Submitting Entries To submit an entry to the Database, you must be at least level 2 or a Premium Member. When you submit an entry to the database, if it is approved, your submission count increases which in turn will increase your Status. To submit an entry, click Add Listing To This Category, which is at the base of every Database Section. If you are allowed to add entries to the section you selected, you will be taken to the main submission page. If you get an error, you must select a different sub-category. Make sure you have selected the proper sub-category for the entry you are about to submit. Failure to do so will result in denial of your submission. The Submission Fields
Name (Required Field)
The name of the listing.
AKA Fields
Alternative names. These names will trigger the entry when a user searches the Database.
Fixed Fields
These are fixed fields for the sub-category. These fields are not required, but you should try
to fill them in if possible. If you leave an entry blank, it will not show up on the final
Database entry (if your submission is approved).
Custom Fields
These are user-defined fields. These fields are optional. Define is the label and Value
is the resulting value. Use these fields when there is not a pre-defined fixed field. And example might be
Define 1 = 'Doors' and Value 1 = '8pm'. Using Custom Fields allows you to customize your entry.
Description (Required Field)If you set up a custom field as 'Website', the corresponding value will automatically be hyperlinked. Please format the link correctly, starting with http://.
This is the main description for the entry. Be as thorough as possible.
Upload Picture
This will be the picture for the listing. Although not required for submission approval, you should
always upload an image if possible. Upload files must be JPG, PNG, or GIF format and 1 MEG or less in size.
Do not worry about file dimensions. If your image fits the previous two criteria, it will be auto-sized.
Do not upload very small images. Image dimension should be at least 200x200 pixels.
Editing an Existing Entry If you are at least level 2 or a Premium Member, you can edit existing Database entries. To do so, click EDIT THIS ENTRY from any Database entry page. Submission Count (Status) When you submit a new entry and it is approved, or if you submit an edit and it is approved, your Submission Count will increase by one. Your submission count contributes to your overall Status. Approval Guidelines All submissions are queued for approval by Vampire Rave Procurators. You will be notified by a System Message if your submission or edit is approved or denied. You submission count will automatically increase if your submission is approved. Generally speaking, if a submission is properly formatted, contains correct case, grammar, spelling, and punctuation, it will be approved. |