What type of energy users do you know, and or are you yourself. Do you have any tips for other energy users and do you want to share some experiences of your own.
I do feed off of energy but not a like a demon or vampire would not normally I use charmed magic for that mostly.
I'm self sufficient, I have no need for energy of others.
Energy manipulation is more scientific than you think.
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; it can only be transferred.
my tip is meditate regularly and use the clearing method
I draw energy from the people, animals, plants that surround me.
I draw energy from everything around me, the most energy I get sometimes is from thunderstorms, or bad storms in general, the energy levels seem to increase before they arrive for some odd reason. Some say the energy comes from the magnetic field itself which one calls ley lines.
I use energy I obtain from food.And the restorative effects from sleep...just like everyone else. All the rest are claims based solely on subjective and grossly misinterpreted emotional responses.
For the sole purpose of clarity may I inquire are we talking about the subject as stated "energy users"... as in the manipulation of energies and not to be confused with energy consumers i.e. vampirism??
There was no clarification from the original poster... there for I take it upon myself to declare it a free for all!
I know people that are dependent on others vibes. Sad really no personal inspiration, and void of motivation. They tend to incite disruption when bored. Social leeches is a fitting nomaclature.
"Energy users" casts a very wide net.
I mean that covers everything from spiritual prayer to Reiki practitioners... Social Parana to actual cases of psychic vampirism. But I guess a free for all is just a entertaining. :)
I apologize for that broad term. I did intend for it to be any energy experience, bieng consuming, using, or knowledge of it in any kind. Not really intended for opinions on the subject however, those are always welcome.
That still didn't clarify it (sorry to be a pain)
Food, batteries, lightening, prania, drugs, caffeine - which source were you hoping to gain information on?
Energy can be drawn from various sources besides people or animals. Some need it along with calories from food, which are merely energy units. I just posted an article in my journal on energy feeding bacteria you might take a look. There are also those who manipulate energy and who could be called a magickian or a psion. There are many names. With vampires it is considered a given but not entirely true. Like anyone else some are better at things than others.
(I wonder why one particular poster is mixing in VC groups elsewhere but not being forthcoming as to why if he is so skeptical of most things. Must be again another research project? I see the skeptical posts here and something else elsewhere. You know who you are and so do we.)
Opinion is one thing and folklore another but when science steps up and states very clearly that some do transfer energy or take it as seen in various forms of photography I feel to remain skeptical to the degree of some people slightly inane. As to whether any form of human must have energy to subsist has always been up for debate and if you are not one of them, you have no basis for an answer. Everyone must eat food. Energy feeding is in conjunction with the other.
I know of peeps who call themselves Sun Eaters. They stare at the sun all day and supposedly do not eat.
Energy can be manipulated by those that know how.
I myself feel invigorated by sexual energy. It feels like a "high".
Sometimes I can read people through this method very easily.
I have healed animals and people by imagining energy flowing from myself into them with success.
Sometimes one has a hard time proving to others that it can be done, but that doesn't make it less true. The most dangerous humans are the ones that create doubt within you because they find it "impossible".
they are many ways to obtain energy, what you need is focus.
I am what you would call a PSI, aka Pisonic or Psychic vampire.
So energy user covers a broad range of things... being on a vampire site one would assume this is who and what the question was targeted at. But you never know which is why I asked.
If fairness, manipulation of energy whether it's absorbing it or reading/ interpreting it even changing its flow is something most PSI vampires can do.
But what we are really talking about is the use and manipulation of ka, chi, life force, what ever you want to call it... it's spiritual energy.
Skeptics are skeptic because A.) This does not fit the vampire model Hollywood puts forward. Even though the farther you go back in the folklore the more and more vampires are described as spirits and demons. Because the took a persons life force.
And B.) The is no unit or technology that can measure spiritual energy in a format which the scientific community excepts... regardless of evidence to support the facts.
So regardless of what you say or share they don't believe that a PSI is a vampire because it does mesh with popular vampire lore, and most likely they don't believe in vampirism at all, and if they do they can't measure that belief to their satisfaction.
So engaging the skeptic in a form such as this is a pointless venture... you aren't going to win over any hearts and minds by sharing personal stories of you own experiences.
Severus' post is very insightful. I do manipulate energy. My method is focusing on visualization, but I am a visual person. I think you have to try different methods to find what works for you.
Yep weird folk they are oceanne
Then there are the Breatherians
Energy manipulation is overrated. Perhaps, it's only possible for the powerful. Who would ever feed on negative energy. Whichever being that feeds on negativity is just a creature who gives in to his basest, primal desires. To feed on dark energy is just silly. Why would anyone want to degenerate?
I feed, yes, as I'd have severe headaches and experience hunger pangs if I am running low on energy. I do not eat solid food much... Hell, I do not even dine in restaurants! Yet, I am of a size. Taking in carbohydrates is one thing... Even with carbs intake, I get hunger pangs.
I find energy feeding to be more of a mental experience than anything else, really.
I am an adaptive vampire, sanguine but also practices astral projection, energy balls, meditation, augmentation, and other feeding techniques.
I am native, Cree. In my spirital lessons I learned growing up there were lessons in spiritual energies involking help from the Great Spirit. Smudging is one form I do daily. I use sage to cleanse my body with specific intents in mind. I do vision quest which always rewnew me and my body.
Also, why I do not cut my hair it is in my traidition that though my hair I draw enegeries around me, a sixth sense. Hair is an extension of the nervous system, it can be correctly seen as exteriorized nerves, a type of highly evolved 'feelers' or 'antennae' that transmit vast amounts of important information to the brain stem, the limbic system, and the neocortex.
Here is a link of some information on why we do not cut our hair:
Each of us is given spirit gifts at birth to help us discover our path. All members of creation - animals, plants and minerals - have unique characteristics, energies and lessons giving you direction.
I have hunted and eaten the raw heart of a kill as we belive the spirit, or character, of the animal reside in the heart of the creature, and by eating it, one can gain a measure of the creature’s good qualities—bravery, endurance, strength—and carry these qualities within ourselves going forward to cope with our own life’s challenges. So what am I? I am Cree.
I do like the link about hair, I've done lots of study on it. It is suggested that the hair has many energy functions, but none of it seams to have much support. A lot of it leads back to this story of vietnam, yet nobody seams to confirm this study existed. I would love to have more to go on than this one article.
Have you studied under a pipecarrier? Does your pipecarrier substantiate this story?