This is a introduction for those that are a true vampire and talk about it a little more or ask open questions you may have
What is the ideal diet for the donors of sangs? What would result in the healthiest, tastiest blood?
Personally, I would prefer someone who is omnivorous, since being a vegetarian doesn't give me the iron I need to stay healthy.
@StalkingRebirth, good point about a donors diet. What defines a full blood?
I took it as one who was born a Vampire, and has been awakened.
A young one is usually the best for any vampire it's like drinking the holy grail I don't usually bother with certain diets because no matter what I don't change any I never get sick but my preference for taste is organics coffee to warm me in the mornings wine for my cravings for now
As a donor you probably should stay away from fast food places they have things that are harmful to humans
I am what is considered a full blood i have been dead for a few centuries now and i do have most of the folklore abilities that seems to scare others although I'm a little surprised by that since they think we are just a story from a book or think of us as a Hollywood movie how sad yet they believe we are real as well can't seem to understand why they are so surprised when they see it in person
@ Elizabethbathory33
How can one actually be "dead for centuries", yet, be alive all along? There is just so much role-playing going on here. All these television shows do talk about the "Ancients", if you know what I mean.
However, I do think that a "full blood" is not only restricted to "vampires"... It could be the traceable bloodline. This whole topic is too iffy for me.
Very interesting thread, objective and subjective. Reminds me of the debates in philosophy. Semantics and rhetorics aside. I definitely believe holistic health goes beyond choice of food. The different explaining of full blood, can be racist, biased, contrived, and stratified. I would definitely need more information, to find and explain what can be proven in accord with Pythagorean Hylozoics. I will state that I think it has more to do with a state of being, more than an origin. I look forward to reading additional post on this topic. Be blessed :-)
My dear once you die as I did long ago you won't again everything I have spoken of has already been proven and documented just because I haven't been on this site before until now does not mean that I haven't watched others either I have already explained much in my journal entry
Even though you have not heard of me alive and well didn't mean that other vampires haven't known of me for some time now but the states are nice
You could say that over time I became bored of things and everything that seems to work on humans to die just doesn't work on me I heal anywhere from seconds to minutes so for example my dear they say that others die from your throat slit didn't work i got shot in the head still have the medical records and scar yet I lived jumped from a three story building didn't even break a bone but it freaked out others I have done countless of things that has scared others for being what I am I never really cared for it I just want to settle down for once and live as others do and not just that but to just live one life than many it's definitely becoming more and more expensive nonetheless I have great qualities that others just seem to find benefiting to wherever I go I have made this thread for our kind no matter if you are half blood that has been reborn I don't judge my people and yes you are right others have talked but how many has had the privilege of siding with the government and living more than just one lifetime not as many as you think but I am aware of those that are a few are on this site you really shouldn't believe everything you hear from a poser that will continue to wish but age as they always do not everything is in the books written I have given you enough details about many things believe what you want though it really doesn't matter to me I'm not here to be a leader as I have in my past just to repeat my own doom again I lived it and that was enough for me
Since this topic has taken more of a role-play direction, I am going to close it.