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Caitiff (17)
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05:16:55 Feb 20 2015
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I don't see how Wicca fits together with Vampyrism can someone explain to me?

Thank you for your time

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Wyvern (85)
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21:49:50 Feb 20 2015
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Yes wicca in fact can be part of vampirism there are what are called Wiccan Vampires who have been around since the b.c. times.

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Caitiff (17)
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06:02:28 Feb 21 2015
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Yes wicca in fact can be part of vampirism?!
Why? that is my question

Where are those so called Wiccan vampires from bc times?!
How did they maitained Wicca in times Bc?
As far as I know the word is made up in the early XX century.
What Wicca practices were used by those Wiccan Vampires in times bc.?
Please Expose your sources.

hope one of those so called Wiccan Vampires reveals himself after this post.
And explain.

After All Real Vampires Love Vampire Rave

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06:31:11 Feb 21 2015
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While there is no link between "Wicca" (a New Age reinvention of original "witchcraft") and "Vampyrism" (a modern reinvention of a lifeforbidden based on the vampire of fiction) ...

... yet there most certainly is a very strong factual historical link between the Slavic Vampire of history and the actual Western European origins of those the Catholic Church accused and murdered as "witches."

Both the actual Slavic Vampire and the actual Western European Witch were originally identified and characterized for possessing a truly paranormal "insatiable" sexuality (i.e., near-endless multiorgasmic capacity):

Vampires possess "... prodigious sexual appetites... They are so insatiable that their human partners are likely to weaken and become ill with exhaustion."

- The Complete Vampire Companion (R Guiley, pp. 9-10) (emphasis added)

And of Witches, the Catholic Church's own manual used specifically to identify, interrogate, torture and burn witches states: "To conclude: All witchcraft comes from carnal lust, which is in women insatiable."

- Malleus Maleficarum, Question VI; 1487 CE

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20:33:08 Feb 21 2015
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RE: my previous post ...

lifeforbidden = l i f e s t y l e

(It never ceases to amaze me that a website based on and designed for those claiming a vampire life-s t y l e forbids the use of that very word.)

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Caitiff (17)
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21:40:06 Feb 21 2015
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Thank you for your response.

"While there is no link between "Wicca" (a New Age reinvention of original "witchcraft") and "Vampyrism" (a modern reinvention of a lifeforbidden based on the vampire of fiction) ... "

My question is still the same not answered yet.

This site is full of so called Wiccan Vampires with new terminology psy. sang. I want to know how that works how can they mixture such belifs and claim themselves to be what they are.

True Wicca is a Modern World product and for the followers a true reinvention of ancient practices.
Which in fact is not it is just a mixture of myths of various magical religious system belifs made up in XX century.
There are no Oral accounts of Wicca cult beside the ones of Modern world. people who follow this are ignorant.
The only accounts started in New Age movement so again no Ancient proof.

It seems that Malleus Maleficarum is used to justify the supposed Wicth cult from where the word Wicca is derived aswell the supposed Tradition. bullshit.

"To conclude: All witchcraft comes from carnal lust, which is in women insatiable."
According only to what they knew yes I agree.

So the only link is prodigious sexual appetites for both Vampire and Witch?!
As far as I know Vampires exist in all Pagan, indigenous cultures of the World and there are diferent races and types with diferent behaviours.

How Does Wicca and Vampirism fits together , beliefs ,magic!?

Thank you for your time

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21:53:56 Feb 21 2015
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My remarks were intended only to point out the fact that Wicca has nothing more to do with actual Witchcraft than Vampyrism, as defined today, has to do with the Vampire of history: both are modern reinventions founded on neo-Paganism and... fiction, lots and lots of fiction.

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Caitiff (17)
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22:55:48 Feb 21 2015
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So here is a contra-sense.
Still I partially agree with you...
So what conclusion can you take from people that claim themselves as Vampires and practice Wicca?

