Nothing can get in the way of destiny.
Ezra Bentley loves his life with his beloved, Louis DuCane, and has come to see the Palace and the Coven in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan as his home. There have been trying moments, forces within the coven who didn’t see him as worthy, but those days are passed and there looks to be a bright future ahead. But as they say, two steps forward means one step back. In walks the Duchess Aldessa Foix, a beautiful vampire noble with ties to Louis’ illustrious past in medieval France. Louis describes them as old allies, but when Ezra learns of their romantic past he can’t help the needling jealously that fills his mind. Aldessa is on a mission and Ezra can see that she is nothing but trouble. Ezra refuses to lose Louis and the life they have built, but how can he defeat someone with such power, such beauty, and such history? Ezra’s very life may depend on them learning the mysterious Duchess’s true intentions.
Louis DuCane feels at peace for the first time in 900 years. With his beloved Ezra by his side, nothing can stop him. What he doesn’t count on is a ghost from his past seeking an official visit. He doesn’t trust Aldessa Foix or her intentions for second, but the vampiric world Louis lives in is full of rules and ceremony that can’t be transgressed. He has to tread carefully, but he will not get caught up in any of Aldessa’s schemes. They may have known each other carnally once upon a time, but this was no fairy tale. When Aldessa begins to threaten the one thing Louis hold’s most dear, his forever love, Louis will stop at nothing to see her destroyed.