ahead. Maybe this time I'll be doing something for me. Third time's a charm?

I got sidetracked, so I'll wrap this up. I think that Amalga makes an excellent point. I could get on board with deja vu being remembered dreams/visions.

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Premiere Sire (126)
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21:48:33 Apr 24 2017
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Grrr. Forgot to close my italic command. :(

Laz, I forgot to ask, on the map that you shared, is that really ley lines? I was looking at it and I noticed that the line that seems to cross between Kentucky and Tennessee is green. What does that mean, you suppose?

I'm actually in the midst of re-reading a favorite book of mine about a witch who uses ley line magic. :) And she's a redhead. lol Thought it was funny that you'd mention ley lines in a post while I'm reading it.


Layers. Signs. Connections.

Or not.

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Unregenerate (63)
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23:13:09 Feb 08 2018
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In my experience my daja vu has gone from remembering dreams as a child to having lived this before as a general feeling. Then there is one I have found beyond even this and it is that I am infinite and have always been and I become aware I am connected to a being of the same infinity then it fades out.

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Hellhound (70)
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16:24:21 Feb 26 2018
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I lean more towards a psychic triggered event

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