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Wyvern (85)
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15:31:23 Feb 23 2015
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All I know is vampires only use wiccan witches as protection to ensure their immortality against others that want to do them harm or kill them and sometimes vampire will steal their power and then the witch is disposed of their for wiccan witches are only pawns in Vampirism nothing more other then that their are no other links between the two that I am aware of other what I just stated.

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Venerable Sire (131)
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23:16:23 Mar 09 2015
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Is the something in the vampire guide book that says they can't practice wicca? Is the something in the wiccan religion that excludes vampires? I didn't know they were mutually exclusive.

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Grave Robber (22)
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15:04:54 Jun 17 2015
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I think since there is Wicca vampires but also since they are in the same road as them. "Normal" people would put us in the same lane as myths

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Elemental (77)
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18:48:42 Jun 21 2015
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There is no such thing as Wicca vampires or Wiccan Vampirism. There are those that identify as vampirics and they have all sorts of faiths from pagan to atheist to Wiccan. Wicca ia a religion that sometimes incorporates magick. Traditional witchcraft is something else. Belonging to a Wiccan group is a choice and separate from vampirism just like many are involved in BDSM but that is a personal lifestyle (there's that word) choice. The VC considers lifestylers something different from a vampiric. Okay this gives another topic for people to argue about, lol. As I remember this site says vampire community and nothing about vampire lifestyle. When the word lifestyle is used it can mean a number of things. Most of this deals with opinions anyway but I can assure you Wicca is a religion and not all of those who identify as vampires are involved with it. It's not a type of vampire.

Fashion vampyre:
This is not a type of actual vampire. Someone who does not have the vampiric condition, and who just dresses the part. The fashion vamps are only into the aesthetics (fangs, contacts, fashion) and not the philosophy or spirituality of the lifestyle — think “fashion victim”.

This used to be used synonymously with lifestyler. Those that emulate the fictional vampire but it has expanded to mean other things these days as well. What one has to recognize is most of these terms came from Americans and when you go to other countries and there are organizations of vampires, their terminology may be entirely different such as SAVA (South Africa).

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Hellhound (70)
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22:42:27 Jun 21 2015
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First things first: understand that Wicca and Witchcraft are two totally different things, if the vampire practices witchcraft they are not necessarily a Wiccan.

The fun part about this site is people can identify as whatever they want and as long as they follow the rules and it's a great place for all walks of life to gather, it's up to each individual person to decide how honest or real anything anyone posts or puts in their profile is and how to deal with it. If you want to believe that they are Wiccan Vampires and they are also 234 years old that's cool, if you think it's all bullshit, that's fine too, just let them be if you seriously don't like how they present themselves.

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Wraith (46)
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16:49:59 Jun 23 2015
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Wicca is a new religion brought to light by Gerald Gardner. It came about in the 1900's. Witchcraft is not the same as Wicca. People that practice witchcraft in its many forms including celtic shamanism, May have been b.c. but there is a big difference. Vampyrism is a way of life and practicing the Craft is a belief system. A faith. Wicca and vampyrism do not go hand in hand in the original sense of the poster. A person can be a wiccan or witch and be a lifestyler at the same time, it doesn't mean you are a vampyric witch or vampyric wiccan.

I'm a Georgian trad witch. The Georgians do not have direct lineage back to Gardner, therefore I call myself a witch, not a wiccan. I can trace my lineage back to the founder of the Georgian trad, yes. But titles are getting silly these days. I am a firefighter also. So because I am a witch and a firefighter does that make me a firefighting witch?

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01:35:56 Jun 24 2015
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wicca and vampyrism are too different path's immortal and nature goddess and gods, holding your fate to them casting spells,

i am a psi vampire/ witch, i been one since i was age 14, when i was introduced to a clan through my best friend, of 25 yr's.

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04:40:35 Jul 14 2015
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I'm not wiccan, but I do have intuition that tells me a good correlation is the archetype of Death in regard to the wheel of life in this particular religeon. Perhaps a practitioner can elaborate.

