UFO's and Aliens
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Ophidian (66)
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22:16:18 Jun 09 2016
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There are so many Ufo's and alien stories out there.
I personally like the alien greys as many call them.

The ponder is, Do you believe? Why and why not. Is there a story you could share. Please do.

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04:27:40 Jun 11 2016
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What's alien greys?

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02:28:42 Jun 12 2016
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Yes, I Believe! I'm not allowed to discuss experiences, or much information. I will say the following comes from a source that doesn't play by the same rules... http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/esp_vida_alien_19a.htm

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Sire (102)
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06:32:31 Jun 12 2016
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I have personally seen a UFO on two occasions in our atmosphere. I have seen them in the vast, distant sky at night time as well. They are up there, you've just got to look for them. Go outside and watch the stars at night. You'll see shit flying around up there, I promise lol. I've also seen a UFO on two separate occasions and on both occasions, I was not the only one who saw it. The first time, my mother was with me. That sighting was insane, I mean, there was no denying it. (Which the USAF denied it anyway lol.) The second time, a friend's son also saw it. Both sightings were in the Crystal Coast, Carteret County area of Eastern North Carolina.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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06:32:47 Jun 12 2016
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Astronomers believed that the most powerful event in the universe was the explosion that occurs when stars collapse near the end of their life before the 60’s. However, with the improved drugs of the 60s, astronomers were able to see all sorts of things. Enter the SuperNova. Gamma ray bursts (GRB) burst into the astrophysics scene with an a roar, For twenty-five years they didn't even know where they came from...

So what might happen if one of these babies went off in our galaxy?... The solar wind pushed cosmic dust out of our solar system and keeps it at bay. The super waves of light, gamma and X rays that radiate from an active galactic nuclei would create a global disaster...

Enter the Hopi.

The history tells of three worlds that came before this one. Each world is older than the previous. Each ended when the blue star appeared. The Hopi say the blue star is about to appear again. Based on the dust that lies between our solar system and the center of the galaxy, an active galactic nucleus would appear as. Some Nations (Native Indians) believed in constellations in many cases some Nations believed in the same formations for stars that other people do. Constellations seemed to be marked by the same knowledge that western civilizations on the other part of the globe was aware of. We call them by different names but the star arrangements were very similar.

Hopi believed in maps that have been drawn. That Hopi Nation existed at the center of the earth or Turtle Island. That beyond them was the sky and that beyond the sky were dimensional portals or sky holes as they called them. Beyond the dimensional portals was an area that they call the Ocean of Pitch, were the beauty of the night sky and the galaxies spun out towards them; beyond that were the boundaries of the universe. And that set along the rim at the boundaries of the universe were 4 different extraterrestrial groups.

Early Dakota stories speak of the Tiyami home of the ancestors as being the Pleiades. Astronomy tells us that the Pleiades rise with the sun in May and that when you die your spirit returns south to the seven sisters.

The Hopis called the Pleiadians the Chuhukon, meaning those who cling together. They considered themselves direct descendants of the Pleiadians. The Navajos named the Pleiades the Sparkling Suns or the Delyahey, the home of the Black God. The Iroquois pray to them for happiness.

My people, the Cree, believe we came to have come to earth from the stars in spirit form first and then became flesh and blood.


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Blood Drinker (68)
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08:48:09 Jun 12 2016
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To quote Calvin and Hobbes: "I think the surest sign there is intelligent life in the universe is that none of it has made any attempt to contact us."

While our perception of the universe tells us that it's quite large, to assume we're the only intelligent species on this side of The Great Attractor is utterly ridiculous. And if they did show themselves, but chose to hide, I can't really say that I blame them. We fight over printed paper, coalesced black ooze from the rotting cadavers of dinosaurs, the color of each others skin, who walks into what building which day of the week (which usually includes indoctrinated ideals with socioeconomic undertones hidden behind thinly veiled allegory and facades of bullshit), and even who does what with their genitalia when it doesn't involve a first person account or narrative, or even actually harms anyone.

The idea of a higher power is a bit of a stretch when you take into account that at this current juncture, we've delved ourselves into a more intense and calculated gameplan of genetic engineering and tinkering. Whether this is good or bad is up to you to decide for yourself.

In the same vein, people often confuse the idea of a higher power and spacefaring intelligent life to be a mutually exclusive concept, but it's not. When we adapt our own genetic structure to suit our environment at the expense of some preconceived notion of that same higher power being malevolent, that's manifest destiny, no matter how it's spun.

The strange lights we've all seen, could very well be intelligent life that is exogenous to our planet. But it could also be the result of vows of silence and redacted paperwork of our own doing as well.

