Tell me why are you living? Whom you love most & are you afraid of dying?
i don't think we die but just change our perception of living from one phase of life to another,change is inevitable and the human body is just a tool we use until the transition of change occurs
Why am I living?
Biochemistry. Along with a random encounter of my parents.
Who do I love most?
Do I fear death?
Not really, I do sulk at enevitably being unable to carry on with family, and friends, but I am prepared to go into "The Great Goodnight".
When we die what happens to us ?
I mean where are you going after death
hell or heaven?
Well ain't you just sermonizing!
Neither. The whole concept is contrived by man. A ideal that may have started altruistically, but it was highjacked by nefarious types that sought to
control, and profit from the fear, and charity of their fellow man.
So my qustion to you is. Is the only reason you believe, and follow fear.. and for a promise?
Oh. First part.
When we die what happens to us?
We are extingished. I have been on the brink of death once. I had the final hallucination and all. So when we are dying that is all we get as far as after life us concerned.
To bad you can't free yourself from the belief trap.
It is great living knowing that this is it. Besides does worshipping god for eternity sound appealing?
"Be thanful that you have a life, and forsake your vain and presumptuous desire for a second one." R.D.
" Do you mean to tell me the only reason you try to be good is to gain God's approval or reward, or to avoid his dispprovel and punishment? That's not morality that's just sucking up, apple polishing, looking over your shoulder at the surveillance camera in the sky ,or the still small wiretap inside your head monitoring your every move even your every base thought."
Richard Dawkin
"The universe we observe has presicely the properties we should expect if ,at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but blind pitiless indifference."
Richard Dawkin
Personally, I think life's meaning is that which you give it. If there is a god, he/she/it wouldn't be what people think. But you are free to believe whatever you want- as are we all.
i think what happens to us when we die depends on our global location and the society beliefs we are a part of and of course a personal given faith in some instances but not always needed
when we die our bodies are given up to the earth for insects and small critters to ravish as they eat through the coffins that we get put in, so in return our death is feeding those bugs and reptiles and whatever that are able to get a piece of these tasty morsels of flesh that we call our body
and also our bodies could meet a fiery end as we are burnt on the funeral pyres and then dumped in the waters of the river for fish to pick off what is left
but spiritually speaking who knows where we will end up
I believe that when we die, we contribute to the continuing cycle of life; in other words, we become fertilizer.
So - we need to make each day count - to enjoy life and love to the fullest.
Tell me why are you living?
Cause I have never thought of committing suicide to end my life to end the abuse I have been through as a child and teenager
Whom you love most?
Son the rest of my so called family can just stay out of my life since I no longer consider them family
are you afraid of dying?
No its being alive that I'm afraid of doing
Tell me why are you living?
-I'm living cause I have no choise.
Pluss,I am kinda interested in some future
happenings that are coming,if i live to see it.
I hope so.
Whom you love most?
-My beloved..and animals unconditional love.(my cat)
are you afraid of dying?
-Umm,not really.
Died once already.It's not the fear of death,really,
i guess its HOW you die.Like if it'll be long and
painful,or i choke to death on my own
spit...or a piece of gum.
Can't really prove what happens after death of the body.
Cause,you'll never believe me.
Why Am I Living - Due To My Parents Having A Romantic Evening
Who I Love Most - My Family
Am I Afraid Of Dying - Not Afraid Of Dying
Tell me why are you living?
Cause my father married my mother instead allow her have an abortion
Whom you love most?
my new family both online and in real life and real friends that are online and in real life
Are you afraid of dying?
no I'm not as we all do how I die is what is terrifying as when I die I don't want to feel pain
The answer for me usually is in the words themselves.
Why Am I living? That is a simple question with a simple answer. To show others about the path into happiness, without judging others because their Race, gender, color or place in Society. To live life, is to love every second that you are alive. Am I afraid to die? Nope, because you will never die, as long that someone keep you alive in their mind.