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Bloodsucker (50)
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02:16:27 Jul 15 2015
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From my understanding there is no real connection. In today's society we classify everything. vampirism is a way of life where today's wicca is saw as a religion. Neither are widely accepted but are practiced.

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21:56:12 Jul 15 2015
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Okay, this is an observation not experiential knowledge. We need a baseline for building so I'm going build on the rede: "if it harm none do what thou will". A fundamental principle of magick is it originates from sacrifice. With the morality of the rede it would seem such a sacrifice is willing like a donor(probably a symbiotic relationship of sorts). Also, though I disagree personally with anthropomorphisizing as its misleading to truth, some probably draw a correlation with the catabolic energy of a goddess to feeding.

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No Longer Registered
22:19:46 Jul 15 2015
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Perhaps, you can look at it from a metaphysical standpoint as well. Like the transubstatiation of the blood of christ in Catholicism, and how it mirrors occult practices like a vampire feeding to gain the energy they lack in whatever form. One aspect of wicca by my understanding is their use of the divine pantheon that separates from other occultists, making them priestess/priest that mediate for given deity as well the relationship of the feminine blood moon and how this is seen vampirically. Again these are just observations.

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No Longer Registered
22:34:51 Jul 15 2015
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Note the primary thing I'm drawing to is how the use of the vampire feeding is a living sacrifice (symbiotic relationship) rather than complete destruction of life. Reference covenants as well.

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No Longer Registered
23:55:10 Jul 15 2015
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These are similarities rather than differences which are so easy to criticize as demonstrated by many. But I'm trying to bridge the gap isn't that the question?

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06:21:47 Jul 22 2015
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There are many different belief systems even within Wicca as a whole. Some worship the God and Goddess, some worship only the Goddess.
While no longer Wiccan, I stand by what others have said in this post. Wicca is a religion.
Vampire is a way of being.
Whether that way of being conflicts with the religion or not is up to the individual practitioner and their understanding/relationship with the Goddess.

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Specter (43)
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06:23:28 Sep 14 2015
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Real natural witches are vampires because manipulating energy is what vampires do so they can feed from it but dont realize what vampires can do naturally

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18:38:26 Sep 14 2015
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wicca and vampryism are too different topics, we all know this,...

wicca is a lifeforbidden from old world naturalist's of the gods and goddess called upon your life, forbidden is always evolved around the earth and since were on this topic

vamprysim is totally different in many forums we drink from others and get a rush , thats bit different from wicca isn't it? now you got your answer or my opinion which ever way you wish to look at it.

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Specter (43)
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01:35:34 Oct 06 2015
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Since there are many who have vampyrism as there there spirituality they can be separate in that since; however is seen mostly as a condition so yes I know many wiccans who are also vampyres.

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Bestial Spirit (27)
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19:01:37 Oct 08 2015
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Interesting stuff. Not sure what to say other then there are many books on vamprye wicca now. It is same with Reiki which is a healing art and has been turned into a religion in some points on the same level as this mix.

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Spook (24)
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15:55:59 Oct 12 2015
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So mote it be and amen were written inside Freemason lodge manuals. Freemasons see Cain and Noah as important figures.
Salors, drink alcohol to kill all the ocean parasites that they accumulate that makes them horny.
hmmm there is no such thing as a male period. Tell that to ancient Egyptians.
give rise to any answers at the huge masqueraded Illuminati orgy party in eyes wide shut and the incubus yet?

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Carnal Creature (56)
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17:36:18 Oct 13 2015
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Wicca and Vampirism are two separate things. Wicca is a religion that some who consider themselves vampires are involved with. It is a personal choice but there are atheists, satanists, Christians of all types. Those belonging to Temple of the Vampire have a religious belief system within it. I know some that follow Heathenism (Asatru, etc). Wicca became very popular and since it is from the 20th Century there are numerous forms of it where Traditional Witchcraft is more about magic and is not a religion. I have vampiric friends who are Roman Catholic...so it's really a matter of choice. It's not a type of vampire. There is also another group that JP Vanir has that is a religious connected group to Vampires. It is also not a type of vampirism but a spiritual belief system some follow. This one is Unitarian Universalist. So don't get religion and others things mixed up with vampirism. Its separate. As far as magick, many are involved in all sorts of types of it outside of Wicca or witchcraft.

