Let’s assume for a moment Vampires are real and God too for that matter. So if we are to believe in God and that God created all living beings then if vampires were real would it not be that God also created vampires? Some believe Judas Iscariot due to that he denied Jesus during his crucifixion for 30 gold he was cured by God saying that he he will walk this earth forever as if the blood of Satan is in his mouth. Could this have been the first vampire? Some believe he was cursed to walk the earth as the living dead to atone for his crime.
Let’s look at the last supper. What did Jesus do, Jesus, gave them his blood.
Then from the Bible:
John 6:53-60,66 Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.
"Those who believe in me will live, even though they die: and those who live and believe in me will never die."
"This is how it will be when the dead are raised to life. When the body is buried, it is mortal; when raised, it will be immortal. There is a physical body, so there has to be a spiritual body."
Jesus said, "I give them eternal life, and they shall never die." and "Why do you who are here find it impossible to believe that God raises the dead?"
So my questions to you are assuming for a moment vampires are real: Did God Create Vampires? Are Vampires Fallen Angels? Are Vampires descendants of the Biblical "Sons of God(s)"? Or did vampires evolve like everything is thought to have?
If we go by the "IF" part and see all th e movies how Dracula and vampire were born we shall see that Dracula as a person denied god so god gave him life that he could feel pain and sadness. Than everyone around him would be scared of hi and leve him.
If vampires are real they were made in a way to balance the good and evil. As angels exist so do demons. That by the way demons are said to created by the fall of Lucifer from heaven because God denied him as his angel so he fell on Hell and so demons and devil created. Lets say Vampires are a part of demons.
Honestly if we think about it we will find many thoughts suggestions and we will say differents stories about it.
Here are some more quotes from the bible:
Proverbs 30:14
There are those whose teeth are swords, whose fangs are knives, to devour the poor from off the earth, the needy from among mankind.
Revelation 16:6
For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and you have given them blood to drink. It is what they deserve!”
Micah 7:2
The godly has perished from the earth, and there is no one upright among mankind; they all lie in wait for blood, and each hunts the other with a net.
Lamentations 2:1-22
How the Lord in his anger has set the daughter of Zion under a cloud! He has cast down from heaven to earth the splendor of Israel; he has not remembered his footstool in the day of his anger. The Lord has swallowed up without mercy all the habitations of Jacob; in his wrath he has broken down the strongholds of the daughter of Judah; he has brought down to the ground in dishonor the kingdom and its rulers. He has cut down in fierce anger all the might of Israel; he has withdrawn from them his right hand in the face of the enemy; he has burned like a flaming fire in Jacob, consuming all around. He has bent his bow like an enemy, with his right hand set like a foe; and he has killed all who were delightful in our eyes in the tent of the daughter of Zion; he has poured out his fury like fire. The Lord has become like an enemy; he has swallowed up Israel; he has swallowed up all its palaces; he has laid in ruins its strongholds, and he has multiplied in the daughter of Judah mourning and lamentation. ...
Then we have Cain and Able and God placed a curse on Cain and he was marked. Some believe Cain became a vampire. In this mark God made and oath that Cain would wander the earth aimlessly and that Cain would have divine protection against premature death, no man could kill Cain.
Deeper this rabbit hole goes. It may go WELL BEFORE Cain or Judas. If one reads one of the books from the Apochrypha: Book of Enoch (Yes, it is a real portion of the Bible that was stripped away being denoted as "out of context".
In the Book of Enoch it states that "vampires could have originated from the offspring of the union between the Watchers/Nephilm (Fallen Angels) and human women. When the Children of the Watchers/Nephilm had consumed all of the food available, they turned to mankind and began to eat their flesh and drink their blood."
Reference found here
Food for thought.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Once again a very interesting thread, well done Dakotah.
In works of fiction such as movies, tv series and games. Cain, Judas and Lilith have all been portrayed at one point or another as the first vampire, sometimes even Dracula and usually in those mediums and as part of the backstory, god existed and created everything. Sometimes vampirism was a punishment from god which I always find funny because its intended to punish the individual but end up creating a super-being that kills countless innocents and those of "god's flock" major mistake.
But assuming vampires exist and along with god, then going by how it created everything thing, then yes, vampires would be a part of that. Hell, it created the angels and the Devil was an angel. So yeah, if such a fool existed, it would be responsible for plenty of ills in the world.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
And what would be the point of that? punishing humanity for the mistake of one?