So as such, in the name of gambling, and probably at the expense of a detractor or naysayer, if you were to ask me who would likely show themselves to us, knowing what the ramifications would be, I'm placing my bets on spacefaring intelligent life.

Other than a handful of statistical anomalies on a personal level, the concept of "God" has not once shown itself in the recorded history of mankind. Not once, outside of a divinely inspired manuscript based on second, third, or word-of-mouth accounts.

Once you acquiesce yourself to mathematical certainty and probability in its most unbiased, objective form, and how shitty the human race is as a whole, you'll understand why I can't blame God for showing itself either.

Let that sink in, and take all the time you need.

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Blood Drinker (68)
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08:51:06 Jun 12 2016
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for not showing itself*

inb4 grammar nazi

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Sire (102)
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03:14:48 Jun 13 2016
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I most definitely believe that aliens are out there.. It would be a really big waste.. We live in a multiverse is what scientists are starting to believe. :D

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Royal Sire (316)
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18:58:24 Jun 13 2016
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Of course I believe in aliens. I haven't seen any, but the truth is out there. As there is people who have have seen them.

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Fiend (35)
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08:18:23 Jun 14 2016
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Well I do believe the more you open your mind of other kinds of life and ask are self what truthly are we on what kind of aliens could be out there be not just Gray's but tall whites as well vampires are alien like in it own way so just because we all look a like don't mean are all the same race =)

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Sire (102)
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04:39:31 Jun 15 2016
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Exactly. I think we would be genuinely surprised at to what "aliens" would really look like if we ever really saw one. I'm sure they look nothing like we think they should. I think the government knows about what's going on but they just don't want to tell us for whatever reason. Mass hysteria.

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Royal Sire (316)
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21:09:31 Jun 15 2016
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Mass hysteria has always been a issue with most government agencies.

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Fiend (35)
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07:25:59 Jun 16 2016
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Well ask your self how far the truth go when it not matter of what they look like but What do they know what kind of knowledge do they have because we are just as much as alien to them as they are to use in are differences as they where helping minkind it why blonde hair and blue eyes was such a big deal because there was a alien race that had them but looked human so not everything is what it seems when it the government that fools man to think what is real when it would be selfish to think we are alone as man See's the world in black and white when we all just animals trying to be civil look around you under all the madness and insanely there a other world to what we really are so would you go down the rabbit hole that the question

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Hellion (73)
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15:58:11 Jun 16 2016
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It used to be Martians!

Now it's Large Grays
Small Grays
and a host of others!

I was told by someone that there
are no humans, we are one of the above!

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Ophidian (66)
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17:32:08 Jun 16 2016
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There is no humans? we are one above? Can you explain that better?

and the first ponder still on the roll.... do you believe, and why.

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Fiend (35)
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20:16:19 Jun 16 2016
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Well most of them where just named there a alien that look like humans but there not from what was told there 89 more races but it seems there just 2 aliens races that are helping mankind

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Doppelganger (69)
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23:25:29 Jun 16 2016
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Which two are helping or at odds with
Each other. Paleidians is one what is other?

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Fiend (35)
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00:14:13 Jun 17 2016
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Well it is the short Gray's and the tall whites that why you hear about them there known to take humans and there children to teach them skills you can't learn on earth but there is a case of hybrid humans on earth of baby hybirds with other alien races because earth is breeding pool for alot kinds of aliens the Paleidians eat humans so do Reptilians but there in 2 groups of them some like humans some don't so the truth is aliens where all was here they will not show them self because humans are just not ready it why I tell people to question everything because it not what it seems

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Hellion (73)
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00:33:55 Jun 17 2016
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Are Lyrans generally Paleidians or
Sireans. The first sang astral vamp
Claimed to be from Lyra then backed
Off all of a sudden

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Fiend (35)
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01:17:23 Jun 17 2016
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Well oh sorry I got it mix up with a bug race pleiadians are the first to help it why blue eyre and blonde hair was a big deal in ww2 lyrans pleiadians was there elders but they helped as well so human had alot of help over the years with alien's that not adding all the hybirding

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Fiend (35)
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01:38:02 Jun 17 2016
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So Sireans are a type of mermaid that taken form when Atlantis break down into water and become there own kind so they are not the first when there was alot of different kinds of life that was on earth before them

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Sire (102)
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18:15:21 Jun 17 2016
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I have actually heard that story before.. It's called "The Light". It's supposedly some HUGE secret contained and kept by the Illuminati. Check this video out. It's got some really cool background music, but it tells the "true story" of Atlantis, the Illuminati and how the human race became to look the way it does today.

