General discussion form of thoughts on what you think?
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
A line of continuous propagation.
That is all a bloodline really is.
I very huge tree that shows all family that goes back to the beginning to present date. That is what I call it.
Yes I believe that it's a huge family that we are all connected to in some ways ^_^
I would say that a full bloodline is the vampires created by a master. Essentially all are descendents of the first, yet each was created by a specific master similar to multi-level marketing or a family tree
voelk that was very good that true a tree it made when a master will pass on there blood line That was past down to them to go on for years but there a order to keep that full blood line going but who ever is closer to the top of the tree has the stronger from of it but over time the blood line will weaken it why that there no order to keep it stronge but there alot of tree's some of them were made by the reaper him self to balance out earth it why I seem so hard on people about it as vampires we have responsibility and I'm doing what best for are kind to live on as some don't see the bigger picture and can hate me if they like because if some vampires don't like how things are done then don't be a part of a Hive as i will being asking don henrie to traind blood for blood because I think he would have more respect for it =)
Yes your right I want are kind to be as strong as we can be but it seems alot of vampires today that don't want to be apart of a pure blood line of stronger vampires and just be ignorant to vampire law and knowledge from the masters vampires before us it disappointing to see that to bad smh hahaha
"When you're a Jet, you're a Jet all the way
From your first cigarette to your last dyin' day!"
-- Riff, singing The Jet Song from West Side Story
Lets get th imagination flowing. For a number of people, the concept of vampires becomes a critical and often lifelong concern. To live with, love, or befriend a real vampire is to encounter a set of problems which may demand expanding the boundaries of one's accepted reality. To come to terms with being a real vampire oneself is to face a lifetime's karmic challenge.
Yes, there are people who take on all the trappings of a gothic novel: dressing in black, claiming or pretending to be "vampires" in the supernatural sense, wearing capes, sleeping in boxes, even getting their teeth capped. There are more frightening people who seek to torture or kill animals or human beings in order to gain power, emotional release or sexual thrill, and who sometimes call themselves (or are called) "vampires". But most of these individuals are troubled people who have been attracted by the cultural myths about the vampire: supernatural powers (because they feel powerless), overwhelming sexuality (because most of them have sexual issues and no true relationships), immortality (because they fear aging and death). Individuals like these are the most recent "explanation" for humanity's persistent belief in vampires. But beyond and behind all the folklore, the psychological theories, the role playing, even the traditional spiritual assumptions, lies the real truth about vampires.
A vampire is a person born with an extraordinary capacity to absorb, channel, transform, and manipulate "pranic energy" or life force. He also has a critical energy imbalance which reels wildly from deficit to overload and back again. This capacity for handling energy is a gift, but the constant imbalance of her own system is the cause of the negative behavior patterns and characteristics which may be notable about a vampiric person.
Real vampires do not necessarily drink blood-in fact, most of them do not. Blood-drinking and vampirism have been confused to the extent that for the average person, a vampire is defined as something that drinks blood (such as a "vampire bat"). But when we look beyond casual assumptions to the details of common beliefs, we find something quite different. Throughout both folklore and literature, there is an understanding that vampires require energy or life force.
Listen to his cry of love and death - if you dare. But be warned - an angel has many faces - and the most lethal of spiders have the most beautiful of webs....
From the Cambridge Dictionary of bloodlines, an animal's set of ancestors or pedigree, typically considered with regard to the desirable characteristics bred into it.
•a set of ancestors or line of descent of a person.
In the case of vampirism it falls under Royal Blood Lines. Its more common in the Alphatian region and with those of Alphatian blood. It was created when Alphatian mages wanted to create a superior breed of Alphatians.
I have always been curious as to why others dress up as such, why bother trying to when you already know the truth of what you are although I must say that I do for one fancy the colors they wear their belief system of what we are does put a damper on the outcome of the survival of our kind and I do agree that some things must be considered to be correct it's why I started my journal entry of some of these rules we kept for so long their is a long history of vampires that goes back way before my time other full blood will come here because i have spoken to them and in time it will grow many of you have a great de of understanding of what a true full bloodline really is and I couldn't be happier than to see it with my own eyes
In all honesty I don't personally care if one is a believer of us or not at the end of the day I'm still Elizabeth, I still enjoy what I am, and I still have a life just like everyone else does I do find your comment very interesting dakotah thank you ^_^
I venture to say we are all humans posting here. If not; prove other wise. I do believe role-playing should be kept out of discussion threads. Just saying.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Grow up, no one on this site is impressed by anyone calling themselves vampires, in fact it is kind of an embarassing thing to do because no self respecting vampire would even go on a site like this, too gimmicky for one thing as you newbies demonstrate.
This site isn't meant for role-playing or anything like it, it started off as an archive for anything vampire related such as books, movies etc. It eventually evolved into a social network which had the misfortune of attracting the tragically pathetic.
But to each his own right? As for humans being scared of you...I think they would be too busy giggling and shaking their heads.
The main forums usually have decent topics here and there but these last few are just...well, sad really.
Well that is a rule for me as well I don't like the role playing idea and this is just a discussion thread of the full bloodlines ^_^ I can honestly agree that everyone is also human and should be treated as one
Well a full blood line is a blood line that is staying on a evolutionary path with out mutations to become it strongest form and become a pure blood line of a race
I think that the concept of the full bloodline is at best an illusion, and at worst, a recipe for incest and extremely reduced breeding pool.
Variance is essential for a healthy species.
Perhaps if the law was that only a master vampire was allowed to create new vampires, it could be considered "pure". But the line would start and stop with those new vampires...
Well you are kind of are right but elder vampires are were they got that pure blood that given to them by the reaper to me vampires today are disappointing and got weaker
My mom has a pure bloodline ahead of her. But she married my dad and made me and my sister and now we are only half Irish. :)
They would seem more insecure at least
from what i can tell!
I believe what a full bloodline is has already been defined in a previous post. Regardless for sake of clarity, and at the risk of plagiarism I will define it in my own words here. A full bloodline, is simply a generational line of one ethnic tribe that has not mixed with those outside the tribe. To give an example if ones great great great grandparents going all the way back to the beginning of ones family tree were both Irish, and all their descendants procreated with those that were 100%irish than one could say they come from a full, or pure Irish bloodline.
Now that the definition is out of the way, what does this mean in the context of vampyrism? As this is a vampyre website I imagine the topic was posted with this in mind. The short answer I would give based on my own personal experience, and research is it means nothing. Vampyres are born not made(sympathetic vampyres being the exception here). Although one vampyre may awaken another vampyre, we are speaking of awakening not creating. True a bond is forged between the vampyre awakened, and the one that awakened him/her, and it often is a bond quite similar to that between parent, and progeny. However the awakened was vampyric before awakening, there is no actual procreation taking place.
