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Psychic Generators - What do You Mean?
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Also Known As: Psychic Gen-What Do You Mean, You Can't Feel It?

Author: theamadorvampire
Publication Date: January 21, 2016

A friend of mine asked me to draw on her energy….basically, to feed from her. I told her that I was going to wait 15 seconds from the time that I posted my last comment [We were private messaging.] and then feed for 15 seconds, right after. After I was done, I was told that she could not tell that I was drawing from her.

That’s okay with me. After I was done, i felt great!

One of the most common misconceptions that people have outside of the Psychic Vampire experience is that the Donor needs to feel their energy being drawn. If the Donor does not feel drained, then no energy could have actually been taken. This is not necessarily the case. There are two basic factors which lead to the awareness of being energetically affected–the Donor needs to be sensitive enough to the changes in their own energy. An excess of energy often leads to a sort of “insensitivity” to a relatively small amount of loss.

Let us take those concepts in reverse order–the reason that I prefer to spend time around bisexual people is because they seem to have an excess of vital life force. To the psychically sensitive, there are various kinds of people that seem to throw off so much ambient energy that we just have to (metaphorically) open our mouths and the energy pretty much just flies in. There are types of people, just as there are environments where it is “high energy”, that make it so easy to feed without anyone noticing that any energy has been taken. Excess amounts of vital energy are rarely missed, because fresh, new energy is constantly being generated. With these types of Donors, there is rarely actually a loss because they create so much, naturally. In a way, High Energy Generators are the opposite of Psychic Vampires, the complement for those of us who are working at an energy deficit.

On that note, high energy people are not very sensitive to shifts in energy when they are stimulated in some way. Sensitivity to the subtler energies requires a calm, centered state of awareness. High energy people are so busy being excited, that it takes effort for them to calm themselves, if that ever happens. Even medium-energy people are not necessarily sensitive to shifts in their personal energy systems. It takes a bit of effort sometimes to enter the light meditative state to be aware of one’s own aura, chakras and energy bodies. I have the personal rule of not taking energy from children, the elderly or those that are ill. However, in my experience of simply being around high energy humans, I find that there are some that generate such an abundance that they would not miss any even in direct feeding. This type of person creates so much, that it would never be missed.

I have spent many years studying of the rules of karma and magick. We have many warnings on what is permissible and what is not. From my time spent observing the effects of spells and simply observing how my personal energy affected the outside world, it seems that some people are not as fragile as we are constantly being warned. Having the warning in place that we should require permission from our donors is erring on the side of caution. There are careless or newly aware psychic vampires who might not have the discernment to know when their feeding is going to be detrimental to someone else. But, from my experience, the people who generate a large amount of life force can handle more of a direct feed because they never run on a detriment. This brings us to another point that comes up within the world of the Psychic Vampire. Sometimes, the donor is not aware of the drain on the energy system. The common misconception is that if the donor did not feel the siphoning or immediately experience the effects of an energy drain, then the energy drain did not actually take place. Experimenting on small draws of energy, without announcing that I was doing so, I’ve noticed that some people do react to the energy draw by fidgeting or moving from one place to another….almost as if something didn’t feel quite right.

And then there are others, such as the aforementioned, energy-rich type who is not likely to notice much of a relatively small drop in vital force. Taking an analogy from the natural world, there are mosquitoes, fleas and vampire bats. A mosquito is not noticeable when it bites and draws blood. One can feel a flea when it bites. A vampire bat would be noticeable before it even gets close enough to one’s body. They all feed, but not all with the same display of force. A mosquito is the most stealth of them all….we do not need to make as much of an impression as a shark to be effective. It doesn’t matter how dramatic the Donor registers our draw….we do not take enough to negatively affect some Donors and we should not make physically affecting the Donor the goal. Affecting the Donor physically is actually a sign that the Psychic Vampire has gone too far. As long as we are nourished, we do not need a huge reaction on the part of the donating source.

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Date Added: March 13, 2016
Added By: DarkChocolate
Times Viewed: 5,411

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