What was your first experience that you recall that made you realize that you were different?
when I was 12 I would Look at the world differently then most ,I am well educated and adapt to the difference of reality and not,
To the OP: We are all different unique human beings. Could you be more specific in what you are asking. Perhaps even share in what ways you are different from the other 7.5 billion humans on the planet. Thank you.
its a first experience in realizing that you are different from the norm whether it be a awakening or a physic event take your pick most have had it but not all
When I was 7 and saw the yellow eyes... in front of me in the total darkness as I called upon the outer there where ever it was
That is the first consicent one, but I remember seeing when I was about 3, in my grand ma tomb as I fell in something but its to vague and I remembered it later as an adult. The one at 7 I had not forgoten.
This thing with yellow eyes, did you see any of the rest of it!?
I've seen one too.
It's strange that you mention the yellow eyes thing.
My two boys, without knowing about it until we had a family conference in the living room, that they both have seen the same thing.
Yellow eyes either in the bathroom, or another time it was by my oldest son's bedside. He didn't freak out about it. He was on his Tablet at the time and sort of joked around asking if it wanted to see what he was watching.
I personally look at yellow eyes as possibly a guardian or animal type of entity maybe?
If it's not causing harm to anyone, then that's all i have to go on really is a theory or conclusion.
It's been a long time since they have said anything about it anymore.
I saw the whole being. Pitch black with catlike features and the body of a starved human being. It was crouched in the corner of the ceiling.
Within twenty seconds of my closing my eyes and thinking "Help me, oh god somebody help me." There was a woman shaped beam of light three inches off the floor at the end of my bed, between it and I. And when I closed my eyes in fear, and opened them again, both had vanished.
I've felt like the odd man, or different, for about as long as I can remember. School, family functions. It seemed like every cat I've ever encountered liked me.
But I guess the first event that comes to mind would be my second kiss. It was about 1st grade, maybe 2nd. There was a girl in my school who lived next to the house where I went for after school care. There were no fences in the back yard so it was like the entire block was one back yard and one day we were tubing down the hill. At the bottom after falling out we stood up and looked at each other, gazing for awhile... I guess that was the first time I read "when she gives you that look". I could just tell it was going to happen, knew it, and she kissed me. At this age, it was a big deal, and as soon as I opened my eyes. POW. Her older brother punched me in the face. Followed with a verbal N-bomb statement of some sort. I didn't even know she had a brother until then. He pulled her away. The positive emotional high followed immediately by violence before I could even come down was stunning. I just stood there not knowing what to do or how to process this tornado of emotions.
So of course, now that we were introduced formally, I noticed him in school which I hadn't prior. He was older, in a higher grade, much larger than me, and apparently was a known bully. When he noticed me in school, he had that shit eating grin on his face. He came towards me, talking shit of some kind, but by then I was already lost in rage mode. What he was saying didn't matter, and when he got close I instinctively evened the handicap, grabbed one of those tiny kid chairs, and clocked him with it. He fell to the ground and I threw it at him as he was trying to back away. A very Ralphy snaps in Christmas story like moment for me.
We both got sent to the office. When the principle asked me what happened I was still overwhelmed with rage, tears of anger and confusion. I'm sure much of what I was saying made no sense. But I kept saying "he punched me in the face... hit hit me in the face!"
Because the kid was a known bully, when the principle heard this, dickhead had to stay in the office and they let me go with a warning. In retrospect, he probably thought that the initial assault I mentioned happened in school and that it was an act of self defense as opposed to proactive wraith defense.
Anyway, I was a real laid back, happy go lucky kid. Never was large in size. Certainly didn't like fighting. I guess the experience was the first time I felt like I knew what someone else was thinking that I hadn't spent a lot of time around. I knew she was going to kiss me, I knew he was going to harass me in school on sight, I knew the principle was going to be easy on me. The eyes chico, the eyes never lie.
also had the yellow eyes experience but it was real scary
Hello everyone, I'm new here. I've always been aware I'm different. I'm socially awkward, battle with my weight, not a classic Hollywood beauty and just have a different outlook on life. Classmates picked up on this even before I started dressing different, and were they ever brutal. It seemed like all I really wanted to do was fit in. Now I don't care. I've embraced who I am and I love it.
My first experience was when i was in middle school, I already knew i was different I just didn't know how or why, and that is how the journey began.
That's just it Ive only saw something once at She was my deceased Sister showing up to comfort family when Mom died. Sister and Brother felt something strange at the same time. I didn't however, but since I was her baby (deceased Sister's) she chose to sit by me all night knowing I wouldn't blow her cover. Kept noticing how terrible she was at putting on makeup and realized she was only 9 when she passed. She told me her last name was Kissee and when I told my tough Marine Dad, he started bawling.
That's what she called herself.