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06:09:52 Oct 16 2015
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interesting posts here , i belive in the possiblity that a vampire could indeed study magik and the wiccan way of life thus the possiblity could be interesting to look into and find more info on the matter. but i ask were is the proof that such beings dont exsit and what scientic proof is found of the non exsistance of such ?

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Wyvern (85)
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20:28:27 Oct 18 2015
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I agree with the part of vampires being myths but not part of mythology it'self even though when you think of myths you thinks of gods not vampires which are fictional which we put them in fictional horror category but they have appeared in American mythology such as in Xena Warrior Princess series.
Ok vampires are not part of wicca tradition or other pagen paths.

Wicca doesn't have a one true meaning or way to explain it. But there are a couple core systems you need to follow and believe. For one there isn't one right way to enter The Craft. It's a learning experience all on it's own. Wiccan believe in a God as well as a Goddess. Men and Women are equals in every single way. We believe in the three fold Law, which states "Anything ye sends out, ye gets back three fold." If not the most important thing, one of the most important law is the Wiccan Rede. Boils down to "Harm none, do as thy will." There're no killings or harming of anything living, No curses, no white or black magick just Positive and Negative. Nature should be respected and obeyed.

Since there isn't a hell in Wicca we don't believe in the existence of the Devil. We believe that when we die we go to the Summerlands (aka Heaven), then returned to earth in a new body and the cycle repeats.

Since our God has many names and forms, he is very misunderstood by the Christian Community. He has deer antlers which look a lot like horns. But in all reality he is the creator of all nature. His energy flows through us all.

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Elemental (77)
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17:20:52 Oct 26 2015
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Since Gardner started Wicca there are many types of it. Not all Wiccan groups have the same gods they venerate. The fastest growing Wiccan group is Nativist. There are no absolutes anymore. Traditional European witches venerate area gods only but they consider them equal to man and don't worship them. It's more about magick and respect. The phrase that Gardner wiccans use about not harming comes from Aleister Crowley. He and Gardner were friends as skyclad came from Gardner who was a nudist. Not many do that these days. Traditionalists rarely and the few I read who mentioned it said they would considered it unseemly and would only if they painted their bodies but for no other reason. You know something special. It is not usually done by witches. Three-fold, ten-fold and all of that is merely a belief and has no basis in fact like any other belief system. These days so many people read online or buy books and start their own covens it's hard to say anymore what any one coven practices. But it's been said a number of times, vampirism and wicca are two separate things.

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13:47:28 Oct 27 2015
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Okay I have read enough, I am Draeyeleus I am a Draeolian warlock. (Draeyeleus- a God of the cosmouniverse one of two he is the god of immortality and the creator of draeyeli ) (draeyeleus 2 - A spiritual being of light that drinks the life of every living thing but never kills).

Vampires have be around before even the earth so to have draeyeli (plural for draeyeleus )vampires are one type of outcome when draeyeli kill. Werewolves as well but that is irrelevant.
As stated vampires are a result of a draeyeleus killing its pray. There for I am a vampire minus the damned soul. I am both wiccan and warlock for I partake in both Wicca and witchcraft.

How do they connect?

vampires and witches over the many millennia have been known to fall in love. And you know were that leads, not only this but in 666A.D. there was a blood pact formed between all pure and damned Draeolian spirits, hence why the number 666 is referred to as a devils number. And hence why a witch can summon forth any form of draeolian spirit.

The answer they bound by blood, as for how I know well...do I act like I am eighteen? No.

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