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Quadruped (33)
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Chateau Orleans (Coven) is a member of an Alliance

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23:59:09 Nov 10 2015
Read 643 times

I have been here a short while, and yet to have read a forum like the one you are about to read. You will be doing you homework if you wish to indulge in a humble, philosophical, and very well thought-out, yet thoughtful thought provoking conversation. I am here to take my time, eternity knows I have abundance of it. I hope you all enjoy this and play nice.

First question is what do you think about this. Yes, I will go back and read, everything, with you. So that I am better prepared to help discuss your thoughts on the matter. The topic is a Vampire origin story. So, please do not rush through this and indulge your senses in the beauty of conversation.

"For are we not here to learn, to truly grow as a whole, a community?" ~D.N.N.~

Here is the link: http://www.gods-and-monsters.com/vampire-origin.html

Please, I am sure this site looks very enticing, and steady, ready to devour. But, I ask you to stay on topic.

How does this origin story, move you? Into a brighter understanding of things, or does it beat you down with your own confusion on the theories stated, most importantly, the poem at the end.

I will be asking questions that pertain to the whole article, but only if I truly feel thou art being lazy, I despise lazy research. For one must ask all questions, even the ones one chooses to ignore.

Thank you, and enjoy with unconditional love, respect, and understanding.


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Sire (107)
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09:00:50 Nov 11 2015
Read 605 times

Its a pleasant and entertaining read but there are several problems right from the start... First and foremost its a Greek story. The ancient Greeks were notorious for lifting mythology from other cultures and making it there own.
In fact the Hermetica, the foundation for a large portion of their believe structure is almost almost entirely ancient Egyptian in origin.
The Greeks had no concept of reincarnation, the soul, or the after life so all of these concepts are (most likely) lifted from the book of the dead. Even the bible was translated from ancient Hebrew into Greek. Its why all the chapters are Exodus and Leviticus, Genesis.... yep... all Greek words.

Secondly, almost every culture on earth has a vampire type of legend in its folklore. You have cultures like the Persians, Egyptians, Babylonians and Assyrians who all had blood drinking demon like creatures who roamed the night. From cuneiform and Sanskrit text to engraved pottery and hieroglyphs there is a long history which pre dates the Greek version... you can't really have a true origin story and have it not be original.
Unfortunately its a colorful and touching love story but probably not historically accurate enough to shed any light on the true origin of vampirism.

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Quadruped (33)
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Chateau Orleans (Coven) is a member of an Alliance

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21:45:49 Nov 11 2015
Read 584 times

Very well said. Do you have any thoughts on an original story? I am a writer, and I am looking for all the information I can muster? Do you think that their was a first? I mean, we have always existed, but beyond all history, "His-Story" there has to be a first, created. Also, what are your thoughts on our first ever documented creation story? Thank you for playing!

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Sire (107)
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05:31:15 Nov 12 2015
Read 563 times

The question is easy enough... the answer on the the other hand is not.

As I said almost every culture has a vampire legend, even the Hoppie Indians of noth America have an ancient vampire myth. But one of the oldest legends is that of the Hebrew story of Lilith which can be traced back to the story of Litlu of Babylonian origin. Some will argue that this was lifted from an even older Egyptian mythos. Either way the problem you will run into is that these stories often pre date the written histories that support them.
Legends by their nature are a difficult thing to prove as fact to the satisfaction of many. You can trace a word or phrase only so far, a legend for that a little farther back but in many cases in comes down to word of mouth folklore by eye witnesses and loosely fitting circumstantial supporting evidence.
So for many it is a matter of choice as to which legend they want to believe and place their faith in... the origin story is in many ways thee vampire holy grail.

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Quadruped (33)
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Chateau Orleans (Coven) is a member of an Alliance

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09:55:55 Nov 12 2015
Read 558 times

I know the story of Lilith, quite well, at least the basics. She was the first wife of Adam, and thought herself an equal, she was cursed and banished, creating her own children from Adam and Eves, bloodline. Sound about right, the basics? As well as ancient Kemet. Isis and Osiris, Ra, Tehuti, Ma-aT. . .

I was referring to the humans first written creation story. About how we were in fact created, so on an so forth? The Sumerian clay tablets? Ea being our true creator, also deemed Satan.

Do you think that the first Vampire could have been related to this story some what?

I mean I guess what I am truly asking is, we are all weaved together, at some point, in his-story, correct?