Before that we had lived in a haunted house in the 70s and
I was there a lot of times abandoned by older Sister or Brother promising they would bring me junk food but I yearned to scare the hell out of people but never once saw
anything but if I only had a dime for everytime my skin would craw Hahaha!
So my answer is either 1971, when strange events,
or 1992 with Sister but nothing really since!
My Native name is Nah Kah Yen. It means Keen Sighted, One Who See's. My Grandfather gave me the name he had picked out for awhile during my manhood ceremony. Each boy when he reaches an age takes part in, moving from childhood to adulthood. One of my Uncle's had passed away. I had never met him. My grandfather walks up one day I am outside and ask me who I am speaking too. I said this man here, he says he is my Uncle. My Grandfather says his vision is not so good today, he asked me what does he look like. I tell him. I was 9 when this happen. I did not think anything about it. I said goodbye to the man and my Grandfather and went back inside. Years later my Grandfather reminded me of that day. He informed me the man I met, My Uncle, had been dead for years. I asked him if he played a trick on me. He said no. I have no reason to think he had specially when he gave me my name. We take our names very serious.
When I was about 8 and my mom caught me talking to myself in my room. When she asked me who I was talking too I simply replied "to my brother in sister who died". My mom had a miscarriage when she was 17(two years before I was born). She was pregnant with twins and she never told anybody but I knew .
When I had my first vision (At the time I thought it was a dream at age 9.) I saw a man who wore black and was quite handsome. He told me I was different from my family and he would keep me safe always.
I found out finally who he was when I was awakened...
Fast forward to eight years ago, I met a man who seemed very familiar to me. He was a kindred, and then it all clicked.
It was scary and it also made me feel like I wasn't crazy for the first time in my life.
Oh, somewhere around 3 years of age. A Cherokee Pow-wow and a Great Thunderbird dancing around me. Father, and the Tribal Elders were discussing why the character was dancing around me. They thought I was special and would be spiritually vested in my adult life... they were right.
I saw some gothic teenagers all gothed out and I was mesmerized.
At my 10th birthday party I had seen a full bodied apparition and then watched him disappear
when i was about 10-11 i was listening to music with my cousin and doodling in my sketch book and all of a sudden i blacked out and when i came too i had drawn a double story house on fire with two young boys inside and some one outside with i would say gasoline and a lighter.
upon watching the news the next day it came true. the boys were 8 yrs old and 9 yrs old and someone did in fact set their house on fire but i don't remember the reason. thy sadly both died .
it freaked me out so bad that i have no been able to get a full vision since even to this day i can get one. Being 24 yrs old now i kow that i could't have changed the outcome. but it was still freaky as all hell
Being resurrected at 01 by SokudoBlade.
That's when I knew everything would be different.
perhaps the nightmare,but most likely when she came to visit me in first grade.pale as the moon she was.
When I was 4 I realized a number of things about me were different
I am not different in that I believe I am a "living human vampire". Yes, I am attracted to the night and cold and even prefer the lights in the house to be dim or completely off. Blood does not bother me, in fact I can and use to consume raw meat of any kind just because I simply liked the taste of the raw flesh and the blood. I felt good after consuming raw meat as well, never contracted any disease or parasites from all the years I did this either. I also have a fascination for darker aspects of life, dark clothing and physical appearance, dark music, dark movies, dark lifestyles, dark literature, ect. But nowhere in any of this do I believe for one second that I am different as in being a vampire or any other supernatural creature. I simply like what I like regardless of who understands it or approves. That in is where lies the difference of me from others, I am not the product of what society thinks is the norm.
Visiting places I have never been to before and having flash backs of events that feel oddly familiar and knowing things that I shouldn't but somehow I do. Think its past life events taking place.
Mmm that 1st Self-Awareness tho...
I've seen the yellow eyes. But it was a reaper. Standing outside my sons room. Then I saw it again when I was walking a cemetery waving goodbye at me as I was leaving. Have yet to see it a third time so I must be ok.
I noticed I was different when my parents were going through a divorce. My dog had just passed away and I was lying down to bed. I heard a loud bark come from the end of my bed. Jumped up in fear and turned on the light saw nothing so I turned on the TV for some background noise. That night I had a dream about my dog. I screamed and yelled at it that he was not alive I watched him die. When he ran off two young German Shepard pups came running towards me. The next day I was at my brothers Honor award ceremony and saw the exact same two German Shepard pups walk infront me. I knew then that I could communicate. That he was telling me he was ok and made it to the other side where ever that may be.
I've had many premonitions in my lifetime and some have spooked me and some I have sat back and went hmmm cool. Its fun being different!
I got an experience to tell but not sure if I should, not really a nice tale. Suffice to say I am more evolved though not sure if that is the right word for it, and I seem to live perpetually unsatisfied in terms of hunger. To unfog the vagueness, not a vampire or otherkin as some people like to call it. I don't belong to any of those communities and honestly I would not want to. I am fascinated by the possibilties yet I must use logic first, seperate the the genuine from the fake. Understand the hidden and unknown layers of nature and the truth beneath the legends.
