I always believed our soul is in our gut, our heart. I believe everything has a soul... even a rock. Anything Created by Creator. So I was watching Dateline, its a News Show that covers sometimes old unsolved murders. The victim was killed by head trauma. At one point in the show they are holding the victims skull and its stated 'the soul resides in the brain'. I leaned out of my chair and was like.. Oh no, hold up you're wrong... the souls in our gut, our heart... I asked a few here who I hold respect for what they thought and they agreed with me. Then I hit google and this pops up:
Has science located our souls? It's is really in our brain? I love to know your thoughts on this. Do you think we have a The Spirit Molecule? Eager to read your response.
I've got to go brain here in the sense that the mind bridges or interprets and executes both physical action and spiritual thought. However, astral projection experiences would have me believe that the soul runs through all of you and does not have a fixed organ location. Mirror image problems.
Plato says in The Republic (Book VII), ‘the soul through these disciplines has an organ purified and enlightened, an organ better worth saving than ten thousand corporeal eyes, since truth becomes visible through this alone” This is thought to be the pineal gland. The Catholic Church promotes pinecone imagery all over the place and is thought to know be that gland. This is the question: Is the Vatican concealing sacred knowledge that would contribute to mankind’s physical and spiritual evolution. Then of course The Powers That Be (Governments) they want to control what we think, believe in. Or not to believe in. I do believe the government conceals knowledge from us that could change society. I just find this all fascinating. I learn, I debate, I love knowledge.
I personally don't think there is a central location for the soul, although, the logic one to me would be the brain because that contains your memories of who you are.
I've never really put much thought into where my soul actually is because i've always felt that it's within my entire body. Actually it's nothing but pure energy taking a ride in a skin suit.
Quantum physicists discovered that physical atoms are made up of vorticies of energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating. Matter, at it's tiniest observable level, is energy, and human consciousness is connected to it, human consciousness can influence it's behavior and even re-structure it.
So if we can do that on an energetic level, why not our souls?
You ask a very serious question. Usually, I opt not to respond to that specific subject matter on public platforms. Yet I have preached 'fearless but not reckless' here on these forums and I am real big on practicing what I preach. I also, for the first time in my life, feel that here on VR, I have encountered more awakened individuals than I would've ever imagined. This gives me confidence, knowing that more people are catching on.
Yes. The powers that be want you to stay asleep. To squander your ability and potential. Lambs, sheep, and lemmings are far more docile and easier to control than a fully awakened human being. I do not claim to be completely awakened by any stretch. But I can see serious potential in our individual abilities. I mean this shit with every fiber in my being. If you are here, and you know WTF I am talking about, YOU are special. YOU are not alone. Thank you for having the self-awareness to recognize and accept who you really are despite being condition to believe otherwise. Technology and the internet is the great equalizer. It is harder and harder to keep secrets from us because we can talk to each other, at will, all over the Earth. Take video and pictures with our cell phone. Share vital information with each other very cheaply, instantly. WE are getting harder to control.
Dream manifestation, visualization, your individual special abilities whatever set you may have, they don't want you to be aware of your potential. I agree that they conceal knowledge 100%
Just look at the information that they don't even bother to hide. Here in the states, the top 1% of wealth eats something like 80% of the revenue. So out of a 10 slice pizza pie, the 'powers that be' get to eat 8, and EVERYONE else has to fight over the other 2. There is enough food, clean water, and resources that no one on this earth should have to die of starvation. No profit in keeping everyone alive, so they say fuck that noise and people still die because they don't have food. I don't even want to know how much food gets thrown out here in the US. We have the technology to sustain a peaceful society. Perhaps not the intelligence as a collective species, but the conditions are certainly right. Yet many people are convinced that a world without war and conflict is impossible. They use fear because Freud gave them the psychological blueprint, I believe his brother in law actually is the one credited with transforming Freud's findings into pure propaganda techniques for control. They have simply modified the application of the core formula over the decades. Scare the hell out of people, distract them with issues that don't matter (race is a good one, religion, and politics too), then tell them they will feel better if they buy shit they don't need. Acknowledging the strategy is good, but please know YOU are smarter than that. WE are better than that.
I think humanity is on the verge of a greater awakening, a severe leap in evolution. Not singularity quite yet, but either scenario would leave the powerful, powerless.
I believe that the concept of a Soul, cannot be a stand-alone object/subject. Like, for example, you can look at metaphysics and it will tell you one thing; if you look at it philosophically, it says something else altogether; if you look at it from a religious/theological point of view, that is a whole different ball game altogether. Then, of course, we have the Greek version, the Ancient Egyptian version and so on... I look at it from a theological point of view... with a dash of metaphysics and a pinch of philosophy.
perhaps i would agree with this scientist however i do sometime work and talk with other scientist personally and me being in the medical field in a way i have to disagree considering i have seen patients with a almost complete brain dead or are considered as that they are a vegetable families know about this outcome can either continue treatment in the hospital where people like me to look after them or pull the plug and watch them take their last breath until their heart stops seen it happen often and how many time i am right there to help start their heart again i believe that it will always be the heart without that you can not live
scientist always try to figure out the humanology and understanding the theory of it in my opinion this scientist needs far more observations before he can come to his conclusion but that's just me of course :)
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
I have heard the whole "the soul lies within the pineal gland" before, in many ways one can consider it to be true as there is arguably nothing more important than the brain, without it your body is just an empty shell.
@BillytheJust or does the soul reside in us? Or we reside in the soul? I want to say which came first, the chicken or the egg... the soul or the body?
I'm neither arrogant nor ignorant enough to claim G_d resides in me.
It is I who dwells in G_d.
What is the soul if not a fragment of G_d?
It's been scientifically proven that the chicken came first otherwise the egg wouldn't exist. What does that say? :D
The egg came first to produce the chicken.
The question becomes, "What laid the egg?"
It didn't had to be a chicken. And most likely wasn't.
It wouldn't take much stock in anything 'proven.'
Your egos are not going to allow us to see inside or outside of yourselves anyway.
Billy that doesn't make any sense because it takes the chicken to produce the egg. Egg does not birth itself.
I'll go with science on this one,the soul has the memories of your life and possibly your past live so logic dictates that it has to be in your brain cause same science says the brain is the power house and storage house of the human body
Atieno, I am starting to lean towards your way. The soul is in the brain. Which then explain that when I had brain damage as a child, an accident, I damaged my soul. And could explain why I do what I do sometimes. I am joking of course. part of my life I hold is to remain teachable, to learn, to form a view one way on something that can change later on in life. I always thought the soul was in the gut, the heart, emotions, but science says it is.... and when I think about it that makes since.