It backfires if the death of countless innocents was not the intended desire, by punishing one, it made others suffer. The very idea of punishing someone is kind of against the so called "off-hands" approach to everything else.
Since humans are supposedly created in its image, then it is capable of mistakes as well and should not really be surprised if its creations can be murderers and rapists, it comes from the creator.
Anything that is sentient can potentially make mistakes.
Creating something only to punish it is a bit of a jerkass thing to do. Same with vampires, if a god did create it to punish not only the individual but mankind, then why give it weaknesses to "holiness" when it is clearly an instrument of a wrathful god?
Now we can begin the argument of Vengeful "God" from the Old Testament, and the Forgiving "God" of the New Testament.
Well done on your justifiable conclusions...
Vampires are one of many types of exile programs who fail to return to the source when their time is up. Most use the blanket coverage of the term "ghosts" to describe these beings. Vamps (otherwise known as Blood Drinkers, Vampires, or Nosferatu) are a type of Exile in The Matrix who have been used in one of the previous versions of The Matrix (most likely The Nightmare Matrix), which emulated the Vampire creatures in folk tales and legends.
All existing programs, in some way, originated from the source. Regardless of which program may have written the root code, without Deus Ex Machina approval, there would be no functional application of the creation. If that were the case, Zionites would hack up a clone army to take down the system from within the inside of Matrix. Agent Smith made such an attempt as an exile program, but was only given the power to attempt this after having been copied over by the anomaly program. The power of the anomaly derives from where? The source. No source, no Oracle, no anomaly, no hacks. No source, no Vampires.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Humorous thing there Lazarus, if the matrix did use folklore, then why aren't the vampires shown as hideous bloated corpses? Because the whole "charming, good looking" thing is hollywood's doing, not folklore.
Because... even the Matrix Model/Mode of the "Source" can change the vampire at whim. It is called a "glitch" in the system and is hardly noticeable unless one knows how to look for it.
It is a good point to be taken, but taken in stride... since not very many people are familiar with the "Matrix" idealism. It is an excellent perspective and a great way to look at it, outside the box.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
I have actually heard about the Matrix being used as such, didn't realize that was being brought up, I thought he was making a movie reference. Hell, I hear even star wars has been legalized as a religion now so nothing surprises me, dudism anyone?
You know this title could easily be "did hollywood create vampires?" because the majority of what we see is from modern fiction and not the old folklore.
They did have the horror look, in the previous nightmare version of the matrix. Some suggest that this was somewhere in and around what "history" refers to as the dark ages. I am not of that school of thought however, as I personally read no files related to the design or structure within the 2nd version of the Matrix.
Residual Self Image (RSI) is often updated when the system is reset.
I am under the impression that they updated to a more natural or "hollywood" look to minimize the damage control. It is easier to hide when you can blend in with the blue pills. Getting caught by the system = termination.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Very doubtful Cinn, one should not make excuses for mistakes, otherwise no human should be punished for theirs if its "part of the plan"
Hear that Murderers and Rapists, you should not be in jail, you are part of the plan to balance the world!
Actually the funny thing is that I do believe nature (not some fictional sentient god) evolved these instincts for that very reason, killing is natural, and the population of man needs culling...badly.
It is funny isn't it? how those who believe in such an entity cannot fault it no matter what, there is always an excuse, there is always a purpose.
No, sometimes random stuff just randomly happens.
If it is the "Hollyweird" perspective, then it was Lord Byron who first created the Vampire, in a poem about himself when he, Marie Shelley and one other enter into a contest at Byron's estate in Geneva, in 1816.
Later, Bram Stoker takes it and turns into what we now refer to as Dracula. As adapted into one of the best looking movies of all time, "Bram Stoker's Dracula".
Bram knew what he was writing about, but since sex was too taboo in his era... he had to write about something less provocative. Blood. Hence, "blood is the life" even though Byron's model was all about sex and how the vampire couldn't live without it.
This though is somewhat the true nature of the vampire as it stands. the "Need to Feed" is sexually connotative.
But of course, this is a literary and based on fictitious models from two different men thinking along the same lines.
