As you may know by now, vampires are real and the first person whom you may come across the moment you walk out of your door might be one, yet you may not even notice it.
More and more vampires nowadays are coming out into the open, some are real vampires who understand vampirism and are aware of their true natures while others are sheer wannabes.
There are lots of people who actually think that they are vampires, but not all who claims to be a vampire and wear vampire clothing are vampires; a vast majority belongs to the Gothic subculture which is mostly composed of artists who into it for the lifestyle and vampire lovers who longs to be "turned".
Real Life Vampires doesn't have to wear capes to be vampires, they are vampires no matter what they wear, and yes, they're still vampires even if they're naked. They say that "clothing makes the man" but it doesn't make a vampire.
A real life vampire is born a vampire, self-realization usually occurs during puberty when lots of bodily changes occurs (no, they don't turn into bats), some realize it during their adult years and contrary to popular belief, this stage is what you may say the "embrace". The embrace of the vampire is simply a vampire's acceptance and awareness of his true nature. It doesn't have to involve bloodshed, any satanic ritual, or the worship of the devil.
There are generally two types of real life vampires, the blood feeders and the energy feeders. They are known as Sanguinarians and Psi vampires respectively in the vampire community.
Blood feeders? Yes, most real life vampires drink blood or are Sanguinarians but unlike the ones you see on movies and read on vampire fictions. None of these vampires are immortal or undead - at least I haven't met one!
Also, the need to consume blood is only to the minimum which means no vampire will hunt a person down to drain his blood unless of course if the person (vampire) is deranged or something.
Energy feeders, on the other hand, feed on energy mostly sourced from people (single person or crowd) though some claim that they can get energy from other sources like the ones generated by thunder.
A true "real life vampire" is a person who lacks either the capacity to produce or sustain his own "chi" energy that he or she has to depend on other sources in order for him to live a healthy and fulfilled life. This is the very special need that every vampire suffers and it makes them more often than not feel easily drained or very tired than the average person for no reason.
Real life vampires are also usually paler than the people of his region and is sensitive to the sun, fangs may or may not occur, and like anyone else, they'd surely die if "staked through the heart" - heck, they're people too!
I'm sure you've watched vampire videos on YouTube and other sites, most wear capes and sleep in coffins, and yes, drink blood. But then again, not all who sleep in coffins, wear capes, and drink blood are vampires, most may only be "lifestylers". Again, vampires have very special needs and if such a need is not present with the person who claims to be one, then the person isn't a vampire at all. But then again, there are real vampires who aren't aware of their true nature and will continue to suffer unless such energy deficiencies are addressed.
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