And ever one knows Creator ( Native God) made/created the chicken that later laid the egg so that humans could one day create the Chicken Dance. Some humor.
after everything i have seen so far i know that the human body and soul can still live on the soul may be damaged but not gone when your heart stops the medical team restarts your heart they dont try to recover the brain for a reason simply because you can still live on perhaps not the way one might prefer but others still respond to things that are familiar to them even when brain dead
i whole heartedly concur to what you've said but like you said "some" people are able to respond to familiar things when their brain is dead
Elizabethbathory33, could you post some examples of what you are saying? All I have learned about brain dead is the brain is--dead. When a person is brain dead, no part of the brain is functioning any longer. All I have read on it, it says its just the same as being dead.
in the medical term that is usually how we put it their is still some form of brain activity it is considered a small percent however the human body is a complete vegetable i have worked with many different types of patients in the hospital and helping them recover if possible if not i try my best regardless of what it says on their paper so i take the time to talk with families and would find was for these people to respond simply because they wouldn't for anyone there at the hospital and i struck a nerve with them and was able to get them to respond over time they had a small recovery of being able to eat on their own and sometime being able to get up and toilet on their own i had to do a lot of studying with the humanology to get where i am today along with other studies i needed however i am still not done with my school work to be where my goal is as a head RN i still have a couple of years to go for this position then onto being a doctor after i complete this trade
lol at the MIB reference. But I think I can relate here.
I often see my thought process as an office space with those like half size cubicles. So you can only see co-workers if you stand up. Except for the foreman desk at the front that is slightly elevated and open so he can see everything.
So the floor manager is kind of like the voice. And everyone else is working on something different. But nothing is said without approval from management.
So many assumptions your making my head spin.
The gut and heart are not the same thing. The gut is a term for the upper stomach.
No researcher worth their weight in beans would look for the location of the soul unless he/she proves there is one first. I wouldn't take any stock from their findings.
The only proof of a soul is our ego's creation of one. Animals have no soul, or a lesser one, hence, human's are "better."
You can define "better" anyway you wish.
"Spirit" should not be confused with soul. Trees and rock may have spirit not a soul.
People have had many beliefs between the two and, of course, none may be true.
I personal wonder why people insist on the slice & dice approach and believe they have their very own piece of soul separate from another in the first place.
If all life is connected, can we not have the same soul. Including the universe's? Whence the enlighten phrase, "I Am."
Do you really need your own fragment of the creator? And then have your ego place it somewhere hidden within you?
Sounds funny to me.
As for another assumption: Chickens lay eggs, therefore the chicken came first.
The chicken egg came first - due to a mutation from another animal similar to the chicken. It then hatched into the first chicken. The same way the first human was created - from a mutation from another species. Unless you believe in the Adam and Eve story.
But what do I know?
I can not say that animals do or do not have a spirit. At the same time, I do know they have a personality.
While I do acknowledge the problems that ego creates in this discussion, our ability to create art, to count or solve mathematical equations, or even our ability to have this very discussion, does make us special as far as the planet Earth is concerned.
The desire to seek or understand the very connection or answers you speak of also bear some weight here. I am completely comfortable admitting that I don't have these answers, that humanity may never know these answers. However, the ongoing quest for more knowledge does not tell me that humans are "better". It tells me that humans are in a position to ask questions like:
"Who wrote these buleprints?"
"What's next?"
Maybe that does not make us better, but it does make us unique.
Actually some of us DO have these answers which ties back to past life memories. I am close with someone personally, which remembers being animals before. Now i realize that others probably don't want to believe that, but I got some confirmation of what she told me, from another guy, from another place, whom doesn't know her at all, that said the same thing she told me without each other knowing it.
How do you then explain that?
So to answer the question if animals have a soul or not?
By the information that i have received, they sure do.
They also hold memories as we do.
I don't question what i have been confirmed to be true no matter what anybody else "thinks" about it.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Well said Billy.
The whole concept of the soul in only human beings is just one more thing that their ego creates to make themselves better, the other thing of course is labels such as "animal" or "human". They believe they are not animals when everything living is basically an animal, fauna just with their own "classification and genus" types and so on.
I don't know how many times I have heard an idiot say "we not animals, we are humans" and I reply that "humans is just the name of your species moron" with of course far more insults and a "look down upon you" tone such as they deserve for trying to step above their station in the natural world.
The soul if it ever exists would be in the brain because as I have said before without any brain activity, the body is just a vegetable or dead.
So take the soul as the consciousness of the body.
We -might- think we have the answers but they are really assumptions. With all due respect. When I said the heart I meant that feeling you get in that area when you have an intense feeling. There seems to be some chemical reaction too in that part of the body, not in the brain. Or do I just assume it is in that part of the body. I guess I am linking emotions and the soul together and perhaps that is what confused me. The soul, what is it? Is it the essence of who we are? When my grandmother passed and I was holding her hand as she took her last breath I knew -she- was gone. After she passed and about an hour later I went back in her room as I walked in and saw her lying there, I knew -she- was not there. She was some where else. Her soul was gone. Where do our feelings come from? Our brain I think. We have a thought first then a feeling. In that order is what I believe. So if are feelings are in our brains too what happens and why do we get that feeling in our gut area? What is that?
As for do animals have souls, I 100% believe they do. Recently I was holding my cat as she was put to sleep, that shot that kills them. I knew too when she passed, I could tell she was gone. Just like with my grandmother. What made my cat her, has left. Also my culture we believe all animals have souls. I have a friend though that in his religion they flat out do not believe animals have souls. That only man does and no other creature. I am around animals a lot and have been my whole life. No one will ever sway me on that animals do not have a soul.
And thank you all for the debate. I am learning a lot.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Well your threads are one the few that is worth debating in these days.
As for gut feelings, that is instinct, the natural feeling one gets about their environment or potential threats etc. Humans are dimmer to their instincts than non-human animals, so they are missing out on a lot.
Thanks. I am learning a lot. We (Cree) do not talk much on the spirit. So here are my questions on this:
It is said man is made up of the spirit, the soul, the body. I have a handle on what the soul is, the body, but what of the spirit? I know when a man’s spirit is broken he can become sick and die. That I have been taught and know from our history when our homes were taken from us many became sick and died because there spirit was broken. This was expressed by Geronimo, the Apache leader when he says: For each tribe of men Usen created He also made a home. In the land for any particular tribe He placed whatever would be best for the welfare of that tribe…thus it was in the beginning: the apaches and their homes each created for the other by Usen Himself. When they are taken from these homes they sicken and die.