In closing I would like to state that if bloodlines exist in the context of vampyrism they are of a purely spiritual nature. Perhaps some souls were created vampyric by G-d. Perhaps some souls were altered to become vampyric by Lilith. These deeper mysteries are secrets each vampyre must search within, and without, and discover the answers to for him/herself. At any rate that is my take on the subject of bloodlines.
are you guys role playing right now or talking about movies, i got lost
I think they really believe they are vampires. IDK I got kind of lost myself half way though the thread. I am human. Each to there own though. I consider myself full blooded, Cree because as far back as we can trace our family line we are all full blooded. To me that is what it means, to be 100% of a certain bloodline.
I am human as well. The term human living vampyre fits well. Vampyre is a metaphor, I make no claims of physical immortality, and I certainly do not burst into flames in the sun. A stake through my heart will kill me, just as it will kill any person. And I have nothing against it, however I do not role play, and if I were to role play I would not do it on a site specifically designed for real living vampyres. The term vampyric being would probably be more accurate, however for sake of brevity when discussing vampyric beings, and the spiritual practices associated with vampyric human beings, I usually just use the term vampyre.
I'm assuming by "full" you actually mean "pure". The "purist" bloodlines are those that are incestuous. And as we learned from biology and history class, those don't last very long and end up creating all kinds of problems.
You can create a fairly closed system of bloodlines that retains enough genetic diversity to not go extinct after a few generations. Europe's royal families are a decent example - they almost all can trace their lineages back to the same 5-10 people going back roughly 1,100 years.
Of course there's no such thing as actual purity. We're all mutts to some extent. One could try to become more pure than they already are, but that too will only get you so far (and is a never ending endeavor).
Xzavier question for you, do you not think Native Americans are not pure? I speak of ones like myself that can trace back hundreds of years like the Royals you speak of.
I can trace my family, name by name, back centuries. That doesn't mean I'm "pure" in the fullest meaning. Now, as far as I know, I'm pure Scottish going back to then, but a bit further back in Scotland there was a wide history of Scandinavian settlement (Vikings held part of Scotland until the 15th century!), as well as French intermarriage among noble families.
Roughly half of registered Native Americans have "full blood", but even they didn't magically pop up in North America over night. They originally came from East Asia, which came from Central Asia, which came from the Middle East, which came from Africa. However, while in the Americas, there were/are different tribes and nations. There's 8-10 genetic groups within the indigenous American population, meaning that over the 13,000 years that humans have lived here, they've been splitting, breeding, and spreading. So even the people who lived in the Americas pre-Columbus had different ethic groups which means mixing and not "pure" - depending on ones definition of the term.
Now, if you establish an arbitrary limit, say 100 or 500 years, of no interracial or inter-ethnic breeding, then you could say you were "pure".
That's the problem with racialism and really this thread topic, the definition of "pure" or "full" varies widely and is often an arbitrary setting.
And to throw a bit more complexity into the mix, some 20% of people who aren't directly African in origin, have Neanderthal DNA in them. Neanderthals weren't biologically modern humans, meaning 20% of non-Africans really are "mutts".
Far too many people confuse the vampire of mythology/folklore, the fictional vampire from books and movies including video games with those that believe they are vampirics.
I read these posts and laugh because most don't have a clue as to what those of the world community and yes the greater vampire community even believe. Vampire is just a word and not my favorite and yes many have come to this site. The homepage welcomes them until they find out it is nothing more than a game here and a lot of people spreading opinions that most often are off the mark. Then there are others that talk of Masters, etc and most often they are role players. But, not always. Those who are in certain Houses that lean toward left-hand path views often have titles for those in their grouping that borders on role playing but they are not. I know them but don't mix with them as far as trying to get into a House. There are covens but that isn't really the most prominent type of grouping. Most are in Houses or Councils and a few, Temples and other organizations. Some get involved in associated religious connections from certain factions and others do not at all.
Everyone from role players, goths, to those who believe themselves be vampirics wear black and then there are those that never do. Some only when they go to a function. Most talk of darkenss but it is almost a fad in ways. There are no immortals. There is no turning. That is all fictional. Some are fashion vamps and dress the part of the Eastern European vampire being affected by the book Dracula. (unfortunately) Some are vamprics and others just play the role. They mix together. Some never dress. Vampirics are human beings and some have heightened senses but other than that there are no special powers. (Even if some say otherwise). The majority are energy feeders (by any name) and the minority are blood drinkers and it's not buckets full, lol. Some do speak of bloodlines but it's controversial. I don't get embroiled in all that speculation. Don't assume anything about anyone because you don't know what you are talking about. Especially in VR. This isn't chiseled in stone because there are some with very strange ideas. I don't tangle with them. I'm a senior so I have heard it all. It's not worth my time. A bloodline normally is your genealogical family line. Here is a link to probably the largest International Vampire Society in the world. There are other groups but this is made up of various organizations with a variety of beliefs from around the world. Rather than master, you will most often hear mentor or teacher. Don't ask me why some like to wear fangs, they just do...simple as that.
In general,Dakotah seems to have the best handle on this subject.I come from two very old families that trace their roots as far back as 600BC with documented evidence.We call ourselves a bloodline,my grandfather always mentions how ``one must carefully choose for the bloodline``.But it`s completely human and the only reason we use the term bloodline is because before we figured out that DNA was the genetic material people thought that your blood was the same as the blood of your father and his blood was the same as his father etc etc.In matriarchal societies it was the mother`s blood,but same concept.Essentially people thought that blood was the carrier of genetic information.Hence ``preserve the bloodline``...
Some of the earliest evidence of Ritual Vampirism comes from Tartaria in Transylvania and stems to the fifth millennium BC. Remains of a human body were found buried in a fire pit along with clay tablets upon which were inscribed the names of the ’Sumerian’ god Enki and the ranking number of Father Anu. The language was subsequently termed ’proto-Sumerian’ and represented some of the earliest written artifacts yet to be found.
The descendants of these early vampires were the Sacred Ubaid Race who, one millennium later, settled Mesopotamia and founded the Anunnaki religion of the Sumerians in 3500 BC. Their Transylvanian ancestors were the Anunnaki Gods themselves.
Various suggestions have been proposed in an attempt to explain the origin and meaning of the word vampire. One recent suggestion was that it was applied to a group of ’Watchers’ (Seers - Derkesthai: Dragons) who had occupied a settlement near "lake Van", in Urartu - Armenia. The original location - Greater Scythia - is faultless, the association is without error but the etymology is unresearched and the philology is completely absent.