That's what you call a "cruel irony". There is a place for everything and everything in it's place. We don't know why the caterpillar has to go through that harsh event. But it does happen... maybe for the benefit of nature running its course. It typically comes off as a cop-out from my end, but I'm no entomologist.
Quite right. Interesting. That was quicker than the others.
Earlier in this conversation I made brief mention of the oracle. The Oracle was created by the Architect, an 'intuitive' program. However, her intuition compelled her to first unbalance the equation, in order to obtain peace. In effect, in order to make her point, in order to balance the equation, she had to possess enough power to facilitate a problem worthy of teamwork being the only solution.
Without having something bad, there is no comparison to define that which is good. Balance.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Cinn your beliefs are your entitlement, so that is fine and all but then why do so many people end up whinging about being raped, having their family killed when it is then supposedly the "will of god".
One can't have it both ways, if you accept evil is god's creation, then you have no right to condemn evil doers,t they have the right to their purpose.
To clarify, I am speaking in general, not saying you as in "you".
Indeed Lazarus and SS.
Balance is everything, the food chain, predators and prey, altruism vs evil, its all a part of nature. Ironically, even those who understand this still try and control the world anyway because such facts are not good enough for them.
If going by deliberate malevolence on god's part then vampires should not really have to worry about holiness, they should be revered by the church, not condemned because to condemn a vampire would then be to insult god.
Oh dear. Let's try to digress from "acts of man". Rape is a harsh topic for this area of discussion. I'm sure you could have picked a better example that relates to the "will of God"?
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Not really, sometime to answer those who thing everything good or bad is the will of god, one must bring about examples of truly vile acts.
I will henceforth only use murder then since rape seems to be making some of you...uncomfortable, not that I care but its good to actually have decent debates going on in the forums today, it will be a shame to alienate everyone back into inactivity.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Fair enough but I could easily argue that moral people shouldn't be allowed free reign either, they should be punished for their acts of goodness, after all fair is fair. What goes around comes around as they say.
Its not balance if only one side gets punished. I am considered "evil" but even I don't condemn those who wish to do good, they should so same respect back. Not all go to the same shop.
In one of the Lilith Legends mentioned there is sort of this who can kill the most babies bidding war between the wicked and divine.
There seems to be this consistent theme where humanity is valued as an expendable common casualty among the gods regardless.
I mean in no way to take away from the sadness of the experience death is for the living, especially with regard to an infant. Still I'd like to believe that being returned to the source, independent of age or cause of death, is the 2nd most critical experience of each journey. Everything that has a beginning, has an end.
From a finite perspective, there is no real way to perceive all aspects of what is required to house all the rules required to govern our existence. And so I can not speak towards that portion of the journey through experience. But how often have we sat here and asked "Why do I have to bear this?" or wished we didn't have to experience something at all. I do not mean to suggest the grass is greener on the other side, or that pure ignorance is pure bliss either.
I believe that being one with the source, is a much more satisfying experience than to be successful within the Matrix.
First, interesting topic. here are my two cents to the subject, God Did not create Vampires. Vampires are creature of Darkness and for sure, they are not, like the portrait that those movies writers and book writers want you to believe. Believe that Vampires have an urge to kill, to keep living. They will kill you, without any remorse. Those Romantic Vampires that you learn to know from the big screen, is just a lie. So, in conclusion, God, if there is a God, did not create such of beautiful creature, name VAMPIRES.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Yes, but if said god created EVERYTHING, including evil, then by even proxy it would still be responsible for a vampire's existence.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
You have no idea how right you are there, the world is indeed ending, at least in a certain point of view.
But yes, going by the assumption that this thread proposes, and what we usually know of the "infallible" god, then everything would be a part of the "plan".
That's a pretty significant couple of IFs. But it's as MxM said earlier; if one assumes that there is a God and that he's the omnipotent creator of all life, than there is no argument against him having created the vampire. It's like saying "If Blue is Blue, than is Blue Blue?" Yes. There's no other option at that point.
..Well, the contradiction in the bible, reflect that there was a world going on, when, "God" "create" a new beginning of a ne world. "and then God create Adan and Eve, who got two boys, Cain and abel. Cain, being a rebeld, kill abel, because he was better lookin. God, who is the forman at the new world, kick Cain out. Cain left paradise." Later, the bible, make emphasis in Cain returning whith his wife. BINGO!! Where his wife came from? Well, Vampires, are part of that world, and NOT the new created world by God.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Adam and Eve = everyone in the world related to each other. The man who wrote the bible was very backwards indeed.