The soul is the cause of life. “For the majority of lower societies death comes at the moment when the ‘tenant’ residing in the body and having some similar features with what we call soul leaves the body completely, even if physiological life has not faded away. This is one of the reasons for such hasty burial common among primitive people” (Леви-Брюль 310)
According to some researchers, “spirit may be of independent origin, as well as appear as a mythological creature”, i.e. “the notion ‘spirit’ is broader than the notion ‘soul’” (Богословский). However, E. B. Tylor supposed that the difference between these terms was not too important for primitive man, because they are based on the essential unity (Тэйлор 22).
Would it then be the second, free soul is most likely what we might call “spirit?”
I try not to get into semantic debates too often. You say Tomato, I say Ketchup kind of stuff right?
But I think that the difference here is relevant:
Square- A plane figure with four equal straight sides and four right angles.
Rectangle- A rectangle is a flat shape, in one plane, defined by four points at the four corners. A rectangle has two sides of equal length opposite each other, and two other sides of equal length opposite each other, and four corners, all right angles (90 degree angles). A square is a special kind of rectangle.
A square is a special kind of rectangle, but a rectangle is not a square.
Yes, human beings are animals, but they are a special kind of animal.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
I understand what you are trying to say but it is quite untrue.
A human being is not a special animal because all animals are unique and special in their own way, each one has one or more specific traits that makes them stand out against another, whether its physical atttributes such as speed, strength or camoflage or something else entirely.
Some animals share traits but they are still unique in someway.
No animal is anymore special than another, especially a human which is one of the weakest animals on the planet and the most self-destructive. The ability to think and create is not unique to the human animal, they simply have just taken it further than any other animal save a few.
What separates animals from humans is one thing - ritual.
Humans have free-will. Either by design or by evolution, it doesn't matter for this thread.
We're able to wonder; "Why am I here? What is my life's purpose?" "What am I suppose to do?
Our minds must have these answers to survive, so we create answers to fulfill them. Either by research or simply by religion. Once we are satisfy with the answer, we then more on with our daily lives. Our comfort levels dictate our faith or beliefs. It doesn't however, make anything true.
Our personal beliefs mirror our comfort level. Nothing more.
I noticed in a 101 philosophy class that we were discussing "mind and body." I had personally study "mind, body and spirit" during my off hours and ask why we're leaving the spirit out of the equation.
The answer?
"We have enough trouble dealing with two ideas, don't make the issue harder by entering a third."
Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit? What's next, Energy?
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Free-will is not unique to mankind, an animal can choose whether or not to engage a prey even when it is hungry if its weighs the pros and cons, they are not as "enslaved" to their instincts as one might think.
I'm ok with agreeing to disagree. In response to your reply, the animal instincts of early man being different or unique and the creative, scientific, technological, and language of modern man are two very different issues to me.
I make no excuses for the self-destructive or arguable virus like nature of civilization. The point I am making is that civilization is far more complex than an ant or bee colony. At the core of everything are our inherited instincts. And different species draw from different knowledge bases based on survival and evolution. I don't see how the many things that we have accomplished beyond instinct can be irrelevant. I believe it makes quite the opposite statement.
I agree. Everyone could be wrong, IS likely wrong. Yet the power of belief is one of the very things that make us unique.
Yeah but not everyone that has written on this subject is talking about belief. If people like myself, has factual evidence of even our animal friends bearing souls, then that's the difference.
In regard to the physical location of the soul, I initially voted all over, but if I have to pick a single organ then I default to the brain.
I speak to the point of belief as a means to suggest that regardless of where you believe the soul is located, or if you even believe a soul exists, the fact that we can sit here and debate this topic from our homes or a mobile device anywhere that has internet services, speaks great volumes about modern man being a bit more than your average animal.
I'm not saying 'other' animals do or do not have souls, I am saying we have the ability to discuss it. They don't.
I would equate birds chirping, dogs barking, and the cats meow to the grunts and gestures of early man. It is certainly a form of communication. I wouldn't call it language though. The power of spoken and written word is profound. And this is only one of many advancements.
A mother hen protects her eggs, she loves them arguably. I would be hard pressed to believe she is clucking to the hen next to her about this feeling of love or about a butcher nightmare she had the previous night. I thought Billy made an excellent point in regards to a spiritual discussion. The individuals belief is all that really matters. The problem is choice. Other animals may decide to pursue prey, or use a particular watering hole, but do they choose to discuss concepts like the soul, or evolution? We choose to share our beliefs, to share our art, to share our dreams. We have the tools to execute these things. As well as tools for both creation and destruction. We can create life of other species (cloning), we can create artificial intelligence. At one point space travel was purely science fiction.
Do the advancements make us better? There are pros and cons. Civilization apparently comes at a high price. Human beings are capable of some very awful things. In this regard ignorance is bliss, so 'other' animals certainly have the better edge in regard to intentions in general. Let's say for the sake of this discussion that it is indeed confirmed all animals have souls. And non-humans get an unlimited Karma pass based on survival being an intentional exception. Hence other animals are better than humans by default of our misuse of free will as a species.
The fact that our species is the only one to have made the leap from instincts to the internet, makes us special to me.
Let's take this a step further, to a planet on a galaxy far far away. On this planet 3 different species evolved to the point of language, math, science and technology. When I factor in the violent nature of the universe and developing planets I recognize the minimal odds of the conditions required to allow this stage of development. All 3 would also be special compared to the other species on the planet. And all 3, or 1 of 3, or 2 out of 3 could look at the Earth and say: "Look at these arrogant humans chasing after a creator while believing in souls and killing each other over stupid things." It would not change the fact that we are the only ones here, who can do the things we can do. I think that means something. And specific to this conversation, the wide variety and range of information we share with each other suggests that the ability to evolve past our Karma short comings is a possibility.
I think it is important to recognize these 'advancements' in order to avoid squandering our potential to perhaps be able to truly answer the op question. We may not have concrete evidence one way or the other at the end of the day. And if there is proof, physical evidence, humanity has a sure head start on finding it.