Ironically I really don't see any higher meaning to life or even want to as I believe life is just that, life, nothing more and yet experience has made me want to understand my own nature and see if its been repeated before in others, forcing me to study it.
It was when I was about 1 or 2. My father died and I did not seem to have the same reactions as those around me in regards to his death. Everyone was devastated, shocked, and crying. I was not. I did not care one way or another. But so that they would not think that something was wrong with me or that I did not understand what was happening, I made myself cry so that they would leave me alone about it.
I guess I noticed I was different after I came out of a grand mal seizure when I was twelve, me dying abd coming back to life changed everything about me including my personality. I didn't realized that I was empath or an HSP (let alone that they had name's) until I found this site three years ago, and I'm really glad that I found this site because in a way it's a home away from home.
The first time I felt how a beating heart in my hand felt and the difference it felt when it stopped beating.
I have to say my first experience realizing I was different from most. Would have to be at no point after the age of 3 have I ever screamed. I try but it just sounds like I'm spelling out the sound of a scream. Everyone says that I'm weird because of it I prefer the term different.
I knew that. I was different since I was a young boy. At age ten I began to sense the presence of things in our home and those of my relatives. Poltergeist type events were not unusual for me growing up. Allot of prankster type stuff. One of my brothers and I are more receptive to spiritual things. When I was 14 everything kicked into overdrive and I awakened and the world became a larger place for me. I saw appirations and still hate going to hospitals. Even the empty rooms there begin to feel crowded when I am there. I am considered very weird in my family and many in my family feel that I am some sort of heretic. The bottom line is I have always been different.
If you're asking about being different in the way of sexual identity, then i knew that i was different when i was in first grade, i knew even at that young age, that i liked boys, in the same way i liked girls. i was always holding hands with boys in school, and then at summer camp there was a buddy check where you had to have a buddy when you went swimming and i was never one to want to do that, but i was paired with someone that i didn't know, and when the life guard would blow the whistle, i'd have to be holding the hand of the bot i was paired with as a buddy, up out of the water so we could be counted. I was always told that boys weren't supposed to hold hands with boys, but i had to do it anyway during the buddy check at the swim sessions.
To piggyback off of what Dakotah said, we are all different HUMAN BEINGS.
Take me for example. Pansexual, Polyamorous, Military Intelligence Analyst whose body is nearly as strong as his intelligent mind.
Other than that, I do not subscribe to any reality that I am 'not human', nor should anyone else.
EVERYTHING I've read here has a scientific explanation, even if it's 'weird science'.
Entertain fantasy, but keep both feet planted firmly in reality.
Mine was in highschool. I wrote a poem that was a love poem to death representing an end to the suffering of an old person who was in constant pain and it was written from their point of view. Despite my parents picking up that this poem did not mean I was suicidal or anything of the like I was, shortly after showing my fellow students, accused of terroristic threat, arrested, and forced to undergo a mental evaluation by court order.
My first experience was when I was very young at the age of four. First I will give a little background of myself. I was born with a muscle disorder that crippled me. I wasn’t able to walk until the age of four. Because of my disability I was very social. After all I needed to ask people to help me with daily activities. I was able to feed off of people’s energy around me to give me the strength to crawl and finally teach myself how to walk. I also had the ability to see glimpses of the future. Thought most of them were nightmares but some were actually in the news. I only had violent glimpses of the future. At the age of 5-6 I became the fastest runner in our elementary school. Which followed me throughout high school. Also found out u had the ability to jump into my families dreams. I also can feel when a family member or close friend is gravely ill or passing. I drains me to the core but I can jump into their dreams and make it easier for them to pass. I did that for my aunt and I was violently ill for over a week. I also have the ability to transfer energy to the food I prepare to heal my love ones. Not saying it’s a cure for all, but healed my uncle’s ulcer as well as his cold. He woke up the next morning with a weird feeling that I was watching over him and felt invincible with no health issues to complain of. I would be a fool to think people wouldn’t question the validity of these events. I also question it. I’m just trying to learn how to control my energy feeding. I have only fed on blood about a dozen of times. It is more painful than energy feeding for me. The connection is to strong where I feel all the good and bad emotions throughout their lifetime.
I've always felt like an observer. Don't get me wrong, I try participating, but I just don't seem to vibe with everyone. Early on, this led to me do my own thing.
I noticed early on that I just knew things. I was told that it's due to being an old soul. Laughably, any "power" I may have simply allows me to be like "hey this song is stuck in my head", then TADA it's on the radio or comes up next on a playlist random shuffle. I guess I can astral travel, but anyone can with practice.
Here's the kicker - while I've been a big fan of vampires since (I think around age 3) I was young, I have never met any other than PsiVamps.
I guess mine would be the first time a dream came true. I had a dream of my future sister in law.