(Also: For those people out here who don't really comprehend grammar skills... "true story" is in quote because I do not PERSONALLY believe it is true or false either way. This is what the AUTHOR says. ;) Just making sure I clear that up before folks go and think that I actually believe this to be true LOL)

So.. ALL of that being said. My opinion of the matter? I believe that it COULD be true. It's a possibility and it sure would explain a WHOLE hell of a lot. ;)

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Fiend (35)
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20:03:06 Jun 17 2016
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Well Atlantic was around for along time it where the fist Aliens that come earth https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xSY6on-M9Vw

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Hellion (73)
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22:36:31 Jun 17 2016
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Very interesting as I was born blue eyed
Male with brown hair. And almost the
Father of a Lyran child. I was told the
Baby died but who knows? Might have
Been mind games! Very cool video
Reminds me of bringers of the Dawn!

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Great Sire (112)
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03:26:22 Jun 18 2016
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I believe the ancient astronaut theory, I believe we have been visited, helped, attempts to destroy and start over, that it was all just people?aliens much more advanced then us...primitive people came up with stories of gods and powers trying to explain what they saw..

why do I believe it?

Because more advance people and technology makes way more sence than invisible all seeing all knowing god that is supposedly Good and Kind but lets all this crap go on which he himself would have to have created..

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Fiend (35)
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03:57:13 Jun 18 2016
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Well egyptian gods are different and are the ones that helped atlantis and there people grow before aliens ever came to earth

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Hellion (73)
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22:25:17 Jun 18 2016
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For some reason I bought the first
Jewelry ever an Egyptian Ankh and
Spirit vessel for no apparent reason!
So much to understand! My my!

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Royal Sire (316)
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18:58:15 Jun 21 2016
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I seen so many videos and websites on and about atlantis. It always interest me to no end. I would also go and rewatch videos about it.

I also find it interesting on some topics about alien take overs.

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Hellion (73)
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19:18:35 Jun 21 2016
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Sometimes I wonder if Vampires are really
Aliens and since vampires are more identifiable
That is their alias or is it the other way
Around ET and the the types are really vampires
Underneath. Or are aliens not even related?

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Royal Sire (316)
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02:18:02 Jun 22 2016
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Many have many different view points on this. Some believe one way where other believe another. No way is wrong by my book, its just is.

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Termagant (58)
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07:37:42 Jun 22 2016
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i wonder about all the theories and possibilities myself, are aliens another life form or are what we call aliens just the government doing covert activities

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Hellion (73)
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15:24:34 Jun 22 2016
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I love that! I wouldn't put anything
Past the government. Probably hires
Aliens that indeed live in Area 51 just
To mess with us and see who would be
Insane enough to tell all. While the rest
Hush! Sometimes I feel we are continually
judged and tested! Maybe if we knew
more we would go oh right right right!
And I'll shut my mouth! ;)

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Fiend (35)
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07:19:34 Jun 23 2016
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Well I think there more to it then that like alien hybriding with humans and other races clearly me know aliens are real but so as we talk about vampires it contradicting just saying

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05:45:55 Jun 24 2016
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To believe that we are the only intelligent life in the universe is arrogant and foolish . I have seen things In my travels that seem to confirm that they are real. All over the south into the west I have seen the lights and stuff that acted intelligent and did not appear to be man made in capabilities.

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Termagant (58)
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08:51:30 Jun 27 2016
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perhaps it was god mad... i think there are a lot of intelligent things that exist in the world such as animals and plants and perhaps even crystals but to say what exactly constitutes a alien or foreign life could be argumentative on certain bases and aspects but in generalizing aliens tend to be connected with life forms other than that on earth, even living organisms can be seen as a alien life form on a different planet not to get off topic but there is an interesting belief called animism that might be interesting to some


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Termagant (58)
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16:01:55 Jun 30 2016
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the most interesting story about aliens was of a interracial couple that went public with their story. here i will share a few links on it




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15:18:02 Jul 06 2016
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Of course they exist. They always have.
Someone very close to me remembers being alien, in a ship, looking down upon Earth with what looked like a red shield around it.
Some believe that to be the atmosphere whenever it was first forming, however he could not enter.

My neighbor and her son witnessed a strange craft with lights following their car down a dark road nearby. Whenever they sped up, the craft sped up. When they slowed down, it too slowed down. She said that if she would have stuck her arm out, she could have touched it that it was that close to their car. They finally decided to stop and get out of the car, and it flew off quickly.

I have personally seen a strange craft floating slowly over my place and my neighbors. It was oval shaped, emitted a soft white light and was silent in it's passing.

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Necromancer (96)
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00:49:11 Jul 07 2016
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ive heard many stories but I have not had any personal experiences, which im actually glad.
Many have stated stated they have had unpleasant experiences.
but i do beleive they are out there but if they took a look at our planet and what we do to it all the time amongst our selves. I think they are avoiding it.