Im still leaning towards reincarnation for when we die.
Why Am I Living - because fate and death haven't decided its my time to go yet
Who I Love Most - my father he is everything to me the day he dies will be the day i die inside and live the remainder of my life a bitter anger shell of what resembles a human
Am I Afraid Of Dying - nah dying sounds like fun to me you get to find out whats happening on the other side and get to laugh when your on your way to heaven XD.....but the thing im afraid of is losing my father its probably my only fear.....and as im not afraid to die my self i am afraid to die because i know it would kill him on the inside and that would kill me again seeing him in such pain and not being able to contact him to let him know im ok that would suk the most
Why am I living death hasn't taken me yet. Who do I love life it's self and am I afraid of death no it is a part of life.
Tell me why are you living?
I'm alive because my parents decided to have children. What makes me a living being and not dead is my body is functioning.
Whom you love most?
My children.
Are you afraid of dying?
Right now I'm not afraid but more curious. I've almost died and saw nothing. It was like going into a dreamless sleep. I woke up though. I'm sure I will be when the time arrives.
Other things you mentioned, I don't believe in heaven or hell. Most of what people talk about is the Christian belief in those things. I'm not Christian.
I saw my Dad's face just before he died. He looked frightened. He couldn't talk very well and I watched medical staff be very callous when they knew it was the inevitable. He died in the hospital and not with hospice people. I think if it isn't sudden and you know, most everyone is frightened because no matter what anyone says they believe, there is always that lingering question of the unknown. I believe in the end everyone gets scared.
I live for myself, I love family most of all, I am afraid of dying of course.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Why Am I Living: To cause strife and chaos. I am the local psychopath according to some "friends" of mine but in honestly, I don't question my existence, I simply just am and as far as I know, will always be for the near future.
Who I Love Most: Nothing, I am a nihilist as well as an anarch, though there have been a few things that I have been fond of but I can't say I loved them. Even pets meant nothing to me in the end, they amused me at first and I was fond of them but when they inevitably died...nothing, I just when about my life as if I had no pet.
Am I afraid of dying: Not in the least, in fact as strange as it sounds, I feel there is no prospect of death for me anytime soon. I just keep going, though with my new interest, death may be an ever present thing in my life.
I live because I must.
I love because I care
I fear death because it takes me from those that love me
In other words.....I live because I have no choice but to live.
I love many people because that is my way.
I fear death not for my sake but because the pain of loss can be unbearable.
i live only because thats what this life is
i love because i have beautiful family and friends
am i afraide of death no its something that happens to every living being its a part of life
do i believe in heaven or hell no not really what if this life is hell until we die and move on to the next transition of the phase .. whos to say we dont keep coming back until we get something we dont do in this life right there are so many consepts and beliefs out there who knows what really does exist we will never know untill we die and that is they way it is and has to be.
Why am I living? That's a damn strange question. *LOL* Love the most? I have several affections yet no love to call mine, so perhaps later.
why am I living?
no reason, just because I am alive
No one can really tell, I could die in a minute or 20 years or 40 or 62 and 5 months, no one knows
I think that I am alive simply because I chose to not end my life, or I did not get pushed to the point of no longer wanting to live, then again I could also be part of some big scheme the univers has for me to save the world
I think still there is always a reason fo everything a reasonw hy we are here and why some are gone, we never know why really, some love will teach use other will grow with us, some will simply show us something special that will be a memorable souvenir for ever
To live or not to live...that could be the question. Why am I living? one reason, because death is not ready for me. and nope...i am not afraid of death, because death is just the creation of humans. We never die....we just transfer ourselves into a different dimension.
"Tell me why are you living?"
A better question is, did I have a choice? Seems Someone (not my parents) knew something I did not. That Someone, is the only reason I am alive.
Whom do I love most?
They know who they are and that's all that matters.
"Are you afraid of dying?"
Not at all.