To speak about Soul and to understand of it meaning, can be confuse. For some, Soul doesn't exist, while for others, the soul is always alive. Location: for some, the heart; for others, the brain. So, then, when people are "coma-toes", that mean, the Soul left it place of residence? then, when some people, come back from the coma, mean the Soul Return? Soul is a complex subject and always create many opinions between people who follow this believe.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
The consciousness can be considered a soul for all intents and purposes, its not something physical and it is required to function. As I said before, the brain would be the closest to the soul one can get as it no matter its physical state, the mind is usually unique with every creature having its own temperament
The ability to speak or write doesn't make humans special, your primitive cousins, apes etc can learn sign language and even write/draw. These are learned behaviours, not something naturally given from the get go.
Non-animals do "talk" its just not in what you consider typical artificial communication such as language.
Communication is something that a lot of the world has, each one being somewhat unique.
In my experience, the quote "The Eyes are the window to the soul" could very well be correct. The soul exists throughout the entire area of the body.
If one takes a picture of an ORB, that small object that is only seen through the eye of a camera, is the Heart Chakra of the Soul.
Therefore, the soul takes a chill inside the meat suites we call our bodies. From head, to toe. This is how ALL of our Chakra acknowledge each other and how the Aura of the Soul is created or manifested.
A simple answer to a complex question.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
I have heard that before as well. Amusing how the eyes being called the window into the soul, are connected to the brain which can be considered the soul itself, at least in terms of function and identity. It actually fits together quite well.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Emotions is due to the brain, and if the brain is considered the soul, then yes it is a part of it, humorous in that it can make sense when you call someone who is a sociopath soulless because they don't in fact experience much emotions, sometimes none.
Yes, but there is also the difference between a mentally unstable sociopath, and a person who just doesn't care about either showing or sharing emotions. They're just emotionally turned off or don't know how to properly and openly relate to them.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Indeed but in this case, I was talking about a sociopath.
There are some out there that devoid of emotions, you look into their eyes and you will see nothing. I like these ones, they have the potential to be a part of something rather than be judged by society as broken, when they are not.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Its funny you should say that, I always believed that a sociopath makes a good soldier. Nature usually evolves things to have a function, a sociopath is a predator and can be used to thin the absurd population numbers.
I say it because I've seen it happen. As a person who did serve, I can tell this audience that a few who are recruited are in fact on that "mental" disorder status. They pass the Asvab and Meps, because the branches of the military crave those people who are willing to follow commands and be trained into certain "operational" fields.
The term "expendable" comes into play. These types of individuals would feel like they have no soul, and thus are excellent candidates for further military "conditioning".
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Indeed, they will kill without question and because of their nature, COs won't have much of a problem of sending them into battles they won't survive compared to moral soldiers.
Every soldier is expendable really, I have no issue with that because that is how nature works as well, ants for example are expendable and will die for their Queen.
The eyes are most certainly a window to the soul. Not just because they sit right in front of the meat sack that processes thoughts, a direct connection to the kernel. But also because ones perception is ones reality.
An individual is shaped and ultimately defined by their body of experiences and actions. This is a major reason why being blind, or deaf can be such a hurdle and disadvantage to overcome. Imagine living in a house without windows. You could survive, sure. But it would be a very different experience.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
I blocked my windows out long ago, I am fine with darkness but you're are right. The "soul", the consciousness makes the individual who they are, such impairments like blindness and deafness, really does impact them but then such injuries are an obvious impairment because the senses is used to perceive the world.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Yes but the soul would not be able to see, what defines one is their experiences and how they perceive the world around them, its nothing to do with the spirit. T
he soul and the spirit are not the same. Spirit is your will, the soul is your essence, your character and your anchor in the world. Being blind or deaf, would limit your perception of the world but your other sense may get heightened, your spirit will remain the same or even stronger if you crave life.
I'm going to have to rebuttal that... the soul can see whether the host body can or not. It is called the "third eye" experience. The soul doesn't adapt to the body, it's the other way around. The soul is always aware. The body is the host that needs to hone it's instincts to acquire the skills that the soul possesses.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
You are talking about psychics, I am not talking about the mundane, a blind person won't be able to see ergo their perception has been affected, however, as I said, their other sense could be heightened and one can "see" through them.
The basic five senses are all used to perceive the world in someway, losing one of them doesn't completely destroy one's perception.
So, If I don't believe in the Soul, So, what will happen when I die? If like many said on this thread, that the Soul live in the Heart, what if I have a dark Heart, which that make me a demon? To talk about the Soul, is most like a monopoly game, just a game. There are absolutely, no fact, in the existance of the Soul.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Good or evil, they both have brains and thus a consciousness, and their personality.
Regardless, when you dead, you are simply worm food and nothing more, though I probably wouldn't let a decent sized meat source go to waste due to unnecessary rituals like a funeral.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
In fairness, no one may experience death in the same way and the term soul is merely a metaphor for the consciousness in my view.
Well, What make me, me, is the combinations of body parts, which, when working together, in conjunction with Cells, Chromosome, atoms, protons, Good Bacteria and the list go on and on, make a human body. that is what we are. We were created during the Evolution of time. There is not souls, flowing through the Air, looking for a host, so they can take possession. Animal, are the other side of the coin. They are Mutant Bacteria, created during the evolution of time. The Soul, is just a folk tale, to keep children behaving good. After you cease to exist, you are nothing. Just, nothing.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
I repeat, metaphor ergo the soul concept is not to be taken literally.
Humans ARE animals, you are not a unique third option to fauna and flora, nor are humans better than any other animal. Physically humankind is pathetically weak and possesses no noteworthy physical traits.
So there is no merit or unique quality found in the notion that such weak physical beings reign over the entire planet with its never ending colonization, despite being labeled a loser in the Darwinian sense?
It is no big deal that man kind can split atoms, clone other mammals?
Chimps can be taught sign language, to write, and communicate at an advanced level. Did the chimp learn how to do this from another chimp?
Which species taught the chimp how to read?
Are there any other species even remotely close to being able to do, any of those things?
Space travel, who needs that expensive noise right?
The human brain, is the most powerful muscle on this planet.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
"So there is no merit or unique quality found in the notion that such weak physical beings reign over the entire planet with its never ending colonization, despite being labeled a loser in the Darwinian sense?"
You do not reign over this planet, I would have thought mother dearest's Hurricanes would have taught you that, she likes to remind you all of what really has control of this planet. I am sure the dead in... Haiti is it? realized this truth in their final moments.
Not to mention such "achievement" was done artificially, I suppose it would be easy for humankind to mistakenly believe in their species greatness, when using Bombs and M16s. Try it with bare hands.
You know what else constantly colonizes or otherwise invades? a disease, a virus which is a suitable name for the human condition.
"It is no big deal that man kind can split atoms, clone other mammals?"