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04:06:20 Jul 14 2016
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We all have our own views and beliefes. I for one believe that there are other civilizations out there. I believe that we have been visited since before the beginning of recorded time. Someone has been guiding us along over the mellinia.

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Sire (107)
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11:09:13 Jul 14 2016
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I hope there is life out there in the cosmos... and as others have pointed out here mathematically it is almost a given that there is life out there. But the reply to this is always "then why haven't they contacted".

So ponder this idea for a moment... we share 99% identical DNA with our closest primates, the chimpanzee. That means everything that separates us on a physical emotional and intellectual level exists in that 1% . Now imagine an advanced alien race (and they would have to be advanced to traverse deep space). Imagine how different their genes and DNA would be to our own. What abilities and traits would separate us from them. Image if it was just the same 1% we share with the chimpanzee but in the other direction..

Why haven't they spoken to us??
Well why haven't you stopped what you're doing to holding a conversation with a bird or an ant?? And if you did stop to speak to... say the family pet, how often do they respond??

The fact is that they probably haven't stopped to contact us and even if they have we probably aren't smart enough to understand that we have been contacted.

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17:05:01 Jul 14 2016
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Now one moment....
Just because it's not announced that they have NOT spoken to "us" doesn't mean that they have not.
Not everything you know is out on the surface for all to see and hear.

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Sire (102)
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04:02:54 Jul 24 2016
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I think that they have BEEN made contact back in the 40's. The Roswell crash and the crash in Kecksburgh, PA in 1965 were the most realistic of the evidence I've seen. I mean, they keep saying that there's no "evidence" but you sure could have fooled me. What the hell is this than???

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13:58:20 Jul 24 2016
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I would say, it's decently "doctored" footage.

I have seen several objects that I would say are unidentified flying objects. But, just because I couldn't identify them, does in no way mean that they are spaceships piloted by aliens from another world.

I think people are way too gullible and willing to believe the outlandish.

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Ophidian (66)
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05:06:25 Jul 28 2016
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The Roswell UFO incident refers to an event on July 8, 1947, when a United States Air Force surveillance balloon crashed at a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico, prompting claims alleging the crash was of an extraterrestrial spaceship. Just pointing out the date of that, more so.

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Interloper (47)
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01:15:13 Aug 06 2016
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I believe there is always going to be valid points for both sides who believe or not to prove one right and the other side wrong. Part of the problem is that both sides of the beliefs are so diluted what may or may not have been truths is nothing more than opinions now. I find either way it makes an interesting read and often an entertaining movie.

This wasn't meant as a jab to anyone who believes or doesn't believe. It was just my an opinion added to an interesting topic.

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Unregenerate (63)
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22:28:44 Aug 11 2016
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I believe. I feel that there is just to many habitable galaxies and planets for us to be the only sentient life that's developed. Just my two cents

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Termagant (58)
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14:19:48 Aug 18 2016
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I have seen something oval shaped, putting off a pale white light.
It wasn't a blimp. It was gliding without sound and seen during the day.

A friend of mine had a really wild personal experience with her son with a craft that followed their car on a dark road. Both testify to it.

We're definitely not alone in this world or the universe.

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Royal Sire (316)
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03:09:28 Aug 25 2016
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Reading the thread, I been wondering if the stories we come across of people being abducted, have any weight to them. Does any one have thoughts on this?

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Mosquito (7)
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09:54:34 Aug 31 2016
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Of course "aliens" exist, Think about it..

our planet is located in a very small solar system on the outer edge of the milky way galaxy, which contains thousands upon thousands over other stars with other planets..

But there are an infinite number of other Galaxy's they each have thousands upon thousands of stars with planets in orbit..

do you really think, outta the quadrillion bazillion basically infinite number of planets throughout the universe as a whole ( which is always expanding) that "life" only happened on one planet?!

if you believe that we are the only ones out there, please do us all a favor and dont breed or adopt. Let your ignorance die with you...

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Great Sire (118)
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14:18:18 Sep 05 2016
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Dear Human: If you believe that you are the only creature in this big universe, then, you are going for a big surprise. Alien are there...up there. Yes, I believe that something must exist up-there. Dude, is too big to be un-habitable.

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03:34:10 Sep 07 2016
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The horror stories of intrusion into the orfices of your body and nearly unendurable pain is more the reality of what a urologist checking you for cancer will do than any alien could dream up. *shudders*

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Ophidian (66)
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15:33:24 Sep 22 2016
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This is true. Sad, but true. The things we do to each other, is sometimes more wacked, then what the aliens are doing to us.