Part of 2 Timothy 1:12 New King James Version (NKJV)
"I know Whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day."
I'm living for myself, as well as my amazing wife. I love my wife, and I love that she's such an amazing person. I do not fear death. Death is not the end. But I do worry about how certain people will be if I die before them.
I am living because I am alive. I will not end my own life and I suppose it just is not my time yet. If I had to give it a purpose, I am stubborn and there is so much I hope to still do. I am working on getting myself out of a hard situation and on building a life together with my partner for us both.
I love my boyfriend the most, naturally. He has truly become a partner in this life for me and provides wonderful support, love, as well as balance for my life. How ever, a few friends I have had in the past still hold a special place in my heart. I care deeply for their friendship still, as they helped me keep myself on track and I them, a little.
Am I afraid of dying? No, not that I'm aware of. It is not the process or thought of dying that I am or was afraid of.
I'm living because I have a point to make, people to love, songs to write, and assholes to burn. I'm ready to die, but I've got to much I want to do.
i'm alive because i was supposed to die at birth but doctors saved me.
i'm in a human form (again) because i have yet to accomplish all that i have to do in this form in order to transcend it.
i'm not afraid to die, but i'm not ready to die yet either.
I have lived a great life enjoyed a number of things, never truly found my Love perhaps I never will, I lived six life times am I am ready for Death.
Tell me why are you living?
Because I am doing my job in helping others
Whom you love most?
My children, My family and my Fiancé
Are you afraid of dying?
There's nothing to fear about dying because I do not fear letting my energies go back to the Cosmos where they always do. If I choose to return, then I will since we all are given that right to decide. For those who spout nonsense about no afterlife, do not have that right to say there isn't one, when in fact, there are MANY of us who know otherwise.
why i am living : I think it is to help other and to learn
who i love the most: Is my beloved
do i fear death: Yes i do since i do not know where I will end up
Tell me why are you living? Whom you love most & are you afraid of dying?
Because it was just my time to live....again.
I love my children in this life and all lives I've had.
Absolutely zero afraid because I know reincarnation is true and very much real no matter who disagrees with me. :)
Why am I living? Because I have dreams and ambitions.
I love my boyfriend, parents and my cat the most.
I love family and friends. No, I am not afraid of death, I am still not ready to die but I'm not afraid
I live because I have people that would be sad if I died and suicide is wrong unless your suffering and I'm doing the best I can plus I do love most my wife and Im happy helping people in life. But I am not afraid of death unless get old and suffer or I would probably want to die. Of course I think suicide is mostly selfish cause it would hurt the ones I love and care about. We all do the best we can in life and I dont believe in a painful hell but reincarnation so you do have to do the best you can...
yea, love is important for life .
hell or heaven?
well one's soul will go to heaven or not that depends on Karma system which means if you do something good in life time ,whenever you get a chance to make people smile ,to bring happiness in somebody's life never miss that opportunity.
you will go to heaven,
I live to serve my friends and my family i love many folks and i am not afraid to die as i would join my ancestors so im cool with death.
Tell me why are you living?
Because I was given life.
Whom you love most?
Creator, Mother Nature, my self (in order to love others you must love yourself) My mother, my 4 brothers, an Elder Healer who is my mentor, One who Walks Tall, (that is his Cree name)my father. In that order
Are you afraid of dying?
No, I fear life sometimes more then death. I am more afraid of Mother Earth drying then I am of myself and she is dying. I am not afraid of dying. I have accepted we all will die. Its the circle of life. I am glad I do not fear death.
i live cause of my family i know they would miss me if i was gone, I love my life and how it is laid out , i would not have it any other way, smiles death am i scared no. not really.
life is given , love is earned by only a few , and death comes to us all one time but we leave and go away from this plain so no this world is not my home nor do i calm anything in it all things here are tools . and only for the ones who live here and now . and if you say you live in the here and now . well then you can also say that tomarrow only comes if i will it .