Although that author’s suggested identification between Watchers and Vampires is absolutely correct, the word vampire does not in any sense relate to their former geographical location or origin but, as we shall see, rather to the vampires’ social and spiritual identity and status within a given cultural framework, which in this instance was Scythian, overlaid on Celtic.
In the journals of the 17th century cleric, the Abbé Calmet, the word vampire is transliterated into its most common, and its earlier, central European form which is spelt either oupire or oupere. These spellings are common in literature of Calmet’s time and represent the original form of the word vampire.
When the word migrated into Latin from Anatolian the u became a v because, as we will recall, there is no u character represented in the Latin alphabet. If there had been, then the Latinized western European construction of the word would have been uampire. By now bells should be ringing in the readers’ heads as they remember hearing about wampires somewhere or another, perhaps in a humorous context.
The Romans didn’t have a w and this letter appeared in clerical Latin during the medieval period as v v, as presented in the ridiculous phrase mortvvs svm. The vv being used then as a long vowel sound to differentiate between u and v sounds which were both represented by the Latin v.
So to recap, let’s have a look at the linguistic migration so far: oupere - oupire - owpire - ovpire. At this point we must remember that the word migrated from one language into another at a time when the most commonly used form of transmission was oral. This was bound to lead to confusion when the word was written down for the first time, as it has in numerous other instances.
By now we should be asking "If the word vampire was originally spelt oupire, where on earth did the ’m’ come from?" All the author can say is thank heavens for the anomalous ’m’ because it is this component that really confirms the origin and meaning of the word vampire, according to currently accepted scholarship.
Philologists would agree that the word vampire, as oupere, in its present form originated from the Turkish word uber, which means ’witch’. This would appear to present even more problems because in addition to an anomalous ’m’, we now also have a ’b’ to explain away! Nevertheless the author promises you that tenacity and perseverance will bring its own rewards, so be patient and do try and keep up.
Leaving the ’m’ aside for a moment, there would seem to be a serious linguistic problem in that oupere is spelt with a ’p’ and uber is spelt with a ’b’, which the reader might suspect would undermine the connection between both words. Especially as vampire or oupere is European and uber is Turkish and thus from a separate language group. However, this is not so.
As the Turkic-Uralic language is very different from Indo-European, it would appear that the word vampire in its original form is not Indo-European, but an Asiatic word that has changed in spelling and pronunciation during the passage of time and its migration northward.
It might then appear that the central Asian word for a witch - uber - would mean something entirely different to the European meaning of the word ’witch’ and would therefore bring with it an entirely different set of cultural and mythic associations. However, what the reader might not realize is that modern Turkey and its language is, like any other, an evolutionary compilation of historical, linguistic and cultural influences.
Prior to being named Turkey, Asia Minor or Anatolia was the centre of the eastern Roman Empire of Byzantium. At the heart of Asia Minor, contemporary with Rome but originating from an earlier period still, was the vast region of Galatia at the heart of which was a region occupied in the Persian era by the Cimmerians of Scythia, at a time when Galilee, Gilead and Gaulatinis in northern Israel were Scythian territories named after their language.
As Galatia spread northwards it bordered upon Phrygia and Troy and reached out further still to become Galati as it crossed the Bosphorus and encompassed Transylvania. On its westward marches Galati assimilated both Bulgaria and Gaul.
In consequence of this, a massive proportion of what is now called Turkey was in fact, along with most of Europe, a Gaelic or properly a Goidelic speaking, Scythian/Celtic civilization, comprising of independent tribal groups who spoke a number of Gaelic dialects, amongst which and most notably are what we now know as the so called ’P’ and ’Q’ or ’K’ Goidelic language variants.
The P and Q variants in Brythonic-Cymric (Welsh) and Goidelic-Scotic (Irish Scots), as an example, mean that the word ’son’ will be spelt map in Cymric and mac in Scotic. Furthermore there is a sub variant in this language group where ’P’ and ’B’ sounds also become interchangeable, as in the Welsh pen as in the mountain - Penllithrig’y’wrach - meaning "the slippery hill of the witch" in Snowdonia, and the Scots ben as in Ben Nevis in Scotland - both of which mean ’head’ or ’peak’. The Cymric language was originally Cimmerian or northern Scythian, whilst Scotic is a southern Scythian dialect.
The Galatian word uber is from the Scythian goidelic group whilst in Russia and Poland, which was influenced by the Cimmerian or Brythonic group, the same word for vampire is spelt upyr and upior respectively. There have been numerous Scythian migrations over the millennia and the Gaelic language has been carried across the Eurasian continent to influence the languages of many peoples. The Trojans who lived next door to the Galatians and were themselves Scythians moved to Italy and became the Latines.
As we can see by this example, the b has consistently become a v and this is how we know that the word for a vampire uber, is not a Turkish word at all but Gaelic or Galatian. Remember the anomalous ’m’ in vampire? Well it just so happens that in dialectic Gaelic the consonant group Mh is pronounced V. The ’h’ became discarded over time and left the ’m’ in vampire where the ’u’ or ’v’ should be. If spelt literally vampire would be uavber, uauber or uaupir, which is the central European oupire or oupere.
These variants stem from the Sanskrit upari (Up-Ari or Up-Arya, meaning Over-Lord) for which the Greek is uper - uper - which, as we have already seen, is a component of super in Latin. Over (ME - ouere) began as a graphic variant of uuere which translates into the dynastic name Vere with the Latin V being interchangeable with the double U or hard Germanic W which became V - rendering Ver or Were. This is pronounced as a soft F, which we find in the Norse Yfari and the old English Uffara or Yffera.
The Turkish, or properly Galatian word Uber, meaning ’witch’ therefore linguistically corresponds to the foregoing variations found in Gothic, German, Dutch, Norse English, Greek, Latin and Sanskrit, where finally, as Upari, we discover that originally Uber - Vampire - meant Overlord. In the following paragraphs we shall investigate the cultural background behind the word ’witch’ as uber, and discover that what holds true linguistically is supported by cultural and social evidence.
Contextually, when applied to an individual as a ’witch’, the word uber would suggest that the person referred to was in some way ’over’ or ’above’ others, as in the German ubermensch or uberherren. The Germanic languages, as with the others sampled here, are all Indo-European and the Sanskrit in particular, being of Aryan or Scythian origin is closest to the Galatian, and we shall see that the argument for overlordship is exactly the case.
From a cultural standpoint, we read the word ’witch’ and with it comes a large trolley of baggage that we have inherited from the popularly reinforced understanding of the word, influenced heavily by fairy stories and biased histories told from a protagonistic point of view. Today the specifically Saxon word ’witch’ tends to conjure up images of old hags prancing about on dark, spooky moors and cackling into cauldrons.