Do you think that their is an easy way into immortality, or are all beings truly created equal? To some extent at least and there for we can only prolong the inevitable, our coming death. "As in the death of the flesh, for I know, as well as you, I trust. That energy never dies, it is just redirected."

I truly wonder if It is as simple as being bitten, drinking their blood, and living on, cursed to never die, indirectly.

I would consider this a blessing, for I would have the time to spend with eternity, to further my learning. But, then again, what else could I truly learn here? That last question was intended, rhetorical.

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No Longer Registered
14:27:39 Nov 12 2015
Read 549 times

To say these beings were Vampires is ridiculous because they were not.
Lilith was NEVER a vampire either. She was ALWAYS human.
The old Gods were merely sons and daughters of the Angelics.
The fallen Angelics are seen as vampiric or demonic but they are merely Angelics, nothing more.
Whoever brought the term vampire into context of these immortal beings was doing nothing more than misinterpreting what they really are.

Angels, Demons.....are not vampires.
Being Immortal does not equal Vampire.

If you take into consideration anything that Upir has posted over and over again is that the Fallen ones never needed blood, but rather sexual feedings, psi-feedings if you will.

There's a lot of confusion in the masses by these "storytellings".
It's no surprise when you have figureheads building a mass delusion that vampires exist.

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Quadruped (33)
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Chateau Orleans (Coven) is a member of an Alliance

Member of Chateau Orleans (Coven)
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14:52:52 Nov 12 2015
Read 544 times

Thank you for sharing, I can agree to this, no matter how sexy and enticing the myths are, I believe, we are all immortal, to some extent. I like your reference to Sexual and Psi energy feedings, for as the years have gone by, as well as my studies, knowing thyself has never proven me wrong. I enjoy pleasing others, be it physically, or mentally. Hence, when I am with a woman in acts of love, I never consider it fucking. Don't get me wrong. We fuck, it always end up that way. But, I seduce them into a love of understanding, not in negative ways. I do my best to bring the best out in them, and it works, they feel free, and fearless, allowing me to do things. i enjoy their sexual energy, to say the least.

Now, that was to much info, maybe. But, on a psychic wave length. I enjoy, what I called, or thought I dubbed, psychic vampire. I was wrong, but at thought of it for myself before learning about it, truly. I would say that I eat others negative energy, in hopes of alleviating, well. It doesn't matter really. Nice comment, thank you again for sharing. Disclosure, I shared this freely, and not to be judged. I am love, understanding, and respectfully unconditional. I am sure you feel me, working anytime, we converse. I am not bad, nor am I good. I just am. Take care, lets keep this going, enlightenment is not far from anyone's grasp.

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Elemental (77)
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22:20:10 Nov 12 2015
Read 533 times

I tend to think along some of the same lines as Severus. I will add that to me "creation" is a tool(anthropomorphisize) shaped by some primordial ancestor and is little different than shaping flint.
As far as vampire goes to me this is a matter of "knowing thyself". How I am being forced to be civil and repress much of my nature. Especially in today's dichotomized limiting mindset the vampire personifies wholeness: the bestial flesh vs. Spirit, creature of darkness vs. light, personification of witchcraft-using body as magickal tool and lives a sacred life vs. following the masculine godly order, using serpent power and seduction vs transcendentalism and reason etc.

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Quadruped (33)
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Chateau Orleans (Coven) is a member of an Alliance

Member of Chateau Orleans (Coven)
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23:48:25 Nov 12 2015
Read 520 times

Interesting, thank you for sharing. I like your name, and can only hope that you truly live up to it. I am a bit confused, on your own beliefs. But, that is okay. I can understand what you are attempting to state. Plus, if you tend to lean on others beliefs, I can completely relate. For, I too once leaned on other others for help and support. I am sure that you will find a lot of that here. Take care, and thank you, again, for sharing your thoughts.

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Sire (107)
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06:11:51 Nov 13 2015
Read 508 times

I agree that the modern Hebrew version that we know of as Lilith is not nor was she intended to be a vampire in the context of that mythos... but as state the Lilith story it's self is not the original.
Upir and I were rather good friends and I am saddened to return to find he is no longer here... but I can say beyond the shadow of a doubt that his personal belief was that the Nephilem could have been an unknown origin story for the vampire. And that the bible version was not the original nor an entirely contextually accurate tale... parts were purposefully omitted in other words.
As for the rest of the folklore and the notion of immortality the thing you must understand is that the modern idea of the vampire is not present before central Europe, the 11th century. It is mostly literature from the 18th and 19th century based on catholicism that builds the creature we know today as a blood sucking undead vampire. The truth is that the farther back in the Vampire legacy you go the more you see them referred to as Demons and other similar spirit like creatures. Reason being that Demons are not human they are spirits (as defined in most of the folklore) and thrive on spiritual energies found within humans not any physical digestive substance you would get from consuming blood or flesh. The idea of selling or having your soul taken for immortality is where this part of the story comes from. The idea that you gave yourself to darkness was useful to the church and that is why vampires are again historically associated with demons, devils,witches and the darker nature of man.

