i have a little argument going on here some say that ghosts realize they are dead while some say no what is your opinion?
Well the kind of twilight zone when Dad calls family from downed power line no.
I believe that with a sudden death ghosts of loved ones hang around to see if family is all right before moving on but they realize they are dead.
But the spooky kind only hang with those who want them in their lives!
some other people have said that ghosts don't know if they are dead and that they are lost souls which is why they became ghosts its been a on going argument in this town or online
I am still a child so I might sound stupid but, In my opinion I think they are in a way alive and in a way dead it is like in The middle i think
Well i have seen a ghost here living in my residence that has communicated with my son. I guess you could classify that as having psychic gifts or even being a Medium. I have heard and seen things often while living here. Things that you can't simply explain away. But that particular "ghost" or body impaired (lol) can go wherever it wishes. It doesn't stay and linger here. Being psychic you see and experience all sorts of things because they are simply drawn to our energies or to something about us in general. Not all are there to disturb or harm.
It depends on the actions of said entity. Not really that much different than people. We have a body, and they don't. They can manifest in whatever forms they wish to show you.
To me, our souls are continuous and free.
Energy is pretty much the only thing that makes sense to me when it comes to such subjects. And death....is really an illusion. It's a transition into another life.
well the argument that everyone seems to be having is whether or not they think they are dead or a lost soul and i can understand your view point my dear in my eyes i don't find it hard to do or notice spirits some will get very cold in a area that is different from the rest of the house or place while others feel a overwhelming energy near them that can either be comforting or uncomfortable some here random things through the night while other capture it on a camera or video even if your not familiar with this topic you can be sure that if they want to be noticed they will find a way to get your attention it is rather helpful being able to see them or notice them and i completely understand the concept if only a handful has this ability which is why it can also be misunderstood confusing or not believed in however if these things did not exist in this world how is it that it is talked about so much and stories a mile high is written on paranormal activity? either way i'm still scratching my head on this debate
I personally think that this is a double-edged sword.
When someone dies it is said that if the dead person doesn't realise he has died or insists on staying in our dimension, then they keep roaming around the world of the living as entities but trapped in a different dimention, which is why they're not visible to they eye and we have to perform certain rituals or do certain things to contact them.
I'm not sure if what we call ghosts can be bad or good one thing I know for sure is that anything that consists of a soul can't be dead.
As long as we are alive it's not our body parts that keep us alive but our soul.That can be proved by the fact that when someone dies even though their body parts remain attached to the body, the soul is divided by the human body and it no longer functions.
So tkaing into account that death is that exact division of soul from our body, we can tell that ghosts are nothing more than our own souls, just divided from our body, but still existing.Besides, our life force energy never dies.
And a soul can't be destroyed or lost, some say it can be transfered into another host, something known as reincarnation or just wander in a different dimention yet still being there.
With or without a host, a soul is something living and not dead, even if it no longer resides in a body, it's still around and it's not gone.
Being here for a long time and never nobody ask this question. I don't think Ghost know that they are dead; I assume is something that happen after death, the separation of soul and body happen after the last breath. Something Automatic.
Most ghost stories I have heard imply that usually they are still carrying on as if they were among the living.
However, ghosts with a message or those that terrorize things or haunt places likely know they are dead and that is why they are doing the things that they are doing.
I think the answer is a little bit of both.
i think its a little of both as well but i suppose this is why i think it can be a hard argument
I guess that is what I like about many of the discussions on these forums. The subject matter is not often discussed, and there is usually little to no hard proof or definitive answers. We get to share our perception and thoughts, which is nice.
And I should add a correction. Yes, I believe ghosts are dead :)
How they feel about their own dead or alive status is up for debate though.
lol yea i agree :) that is why i posted it cause its a hard even for me to figure out
The spirit is eternal. So, only the body dies. Yes, I do believe one would know that their mortal body has died. I don't see how one could not know.
Let's agree with the perspective of undying energy. The body dies and with the body, goes our mind which stores our memory. Until the very end and the acceptance of death we can prepare ourselves to pass on in most cases. Effectively you would become energy looking for another body because you knew before you died that that's what you needed to do. IE reincarnate however it works.
In another scenario, you died a sudden spontaneous death. You don't know what happened and now you can't remember anything because your memory was erased and you were not prepared to "move on". So I'm going to agree that it's a little bit of both under the undying energy theory.
I cannot agree that with the death of the body, so goes the memory. Anything the body knows, so does the spirit that was in that body.
The body is a temporary shell, it isn't the real you anyway. The body is like new clothing, once it becomes old and worn out, it is discarded.
Reincarnation? Nope, not buying into that.
Energy? I don't see how I can buy into that either. Energy dissipates. The spirit is eternal.
If you can effect the memory in life IE brain damage and the like. How would you maintain lost memories from life in death? 50 first dates the movie is an example. If you haven't seen the movie just look it up for the concept of understanding. Every day the woman wakes up and doesn't remember what happened every day. Logically her spirit would be in the same condition as she was in her last moment in life.
So under the theory that a spirit is an eternal entitiy of itself who didn't lose memory on death, then a ghost would empirically know they were dead. I was satisfying the energy theory because that's how another individual pictured it.
I'm curious as well what a spirits purpose is after it leaves the body? We have a few points of view here. If a spirit exists under the ghost theory, you can neither go to heaven or hell. You would leave eternally on the "ethereal" plane or dimension. From the christian perspective you go to heaven or hell or purgatory waiting for a decision of some sort which removes the concept of ghosts entirely. Even if it didn't remove them because one will argue that we don't know what purgatory is, then still the ghost would pass on regardless of it's state of mind. I mean if you're judged to be condemed to hell I'm sure if they had a "choice" they would probably choose to linger.
well that is a remarkable theory golem not really sure if she would remember if she was dead or not? I remember they did a bio on a haunted place of mental patients from what i heard when they took a medium in there it was a interesting considering she said they didn't know they were dead and felt angry