Witch is derived from the Saxon root word wicce (feminine) or wicca (masculine) and the Saxons used it to describe a class of persons whom they thought were inhabited by an intelligence or spirit - a daemon or genii - usually evil, because the Saxons took up catholicism pretty early on in their careers and were consequently biased.
Conversely, some people today would like us to believe, however, that ’witch’ meant a "wise one" and say that witchcraft, or in Saxon - wiccecraeft as they like to call it - means craft of the wise, failing completely to realize that the word wise in Saxon is wita, not wicca or wicce.
Wicca is actually related to both ’wicker’ and ’Viking’ or Wiking as the Norse would pronounce it. In Russia the word Vikhr meaning whirlwind, is a title of the Zmei Dragons, sons and daughters of Zmei-Tiamat. This confirms that the link between Sumaire, Zmei or Zumei and Sumeria was also known in Russia, once a Viking province.
It also demonstrates that the Danish Vikings, witch lords, were sons of the Dragon and the Scandinavian Tuadha d’Anu. In Ireland the Zmei Lord or Vikhr is known as the Dark King - the Whirlwind, meaning he was sumaire or vampire and via Uber, a Witch Lord or Wicca. As the Willow (wicker) bends and yields to the whirlwind so the witch (wicca) yields to the Sumaire, the ancient vampire legacy within him or her, a legacy that is awoken during the Mass of the Phoenix, when the primordial ancestors rise from the dead to take possession of the witch’s soul!
Wicca, derived from the same Saxon word as Willow, means to "bend or yield" ones spirit to that of a daemon (Greek, meaning praeter human intelligence or inspiration), giving the christian idea of possession, though erroneously. The witch was indeed possessed by a daemon and that daemon was certainly praeter-human and not of this world.
Any spirit, including the archangels, conjured by the witch or magician (the distinction, like that between pagan and christian, is fallacious), as in ceremonial magic, was actually the ancestor (antecessor) of the witch her or himself. It was a denizen of the ancient dragon itself - but it was carried in the witch’s blood which, the purer it was through unbroken descent from the Dragons, the stronger would be the return of the ancestors within. The Stronger the blood the stronger the invocation and the more complete the possession. With Mixed blood there was weak inspiration and little discernible presence. "The Blood is the Life".
The witch was possessed by this daemon, because the witch by descent and heredity was that daemon itself. It was his or her genetic inheritance and part of his or her racial consciousness, and to that the witch would yield, when occasion necessitated, placing the witch and the words wicce or wicca firmly in the tradition of the trance seer (derkesthai), a practice rooted in Scythian shamanic culture.
This is confirmed in the word genius, meaning inborn intellect or inspiration. Closely related to this word is genie, meaning a spirit, as in genius loci - ’a spirit of place’. In Arabic the jinni is a spirit of fire or inspiration. The Latin genius, in Greek, is a daemon or inspiring intelligence and the root Latin gens signifies birth, origin and especially blood. The daemon or genius of the Dragons was inherited through the blood. Witches are born, not made by silly playacting initiation rituals.
A seer in Gaelic was called a Merlin and in the tripartite Aryan-Scythian caste system which overlaid that of their clients, the deeply religious Celts, the Merlin was a Druid Prince. Either side of the Druidic caste were the castes of the warrior aristocrats and the craftsmen and although they all tended to behave as equals in this king tribe system, the druids were senior in rank.
Each caste attended to their allotted tasks and the study, teaching and practice of shamanism and magic were strictly the province of the Druids and Druidesses, forming part of a vast storehouse of knowledge and experience in the crafts and sciences, and in statesmanship and lore.
The Druids were responsible for bringing into being gods for the Celts to worship and though they themselves were not religious, scholars agree that Druidism was the "religion" of the Celtic world. So we can see that although the Celts had their own caste system with their own burgh kings or chieftains, above them were the Scythian kings, and above the Scythian kings were the Elven Druids, the Priest Kings who stood above all others, the ultimate Overlords of Eurasia.
In the Scandinavian countries the craft or ability to gain wisdom or power (Sanskrit - Siddhi) by yielding to daemons or intelligences (ancestral god spirits which were part of the practitioners’ own genetic inheritance and make-up) through trance or dream states was considered to be shamanic and was called Siddir, whilst those who practiced this art were themselves called Siddirs. The Siddir knotted together the web of dreams and loosened those knots to release power and knowledge.
In other words they brought together and spoke or gesticulated a series of mnemonics that would trigger off precontrived, imprinted states of consciousness that acted as doorways into deeper seats of consciousness. In Gaelic Scythian this ability and the name corresponding to it was called the Sidhe, a term used to describe and name the Irish fairies, the Tuadha d’Anu or Tuatha de Danaan as they were later called, a race of priest kings or druid princes.
The Web of Dreams relates to both the witches’ knotted ball and the Web of Wyrd or Fate (fata-fairy) and in the Scythian and Celtic cosmology, the power associated with it was thought to reside in the Otherworld, the realm of the gods (druidic ancestors) which was entered via trance or dream states, achieved whilst the druid or druidess occupied the fairy hills, the mortuary raths where the forefathers were buried.
The witch, as a seer or Merlin in Scythian culture and society, consequently belonged to an exclusive genome within a distinct holy and royal caste of overlords, which is reflected in the Gaelic word for a witch - Druidhe - which is pronounced Drui and is related to Draoi and Dracoi, meaning a dragon. Drui itself means Man (or Woman) of the Tree (not men of the oaks, as some have suggested) and is also related to the Sanskrit dru, meaning to run. This is associated with the ritual of running the labyrinth, with which we will deal in due course.
Therefore in Galatia, which had its own druids and was the site of the Nemeton, the largest regular gathering of druids in Europe, the term for a witch was Uber meaning Overlord, whilst in the Gaelic west the term for a witch was Druidhe which meant the same as Uber - An Overlord.
In summary vampire in its earlier form - oupire - derives ultimately from the Galatian Uber, which itself is derived from the Aryan Upari and linguistically and contextually the Vampire - the witch or druid - was a Scythian High Queen or King: an Overlord.
It is interesting to note in this context that when he compiled his journals in the 17th century Calmet, who had traveled extensively throughout the Austrian empire as an official vampire investigator accompanying imperial officers and soldiers, wrote that he had found no evidence whatsoever to support any notion that vampirism was either a supernatural phenomenon committed by praeter-natural beings - which he utterly refutes - or that it ever occurred in any form, either as a cult or in any isolated incidents, amongst the lower strata of society.
Without exception the enlightened Abbé was able to discover perfectly ordinary explanations for the incidents he had investigated, which in his day was quite remarkable, as the Church in past times had actively promoted vampire paranoia.