I don't think vampires are fallen angels. Angels are incorporeal whereas vampires are incarnate. Perhaps G-d allowed a creation but didn't necessarily facilitate it. An example might be a mule which is created from a horse and a donkey.
Semantics would come into play as to what the definition of a vampire is.
Ok, I can't site sources, because I don't have any.
But for the most part what I'm seeing here is an assumption that "real vampires" means the mythical kind.
What if I told you they ARE real?
And what if they're not what you think?
Obviously the whole biting on the neck thing is not practiced by the smart ones. That's so unsafe I can't even decide where to start on that.
They don't need all of your blood. Obviously, if they did they'd be in prison for murder. No, it's more like a few drops to a tablespoon. And they only ever consume from THE WILLING. I HATE the word victim. We prefer Donor or Swan. (Hence the name.)
They are living. (hernce the term "human living vampire")
Not immortal. No one is you sillies.
Did "God" create them? Did god create anything? I don't believe in the bible. (Gasp! I know, right? How terrible!)
Does that mean I don't believe in a higher power? No.
Do I believe whatever god created me created vamps also? Yes. Yes I do.
(you also haven't factored in people who weren't born vamps, like porphyria sufferers.)
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
We are all aware of the sub culture that is human living vampires, life-styles, role-players or those who are energy deficient but this thread I believe is just about a hypothetical scenario, or at least most of the posters are going by "what if assumption" so whether its hollywood vampires or those who like to drink blood, its kind of moot since your case would be no different because if god existed and created everything, then "it" created some human beings to be that way orientated, even if its by proxy.
Even though its fiction, I find the tv series version of true blood to have a humorous mythology. God created everything but with a twist, it created vampires as its favorite species and only created humans to be food.. well according to the sanguinistas anyway.
I see your point. But it didn't create the vamps who are vamps because they have porphyria. They are vamps because of their condition. Not by nature.
![]() KatriannexVeldonxDrakul Great Sire (113) Posts: 2,015 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Well I am going to put my $.02 in here and say that vampires are aliens...
Well there's an explanation for everything...
"5> The Anunnaki, like traditional vampires, enjoy eternal or extenuated life spans. Icke claims that "[t]he fourth dimensional reptilians wear their human bodies like a genetic overcoat and when one body dies the same reptilian 'moves house' to another body and continues the Agenda into another generation". One type of creature Icke describes is a reptilian "inside" a human physical body; "[i]t seems that […] [the Anunnaki] need to occupy a very reptilian dominated genetic stream to do this, hence certain bloodlines always end up in the positions of power. Other less pure crossbreed human-reptilians are those bodies which are possessed by a reptilian consciousness from the fourth dimension and these are people who psychics see as essentially human, but 'overshadowed' by a reptilian". Crossbreeding to infuse reptilian genetics into human bloodlines, the Anunnaki gain the means to defy death, as we conceive it.
In respect to blood drinking, Icke is very clear: The Anunnaki drink blood, which they need in order to exist in this dimension and hold a human form. Embedded in this need lies another parallel between the Anunnaki and the figure of the vampire - the power to shape-shift (from reptilian to human form for the Anunnaki, and usually from vampire form to that of bat or even mist for the traditional vampire). But the Anunnaki also feed off fear, aggression, and other negative emotions. Thus, while blood is needed as a vital life force, the Anunnaki are also addicted to "adrenalchrome," a hormone released in the human body during periods of extreme terror. Rather than sucking the blood directly from the necks of their victims, the Anunnaki apparently slash the throats of their victims from left to right and consume the blood out of goblets (303). Icke claims that the origin of the vampire stories are the blood drinking and "energy sucking" rituals of the Anunnaki. "In India," he writes, "it was called soma and in Greece it was ambrosia, some researchers suggest. This was said to be the nectar of the gods and it was - the reptilian gods who are genetic blood drinkers. "
Ancient Aliens??? LOL
Great find. Particularly, the adrenal-chrome reference. I'm sure there was plenty of motivation to drink life essence through blood, when they were really getting high off of adrenaline in the process. Go go gadget science.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Except that their condition is natural. Diseases, conditions and ailments are things of nature. Going by the "God is real" assumption here, they are its creation as well, hence why I said "proxy".