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Scamp (26)
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08:05:45 Sep 23 2016
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"I believe alien life is quite common in the universe, although intelligent life is less so. Some say it has yet to appear on planet Earth." - Stephen Hawking

From a sheer probability perspective I do believe that 'intelligent' life exists somewhere in the universe. Keeping in mind that the conditions to host intelligent life require a bit of luck considering the violent and extreme nature of the universe and development of planets.

While I will admit that life is likely to exist somewhere out there. From what I understand of the energy and science harnessed requirements to both conduct and survive the kind of deep space travel it would take to make it from any potential phone home location to Earth makes it just as easy for me to believe that the very popular greys have about an equal chance of being evolved humans from the future traveling back in time.

Ancient. Aliens.

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16:42:41 Sep 24 2016
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i kinda do believe in them i seen a ufo once here where i live

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Premiere Sire (120)
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05:41:44 Sep 30 2016
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I sometimes wonder what we would do if we did discover there are aliens out there. How it would change certain religious beliefs. I would love to watch some religions implode on itself. Some religious leaders I could see simple claiming we saw they weren't human and would simply explain that those are other Humans, separated from us for "reasons." Or simply that, "Man was chosen to be superior. Those Godless aliens weren't chosen and God doesn't love them like he does us. That's why they're not here on Earth which is awesome."

Then again some people are so invested in their belief that NOTHING will change their beliefs ever. But this is a sort of down-home-country-bred-tornado-baked trailer trash argument to religion. I do think Aliens flies in the face of creation myth. Aliens would signal the end of human-focused religion though it may take a bit of time. I sometimes wonder if the Governments across the World did have proof of aliens that this is why we are not told.

But then Science flies in the face of the creation myth so who knows. I mean we have people who legitimately believe that fossils are tools of Satan or that the Flintstones was a documentary. I do tend to think that it would stand to reason within our lifetime or our kid's lifetimes; we'll get the answer if someone is out there. And I also think that if we ever discover aliens, modern Christian churches would just see it as another tribe of godless aboriginals in need of converting.

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Termagant (58)
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14:45:28 Oct 01 2016
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I can answer that.
It wouldn't change religion at all actually.
What do you think Angelics are?
What THEY seen fall from the heavens were just that. Aliens.
They didn't call them Aliens because they didn't have that word to use as a reference.

Religion is not a bad thing.
It's a collection of stories told by people of that time.
They tell it by words they had to use, and it was up to the "modern" day man to rewrite them using current words, and they still do to this day.

Believing aliens really isn't far-fetched theories.
There's enough evidence to support that we see things all the time in our night and day skies and there's enough vocal stories by Native tribes to testify what THEY too saw in their times.

Religion is only bad when people impose them on others.

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Premiere Sire (126)
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16:44:06 Oct 05 2016
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But would those who hold great religious conviction share your take about angels being aliens? I highly doubt it. It would be far more likely that they would view them as demons.

That's just my two cents, and that's all I'm going to say on the topic of religious. Not gonna touch that topic with a ten foot pole, thank you.

Do I believe in aliens? Hmmm. Yes and no. I believe in other life forms on other planets in other galaxies. I'm not so arrogant to think the human race is it. However, I do not believe little green men travel in spaceships to Earth in order to abduct and study humans.

Sometimes when I think about aliens or other lifeforms, I think about the movie Horton Hears a Who. What if we're Whos and aliens are Horton??? What if we're a speck on a dandelion?

And if I think about that too much, my head starts to hurt, so I don't. :) Eh. I believe in the possibility of all things. Yes, even little green men flying spaceships and playing with anal probes. The probability of such a thing being legit ... That's another concept entirely. I don't believe it's probable, but I wouldn't be offended if I were proven wrong someday because I'm open to the possibility of any and every thing.

Also, I like the idea of aliens being evolved humans who have traveled back in time. That's pretty cool. That should be a movie. I'd totally watch it!

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16:48:07 Oct 05 2016
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Oh, and I forgot to mention that at one time, my mother claimed she had been abducted by aliens. I tend to doubt her story, though, because she was going through a traumatic time, with the divorce from my father and stuff. I think she was suffering from a severe case of depression; possibly even having a bi-polar manic episode. I don't know. She did claim it, though. I never ask her about it now because I don't want to embarrass her if she was ... well, talking out of her head. Plus, she gets really mad if I tell her she said something and she doesn't remember it. Like, really mad. It would be ... interesting to hear her story, though, if she still thinks it really happened. Other than her, I've never had anyone else tell me they had been abducted.

Also, is it just me or does it seem like alien abduction stories aren't as commonplace as they once were?