As Professor Margaret Murray discovered herself, vampirism was not the prerogative of the merchant or peasant classes, but was a cultic observance confined to the environs of the nobility, often as an adjunct to rites of the Noble and Royal Witch Covens of Scotland.
We can say with confidence then that real vampirism was indulged in by living beings who, unerringly, were members of the pre-christian and anti-christian high nobility and royalty. The most famous vampire stories, those of Dracula, Bathory and de Rais, support this conclusion. The historical evidence therefore supports the etymological origin of the word ’vampire’ - An Overlord.
Vampirism, up until the early 1700’s, by which time it had been in decline for several centuries, was not merely or solely the practice of a few isolated, high-born opportunists seeking some form of personal advantage or satisfying private perversions. Vampirism took two forms and the bloodline descendants of the ancient vampire lords had, in Britain, set the practice within an overall, multi-faceted social and cultural framework, stemming from the Iron-Age, that never gets an airing in the Gothic novel.
Vampires weren’t just vampires, as the penny dreadful would have us believe, they were individuals and families who used the practice to achieve specific aims and thereby fulfill those specific social obligations which, since the Scythian-Celtic period of the High Dragon Kings, were equated with their rank and position as leaders and overseers.
The Scythians
Throughout this discourse it must be borne in mind that when we speak of the Scythians as ’fairies’, ’dragons’, ’vampires’ or ’elves’, we are not talking about either the client races of the Scythians, or the ordinary Scythian citizenry, but of ’Royal Scythians’.
As we have discovered, the vampire - as a "witch" - belonged by genetic inheritance, to a distinct royal caste in Scythian-Celtic society, that of the priest-king or priestess-queen, the prince and princess-druids who had evolved very early on in human social history and who belonged to a Eurasian-wide hereditary priestly community which had originated with the Scythian-Aryans. The name Scythian was originally spelt Sithian in 16th century England, and it is from this tribal name that we obtain the word scythe, denoting a curved bladed agricultural tool, so named because of its similarity in shape to the Scythian sword.
The Scythians weren’t however named after their use of a curved sword. The name Sithian is related to a group of words that appear in Indo-European languages which are found as far apart as Eire and Northern India, indicating that they had a common Aryan origin in Scythia. These include - Sithia, Sidhe, Siddir and Siddhi.
In Cymric ’dd’ is pronounced ’th’, whilst in Irish and Scots the ’th’ is spelt dialectically ’dh’ whilst the ’s’ beginning a word is pronounced ’sh’. As we have related, the Siddir in Danish society were witches who practiced the art of knot tying and loosening.
These Siddir were directly related to the mythic Norns, the Mori or Fates who were said to be responsible for the fate of mankind by the patterns that they wove in the way that they tied and loosened the knots of the Web of Wyrd. The Siddirs, as well as being seers, could control such power as to influence the outcome of human affairs and in this respect their name reflects their abilities which, in India, were called the Siddhis, a word used to describe the powers of the Yogi who had self-realized.
The curious Irish word - Sidhe - pronounced ’shee’, ’sheeth’ or ’sheeth-ay’, attributed to the fairies and meaning ’powers’, is therefore identical to Siddir (sheeth-eer) and Siddhi (sheeth-ee) and is derived therefore, from the people of the powers - the Scythians or Sidheans (sheethee-ans). In Scotland the royal fairies were called the Seelie or Sheelie and their princesses were related to the sculpted Sheelagh Na Gigs over church doorways, who do NOT depict ancient goddesses of fertility, but were the royal Grail Maidens of the Elven kings and queens.
The Sheelagh na Gigs were goddesses of sovereignty and transcendence, and their place over the doorways of churches, many of which were built on the sites of ancient sacred groves, indicated that in entering these buildings one was entering through the vulva of the maiden into the otherworld, the realm of Elphame and the Kingdom of Heaven.
They were permitted above church doorways because the early church itself wanted to be identified with the old ways, firstly because it was in fact, at least in the beginning, part of the old ways and later, when catholicism took over, the Sheelaghs remained in place - in order to attract and convert "pagans".
Along with the Irish Sidhe, the Seelie and the Seelie Court of Scotland had a distinctly royal origin in the Tuadha d’Anu who when asked, like their Pictish descendants in Scotland, said of themselves that they were Scythian, as Canon Beck himself has insisted.
Some people tend to think that the word sidhe means a hill and therefore that the Irish Danaan, as the Sidhe, inherited this name as a consequence of fleeing into the hills after their defeat by the Milesians. As we can see this is not so and the fairy "hills", where the Aes Dan or Danaan, the gods of the Irish, were said to live, weren’t all Sidhe hills.
These - the power hills - were the sacred temple-mortuary raths and barrows, the creachaires or tomb-sepulchers, that the Danaan priest-kings were wont to ritually occupy for millennia before moving to Eire, and centuries before their Iberian kinsmen, the Milesians, came looking for a fight. The Sidhe, the Fairies, were the ’controllers of the fate of mankind’ and so named in remembrance of, and in identification with, their ancient Anunnaki (Anunnagi) ancestors.
In pre-christian history, although some practiced agriculture for a while, according to Murray-Hall M.A. they abandoned it for their traditional way of life and many of the Scythian clans remained solitary and insular nomadic pastoralists - horse lords who ranged across large tracts of Europe and Asia for centuries. Others opted late for a more settled existence and mixed settled agriculture with pastorialism, a system that can be found in both Takla Makan, where they built fine cities, and in Ireland, where they became know as the trooping fairies.
In general they were usually tall, pale skinned, with golden red hair and green eyes, unlike the Celts, who were stocky and squat, with ruddy complexions and dark hair, and practiced settled agriculture from a very early period.
The recent and rather unfortunate propagandist depiction of the Aryan (Scythian) as a tall, ruddy complexioned blonde racist yeoman-farmer-warrior-god has no basis in truth. In pre-christian history an Aryan was a High King, a warrior was a warrior and a farmer was a farmer and ne’er the three e’er met. The real Aryans of fact were red haired and green eyed, their hired military help, derived from their lower Ksatriya caste who were not Aryan were, sometimes, blonde and blue eyed.
The Aryan royal families didn’t intermarry with other tribes or castes but, with the development by many of their clans of settled city-states such as Scythopolis (30 AD, on the banks of the River Jordan just south of Galilee) nevertheless they became urban multi-racialists and appreciated cultural diversity.
The Aryan Hittites in particular were close allies of the Jews whose Draconian royal family, the House of David, made the Israelites, in a cultural sense, an early Aryan nation, and the Scythians and the Aryan Scythian Gaels had numerous settlements either in or adjacent to Israel and Judea.