Hubris born of ignorance and pride, your artificial achievements matter little to me or to nature. Humans will die and the universe won't even notice. The only animal that truly appreciates such "wonders" are yourselves.
"Chimps can be taught sign language, to write, and communicate at an advanced level. Did the chimp learn how to do this from another chimp?
Which species taught the chimp how to read?"
Your better cousins can learn to use tools and have the potential to evolve in many different ways. Just like them, you merely evolved and took an artificial path, one of compensation for weakness.
Teaching others is not a unique trait, many non-animals can learn from others. And I would hardly consider human communication as advanced.
"Are there any other species even remotely close to being able to do, any of those things?"
You will be surprised, using tools is not unique.
"Space travel, who needs that expensive noise right?"
It is not enough to infect the earth but now humans seek to invade another.
No, space travel is not impressive especially since if there is any truth to it, that a monkey and some other animals were sent up first, so the achievement of being the only animal to do so, is not yours.
"The human brain, is the most powerful muscle on this planet."
Pride, we know what it comes before, and that knowledge is a presumption. Its only as far you know.
Admittedly I was actually impressed by the creativity and inventiveness of man at first but then said creations were used against the earth, and to make your lives easier, much too easier. Life is supposed to be earned. Humanity's inventions does not nullify your weaknesses, in fact one can make an argument that it may be weakening you even more.
"just when I think we have the potential to see eye to eye, MxM, I see this: "Physically humankind is pathetically weak and possesses no noteworthy physical traits." I just cannot wrap my brain around your logic. Perhaps it's because I'm "pathetically weak."
Interesting that you took that personally, I was as always when concerning mankind, speaking in general. But to alleviate your confusion, what is there to be confused about really? You cannot outrun a lion nor can you outfight one, there is nothing wrong with being low in the food chain and totem pole, everything has its place but of course, when it comes to humans, pride and ignorance won't allow the natural way to continue. All animals on this earth have their own unique traits and like the primates, yours is the mind but you are physically weaker than some of your cousins.
"Aside from your hatred of humanity, which I called BS on earlier, a call I stand by, what is your reasoning for saying we're so weak and mundane? Do you not live in the same world in which I live? Have you not witnessed the scientific advances I have? Even morally speaking, we haven't digressed. We might not be where I want us to be, but I see progress in that regard all the time, everywhere. But, seriously, can you please explain why you're not impressed? I'm impressed, and disappointed, all the time. My disappointment does not negate my amazement, though. Do I think we're the highest thing on the food chain? No. As I said in another thread, it would be egotistical of me to believe there is nothing greater than myself out there, somewhere. I still think humans are pretty freakin' awesome, though. Not to toot my own horn, but *toot toot* ...
You can call two letters on it all you want, doesn't change the reason why I am here. I am seeking the 1% whether you believe that or not is of no consequence to me. Just because I hate you all, doesn't mean I am unable to bear the burden of having to converse with insects. I am aware of the hilarious irony of me being on a social network but if I am to press forward, I need to gather them. As I said to someone, if you can't understand me then simply don't try, but to attempt to make it a little clear. A human may hate poison or guns but will still use them, just as I hate humanity and will still use them. Many soldiers hate killing but will still do it because they are fulfilling a needed goal.
Yes I have witnessed many scientific advancements, and I am not impressed by who got the bigger missiles or biggest bang making bomb. At least swords required more courage, anyone can press a red button.
You would think after more than eight years on here, folks would be use to my presence and behavior by now.
Back to the topic.
I don't disagree in the metaphor of the soul, that consciousness is what puts for all intents and purposes, life into a puppet... but whether there is another life or not or a spiritually entrapped individual i.e ghost.
Well there is one way to find out for sure isn't it? or you can try and pull a "flatliners" and see what happens.
Curious, I wonder if phantom pain could be attributed to the "soul", with no arm or any other missing appendage to have nerves, why does one feel the presence of the missing limb? Its not always pain either I hear, sometimes its a sensation of feeling or temperature, If one consider the whole to be the "Soul", then missing a limb would be like missing a piece of you soul.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Those who feel phantom pain have said over time, it feel like their missing appendage is getting shorter. They can feel sensation such as bending if they are sitting.
As for auras, perhaps its the bio electrical field of the individual. Energy exists and can be found in the living.
Let me get this straight... Mother Nature is a species? God doesn't exist, but mother nature does?
Syntax error.
The notation of natural disasters seems to bear no relevance towards anything previously posted.
Reign - the dominion, sway, or influence of one resembling a monarch.
So if mankind does not hold the crown, please provide which SPECIES does.
I doubt that anyone who lives in a metropolitan area considers such colonization 'artificial'. Skyscrapers, look and feel, pretty real by design. While things in the Matrix are artificial, as Morpheus so eloquently put it: "The mind makes it real."
The former program Smith also made notice of the similarity between mankind and a virus. While you both seem to share the sentiment, again, I don't see the relevance to the conversation. Chimps are similar to man, Viruses are similar to Man. Chimps and Viruses do not produce nuclear weapons. A square is a rectangle, but a rectangle is not a square.
Splitting an atom, is artificial? I doubt that anyone within 150 Miles of Hiroshima in 1945 would agree that.
Yes, ALL finite beings die. Yet again, do not see the relevance. If the universe has no spirit or consciousness of it's own, why would it care? If anything, it seems like the suggestion is that man kind is the only one who cares. And seeing how no one else does, that by itself makes mankind unique.
The only reason the ability to tech chimps anything came up, was because it was mentioned here. Don't pack pedal away from it now. Other than the flavor of using sticks to eat ants or other random natural objects as tools, any advanced tools that a chimp can use, is likely a tool man created. A monkey can be shot into space, because some pretty smart real men and woman made a spaceship, and then taught the primate how to use it in the capacity they designed it to be used.
A bit more than simply "using tools" makes man kind unique over other species was cited in the previous posts, the dodge is however noted.
The achievement is being able to travel in space at all. Chimps don't build spaceships. Last I checked, even man was doing all the space travel on the "planet of the apes". At one point, it was believed the world was flat. Having the perspective that space travel is 'no big deal' only speaks volumes to how spoiled humanity overall has become. How much is truly taken for granted.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Mother nature = figure of speech, there is no great sentience, its but a force, one you can't tame.
No animal controls the planet no matter how hard you try. Tsunamis, hurricanes, all reminders of that truth. How many of you will have to die for that to sink in I wonder, not enough me thinks.