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Termagant (58)
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17:28:05 Oct 05 2016
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Actually not where i come from. They don't view them as demons at all. Why would they? They're aliens. It would make zero sense to view them as such since daemons rather, aren't seen as aliens by religious types.
Daemons are more spiritual sided rather than physical ones. So really, to say it's doubtful, really isn't.

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Termagant (58)
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17:38:22 Oct 05 2016
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Daemons includes Angelics if you want to inject the Greek versions.

Daemons are benevolent or benign nature spirits, beings of the same nature as both mortals and deities, similar to ghosts, chthonic heroes, spirit guides, forces of nature or the deities themselves.

In this definition, Daemons or Demons (Christianized word), wouldn't be seen as alien.

When a scripture says , "fell from the heavens" meaning the Angelics, then it wouldn't be far-fetched to assume these are alien individuals, and i'm sure in those times, they were seen as such, and there are others i've spoken with that would share that viewpoint whom are religious.
It's the ones that actually study what is being said that takes the time to analyze what that yes, this is what it's saying. To me, it's rather common sense knowledge.

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Scamp (26)
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17:39:42 Oct 05 2016
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Appreciate you allowing your imagination to entertain the theory. It is something that I don't think has been made into a movie. Someone has written a book with this theme though:


In my experience, people who tend to get REALLY upset when you remind them of something they have forgotten often tell a lot of stories. The frustrations they explode with is a defense mechanism to derail your attempts to call them on their BS. I don't know her personally and there are exceptions to every rule, but if you think this is the case, I would advise that when it happens. Do not engage further and simply note that they were lying to self. The truth does not compel people to respond that way.

As far as the drop off in alien abductions, I believe this to be directly related to the increase of cell phone cameras. We are walking security cameras in this day. If one was abducted, in order to sell this story they would have to be taken from their home while sleeping or in the shower. Otherwise, they'd have to sacrifice their cell phone to sell the story. Ain't nobody got time for that.

Growing up, peers would say I was abducted all the time because of how different I was. Hell, I've even heard it a handful of times in my adult life. If they are correct. My memory was wiped pretty good.

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Premiere Sire (126)
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21:19:49 Oct 05 2016
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Perhaps my choice of words was poor. Maybe I shouldn't have said demons. I would almost bet my life that the Christians around here would view aliens as an aberration to their faith rather than angels that fell from Heaven, though. Of course, I may be wrong. Wouldn't be the first time, certainly won't be the last. And I am not saying all Christians would feel that way. Mostly, the ones that I am referring to would be the ones who are older and less ... familiar with or open to science. More set in their ways, I guess. These are the types of people I could see regarding aliens in a negative light. The younger generation seems to have no problem believing in aliens while also practicing Christianity. There are some that believe in both ghosts and God, too. There are also those that feel to believe in ghosts is sacrilegious. I am not, by any means, generalizing how an entire culture would react to a situation. And, as you said, perhaps those you are familiar with would be more inclined to see them as fallen angels. It's definitely an interesting take. I've just never heard the same sentiment held during my time in the church so ... I can only make assumptions based upon my own experiences, while allowing for differences of other cultures I haven't experienced myself.

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Great Sire (115)
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01:50:41 Nov 03 2016
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some well thought out theories and indights here...

I'm wondering what percentage of ufo sightings / alien encounters are not extra-terrestrial rather than visitors from our own planet's distant future?

If evolutionary theory is actually correct, wouldn't humans from tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of years into the future be significantly smaller and weaker than we currently are?

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Premiere Sire (126)
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20:22:12 Nov 16 2016
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I just read an article which stated that famed theoretical physicist, Stephen Hawking, predicted, during a speech at Oxford University Union, U.K., that humanity wouldn't last another 1,000 years on Earth. He said that we would have to find another planet on which to live.

Now, what if aliens are time travelers? What if they're evolved humans from another planet? What if we do find another planet to inhabit? Hmmm ...

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Premiere Sire (122)
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21:32:22 Dec 08 2016
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Usually I tend to agree with Hawking, but on this particular issue I disagree to a degree. While deep space travel far enough to find a second Earth or time travel are equally likely events from a probability perspective, I believe he has not considered the following option:

The NeoHuman.

The irony here, is that his existence and participation in Bio-engineering advancements is a large part of how I came to the conclusion.

So while I agree that cities, life, and man as you know it now, won't be here in 1k... Merging with the machine is far more likely, than finding a new Earth, converting some rogue planet into a new Earth, or hop-jump-skipping around time.

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Premiere Sire (126)
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19:05:14 Dec 09 2016
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Evolution for the win, huh? :)

What if we merge with aliens sometime in the future and the product is a superhuman? What if it's already happening? What if aliens are here, collecting our samples, to build a super species?