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Quadruped (33)
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Chateau Orleans (Coven) is a member of an Alliance

Member of Chateau Orleans (Coven)
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06:41:39 Nov 13 2015
Read 504 times

Nice, elaboration, well said indeed.

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Elemental (77)
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17:12:56 Nov 13 2015
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On to topic. I was not moved by mr. Belmont's generic clinical site nor vamp origin story. I'm not given to outsourcing what's already abundantly provided on VR's "Database" especially without direct link with my handicap(known to those unpatronizing few who take the time to read profiles), but I made the exception to be true to my word-besides the challenge was to see if you could get me to play. :)
As vamp origin stories go I'm fond of the Akasha one by ms. Rice. As stated before, it is only a tool to give a facet of understanding to oneself not something to lose yourself in indefinitely as absolute truth.
In my past as a mundane I did a lot of "research". Like a monk I've studied in greek and hebrew gnostic and kabalistic lore to divine context and truth- even dabbling in geomatria from decimal numbering system all to the result of being pissed for wasting so much of my mortal life in fruitless pursuits while not listening to my intuition.

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Quadruped (33)
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Chateau Orleans (Coven) is a member of an Alliance

Member of Chateau Orleans (Coven)
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03:58:33 Nov 14 2015
Read 474 times

You sound offended and harsh, I a apologize for your misunderstandings. I am glad to see that you follow your intuitions, instinct is good. Now, that being said. The Origin Story is most beautifully written. It is a love story of fiction, I can not speak for others, but I quite enjoyed the details, of how Ambrogio was cursed and Selene was transformed. I hope you take the time to follow your own advice, and may I be so bold to ask, "Where art thou nomads these days?" I despise these smiley faces as well, see to it it doesn't happen again. Ah-Ha, jokes, I can be funny sometimes as well. {-*-} Take care, and thank you for sharing again. "Play nice, children, yes DOG." Said the TAC...

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Elemental (77)
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05:07:33 Nov 14 2015
Read 472 times

Why would you apologize for "my" misunderstandings? I will try to overlook the patronizing remarks to be objective. Still I do not think origin story is good even from esoteric vantage. Though origin implies the start of something in an eternal cycle this becomes murky. Never the less, in context it should be a shift of some new cycle like spirit to flesh, hence Akasha. Or perhaps the defacing of a conquered empires gods replaced by the new order-comunicated in some arcane lingo.

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Quadruped (33)
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Chateau Orleans (Coven) is a member of an Alliance

Member of Chateau Orleans (Coven)
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15:07:25 Nov 14 2015
Read 462 times

Did you read everything, good sir? I have found no mention, from anyone about the poem. Please, read everything. There is a link at the bottom of the page, there is more to the story then just the story. It is in fact, just a story. What I am saying is, nothing. Read the poem, read everything in order. It should take you only forty four minuets, maybe longer. Research can take lifetimes, but whats is the point. I agree live wild and free, yet moderately balanced, lest you miss out on some of life's important facts.

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Elemental (77)
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18:26:34 Nov 14 2015
Read 450 times

Yes, and yes. Though I must say to respect what is holy I didn't read prayer in rhema way. You said before that you can't speak for others which I take to mean in a nutshell is like the story of the blind persons each touching a different part of the elephant and describing what the animal is to them with many disagreements. In closing, as one who lives a sacred way, is this site added to vr database or is it something else worthy of judgment.

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Quadruped (33)
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Chateau Orleans (Coven) is a member of an Alliance

Member of Chateau Orleans (Coven)
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19:06:21 Nov 14 2015
Read 447 times

I believe I am confused on what we are discussing. There for I am done. Sacred living is well respected. I live aggravated and wholesome, to some extent. I am annoyed with our rebuttals, we are accomplishing nothing. So, I will speak clear. I trust you will do the same. Blunt, and to the point. What did your last sentence mean? I do not understand. Please, elaborate, or continue to confuse the masses with your twisting of belief. I know this to be the only way of most lives. I do my best to not, confuse. Speaking in code often gets misunderstood. So, please be clear with me, if you would.