Humans are viruses, your cousins are not but if killing them would prevent future homo-sapiens from emerging, then that is one genocide that would be worth it. Behavior is what separates you. Humans consume their environment, others at least try to live with it. Expansionism will doom this world but that doesn't matter does it? only man's arrogance and how far they can stretch and push themselves towards the heavens, You would think Icarus would be a cautionary tale but it is often ignored.
Your hubris and exasperation, and your fumbling attempt to provoke me does not impress me in the least even if the latter is not your intention. Call it dodging all you want if it "suits" you but I am not here for you, I merely spoke my view in regard to your unnecessary comments and I am content with it. I could explain more but I have come to the conclusion that it would be like trying to describe color to a blind person, I once again restate that if you can't understand my view, don't waste time trying plus I would rather this stay on topic but on a last note, you say "suit yourself" but then why comment in the first place if my "decision" is already accepted. Provocative comment noted, victim of causality.
Back on topic.
They say 80% of amputees have phantom pain, and it can be reported almost immediately after amputation and once the sedatives wear off.
It is felt passively and the human has no control over it I believe, they can sometimes feel if their missing limb (if its a hand) is clenched and with no way to unclench it. There has been many different theories on causes, such as something to do the with the spin and the damaged nerves from where the cut happened.
I can imagine it would feel more than just a physical piece missing, but a loss on a mental and spiritual level as well, a feeling of perpetual incompleteness. I doubt even the current level prosthetic limbs can restore that part of the soul, especially since all but one i
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
I have heard of can induce feeling in the prosthetic by implants on the nerves of the arm.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
That is what I was implying yes, all part of the whole that is the body but the brain being the seat of it.
If you'd like to pass the off topic buck, I can surely return that dollar bill back by reminding that I merely responded to the "figures of speech" that you entered into the conversation. If anything, virus like qualities has nothing to do with the discussion, and to that point, I never disagreed. I never once said that mankind has dominion over the planet. I stated that mankind has dominion over other SPECIES, despite being physically weak by comparison to some other species. Moreover, I brought it all home by again asking:
"SO, the human brain is the strongest muscle pound for pound on the planet.... as far as I know.
Does anyone have any candidates to suggest otherwise?"
To which I received, no reply. Multiple posters here stated that the brain would be the location of the soul if asked to pick a particular gland as opposed to the entire body.
I never once asked to be explained color. I can see in color when awake, and even dream in color, just fine. My experience, both waking, and dreaming, make it so that I can feel completely comfortable with my individual soul or spirituality. I said "suit yourself" because you claim man is no more than another chimp on the food chain. I choose to believe, that at least some men, are a bit above that status. Like you, I feel no obligation to convince anyone otherwise. Fit in, wherever you see fit, to fit.
I believe that all animals with brains, have souls. Yet I also believe that the soul is not limited to just one organ.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
"So there is no merit or unique quality found in the notion that such weak physical beings reign over the entire planet with its never ending colonization, despite being labeled a loser in the Darwinian sense?"
I believe you started the derailing by asking that question. So you can keep your dollar.
I wasn't trying to explain color to you, I see even obvious metaphors are lost on you.
I already gave the answer, its not my fault it puzzles you and no, I am not going to elaborate, at least not here.
If you have no need to explain yourself, then why keep commenting on this very matter? I am content with my original reply with no further need to explain any more, besides it being off topic. We have nothing further to discuss on this matter but feel free to have the last word if it comforts you, I know you will be compelled to, victim of causality after all so I can forgive it.
Now back to the subject at hand.
On the subject of energy such as the electrical field being considered the reason for the aura that surrounds the living body, check this out
Obviously take a pinch a salt when reading stuff like this but it makes for an interesting read and since apparently auras can signify health and vitality, as well as mental and emotional well being, it is a safe assumption to call one's aura the soul.
Human electrical energy is created by nerve cells and nerve impulses create an electrical field around the living body as well as electromagnetic waves. It makes one wonder if electrokinesis and magnetism can be effectively achieved and for a much more practical use.
Static shocks and minor magnetism has been observed before, but it would be quite interesting to see greater results. If true and if the aura can be considered the soul with the brain being source of control, then one's soul is a source of power. Like a human battery. How droll.
"So there is no merit or unique quality found in the notion that such weak physical beings reign over the entire planet with its never ending colonization, despite being labeled a loser in the Darwinian sense?"
Darwinian Sense. As in survival of the fittest, which in fairness wasn't a term coined by Darwin.
"Survival of the fittest" is a phrase that originated from Darwinian evolutionary theory as a way of describing the mechanism of natural selection. The biological concept of fitness is defined as reproductive success. In Darwinian terms the phrase is best understood as "Survival of the form that will leave the most copies of itself in successive generations."
Ergo, biggest baddest and only walking talking virus on the planet. Mother nature is not a species and therefore not a challenger. For the sake of a soul discussion I was hoping to focus on other species, not nature itself. Even though the planet could very well have a soul, it doesn't have a brain, so to me said spirit would have to be a divine one. And to me, I have yet to see which species is considered a challenger, other than the average primate, whose most advanced accomplishments are products of man.
And I continue to respond, as a result of words or statements being either misinterpreted or spun, for anyone reading this conversation. I am not so much into last word debates, but I do like to have what I said, mean what I said, no more or less.
I responded to your color metaphor, with a color metaphor. I see the less obvious metaphors are suddenly lost with you. So I can give you back 4 quarters, and please do keep the change.
Perhaps your electromagnetic field science find is the vehicle with which people communicate, excuse me, how one soul can connect to another soul. I don't know much about psychic phenomenon personally.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Cinn You do realize I am not bitter or angry right? if anything I am little amused, if somewhat bored by the repetition of the actions of you both. I have no direct anger towards anyone here, well except Aracon but who doesn't? at humanity yes, online no. Anger is useful only in the real world, online it is pointless and useless ergo I can't get angry on here, no matter how hard anyone tries.
Perhaps I didn't see the metaphor under the monotonous speech, I grew bored of taking proper notice with anything to do with a closed matter. Even an ant that "shouts" the loudest will still not be heard by the boot that crushes it. If you are following such a "non anger" philosophy, why keep responding to the off topic part of thread?
We could be debating the soul right now instead of this. Yet its brought up constantly. You might want to get used to my views dearie because I am a colossal prick, been here a long time and I will always share my view, no matter how much it offends, I put up with everyone else's after all. Constantly responding to my attitude towards others won't change that one bit, the only thing you would be doing is interrupting Dakotah's thread yet again.
