What is Too Much?
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Bestial Spirit (27)
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08:26:29 May 26 2016
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Is it common for a human being to feel too deeply about the world?

- Compassion.
- Love.
- Generosity.
- Guilt.
- Empathy.


These are all emotions that I constantly experience with such devotion, or for lack of a better word, heart. I admire this ability, but there are times when I deeply want some kind of reprieve.

Is there something about yourself that may feel 'Too Much', as if you have more to spare?

Or perhaps you are the other way around?

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12:29:11 May 26 2016
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This is a very good post and question. I look forward to reading the replies. I personally believe and feel that I am continually learning how and what to do with all of the sensory overload from everything. I mean, there is so much energy from more sources than I can process, and understand. It's overwhelming! I have always felt great sadness from the sufferings of this world. The brief moments of joy and happiness I've experienced, usually come from nature and music. Only recently have I started to learn about Pythagorean Hylozoics and Theosophy(esoterics), which make the most sense to me. It has helped me incorporate these beliefs into worshipping nature. I couldn't understand why there is such a difference between the types, and levels of life experiences people live. I thank VR, CM BE, and everyone on here, to continue to learn and share in this great experience! Blessings :-) to you all!

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Exasperater (20)
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22:43:50 May 26 2016
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I believe some do feel more deeply than others. I know I do. While this can be wonderful or even euphoric, at the opposite end of the spectrum it can be very dark. Both a blessing and a curse.

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Elemental (77)
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05:39:08 May 28 2016
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This is something rare to feel all these things but not unknown. Everyone is different. Not sure in what context you are meaning by the post but people of this type usually end up in a service type profession or a missionary. I have met people with some of these attributes but not all because of human nature.

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Blood Drinker (68)
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22:56:39 May 28 2016
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As with anything, "too much" is subjective. Objectively, "too much" exceeds what an individual is willing to put up with. The key is to know your own limits, and establish your own boundaries.

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Venerable Sire (134)
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03:54:27 May 30 2016
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Nothing is too much. One's needs may be another's wants. We are all unique and have different perspectives in life.

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Venerable Sire (136)
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17:18:15 May 30 2016
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Personally in life we need to find people who accept us for who we are and those who dont complain about faults personally those are impossible lol

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Doppelganger (69)
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20:23:46 May 31 2016
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I would agree with Doru on this subject. Know yourself, what your boundaries are and uphold them. Feeling all these things can be a blessing and a curse, but you must be able to shut down to preserve thy self...

"To thine own self be true"...


Lady Morganna

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Follower (5)
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05:45:34 Jun 02 2016
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Personally, I believe that there are some people who are only capable of processing certain emotions. For example, let's say "Ted" understands sadness but not anger. He might then react to an infuriating situation by feeling sad (crying etc.).
Therefore, people who "don't feel those emotions" are interpreting them in a different way or even neglecting to address the situation entirely.
Just my thought.

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Sire (102)
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20:29:41 Jun 07 2016
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I have always been told since I was a kid really.. I have WAY too much heart and am entirely too trusting.

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Termagant (58)
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02:44:37 Jun 08 2016
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every one is different some can handle less and some more

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Savage (61)
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05:16:10 Jun 08 2016
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I am a very sensitive person and I know it can be very hard to deal with the emotions of others on a daily basis. You just need to focus on yourself and not focus on what others around you are feeling. It's hard I know, but it will make daily activities a little more bearable.

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19:52:32 Jun 08 2016
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I really enjoy and appreciate the replies to this subject :-) very interesting. Personally, I'm working harder through prayer and meditation to transmute energy, beyond musically. This is helping me absorb and radiate God's, Augoeides', Goddess' love and the full spectrum of light in this world and beyond! :-) Blessings to you all :-)

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Venerable Sire (136)
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03:50:19 Jun 10 2016
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I'm a vegan and a Buddhist. Compassion, love, generosity and kindness are all things I strive to apply to every available situation.
Sometimes it can be heavy - sometimes seeing people act without the above can really hurt - but having compassion for them helps. Understanding motives helps. It's... hm. Metta, loving-kindness meditation and mentality - it's a self-fulfilling circle of compassion, so no, to me it's not... something I'd call "feeling too deeply" (in a negative way, as in it's heavy and impacts upon your mental health badly).
Combined with things like gullibility and being guileless, it could hurt (taken advantage of), but the above traits/feelings are not always associated with gullibility, so it's not... that bad.