The comparatively early use of the horse and of horse related technology separated the Aryans from the other tribes that occupied the middle-east and Eurasia. In Mittani, Mesopotamia, Akkad and Anatolia the Hurrians (whom in the 1920’s B. Hrozny described as the earliest Hindus) were the absolute Overlords and their supremacy is credited to their early use, like the Kurgans, of horse-drawn chariots.
The Hur syllable in Hurrian has been asserted by scholars, including G. Contenau (’La Civilisation des Hittites et des Hurrites de Mittani’) to be Har or Ar, meaning that the Hurrians, like the Scythians were Aryans with an Aryan Vedic royal-sacral family of gods.
These they bestowed upon the Hittites whose culture they dominated, (as the Hurrian or Aryan Mittani did in Mesopotamia) and the Hittites, in turn, provided the Greeks with these red-gold haired gods, including Zeus or Dyas Pater - the Jewish Jehovah, whose ancient symbol, shared with the sacred dynasty as a whole was - ironically - the swastika.
The early "Scythians", the people of the powers, occupied a region spanning The Balkans, Transylvania, Carpathia, the Ukraine and later, Siberia and Takla Makan where the Tocharians, as the Elves were mistakenly called by early linguists, spoke a ritual language which is now called Tocharian A but which originated in Thrace in 1800 BC and thus had connections with the Fir Bolg and consequently with the Tuadha d’Anu as a whole, who began migrating from Central Europe to Ireland at that period.
Over the centuries, from 5000 BC onwards, the Scythians had also migrated into the middle-east and had provided ruling families for many tribes and nations along and beyond the eastern Mediterranean coast.
In the ’Annals of Irish History’ the Scythian ’Tuadha d’Anu’ who had migrated farther still, to the islands of the north, were described as a tribe of deific queens, kings, princes and lords and were noted for having druids of their own. In Japan’s North islands there lives a shamanic tribe called the Ainu whose early writing style has been identified as being Gaelic Ogham!
As a noble tribe, a sect of the Aryan peoples who, during various migrations, had also wandered east several centuries before the d’Anu displacement and their reputed first journey to Eire in 1500 BC, the Aryan-Scythian horse lords, traveling south-east via Persia (Iran) from 1800 BC onwards, had entered the Indus Valley and intermingled with the Dravidian population.
This migration was to lands already formerly under Sumerian and consequently Ubaid control. The westward migration of the Scythians or Sidheans also included these very same Dravidians who, so British traditions state, were the messengers and summoners or ’fetches’ of the Merlins.
These curious and delightful beings were also known as brownies, for obvious reasons and adopted the habit of body tattooing in emulation of their Scythian lords, who in Britain and Ireland were known as the Pixies, which is a name derived from Pict-Sidhes or painted fairies.
The confusion which arises when the Picts are described as being short and brown may be clarified when we remember that the Scythian Caste System consisted of three closely interknit, co-operating races, whose traditions and practices would inevitably become, to a certain extent, common to all within the system by a natural process of social osmosis.
From this encounter arose the eastern branch of the Aryan, Vedic "Hindu" religion, with its druids or magi - the Brahmins - and a pantheon of gods who were virtually identical with the Sumerian, the Egyptian, the Hittite, The Irish, the Gaulish, the Danish and the Greek, all of which stem from this early family of Elven goddess-queens and god-kings whose first home was to be found in The Balkans, Transylvania, Carpathia and the Caucasus regions of Greater and Little Scythia.
Within the Brahmin caste special Tantric rites were and still are studied and practised. Evidence suggests that these ancient rites were brought to India from Sumeria. This accords with the assertion that Qabalah itself originated there also and the author has long maintained that Tantra, particularly the Kaula Vama Marg and Esoteric Qabalism are simply variations of each other. The Tree of Life symbol and its hidden meanings appears in Druidism and given the evidence to date, we can confidently say that Tantra and Qabalah are descended from ancient Ubaid Druidic philosophy.
The right hand path version of Hindu and Buddhist Tantra concerns itself with studying and practicing sexual rites that one might find associated with the Kama Sutra. This form of Tantra promotes penetrative intercourse as a method of changing consciousness and has attached to it various commentaries on right-living and right-thinking. This was thought by some Indian scholars to have originated with those who were depicted by one Indian scholar as the animistically minded, sex mad weasels, the Dravidians. The left hand path however is somewhat different.
This discipline can be found in both Hinduism and Buddhism and concerns itself with the practice of vampirism. This alone is sufficient evidence to allow one to ascertain that the ’Black’ or Left Hand or Kaula Path preceded the later right hand path which, though joyously tactile and self indulgent to begin with, appears many centuries later to have been somewhat sanitized for public consumption. The yogic disciplines associated with the Kaula Path, originating with the Scythians, are intended to lead the practitioner to what one might call ’union with godhead’.
This psychological condition is manifest in mystical christianity as being the perception by the devotee of ’the kingdom of heaven’. That few christians ever achieve such a state is not to be wondered at, as christianity is also a royal blood tradition, exactly like its brother and sister, Druidism and Witchcraft.
Many christians haven’t got a clue about this aspect of Jesus’ teaching and are in any case not encouraged to explore its possibilities because such union leads to physical and psychological freedom, the very last thing that the established churches wish to encourage in the masses, even though Jesus himself preached it.
Union with Godhead, dwelling in Elphame, realization of the Buddha or whatever one likes to call it is accompanied by a range of powers which were catalogued by the amazing Edwardian lady explorer Alexandra David Niel, who witnessed the performance of these remarkable powers or Siddhis by Buddhist monks in Nepal and Tibet, whose ritual and philosophy owed much to the indigenous religion Bon-Po which ethically followed the same path as Kaula Vama Marg.
In the west we call it magic but, as we have seen, it was also known as the Sidhe. Kaula Tantra is dedicated to the Goddess Kali who is associated with both creation and destruction in the Hindu pantheon. Kali is a lunar deity who, like Tantra itself, moved east from Sumeria. As a moon goddess she is associated particularly with moon blood and the essences of the female organs of generation.
So what can we say of the nascence of Vampirism so far? Principally that it originated, not surprisingly, in Transylvania and the Central Eurasian region known as Scythia and that its practitioners were of a distinct race, the Elves, the high goddess-queens and god-kings of the Arya or Aesir.
Vampirism was the central feature of a philosophy based on endocrinology, rather than occult mumbo-jumbo and used the consumption of female blood and mumae to enhance awareness and lead the practitioner to union with godhead.
The powers accompanying such an elevated state of consciousness were called the sidhe or siddhi and were, with vampirism, the foundation of the cults of Druidism, Tantric Kaula Yoga, Qabalism, Alchemy, Rosicrucianism and Witchcraft.