Already said about the aura/soul connection due to bio-electrical field of the living body, the link is there if anyone wants to read and talk about it, assuming they want to stay on topic of course (not likely, I'm even going to bet on it) Though take it with a pinch of salt for common sense purposes.
Back to OP and pseudoscience aside, the pineal gland seems to not only be considered the seat of the soul but a necessary part of the brain for psychics too, well I guess that is obvious since third eye is usually associated with the sight or ESP.
The third eye is also known as the pineal eye, however, the terms can be split as in reality the pineal eye is just photoreceptive and helps with thermoregulation, its not even a literal eye but still is connected to the pineal gland though and the third eye in some beliefs such as theosophy, was believed to be connected to the gland, in that theory, the third eye was a physical thing as well as spiritual and was believed to have eventually withdrawn into the human skull and atrophied as part of evolution.
Personally if such things were certain, I would not call that evolution, psychic abilities are useful, it would make up for physical weakness.
Once again as well, the soul is the energy source for such things.
The blood. Very Nice indeed. Surely a solid lead on the concept that the soul can reside throughout the entire body:
All cells (except red blood cells which lack a cell nucleus and most organelles to accommodate maximum space for hemoglobin) possess DNA.
All white blood cells are known as leukocytes. White blood cells are not like other cells in the body - they act like independent, living single-cell organisms. They are able to move on their own and can engulf other cells and bacteria. Many white blood cells can't divide and reproduce on their own.
I briefly mentioned before that I would not consider a single celled organism by itself, to have a soul of it's own. However, the concept that the blood acts as a conduit for the soul or provides the conditions to which the spiritual essence can flow through an entire body is quite intriguing indeed.
It certainly speaks towards the logic behind Vampiric Sanguinista feeding.
I'm inclined to associate the soul as an invisible essence similar to the chakras yet also associated with the nervous system in that according to scripture the soil is the recipient of eternal reward or eternal separation from G-d
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Chakras, that is to do with psychics again right? solar plexus all that. Its something to do with energy I believe with a few spiritual beliefs about it.
Yes it's primarily an Eastern Natural Medicine concept yet it has gained popularity in the West.
A concept that keeps finding it's into a variety VR conversations over and over...
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
There are seven chakras I believe, and they are all connected to each other in energy, so what affects one, may affect the whole. I am little rusty in this area so I may be wrong about them depending on each other like columns.
There are two chakras in the head, one of them being the third eye also called Anja in Sanskrit. Intuition is the primary trait of it and of course, psychic abilities as well. The word aura has been connected to it and both are supposed to be an energy that flows around the living body and scientifically can be considered the bio-electrical field.
Chakras when imbalanced can effect one emotionally as well as mentally, so obviously its connected to emotions and the mind.
In "Anatomy of the Spirit (1996", Caroline is writing about her own interpretation of a subject a little bit confuse to many. What She wrote, can not be taken as a true fact.
Appreciate your perspective on the quote.
Akasha, yes:
Three sources of the Soul is old school.
The latest is, we're living in a computer program. Scientists differ on views on what kind but if that's true, do we still process a computer generated Soul also.
And what would it serve us if we did.
I do not believe the machine can generate a soul. I dare say, that while it would be advantageous for man to merge with the machine to ensure survival, it is equally beneficial to the machine to merge with man to ensure it's very own spiritual existence.
God creates man.
Man creates machine.
Man is the machines bridge to God.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
It depends on what define as a soul. If consciousness is a soul then A:I being a sentient artificially life form with some consciousness would already have a soul.
Like I said before, I don't take souls too literally, I just apply it as a metaphor for things like the mind. A soul can be in one place and still be everywhere, nerve endings and signals etc, the soul could be in the brain but it's influence flows throughout the body .
I always considered a "soul" to be purely energies within, and energies can change and transfer, but never destroyed.
Aura sounds like a good and real life example, human body does have an electrical field which can be considered the aura, it may change but I don't think it gets destroyed....unless of course the host is dead.
@ Cinnamon and LazarusAQ
You both have pointed out something very interesting. About the philosophical concept of the Soul being in the blood and how Sanguine vampirism could probably have its logic in this fact.
In sanguine vampirism, it is often said as, "The blood is the life". If you were to equate "Life" with "Soul", then, I would agree that the Soul is the essence of Life.
But, personally, I think that the Soul is overrated. The Soul may be the Lifeforce of our very existence, but, it is not the root of our existence and way of life. The Soul is the link between our existence and the universal lifeforce that feeds us. In this context, what can one say about Psychic Vampirism, in relation to the Soul?
Perhaps, the Soul can be more connected to sanguine vampirism instead of energy vampirism.... but, I see the link here, too. The same could be same about energy vampirism.
I apologise for the double post... but, I thought I would mention this. I came by this, through reading based upon some supposed ancient writings in an old book... The proverb (I think), "the eyes are the windows to the soul" is actually from an ancient religion. It is relatively accepted widely in Luciferian concepts/theories. I use the word, "Luciferian" loosely, because, that saying has very old origins. Another way to put is is that, it pre-dates all organised systems of religion or faith.
Just thought I'd put it out there. Oh gosh, this is fascinating. Ok, I'll shut up now. :x
For me the soul, dream body, astral body, individual consciousness, spirit, are all one in the same.
My dream body and I explore the universe and self in great depth.
Let's say that some of our essence is in fact copied onto our cells, flowing it throughout our entire bodies. And thus the Sang Vamp must feed upon it.
I'd say the same for energy Vamps too. Posters here have discussed the aura, and even in science terms as this electric field surrounding us.
I personally do get a buzz from the positive energy from large crowds. I feel recharged after having shared a dream with someone. And an even higher one from the increased electricity of a sexual experience.
After all, this corner of the internet is the vampire rave.
I have heard it lies deep in the center of your chest some thought it is behide you gut. They say when someone passes away that the soul leaves the body an a smell amount of weight is gone from the body. This is my own point of view of the matter.
Laz, are there any medical studies on the human body that show they body looses any amount of weight upon death to implies the soul has weight? I would be interested to know. Normally I search myself but still dealing with this flunk. And I truly believe all animals have souls.
The Red text in the previous post is the link to the full article but here is the video that summarizes it all:
These experiments took place in 1901, someone followed up in 1917 and found mice also did not lose any weight.
The original good Doctor dies in 1920.
No further credible experiments of this nature have been reported that I can find.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Indeed Dakotah, Humans are not any more special than the next animal, as I have always said, the consciousness and personality etc can be considered the soul.
Well, apparently when a human being dies, they lose about 21 grams of weight.
