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Real Division in the Greater Vamp Community
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Also Known As: Real Division in the Greater Vamp Community

Author: theamadorvampire
Publication Date: February 18, 2016

There are some people who refer to the Sang/Psy dissension, when pointing out the main cause of disagreement in the GVC. This could be a reasonable observation, except that some Sangs will fight amongst themselves….as will some Psy Vamps, in their respective groups . It could simply be that the difference in vampire “type” is simply a convenient excuse that we use in our common areas.

Modern Living Vampires are a group of strong personalities….with strong opinions that we like to defend and argue. Part of the Vampire Mystique is that some of us like to seem authoritative….which sometimes just comes off as sounding argumentative. It might be more so that the more vocal of those of us that disagree are the type to argue in daily life, anyway. There is a type of person who can discuss ideas calmly, that enjoys sharing viewpoints or their perspective, without the need to raise their voice (or sound like they are raising their voice, when they type online).

Then, there are those personalities that seem to strive on conflict, that are contrary by nature. It might be helpful to keep in mind that it is not necessarily that the concepts themselves are the problem, but that there are simply people who enjoy arguing, for the sake of arguing. This is a personality characteristic….that has nothing to do with vampirism. As a sign of insecurity, it could be that some of us don’t feel comfortable in our personal perceptions and convictions, unless we disprove all other contradicting beliefs and opinions. By default, we can only feel that we are right, if we know that all opposing parties are wrong.

Within the community, we have our various schools of thought. We have the metaphysically-oriented and the materialistically-oriented. We have the vampires that self-define themselves based on the need to feed from external sources VS. those that self-identify based on the conscious choice to adopt the Vampire persona….such as with Lifestylers and Role Players. Also in the Community, we have those that argue that we should all use the “Vampire”-identification, regardless of our individual behaviors, characteristics or needs–while on the other hand, there are those that argue that there are very practical reasons for categorizing our types. Add to this, we do not all agree as to the origins, purpose or what a “real” or “true” vampire is….much less, how literally to take those claims of immortality and the various/alleged super powers that some of us are supposed to have.

We have gathered under the umbrella term of “Vampire”….however, it is through different pathways that we have come to this Community. The Psychic Vampires have come in from the realms of energy working and metaphysical theory. Some of us Psy Vamps come in because there are others like us already established in working clusters and groups, within the Greater Vampire Community. The Physical Sanguine Vampires sometimes come because of the association between the blood drinking Vampires of Fiction and the real life activities of the Sanguines within the GVC. The Life Stylers are in love with the Vampire aesthetic–which some Blood and Energy Feeders do embrace–depending on the level of attraction to that image. Role Players fall into the GVC, because of the real-time interaction they can have with actual Vampires (those who feed and receive benefits from feeding) and Life Stylers (who sometimes also belong to the Sanguine, Psy Vamp or Life Styler group, as well).

We also have our mix of those that relate to the mythology and history of The Vampire and embrace the label with every part of their being….those who do not like the mythological associations, but have come because their kindred spirits can be found here in the Community….and some of us who find value in working with and within this Community, whether or not the label and The Vampire Mystique stay intact or are eventually left by the wayside.

There are some of us who come to the GVC to share information and discuss ideas. Some of these concepts are specific to the Sang or Psy Vamp’s personal life experience….which define one’s status as either (or both) type of Feeder. Some of the concepts that we share deal with techniques and methods which are special to energy-feeding Vampires or blood-feeding Vampires. Vampiric feeding practices have different effects on our systems than would these same practices have on others (non-vampiric humans) who do not gain benefits from feeding AND do not have negative effects from not feeding. To keep information accurate in our discussions, it is important to be clear when one is a non-vampiric human, so as to keep the information being exchanged accurate, distinct and relevant.

This could be one of the reasons that, for the purposes of collecting accurate feedback, sometimes it is helpful to have Sang-only or Psy-only feedback (not necessarily separate groups) to particular information prompts. To expand on this example, when posing a Psy-oriented scenario which calls for sharing of personal or past experience from other Psys….only those who have HAD actual Psy experience can give any real-life information…as far as they’ve experienced within the realm of the real-life experience of a Psy Vamp. Someone who has not had personal Psy experiences may share theories or researched information, but it is helpful to be clear that it is just studied material or conjecture.

We do need our common groups and social areas. Life Stylers and Role Players are a part of our Greater Community. We have Trolls in every area–some Blood and Energy Feeders, included. Many of our Donors can be found in the Life Styler and Role Player subgroups. Well-informed allies to the Vampire Subculture (our Role Players and Life Stylers) can also welcome unawakened and barely awakened Sangs and Psy Vamps into gateway social groups and direct them to the information hubs, as needed.

Source Here

Date Added: March 13, 2016
Added By: DarkChocolate
Times Viewed: 5,841

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