Kali, like all the Ubaid Deities was a flesh and blood being. She, Kalimaath or Kali Marg, was a daughter of Lilith and Samael, son of Anu, who appears in the Aryan pantheon as Ahura Mazda and in Iran as the Medean god Zoroaster. Anu himself was the god who gave his name to the Tuatha de Danaan and as Sitchin has suggested the definition of the word god itself is ’descended of Anu’.
Based on the spelling ’Tuatha de Danaan’, some have suggested that these Irish elven folk derived their name from an Irish mother goddess named Dana. If they had checked the earlier spelling - Tuadha d’Anu (Tribe of Anu) - they would have discovered that the Scythian Sidhe were the sons and daughters of Anu and the Ubaid gods and goddesses.
To recap then we have a clear connection between the words siddhi and sidhe both of which originate from a Scythian or earlier proto-Aryan-Ubaid root. The Scythians, as the Aryans of Persia and Asia provided the people then with their religious and social structures and mores and spread their wisdom and overlordship, mostly by invitation from prospective client tribes, throughout Britain and Europe.
The Scythian Aryans, as the ’Danaan’ settled in Eire and Scotland whilst in Wales they were known as the House of Don (Dan) or the House of Gwynnedd. This house sired the line of Llewelyn Princes, whilst in Scandinavia the Danaan became the Danes or Vikings and produced a junior cousin line - the Svei or Swedes - from which descended the Ruotsi clan who founded Russia. In Denmark the Sidhe was present as the Siddir, a class of seer or witch who were later separated from the Godthi or Gothi, the Danish Druids.
The Scythian Danaan in Eire, as in the rest of Europe, were a race apart, a ruling caste within which, like the original race of the Gods from whom they descended, there were further caste classifications.
In Denmark these were later named the Jarl, Carl and Thrall castes whilst in Eire they were broadly speaking the Druids, the Kings and the Warrior Smiths. In India they are still defined as the Brahmins, the Ksatriyas and the Sudras.
The original castes of the Gods were:
a) the common gods - gods of Earth
b) the gods of Heaven and Earth
c) the gods of Heaven
The first class were what we might call jobbing gods who became the genii locus or pagan spirits. The second class - the gods of Heaven and Earth - were the Titans, the Repha’im and Morrighans, the Angels and Valkyries who interceded between the transcended gods, the divine ancestors - the gods of Heaven - and man.
Heaven was the otherworld, not a place up in the stars, but a state of being which was adjacent to our own dimension - called sometimes the mirror-world, most competently described, more than once, in the Mabinogion - which could be freely entered and left by the gods of Heaven and Earth, the Portal Guardians. In this place, also known as Elphame, Hades, Hel, Caer Glas and Tir Na n’og there dwelt the essences of the previous gods of Heaven and Earth who had passed on to become the transcended ones, the ’antecessors’ or ancestors of the later witches.
By dwelling in tombs the gods of Heaven and Earth, the Danaan Queens and Kings, made contact with their ancestor Gods and passed their wisdom and edicts on to mankind. Today we might call this process invocation.
These gods are carried in the blood and by invocation, we bring their qualities and identities to the forefront of conscious being and give them voice. These druidic gods and goddesses of Heaven and Earth were effectively the highest overlords on Earth, the elven rulers of the human kings and queens who ruled beneath them.
Often we find mention of the fairy blood in the medieval era in connection with the ruling nobility of the time. We might then be tempted to come to the logical conclusion that all nobility and royalty was thus of Fairy origin. However this is simply not the case. Despite the usurpation of the original fairy families by the church sponsored new nobility, the previous kingly and noble dynasties were essentially human anyway.
The fairy blood at that time, the dark ages and the medieval period, was carried by the descendants of the Archdruidic dynasties who formerly ruled over the contemporary Celtic and Eurasian kings and lords, it was not carried by any or all of the royal or noble families of the time simply because they were the heads of their castes, because over such class distinctions were positioned additionally, the castes of the elven god-kings themselves.
The gods of Heaven and Earth - the Archdruidic caste - dwelt in Barrows and Bergs which in Eire were called Raths, meaning a ’royal seat’. These Raths were the holy shrines and sepulchres built by the Danaan - the original Gods of Ireland according to the ’Annals of Irish History’ - to house the mortal remains of their ancestors and act as royal palaces for the Portal Guardians. In specific cases these Gods are named, and we learn, for instance, that Newgrange was the shrine occupied by Nuadha and later Oengus.
The devotional and holy nature of these places has led some scholars and commentators to believe that, because they were tombs and temples, then those said to occupy them must be purely spiritual entities, gods of an ethereal nature. Originally nothing could have been farther from the truth. Both Nuadha and Oengus were kings of the Danaan and contemporary descriptions of them and their kin leave us with the picture of the Danaan as a race of people with prodigious and very earthly appetites.
From their kinsmen in Siberia we know that, by our dubious standards, they were complete junkies and imbibed any form of drug they could get hold of. These would have included cannabis and cocaine, prevalent in Egypt and the Levant at the time, as well as the drugs classically associated with the druids and the elves such as Amanita Muscaria and Psylocybin, the fairy mushrooms of children’s picture books everywhere.
The Danaan were hardened drinkers and unscrupulous womanizers, whilst accounts of their princesses relate that they often mated in public with the highest nobles of their clan, to prove or reiterate their social standing to onlookers. (Heroditus: The Histories).
Counterbalancing this view of them, born of our own hypocritical conditioning, the Danaan, whether in Eire or mainland Europe or Asia, were the finest smiths, jewellers, poets and musicians of their time, they were the Lords of fearless warriors and gifted horsemen and, despite what we might think of the foregoing, they were a righteous, meticulous people who maintained standards of conduct in areas of their social life where such standards were considered essential for the harmonious order of society.
Great emphasis was laid upon honesty and truth in one’s words and one’s dealings, the maintenance and conservation of the natural environment was paramount, and infractions, such as the cutting of trees, could mean death. Emphasis was also laid on hospitality and courtly behavior to one’s peers or guests, the honoring of one’s ancestors and heroes, and the maintenance of extended family ties through fostering.
They weren’t bothered about the petty morality we imbue our sexual behavior with but would kill a man for breaking his word or lying. They were an heroic people and, compared with us today, a far more moral race whose standards of conduct, not invested or centered on our kind of childish taboos - but placed where it matters - puts us to shame.
They were a race centered on their spirituality which itself was centered on gnosis and transcendent consciousness. This made them, like their later royal Viking cousins, a fearless people much loved and also much feared in turns, by all who knew them, whether in Eurasia or the British islands.
In about 500bc the Milesians entered Ireland from Iberia. Having defeated the Danaan tribes they put many of them to flight. It was during this period that the Danaan became known as the Daouine Sidhe - the people of the hills - an erroneous use of the word sidhe.