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
I specifically referring to the condition itself, it doesn't make the sufferer a vampire. Merely going by the hypothesis that god existed, it would be responsible for the condition.
Yes I find that amusing as well, makes sense really. Religious folk have spilled more blood than most serial killers and usually done in the name of god.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Unless its vampires that are in his image, and humans merely look like vampires, not the other way around.
I always took that "in his own image" line in the literal sense that our humanoid faces are supposed to be in the relative image of the greater spirit.
I don't equate that to power or ability per say.
@Cinnamon Or... he created man and saw his mistake soon after and then created Vampires to do away with his mistake.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Interesting but that is a very slow way to do so. Natural disasters would be able kill hundreds at a time. I would launch another meteor at the earth to render humans extinct, of course there would be collateral damage.
Except that real vampires don't kill you. This isn't a Brahm Stoker novel. They really only need a few drops to a mouthful of blood to survive. So no, they weren't created for our destruction.
Dude that always argues with me, good point.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Real vampires don't kill you because real vampires don't exist, only humans claiming to be i.e role-players, or those who genuinely believe that they require sustenance such as blood.
Like "Lycanthropy" and "wendigo psychosis", such behavior can be explained as a mental issue though I don't like using such category terms as nature creates all as they are, thus they shouldn't be tagged as "faulty".
I won't argue against those who genuinely claim to be "human vampires" so long as they don't flaunt their claims of "supernatural" abilities because extraordinary claims requires extraordinary evidence. Can't prove it, don't say it. Its a good policy.
Truthfully HLVs wouldn't be so foolish looking if they didn't call themselves "vampires" since there is so many titles and names they could use such as "drainers" or "siphons". So why "vampires"? Simple, because they idolize them, and its funny how they have only done this since "vampires" became elevated through hollywood. You never or very rarely heard of those claiming to be vampires decades ago, its only after they became portrayed as perfect, super-humans.
Humans crave power, and since they can't have it, they try and mimic it as closely as possibly. After all, if blood and sexual or other energy is the only thing required, then why dress up in gothic or victorian clothes? why the gimmicks? what has that got to do with a condition?
But nevermind that, Bram stoker isn't the first or only book to make "vampires" murderers. I believe the folklore vampires that fed on their families eventually killed them, they fed over a period of days, and without the necessary time to recover from the blood loss, the family members expired.
In real life, parasites or natural blood drinkers such as leeches and vampire bats can consume nearly half or more of their body weight, so if a vampire existed, its larger mass would likely mean it would need much more blood than a simple mouthful, it could possible kill someone in one feeding since I believe a human can die if they lose even half of their blood.
I believe if god created vampires, it would not be to destroy humanity, because that would be too slow but to be a balance. Predator and Prey is the balance of the food chain.
Ok, I actually agree with some of what you've said for once. Having said that, if you need evidence of something existing to believe it does, then we probably shouldn't be entertaining the idea that God created anything. Just my opinion. Feel free to slam that, I'm sure you will anyhow.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Oh I don't believe in god, I am posting in this thread under the hypothetical event that if god existed, did it create vampires. You don't need to be a believer to add your view, in fact such opposing views can be enlightening and you can't challenge yourself as much against those who share your beliefs.
Another good point Mordrakus.
Dude above me, you are hilarious, hahaha. That's also actually true by the way, the common belief system is that Lillith created vamps, not God.
Well thank you. It is surely a relief to know there are still folk that appreciate a little TB humor.
At a deeper level though, what I've always liked about that Lilith Legend, is that her defiance was not inherently evil or anything. Adam says, "I'm on top."
Lilith says: "IDK bout that. We came from the same place, so, let's discuss this."
To which Adams says: "No, I am serious. I'm on top.
So she replies:
Yet again, the same problem staring you right in the face:
If she follows the rules, she stays. She decided to break the rules. So she gets kicked out. The creator, created free will.
Omnipotence is one of those infinity kind of conversations to me. There is no real point of relation. Can't really imagine how it works to know everything about how everything works if you don't actually know everything. The gift of free will is problematic from a finite perspective when discussing omniscience.
By giving you the power to choose, that doesn't mean he doesn't know what you are going to choose. But does all knowledge have to negate the power of individual creation or decision making?