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Elemental (77)
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19:43:00 Nov 14 2015
Read 445 times

Many come with the messiah complex. Awakened their way, as if it is the only way. This I say not to confuse, but to open possible motives. As I almost always look to the heart of matters-its part of my nature stemming from dyslexia I look deep and cut deep. Last statement means is this site you lure people to a part of vr through its database or is it for other selfish motives. If the latter then wild, free brother you are subject to my own foolishness in open forum.

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Quadruped (33)
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Chateau Orleans (Coven) is a member of an Alliance

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20:17:41 Nov 14 2015
Read 441 times

I think I understand what you are trying to say. I can only hope to end our conversations as swift as possible. For this is well of topic. If you wish to further these conversations. I hope you message me. Other than that, your foolishness has won. I will not further indulge in this nonsense with you, complexed or not.

You are annoying me, and that I do not like. Congratulations, you did your job well. Continue on, and that will be most unwise. Thank you, and please go in peace. I believe that you are almost everything you claim you are against. As well, you lean on your disability to much. It is not a crutch more a gift, you would be wise to be well gifted with your self proclaimed initiation in to the arts. I for one, know this can be a rocky road full of trickery and despair. You are not as you seem, and neither am I. Fools we must look like, debating nothingness. For you and I are just that. I would hate to divulge further into your weaknesses but you are much more prepared for that. Or, at least you seem to be. With your lazy writing, and talented gifts of disabilities. I bet you believe you have a few mental ones at that? Any diagnoses you would like to proclaim? I did not want to show this side of me so soon, but you are good at what you do. Bottom line is, I believe I am nothing, as are all of you. In believing this we become so much more than anything, in which we are in fact everything. Look in the mirror, I am the face that smirks back at you in your weakest moments. I am the shadow at the foot of your bed, in your heart. I am the confusion you can not seem to escape without remembering every last good deed you thought to be self righteous. I am, nothing. But, a faceless mirror drenched in black holes of your insight. The worm holes you have just opened will never be shut. I hope you are truly happy with the troll whom lives under thy bed.

I am a man of reserved peace. I do my best not to consort with people, as in people like you. For you are ever so much encouraging. You encourage me to share my weaknesses. My hate and fears. I have a source for that. I do not require your assistance. How long where you in prison? What branch of the military were you in? Were you honorably discharged. Do wish to discuss this further? Why did you do the things you did to bring you here to play? I am not the enemy. Yet, your foolishness, has opened a box. Of box of dark things. Some of the darkest things one can imagine. I truly hope that you know there is no winning this argument. I know this, for this will be my last response to anything you ever have to say. I hope you understand that. Idle threats are not welcomed in my life. Take care now, and be well. Be blessed and for your sake, get the message. For you are not alone.

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Elemental (77)
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20:51:15 Nov 14 2015
Read 438 times

Very well, peace. Remember what was said about time.

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Quadruped (33)
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Chateau Orleans (Coven) is a member of an Alliance

Member of Chateau Orleans (Coven)
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21:39:08 Nov 14 2015
Read 430 times

I have to apologize for my actions and words. Peace as well to you brother. I am sometimes a horrid person who is often way to harsh on myself as well as others. I know I said I wold not respond to you, but obviously I lie. To myself and to others. I know that you may not forgive me and my bullshit. But, I am genuinely apologetic. I am just confused at times, about everything. I hope you understand. I hope you truly understand. Be blessed in all of your travels, and may you learn much, and feel free to share any insights you wish. I will never act out like I did. I am sure we can get along in our own way. I wasn't playing nice. I should follow my own advice, from time to time. Hope you are well. Take care, and believe me when I say that I am sorry. For all the hateful things I wrote.I know what it is like to be hurt. I should have remembered it sooner. I hope it is not to late. I give you honor for not retaliating to my questionable insults. You are the better man here. I am serious.

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Elemental (77)
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22:40:53 Nov 14 2015
Read 424 times

We're cool ride. We both live and learn. It is my regret that I don't resonate well with others even here. I think its because among many factors in the wholeness I reflect on my age and my limitation of time left to communicate in shortcuts where others are not influenced that way and are on a different wavelength. Again, we are good relatively speaking. :)

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