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Real Modern Living Vampires and Sub Groups
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Author: theamadorvampire
Publication Date: January 24, 2016

There is a time and a place to use very specific labels and categories. And then there are situations where the more general categories serve better….it all depends on context and particular scenarios. We have some members of the Vampire Community who are adamant that we drop the subcategories and simply refer to all of ourselves as “Vampires”. One reasoning behind this is that we tend to divide ourselves and take sides depending on which classification of Vampire we belong to….usually the general categories of Sanguine or Psychic Vampire. Presumably, the idea is that if we all think of ourselves as the same “type”–all Vampires–we will act as one family. Supportive, accepting and harmonious.

That would be logical, if we could see the example of a natural unification between vampires within their own sub-group or sub-category. Sanguines fight with each other. Psychic Vampires fight with each other. Hybrids argue with each other. When we are within the same sub-group/type, we do not have the excuse of the other being a different kind of Vampire….we often find another reason to disagree. Differing type is just a convenient excuse to be in conflict. People being people, we will always have a reason to fight, if that is in our (individual) basic personality makeup. We will never get along with those particular personalities who do not have an investment or intention to get along with everyone.

Trying to get all members of the Vampire Community to embrace the single categorization of “Vampire” will not get rid of all of the possible triggers/excuses/reasons for divisive thinking. Anyone who wants to argue, will. Anyone who wants to divide, will. (There are simply some people who love to argue, even if they do not have a reasonable excuse for it.) We could embrace the umbrella term of “Vampire”, when we describe the group, as a whole. Why each subcategory qualifies to be named a “Vampire” is relative to each group, in which each member of the subclassification (type) meets their subgroup’s qualifications.

One could argue that we are all under the umbrella term of Vampire….and that to eventually separate the groups so that only one or the other group is eventually understood to be what society calls “the Modern Vampire”, might take too long in the practical sense, if it ever happens at all. We could be focusing on other issues, instead of campaigning for particular word usage. The benefit of using subcategories is that we have practical information to work with.

In the world of the Psychic Vampire, we can categorize ourselves by the types of energy that we like to consume or are drawn to consume for energetic, spiritual nourishment. Classification is for practical reasons. We might not need to use the classification at all times, but it is useful as a sort of shorthand in relevant conversation. Clarifying that one is a Psychic Vampire allows a quick sort of reference to possibly let the other GVC members know about general experience or knowledge. This allows for the opening of a common ground…..common experience or shared information that both members might be privy to. This helps the two members to share any relevant or timely information. Also, it helps to know which energies a Psychic Vampire might be more attuned to.

In general, most Psychic Vampires like to spend some time around environments where an abundance of energy is available. Also, knowing the general categories of the Psychic Vampires can be useful….knowing that one is an Elemental Vampire might make it easier to understand why this particular form of Energy Feeder prefers to spend their time outside, instead of inside. As humans, we tend to want to lump people together into the same group. We have the instinctive idea that similar things in a large group are easier to understand. We tend to want to make all Energy Feeders (Psychic Vampires) work under the same rules. Even though our activity is in the etheric/energy/psychic/spiritual realms–we might not all have the same causation for all of our being Energy Feeders. Technically speaking, for all we really know, we might be different creatures entirely (on the psychic/spiritual level)….and out of convenience, find it easier to work under the general umbrella of “psychic vampires”….because we have the same vampiric habits.

Sanguines also benefit by specific categorization. For some of us, before we came to the GVC, it is not that we heard the words “vampire” or “sanguine” and then tried to match our behavior to the GVC definitions and descriptions. Some of us come in to the community because we found the descriptions of behavior and traits that match what our experience to date has been. Many Sanguines reason that since theirs is a physical ingestion of blood, that the causation for their type of vampirism is most likely also of a physical nature. Medically-oriented Sanguines are for the most part, scientifically oriented in their approach towards vampirism. Some are atheist, some are simply more materialist or practical in their explanation of sanguine vampirism.

Spiritual Sanguines (among the many other names for this particular type of Blood Feeder) come at vampirism from a metaphysical viewpoint. They often ingest less Blood than their medically-oriented counterparts….often, but not always, their viewpoint is that it is the energetic component that is most important for their type. They often need to ingest less, use the blood as a focus for energetic feeding and often interpret their life experience through a metaphysical or spiritual lens.

As an umbrella group, we should be supportive of all of our individual group goals. The main part to be supportive of is spreading information about all the various subtypes and gaining support for their individual, personal needs….especially, when new Vampires are born into non-vampiric families.

Why do we need our individual labels? Why do we need our sub-groups and types? We distinct ourselves according to our specific needs. As humans, our specific needs in life often play a big part in our personality….what we need often drives and affects what we focus on, for the most part–in our daily and our long-term vision. We often identify so much with our needs, that when we are not acknowledged for our needs, we can feel invalidated. When we feel invalidated, we act out in negative ways with everyone around us.

Sometimes, the specificity of our “vampiric” needs not only makes us inherently distinct from the other types of Vampires, but it can sometimes give a general clue about our particular perception of reality. In general, the Psy Vamp has a leaning towards the metaphysical/spiritual and the Medically-Oriented Sanguines lean towards materialist philosophy and science. Not only do many people self-identify with their vampiric “type”, but also with their particular philosophy on reality–some people often impose their particular mix of religious/spiritual philosophy on others or assume that others should view the world through the logic of science-only. Even though, some of us alternate between science and spirituality….we often don’t do so at the same rate or within the same scenarios as do the other science/spirituality hybrids.

We need the specificity of distinct classification to preserve our self-identities and to give us the opportunity to validate and honor the diversity of our experiences, perceptions and personal philosophies.

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Date Added: March 13, 2016
Added By: DarkChocolate
Times Viewed: 5,515

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