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01:26:40 Jun 11 2016
Read 835 times

"Is it common for a human being to feel too deeply about the world?"
Common? No. At least not in the society I'm raised in. Where rivers are dark in the bright sun, concrete stretches for miles in every direction, and the whole of the giant valley is a sprawling metropolitan into five counties and more if you ignore the short breaks from sharp hill/mountains in the way.

Should you? Yes. As far as the world is interpreted as the planet.

If you're asking about people, possessions, and other temporary things, then there is a point of "too much" that can be reached, and it varies. Whereas, those apathetic to the ideal need very little to none; therefore, those with great care or empathy to the same ideal would want the most.

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Great Sire (110)
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14:00:23 Jun 15 2016
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Voelk feels like it is only too much when it takes the place of a legitimate higher priority. Many Americans misalign their priorities placing things in the wrong order of importance.

Dating back to Abraham Lincolns notion of free labor, which isn't working for free but rather everyone being free to work and earn as much as they want, is the very essence of free market Capitalism.

The anxiety of the almighty dollar places so much stress on Americans that they often do not allow themselves the opportunity to enjoy the pleasures that they are really working for.

The short answer is a gentle balanced mix of Hedonism, Narcissism, and Mill's harm principle. Anything in excess is probably too much.

Any Rand described positive selfishness as taking care of yourself so that you are able to help others. If you are down, you won't even be able to help others. Thus, you cannot pour from an empty cup.

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Fiend (35)
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09:06:53 Jun 17 2016
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Well as living beings feeling is apart of experiencing each other feeling on a deeper level is how we can understand each other better but are self as well it how we grow by not judge each other by sex race or color things can change the more you open your mind and see past the illusion that we are one reality is just a mind experiencing it self as it self the artist because the painting so the deeper you go into the water's of the self and find the meaning to what the heart seek's the question is how far are you willing to go to truthly find are self =) that when true acceptes take form

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Hellion (73)
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16:43:08 Jun 17 2016
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Very Nice read. And I concur with the
different and common views!
In my job I see a lot of unfortunates
down on their luck and themselves!
I know how frustrating it can be with
priorities. Everything is driven by laws,
rules, duties and directions. It tries
to make people hard.
As I long for any down time I can
get to get in touch with my inner self!
And strive to be more empathetic!

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02:44:47 Jun 19 2016
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- Compassion.
- Love.
- Generosity.
- Guilt.
- Empathy.

Useless emotions in my opinion, there is little of use here when it comes to personal survival. I have seen what these emotions do to some and it makes me glad that I don't have any of it. Why would anyone want to be burden with such emotions?

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Fiend (35)
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05:15:39 Jun 19 2016
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Well it what keeps a living thing alive and how it grows it under standing of it self on a higher level and not limit yourself so things that become emotionless comes off as a emotionally weak when a wolf can kill with out feeling anything because it has to eat

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Firebrand (79)
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20:53:19 Jun 24 2016
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Too much good or bad is never a good idea it really doesn't matter what it may be if you don't have any balance then it will falter it's all for a great purpose and reason I hope that in time others will understand why this is

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Doppelganger (69)
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15:22:53 Jun 28 2016
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Agreed! Without an exact balance we would spin off into
space I fear! Everything from magnetic polls to good and evil!

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12:41:14 Jul 03 2016
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We have top balance our emotions. We cannot feel the emotion of love all the time. Just as we cannot be focused on anyone emotion to long.

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Necromancer (96)
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15:19:20 Jul 03 2016
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Balance is the key, as stated above.
but i think we can feel too much at times that it tends to get in the way at times.

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Unclean Spirit (39)
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02:48:00 Jul 04 2016
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When I'm 'in love' or love a significant other, I love and feel for them so deeply, like on a very high level... It seems like it's too much for some because they usually leave. Then the sadness of them leaving is almost unbearable. All of my emotions are cranked on max, to keep them at bay from freaking people out I usually keep a calm neutral appearance on the outside.

