yes as long as you know what you doing and the practice magic already its not considered a easy task because things can back fire
perhaps a hex they both are almost the same except with voodoo you make that person do at you will and not your own a hex or any type of curse can either be temporary or for long periods of time of a form of either bad luck or can be far worse i practice all the above
There is spell that will work. I'm hesitant in offering it but take no responsibility in the outcome.
Please read instructions carefully!
Go into a very crowed public area.
Point a hand mirror at each respected watchtower, while repeating the following five times in each direction:
"Na-na Poo-poo."
Immediately take a soak in a tub with a hand full of salt, while holding your favorite stuff animal. Hold said animal tight.
Afterward five minutes place stuff animal where it wouldn't get wet. Then add salt that you hold in hand to bath. Soak another five minutes.
You may add warmer water to bath if you like during this time. Drain water from tub and shower. You may towel dry but air dry is preferred.
Hope it helps.
I do not know if it will work from personal experience, but if I were seeking the kind of protection you describe I would schedule a Reiki appointment ASAP.
For one, don't feed into it. You're just giving it more of your energy and fear is a great way to tap into it.
I am confused. Your friend said she does not believe in this stuff yet she told you about it and seems afraid? It must of concerned ( and she holds some belief in it) her enough to talk about it with you. And as for pulling something off the internet, just wow. I would find someone local, a professionally locally, check them out locally, for help. My source defiantly would not be the internet and some random reverse spell.
well if non shall help you then i will be sending you the details of what i will need in a private message i don't wish to influence others how to perform cause like i said its considered dangerous and i will be also asking you other questions when i have the time i am currently in the middle of something with my husband and don't worry my dear i never require much never have