One group, the tribe of the Danaan king of Ulster, Bruidhne (mistakenly called Cruithne by the Romans), fled to Caledonia where they became known as the remnant of Cruithne or the ’Cruithainn’.
Other Danaan clans fled to Wales and the south west of mainland Britain. Several centuries later, when the Romans were unfortunate enough to encounter them in Scotland, they referred to these Danaan as ’Picts’ and it is this word that has adapted itself to become one of the names we use to describe the elven peoples - the pixies - or properly the Pict-Sidhes as we have already seen.
These being also came to be known as the Leprachauns and the etymology of this word, though thought to mean ’small-bodied’ actually means ’scaly-bodied’ from the Latin word lepra as in leprosy - scaly skinned.
The scaliness referred to was derived from the fish -scale style of armour which was common to the draconian Dacians, the Zmei, the Danes and the Danaan, all of whom originated in the region now known as Greater Scythia.
The scaly, twin-pronged tail of the wouivre or mermaid was also derived from the use, by grail maidens, of fish-scale plated leggings. When worn with the swan’s or raven’s feather cloaks, we have the classical image of the Harpie, reproduced in medieval depictions of Melusine.
Pict or Pictish means ’painted’ and the Danaan earned this appellation by virtue of their use of tattoos or woad to decorate their bodies with totemic or magical markings, the favorite being the labyrinth or spiral whorl.
The ancestors of the Irish Danaan - the Ubaid Danaan - had been using tattoos and woad since 4000 BC and examples of it can also be found in depictions of the Egyptian god Osiris or Asher as he is also known, and in the depictions of the Hindu gods Vishnu and Siva. Kali herself was also known as Kali Azura - the Blue Kali.
The spiral or whorl - the labyrinth - is the subject of a later essay in which it and its painted or carved symbol, lie at the centre of vampire and elven tradition. The spiral can be found carved into the rock at Newgrange in Ireland and also featured as a sacred design associated with the dwellings of the related Kassite Danaan clans who migrated to Britain.
In the Gaelic language we find two words specifically defining ’vampires’. The first - Creachaire - means a sepulchre, a tomb, a shrine and a temple, indicating that the character we later become familiar with as the "vampire" of Gothic legend was in fact a "dweller in the tombs", a druidic priest-king or priestess-queen - an Uber or Witch Overlord.
In Eurasia, particularly in the permafrost of Siberia and the arid wastes of Takla Makan in China, the mummified bodies of Scythian Chieftains and Shamankas or Priestess queens have been found. In Siberia the frozen remains of a male were unearthed. He had been tattooed with animal designs reminiscent of the totem Pictish salmon often found carved on stones in Scotland.
In the same region a shamanka had been unearthed who had been tattooed with the spiral labyrinth design. She, like her counterpart in Takla Makan, wore the conical headress of the Anunnaki gods of Sumeria that is also associated with medieval witchcraft. This same headress is depicted in bas-relief on the walls of the palace of Darius as being worn by those Scythians who brought him gifts in 500 BC.
The Takla Makan mummy, excavated by the Chinese in the 1960’s had red-gold hair and was buried adjacent to a cache of tartan plaid cloth and spiral painted pottery, similar to that found at Al’Ubaid in Syria. In the same region caves have been discovered where the walls are painted with devotional Buddhist pictures featuring the Tocharians, as they are known, conversing with Buddha.
Geoffrey Ashe states that the western Druids were interviewed by Buddha who claimed that they, the Druids, had established Shangri-La in the west. This should give the reader some hint as to the general thrust of druidic philosophy and of the hidden nature of that promoted by Jesus, whom St Columbus clearly stated was also a druid and magus himself.
Simply, vampire's(witches) are a bloodline of overlord's from the nobility class that use blood in their rituals. They are not the blood suckers you see in the movies, yet to those they ruled over, the comparison remained the same in their minds because of the cruel acts they imposed.
A vampire is very much human but he or she is an overlord that imposes their will without consequences.
Doru, So all vampires are considered overlords no matter the bloodline? That confuses me with all vampires also being human in most humans have a very mixed bloodline. Then that would state no matter the bloodline if someone simply claims to be a vampire that makes he or she an overlord? I would think that ones who can trace their bloodline for example back to Vlad the Impaler... but then we really was not a vampire nor did he ever claim to be one. He was just a Prince that had a unique way of killing his enemies. From what I have read I would think no one in that era would claim to be one what with how superstitious people were that anyone claiming to be evil would be burned, killed right away. From what I am taking from what you are saying all vampires are overlords. Do you perhaps mean it in as being that someone who claims to be a vampire, is above all humans? Could you also explain the bloodline? I guess I have it in my mind if someone is of a title they must come from a certain bloodline. I looked up Overlord so I understood what one is:Overlord in the English feudal system was a lord of a manor who had subinfeudated a particular manor, estate or fee, to a tenant. But during that time overlords were Lords holding a certain noble bloodline to where the King or Queen would give them lands and control over the tenant’s living on the lands he ruled over. Also let me ask you in the vampire community what does one have to do to be accepted as part of the community, seen as one of them?
Most of the blood line is considered from a noblity and yes you are right not everyone has this either keep reading though some of the things written are only myths and considered as much in my opinion
Everyone has some level of nobility in them if you go back far enough. Who cares? The only thing that made them noble was the fact they took control over a village or country and then gave themselves special rights.
There is no "royal" or "noble" blood that is in any way different than the blood of the guy sitting in the gutter.
~standing ovation~
Xzavier, (not blowing smoke) You have a brilliant way of cutting through the b.s..
I would never have posted in this thread, except that you have commented in a way that is exceptional.
Actually the first kings or queens in certain cultures were given power by "The Gods". They were seen fit to rule. Now days it seems people don't consider what that is or what that means anymore because times have changed and are far different from how it was back THEN.
To be considered as far as everyone's concern about noblity the actual population is too grand to say in the least that everyone has this bloodline it is however a nice thought anyone's bloodline can go back as far as the before even Christ as well as far as those written about vampires they did indeed start of a certain noblity however as I said before not all are considered as such it is a interesting argument to say in the least also keep in mind this thread is open for all of the opinions and all bloodlines thank you
Nobility goes hand in hand with money. Affluent individuals of the past and present have take advantage of those who are less fortunate and use them for their pleasure. They cast them off as garbage, once they have satisfied their agenda, regardless of the pain and anguish they leave in their wake.
I consider my self Border bloodline I can crave blood but i can also Drain energy too gill my cravings of this type of Vamprism
No I don't think vampires are from the same bloodline,its a big world lol
Technically so to speak this goes no further than this site but I myself am full blooded Hungarian
i am going to close the thread due to no activity reasons