We do have answers. Things once considered mystic, and mysterious have been revealed, and exposed... yet people are often reluctant to accept the reality that is uncovered. If someone came back from the past and stated that there never was a Jesus for example... people would insist, and denounce the person as a fraud. Yet if the same person came back and said there was a jesus, then they would embrace the messenger. Bias would still be a major factor. What holds back human advancement is superstition, and there are few... (no) superstitions that remain unanswered, or debunked. Yet people still repackage, and re-institute such things over, and over again... and the charm always astonishes them... I don't think people should be astonished all the time, or fascinated... it's unrealistic, and it just makes people jaded, and jaded people are prone to bare false testimony, or perpetrate hoaxes in attempts to stir others into fascination, and astonishment.
Go back to Harry Houdini, and see how he debunked Mediums, and Seances... then notice how many people still follow such practices devoutly, even after modern practitioners have been busted.
im of the opinion that if you went back in time and changed an event...no matter how big or small, youd just create a new universe that would proceed from that event, and the universe that you had come from would be unaffected.
that being the case, you could go back in time and kill your granddad when he was a kid, and everything would just progress from there....but only in that universe. thats why you wouldnt pop out of existence.
im not of the opinion that life as a set meaning...i think each one of us makes our own meaning.
and there will always be mysteries to solve. it seems to be the nature of things...when we answer a question, we just have more questions to answer.
If you have not read 'A Sound of Thunder' by Ray Bradbury, it certainly gives you a lot to think about considering time travel.
The fundamental problem with this scenario is the assumption that were humanity able to unlock the key to time travel that only we, our singular self, would be the one awarded the chance to utilize this magnificent power. Were more than one individual given the chance to alter the past, the present would simply become an ever changing cycle of events altered, and altered again as the motives of others interfere with our "grand plans." Time would dissolve into a jumbled mass of throbbing confusion and frustrated ambition. We always assume that we are above the selfish "others" and would therefore use the control over time to observe and explore the great questions of the universe, but first... just one small personal endeavor to attend to and then, oh and then... but first...
However if someone could time travel and see the future, the temptation to alter events could be devastating towards others. And that temptation could alter the lives of millions of people in very negative ways.
what if you created a time machine and used it to go back in time and stop yourself from creating a time machine? not that i would do that - if i had a time machine i'd go back in time and bribe leonardo da vinci to paint little blue police boxes in the backgrounds of all his paintings.
Let me go back in time and for sure, life will be changed. The atrocities committed by a few, will be detoured. With the mentality of today, we can be positive impact in History, by changing it into something better for the oppressed of those dark times.
but we learn from the mistakes of the past. try to undo those mistakes and the lessons will not be learned.
quote: "History cannot be re-written - not one line"
(the Doctor)
they say causality would stop any changes to ones timeline and the rest of history.if somebody went back in time they would just be part of events which already happend.unless you pass into an alternitave dimension with a different history
It is said that we live in a world fiilled with various dimensions. Every action that we do and don't do open a up a new dimension of existence. Does that mean that there can be more than one Reality? What is Real?
As for time travel (like building a time machine), it would definitely change our lives. The reason why we often come up with "what if" scenarios is because we would like to find out what would happen if we had done certain things. Or what if we had not done certain things. Or what if certain things had not had happened, like natural disasters for one. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. I would say this applies to time travel as well.
In the simple act of travelling in an aeroplane from a continent to another, jetlag would be presumed. So if our bodies cannot take that change in time and weather and zones, how can our lives be not affected from time travel?
The book Liber Kaos by Peter J Carroll talks about retroactive enchantment or the ability to magically go back in time and alter present circumstances.
Life would become extremely boring, and would be left with no purpose other than to simply exist.
I would say more, but.. I feel that is all that is needed to be said.
Well, it seems to me that if we were ever to become the masters of time, then we would be gods of one kind or another, i.e., we would have some unique abilities and powers at our disposal.
I'm not sure how that would mean we would die out as a species. After all, the gods of Olympus always seemed to be able to find things to do. And who knows, maybe they are up there laughing at us now, toying with our lives, dreaming up new adventures and tortures.
But, of course, I don't believe in any gods of the religious variety, although a solipsistic universe time travel may be possible, I suppose. And if you crack the matrix at that level, then I guess you are a god of some sort. For example, the mind of a human being is likely utterly 'transcendent' to the mind of an ant, but ants get on quite well without worshiping us, if you get my drift...
With time travel, no one really ever thinks about the consequences it would have on today. Events and people would change and disappear. Events happened for a reason and should not be tampered with. Like peters uncle said to him in spiderman. With power comes great responsibility. Theoretically it may be possible to jump into parallel universes to our own at a certain time and do what we wish there. But one we need to find a parallel universe/dimension and to time travel. Which if we could time travel and find out the truth of the past a lot of people would be disappointed. Whether Jesus was alive or not or evolution happened or not. But know this, time is not something to be used around and messed with like a toy.
frommy understanding of it history is set.the only way to exepriance a changed history is to go to an alternitave time line.all prophesy is based history being a set program of events.we live in a machine with preset functions.