Creepy ...

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Great Sire (110)
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19:23:32 Dec 09 2016
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I'll be the naysayer. If another form existed it would be common knowledge not speculation

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Premiere Sire (122)
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17:35:11 Dec 10 2016
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Coven Mistress,

I had to really think about an answer to your questions. To your point, IF this is happening, I would have to believe it has ALWAYS been happening.

Ancient Aliens.

I can briefly entertain the idea that Aliens planted the seeds of life to, experiment, build, or attempt to naturally fix some DNA issues. Or maybe harvest a planet right.

Logistically it gets problematic for me after a short amount of time though.
First consider how technologically advanced an Alien race has to be to get over here at all. So they came all this way, to let us do this? Humanity is kind of destroying the planet. IF they wanted to help us or themselves, what are they waiting for? Advanced enough to fly across a few galaxies, but just can't intervene yet because squad leader has to watch the next episode of Empire?

Something just doesn't sit right.

I like where the Transformers movie franchise and Men In Black gave credit to the roswells and area 51s of the world for the birth of the technological revolution. It is quite a thought provoking concept. It just seems to me, like if the whole point is to not interfere, either cleaning up the mess, or not returning again would be a priority. Perhaps a formal apology for crashing into the planet, search & rescue mission for the POW pilot? Or like The Fallen in the above pyramid picture: "Give me back my jewels...thems mine...thems my rightful property!"

So let's look at Sagan's 'Contact' model. Here, the Aliens send us this mathematical & technological riddle that must first be solved, constructed, and then executed. OK, that makes sense. First prove that we can handle the conversation before saying hello, I really liked seeing the visual interpretation of the actual contact translated into film too. They are all metaphors. But I digress...

I've always embraced the notion that mathematics is the universal language. The rules of physics are the rules.

If you apply Sagan's model to us, Mankind haz the Stupid. We haven't publicly been invited to speak among the intelligent species of the universe yet. Or if the invitation was sent, mankind is still proving to be too illiterate to RSVP the party.

You know who is really good with math though? The Machine.

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Premiere Sire (126)
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01:31:32 Dec 12 2016
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But if we factor in time travel, maybe the aliens know something we don't. Maybe it seems like we're destroying the planet, when, instead, we're moving toward some great revolution ... evolution.

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Premiere Sire (122)
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02:50:29 Dec 12 2016
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Coven Mistress,

Well, deep space travel is a lot of effort to just take a peek. I would have to imagine that there was some sort of serious vested interest to support a motive for such a journey.

First, there is a correction. I said Men In Black before, wrong Will Smith Alien movie. Independence Day.

In this model you have the hive mind approach, even they equate this to being software like in the story. So let's say, even with the advanced technology, this is still a like 100, 300, or 500 year one way ride.

Now a man hasn't landed on Mars yet, but guess who has. A few Robots. Robotic explorers have been crashing into Mars for the past 40 years. It's a long ride, chit ton of resources, gotta be sure this is going to work out before you send one of your own.

Same logic could apply, assuming that these popular visitors are bio-engineered drones working off of some seriously hard core Bio-IT Networking. If they don't make it back, ok, just a drone, or a clone, or whatever.

I do think mankind is destroying the planet, slowly, but very effectively. The dinosaurs of the past can verify the effectiveness an apocalyptic event provides towards igniting evolution.

So let's factor in time travel now. They know what's up and we don't. Like the contact example, if they are waiting to engage us, or want something from us, we simply aren't there yet.

"Lets evolve, let the chips fall where they may. " - Tyler Durden

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02:11:16 Feb 18 2017
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While seeing can be believing, the reverse that just because you cannot see it equals non existence is not always true. Whether or not Aliens exist is up for debate and down to personal views but the existence of non-earth life is plausible.

A sun is a star, and the sun here has planets orbiting it with at least one that is sustaining life, it is quite possible that some of those other stars out there may have a life sustaining planets around them.

As for UFOs, I mentioned this in another thread, but they could literally be anything, likely trolling on the government's part.

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Behemoth (65)
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18:27:14 Feb 19 2017
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It is natural to wonder about life beyond this planet but I don't think it matters. Aliens are only a possibility, life on earth is certain.

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Evil Spirit (60)
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00:18:50 Mar 23 2017
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Let's say aliens do exist and have been visiting earth in UFOs, they sure have strove to keep a really low profile. Look how poorly people have treated each other in the past when they arrived on new lands, do you honestly think a being from another world or universe would receive a warm welcome by earth.