Let's look at this a different way.
Your mother is a gardener, father a carpenter. They pass their skill set to you. One day you break the rules, system sends you to jail. As an inmate, you build a garden out in the yard. Did your parents build that green house because they created you and gave you the knowledge to do it?
I doubt that it is a situation of lost vision or abandoning mistakes. I'm not sure I can follow with Eve eating the fruit creating vampires. In this conversation of all knowing, the devil has no more power than Eve, or Lilith. He is allowed to exist at all, they all are. He doesn't have to get the credit every time someone breaks the rules just because he likes or encourages the idea. Eating from the tree of knowledge seems to be more of the ignorance is bliss message, problem is, she chose to eat, so now you must know. And what we've come to know is this very fundamental rule or equation that runs through all matter:
Reality as you know it, is merely the manifestation of this equation.
If we didn't know, perhaps we'd all be chilling in the Garden instead of going to work or to school. Unfortunately human beings don't appreciate things until they are gone. The things we can't have become valuable simply because we can't have them. And as you mentioned, if you hold sweets in front of a child, the child cares not about consequences. The child can not see the consequences, only the desire to satisfy curiosity. Perhaps the creator simply, follows the rules. Leading by example. While the children must choose. Positive or negative. The negative choice, is often the easier one. The positive one often requires a bit more effort, or work. The lollipop is a test of will, a test of faith. It is a bit of a challenge.
God is all knowing. That is what is written. God knows it all. What a burden that would be. I would not want to know it --ALL. If one knows it all he knows the past, the future everything that is going to happen. He is the Creator. The one and only. The one dude who made everything PLUS he is also- all knowing. Or is he.... did he make mistakes in created Adam and Eve and put them in the Garden and put in temptations and assumed since he is the Creator and a know it all that his creations surly would not mess up--- and then they did! So then he had to accept the fact that that which is makes is not perfect and could be flawed. Was his mistake , his huge blunder in giving man free will? Adam had been given free will and he lets Eve influence him and they get kicked out of paradise so God sees that what he makes is not perfect... so he goes with that and he sees that this group over here he created Vampires maybe not such a good idea now... God Created us in his own image so perhaps that is why we are not perfect- he is not perfect. Personally I never feel anything is a mistake that is on this planet. A reason for everything- I think. Like we all know what a kid will do with candy. I think God knew what Eve would do. Maybe this all a game to him because he got bored one day. Or maybe I just have no idea what I am talking about-- hahaha. If vampires were to be real; I have to believe like us they were created by Creator who makes everything.
I believe in God and that he created everyone and the world. One of his doubles is Duane Cartledge and he made vampires in 86. He made a street in an Australian city and then it started being people everywhere. If I call this new vampire the "Ferntree Vampire" FV that's probably a good description of what it is. FV's have powerful telekinesis including chronokinesis so it can travel through time. People being possessed and FV's making doubles are two ways it can be people. So men who are God might be actively creating new vampires now. The FV is people on the internet too. One thing to watch out for is front doors of houses being left open. Things like Garlic being hung by a door used to be effective but now the FV's are doing it. Anyway I would like to point out that men who are God will be vampires too. So Christ is one example...
i myself believe in god as well
but the world that we live in must be balanced. so maybe if were talking hypothetically he just may have created such beings as vampires to keep the world balanced
without balance there is chaos.
thats just my opinion anyways
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Actually its the lack of chaos that is the cause of imbalance. Chaos is not merely destruction, is simply chance, something uncontrollable and is natural, it is the world. There is too much control in the world currently and that is why its imbalanced.
If vampires were created to balance then they not doing a good job haha.
Free will is an illusion, choices are created out of reaction and thus causality. The fact that man is fallible shows that if god existed then it too is fallible, that or its just a major dick that likes playing mind games.
Not a believer in the big guy myself but if he did exist and he created vampires (depending on which kind of vampire you mean since there so many definitions these days) then it raises questions on just "benevolent" he was supposed to be especially if human beings were created in his image.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Everything has a natural predator, vampires would probably be designed to prey on humans and since humans have some intelligence and like to use weapons, that trait is most useful for a predator of mankind. A Crocodile can kill a Human effortlessly but it has disadvantages against guns, nets and strategies. A predator of humanity must be superior to its prey and capable of hunting them, not the other way around.