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Caitiff (17)
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17:50:08 Jul 04 2016
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you went straight to it, nice post. yeah, this is me. when that "way too much" fog surrounds me usually the police have to get involved. there's this new app that people are downloading to their phones, take a pic of yourself moving and the app will show how fast you are moving. i see on the news that people are dying from this behavior. few days later a young girl decides to drive fast as hell on the highway, snapped a pic of herself, hit another car, elder man is now in a coma.....but she got her pic.
about a week later, i am driving to a gas station that is extremely close to my house. speed limit is 35, a car passes me going at least 75, i go get my gas, i drive back the same way to get back to my house. BOOM, police everywhere, vehicle confetti everywhere, lights flashin, two adults and three children layin on the grass just lookin crazy.
the car past me goin 75, the car hit 95 and lost control......trying to get that pic. a freakin little pic.

sorry..i say all that to say, i got out of my car and stood there, hot tears falling down my cheeks.....we as people just don't damn care anymore.
i wasn't the only one standing there lookin like a tearful zombie. police got our statements the best they could. people were running in their homes to get blankets and water for the crash victims, it was crazy.........and all for a PIC.

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Evil Spirit (60)
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08:02:34 Jul 08 2016
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I'm sorry to say that the last scenario involving the car pictures is more stupidity and less emotions.However there are quite a few people with no instinct of self preservation nowadays.

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Firebrand (79)
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23:42:05 Jul 08 2016
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Anything can be used as a positive or negative depends on how you want to receive it and remember that not everything has one outlook put color instead of just the black and white and I would have to agree that the phones are definitely getting out of hand it's too much for others to do sometimes and we all work to many hours to continue to take these risks :/

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13:28:30 Jul 09 2016
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Too much of anything isn't healthy. Even drinking too much water can kill you.

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15:51:19 Jul 09 2016
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Some folks usually like to say too much of a good thing is a bad thing, because like the above said, too much of anything is a bad thing, problem is that most folk ignore that and instead want too much from this world.

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Firebrand (79)
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06:46:33 Jul 10 2016
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It's why they say that the ying yang is the perfection of peace it's where both light and dark lives together as one the bond between the two that can never be unbroken for a good reason it was created long before we even existed for a good reason I'm sure in time this will make some sense until then keep your mind open ^_^

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Noble Sire (160)
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18:12:48 Jul 10 2016
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Its good to realize that everyone has his or her own life. You don’t need to solve everyone’s problems.

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18:28:55 Jul 10 2016
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Well said Oceanne, it is one of the many reasons why I hate humanity, their greedy need to police the world and "cure" and "rehabilitate" folks that are different is pathetic and quite frankly, against the natural order.

I may be an immoral and despicable individual but I don't try to change others because they "like to shop in a different store" to me.
I accept variaties, it is actually good for the world but of course humanity is not happy unless the world and society is "one". That is "peace" and "good" intentions gone to far.

The world is not meant to be unified and it shouldn't. Loss of identities, legacies, culture and so on is what awaits those who think the can police and control the world.

What is too much? Simple, mankind's ambitions. When one reaches too far for the sun, you get burned.

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Noble Sire (160)
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18:42:01 Jul 10 2016
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I hear you...and agree. If we concentrated on becoming better people ourselves things might not be too damn bad.

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Firebrand (79)
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19:52:51 Jul 10 2016
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Well I have to agree with you on this as well humanity has over populated the earth throwing things off balance the place where we call earth belongs to everyone everything has their own purpose and I wonder still today when is it going to be enough for anyone?

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Premiere Sire (120)
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22:02:37 Jul 10 2016
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I too fully agree with Oceanne. Self focusing/ what a world this would be if all did that. Perhaps then we would live in a Utopia Society.

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Marplot (14)
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20:28:04 Jul 12 2016
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I don't feel all of these emotions in such large amounts, but I feel like I have far too much love for other people. I like people as soon as I meet them, but that just means I get screwed over a lot. And when I have a crush on someone it's huge, like I can't stop thinking about them. I think if the person I liked knew they'd think I was obsessive. It's like I fall in love really fast, and then I end up getting my heart broken all the time. I don't know if this is what you mean, it's just what the title meant to me.

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16:09:50 Jul 14 2016
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caring is a sign of weakness

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17:03:15 Jul 14 2016
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Caring is not a sign of weakness.
When people HIDE their true emotions, that is more self cowardice.
One is only bringing more harm unto themselves by worrying what others will think.
Emotions, feelings and our intuitions are our helpful guides.

We are all human, and we all have wants, needs, and emotions.
Ignoring our very most inner core is, I would argue: A weakness.

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