The experiments by themselves only prove that dogs and mice do not do this.
Dogs and mice also do not use or build computers, build cities, solve mathematical equations, write novels, produce movies, make music, paint portraits, read tarot cards, split atoms, teach chimps sign language, or shoot monkeys into space.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
And humans can't correctly bark, can't normally carry three times their bodyweight or produce honey, crush strong and large bones with their jaws, change color or breathe underwater or fly unaided.
You are not more special than any other animal, each animal has its own talents, doesn't mean a damn thing.
I personally don't see how barking or producing honey argues to the concept of having a soul. So sure, each species that has something unique to their class makes them special by definition of that separation.
But being able to create art on the other hand...clone life.
The very desire to discuss where a soul is located or what it really means, on a man made computer with a man made wireless network.
I don't see ANY other animals doing these kinds of things or anything like them, or anything close.
That by definition makes it special.
As of lately,I've come to believe my soul is in my wallet,which sometimes
is thin and sometimes it's fat. So I firmly believe my soul is in my wallet
The bigger my wallet the bigger my soul and my proximity to all things
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Not any more special.
I wasn't talking about the soul but how no animal is better or more deserving of status than another.
As for "other" animals not coming close, you sure about that? Washoe the chimp was quite self aware herself, taught another chimp to use sign language spontaneously and was capable of empathy. Yes, she is part of the same family as you and was raised by humans but another species nonetheless. Once upon a time, humans was no different to their cousins, you just "evolved" and so one day they might do so as well.
Dogs may have theory of mind and have evolved to understand humans quite easily in their actions and behavior as part of the symbiotic relationship.
As for soul, I don't believe in it from a literal view, simply the consciousness and brain activity is the soul to me because regardless if you are alive, lose your consciousness and you are just a vegetable taking up bed space, only alive in the technical sense. Time to switch off those machines heh.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
You know its funny you say that because I read somewhere that some people have actual borderline religious beliefs concerning money and credit cards, believing in it way too much.
So what happens when you run out of money? lose your soul? haha.
The compassionate chimp A that taught chip B how to sign, learned sign language not spontaneously or by natural development, but rather because a human first shared one of those special man made achievements of sign language with chimp A to begin with.
So yes, I am very sure.
I too thought animals had their own souls. Funny how science can change ones perspective. It would be nice to see the experiments picked up with the assistance of modern technology. Maybe Chimps have lose the same 21 grams, but dogs and mice don't.
Must be this tall to ride?
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Offerings happen, but only humanity deludes itself with gods. Still not special, plenty of animals have something another doesn't. I can keep repeating that over and over, and maybe you can too, but reminding humans that they are not special never gets old but this soul subject is something that I currently have nothing further to add, souls = metaphor = consciousness, all have it, all dead without it for intents and purposes. That's it for now.
The fundamental difference here is that these qualities that make a species different from each other is cool. That's why species are classified. Yet those special qualities are independent of trying to reason why they do or do not have souls assuming that humans do and animals do not per the results of the experiment.
The ability to express freedom of speech or opinions on a digital platform is surely unique to mankind as a species on this planet.
A dog may choose to bark or bite, A chimp may choose banana or ant hill, but neither one chooses freedom of speech on a message board. Their choices are instinctive, and limited to emotional response at best. Critical thinking by virtue of memory and experience, without the utilization of logic, reason, imagination, belief, science, math, or prediction.
The variety of options and choices that humans have now as opposed to cromagnon man, vs every other species are vastly different.
Since I believe that an astral body, dream body, and soul are all one in the same, I believed that dogs and cats and such had souls because science has proven that they too dream. The 21 grams experiment certainly challenges that thought.
In the video it states Dr. MacDougall abandoned weighing the dead with trying to capture a photograph of the event you described. He was unsuccessful, but I am sure the camera on my cell phone is 100x better than the hardware he was working with in 1903.
I was raised to believe that the soul is our mind, will and emotions.
I've always believed your soul is the energy that runs your entire being. I don't think it's in any one organ. You can be brain dead for a few minutes and come back just fine. Your heart can be stopped and restarted. You'll go on living. A lot of people donate blood and get transfusions without any ill effects. And then there are those who get organ transplants. There are a cery rare few who say they gain new interests or even flashes of memory from annew organ but I'm not sure I'm willing to believe those. But if you cut off everything and drain the blood then put it all back together you don't live. People have tried it with other people, experimented on other animals... there have been tests done to keep organs oxygen rich to technically be called living while everything is shut down. Many believe it is oxygen that holds the key and that if you keep the organs saturated the body will still function. In some of those tests they were correct. The body functioned perfectly. But the animal never woke up again. I believe it was them cutting the body off from everything. They disrupted the flow of energy. It had no way to go but out. And once out, it couldn't find the way back in. Beyond that, I've never understood the fascination with finding one's soul. What would we do with that information once we had it? Is it useful? Can it help further technology or the race? Or would it become another one of those useless bits of info everyone knows but no one remembers? My opinion, everyone is so caught up in where their soul is going and wanting it to be well off in whatever afterlife they believe that they forget to care for its current vessel. Our bodies are so incredibly tiny when you consider the whole of everything. Just knowing (as far as we can "know" anyway) that we even have souls is a wonder in itself. Why do we need to pinpoint exactly where on the tip of a needle our souls might happen to be?
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Curiosity...that is why, humans can't leave well enough alone, they want to know and understand everything, as well as control it. Simply being alive and living is not enough for them.
I only see the soul as a metaphor for the mind, the consciousness, the aura etc
Organs may be able to be kept alive, but put in a body that is unable to be conscious...ever, it is useless.
hmm. i haven't the faintest idea what a soul LOOKS like, or where it might be. but i know that it exists. the old saying "eyes are the windows to the soul" remains true to me. however it is my opinion that Music is the key to the front door. as such there is a Gift called Empathy. it is the opinions of some that it has to do with connecting with others auras, which could be a part of the soul. i honestly don't know. but there could be something to it all. or maybe im just odd.
Music is the most direct connection to the soul available to the general public that exists.
Music is a part of almost every movie, tv show, and advertisement. This is not by accident or coincidence.
I've seen 60 year old Jewish men dancing to 50 cents in the club.
Music can make people move, motivate them, drive them, inspire them, and on a bad day, getting lost in your favorite song can isolate one's soul from the outside world completely.
It is both my favorite passion and favorite mystery.
"Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything." -Plato
I noticed you are listening to digital grooves in your avatar ^ ^
The key to the direct connection to music and the soul is found within the Harmonics.