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Ophidian (66)
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02:11:53 Mar 23 2017
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Umyalanaraku, My thoughts as well. Aliens (and or life from other planets), I believe, would be treated very harshly here.

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Apostate (62)
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08:43:14 Mar 23 2017
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Yes I am a very BIG believer of ET's as the group that I know of, like to be called.

I was doing some research on the number of species that may live among us and I found the number to be 82... 82 species living on this earth among us and we cant tell them apart.

Now, I am not afraid of these ET's and I think that they should be given the chance to show their colours.... Don't just shoot it down because you don't understand it.

If ye use hostility, ye will be met with more hostility.

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Chimera (90)
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13:58:13 Mar 23 2017
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Aliens living amongst us? Interesting concept.

In another thread, Playing God, perhaps, talk of travel to exoplanets and colonizing them gave me a thought. What if it's already been done, and we're the result of that endeavor? What if aliens aren't little green men, but other humans that sent us to live here because our other world was dying?

I'm not going to lie. The little green men concept is one I just can't get behind. Too Hollywood. I'm not so conceited as to believe we're the only life form around, though, so what if some of the other life forms are simply more humans? And I'm not saying humans are the only life out there. That would be stupid. Just look at the varied life here on Earth. Still, Hollywood makes me hesitant to get behind the stereotypical image of an alien. Look at what it has done to the vampire. But that's a topic for another thread. :)

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Wyvern (85)
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06:37:07 Mar 25 2017
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Do I believe in Aliens? Oh fuck ya I do. There is NO WAY we are the only intelligent life or just life for that matter out there. TO many reports. TO many sightings. I've personally seen lights in the sky that were not "flares" as they call them. Space junk that they are checking in hazardous suits? HAHAHAHA ya ok. That happened in my town here in Phoenix, AZ about 6 months ago. So YES I believe alot!

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Evil Spirit (60)
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07:09:14 Mar 25 2017
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Not to argue the point but yes, they would wear special bio-hazard suits to collect space junk to protect themselves from radiation exposure. Space is full of solar radiation which this space debris is exposed to. That's why they give strict warnings to the public about not handling or getting near anything that comes from space. Makes sense actually because that's how people tan or sunburn, is radiation from the sun. In space, there's no protection from the full force of the sun's radiation.

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Sire (102)
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03:54:44 Apr 03 2017
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One time i seen a UFO before while i was standing out side in the dark but it was morning time about 7:00AM

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Shade (32)
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17:35:19 Jul 25 2017
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yes i believe, the whole cosmos is full of life

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Revenant (41)
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11:54:38 Aug 01 2017
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i kind a do and kinda dont believe in it because i haven't seen one for myself ive just herd of them

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Shade (32)
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19:06:14 Aug 03 2017
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they are out there and among us

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Haunt (40)
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05:48:55 Aug 23 2017
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Do you ever think about what other life forms think of ous?

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Exasperater (20)
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09:01:56 Oct 13 2017
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I can't help but believe that there is intelligent life outside of earth. Considering the vastness of the multiverse and how little of it has actually been explored and documented it would seem foolish to me not to expect other lifeforms to be out there also exploring and documenting the multiverse and also wondering if there is other life to find. Think about it, we have difficulty just exploring our own 14 planet solar system. And we are just a miniscule part of our galaxy. We live in the Sol system(NGC 7293) of the Orion spur of the Sagitarius arm of the Milky Way galaxy of our universe. And there are countless galaxies in our observable universe. And we are just 1 of many universes. Consider how often you actively seek out personal interaction with the neighbors on the block where you live or neighboring countries. Think about how far away people live from eachother in the countryside. Considering these can one really expect to encounter alien life more than once in a blue moon if ever. We are not likely to just bump into eachother in such a vast universe and if our own practically lifeless solar system is any indication of the probability of life in other systems than we can assume to a certain extent that life in our universe is far and few between. Also we have difficulty just leaving our own planet. We like to think that aliens in general are more advanced but that is likely only true about the ones that have the ability to travel in space without much worry. The rest are probably just as planet bound as we are. Considering all this I have to conclude that a lack of trustworthy evidence of interaction is not evidence of a lack of existence.

I don't know how common knowledge it is that we have 14 planets as opposed to the 8 or 9 so as a frame of reference here is the list of planets in order:





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Specter (43)
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03:56:44 Oct 18 2017
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So, I don't really believe in anything I haven't perceived myself.

I have had precisely one spiritual encounter with a being that used symbolism that was UFO-esque, in manifesting itself to me.

I have not had any classical UFO or alien sightings, or abduction experiences.

That said -- if you buy into the existence of Gods or spirits, many, many of those (I'd even wager most) are non-human intelligences. They may not be little green men, but they're pretty damn alien.

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