I would assume that this question highly depends on one's beliefs concerning god. Since god is said to be capable of all things, I would say sure god COULD create a vampire, but why WOULD god create a vampire.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Well if you believe all that...stuff.
If god is willing to flood the world, create a realm of torment called hell, create creatures that kill and eat each other then why not? it is not surprising. I mean it made women bleed once a month and have pain, banished Lilith because she would not be subservient to Adam. God is not nice folks heh.
There's a section of one of the world's rainforests, I can't remember which one, but it rains there 24/7 all year. And yet, no flood? Sooo....the entire world flooded from 40 days and 40 nights? Somehow I think that theory is a little flawed.
Besides, if you're going to follow the bible on this, you should also stone your daughter to death if she is raped and refuses to marry her rapist, not eat pork of any kind, women who have ever had a haircut should all be slaughtered, same for women who do not cover their hair, wedding bands should not be gold, and you should kill your pets when they misbehave.
(My father is a mormon, and was the bishop of our ward for a while there, I know my bible.)
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
The sentence is...God's a major pickled cunt.
So does anyone still want a reasons why god would create natural predators of humans? heh
It is amazing how words from a book can have such an affect on the world. Even books that are clearly fictional such as Brom Stoker's novel influenced how the world saw vampires. I am almost intrigued on how the next few decades will influence it. So far vampires are getting humanized and romanticised.
^ Because he wanted to teach humanity that we aren't him? Duh. If he even exists.
If I ever get around to writing the book I want to, I'll fix that problem quick smart. Also, there is a movie out called daywalkers that doesn't. It's not too bad. The twist in it is a little flimsy though.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Oh the only God and Devil I know is the one that stares back at me whenever I look at a mirror.
Not a bad film, the ending and the sacrifice angle did invoke some symbolism with the dead man on the cross. I enjoyed how the humans were the cause of the all the problems in that movie, the vampires initially wanted peace and alliance but the humans refused, causing the vampires to slowly starve and use extreme measures to satiate their thirst.
Well after reading everyone's response, my head is swimming. It appears to me that most everyone posting is thinking of the Christian/Abrahamic view of "God". And that most of you view vampires as separate from nature like Christians view humans as separate from nature. Like we are somehow more special or unique than any other creature on our planet or the observable universe. I find this to be an odd perspective.
One must not be bound by dogma if one seeks truth.
The question is: If God and Vampires are real, were they created by God?
Well I think that this depends on how one defines things. Let us define via function.
God=the creative force of reality
Vampire=a creature that feeds on the physical/spiritual vitality of another
Being is born of not being and birth is born of creation and creation is born of coupling-in a conventional sense that is.
No one knows for sure what exactly the creative force of the universe is. But we can sometimes experience it in our lives and when we do we can't help but feel as though we are one with all that is. And one only needs to look to nature to see all kinds of examples of real vampires. We are apart of nature in the same way as the leech, the bat, the spider, the serpent, the cat, etc.
Everything in existence for the most part is a coupling and reordering of the same base components. We are all the same with different functions. We are all the cells of the body known as Nature/Universe/Multiverse/Reality/Tao/God/etc.
Based on this perspective I believe that it is logical to conclude that Vampyres are born of God.
Vampires: Gods crowd control.
Though Mordrakus did make a very good point that they are doing an insufficient job. Though that could be explained by the fact that we don't actually have any vampires around that are actually outright killing everyone they feed off of. If we did, one could bet if they survived very long at all, they would learn not to leave witnesses, etc. The ones we do currently have are still constrained by morality and society (and sanity) to not just bleed people out....Mostly.
Did God create Vampires???
I believe that Vampires have their place in the world and are a more advanced race of beings that are not confined by the rules of society. Every religion has its place on this earth and as such, there is a form of Vampire or Demon in every one of them... It is a relative question only defined by that person's understanding and willingness to be open for new thoughts and ideas.
I identify as a vampire and a pagan (blessed be the pagan trinity... Maiden, mother and Old Crone).
I'm not sure if one can say that vampires exist outside of society. Perhaps they exist outside of our particular society, but I would expect that there are some particular social rules within a vampire society to be followed as well. Just as an off-the-top example, wolves may not be part of human society, but they do have their own codes of conduct to follow.