This ‘article’ or submission is not intended to degrade or discredit anyone or any specific Faith, Practice, Belief or Religion. It is not submitted as a doctrine nor is it a definitive matter of fact’s that “are” or “is”, but rather a “what if” supported by actual events and documentation. This submission is not meant nor intended to belittle or create un-necessary controversy. It is however submitted to share information on subject matters that have been asked previously, but still seek further answers or information specific to the content of this article / submission.
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"The Vampire Jesus"
Before we tread the waters of the past, I’d like to take a moment to explain how I write articles, books and other forms literature in general.
I write in the first person, as if you and I where sitting in the den having a conversation. I do not use what is deemed ‘proper formatting and punctuation’ as a rule. I am educated and I could opt to change that, but I don’t to keep things simple. Thank you for that brief moment and now that we have a better understanding of each other, let’s move on shall we.
So, you where doing some research and found the term “Vampire Jesus” used huh? I’m not surprised. It was used a long time ago. So, what about it made you think of me? Gee, thanks… I know I’m old, but that was below the belt; just kidding. Anyway, as you know I’ve spent a lot of time learning about a lot of things; this term is actually one of them. What is it I can do for you?
How did it get used first? That is actually a good question; unfortunately it has a number of credible answers. How long you planning on staying? Need one of the family to make up a guest room for you, or are you ready to go through the traditional processes and become a family member to save time LOL.
Look, the term is usually associated with the last supper according to a more mainstream Christian view. You know about that.. the “Last Supper”? Ok, well that is the meal where the Christian savior sat with his disciples, apostles or crew and he addressed them by saying what some see as a prayer, others see as an oath. He said something along the lines of this as taken from the Bible [1st Corinthians – Chapter 11]
23 For the tradition I received from the Lord and also handed on to you is that on the night he was betrayed, the Lord Jesus took some bread,
24 and after he had given thanks, he broke it, and he said, 'This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.'
25 And in the same way, with the cup after supper, saying, 'This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Whenever you drink it, do this as a memorial of me.'
26 Whenever you eat this bread, then, and drink this cup, you are proclaiming the Lord's death until he comes.
27 Therefore anyone who eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily is answerable for the body and blood of the Lord.
28 Everyone is to examine himself and only then eat of the bread or drink from the cup;
29 because a person who eats and drinks without recognizing the body is eating and drinking his own condemnation.
30 That is why many of you are weak and ill and a good number have died.
In a nutshell, the Christian savor used the symbols of bread and wine to define his body and blood. By telling his followers to eat of him and drink of him, they would; as would all who follow the same script, find eternal life. Those who didn’t would die.
Now begins the meaningful, yet meaningless multiple semantics and word plays that have for centuries plagued mankind when directing the attention to this….use of words and meal. I’m not going there…not to keep anything from you, but to avoid an un-necessary array of potential valued, but unwanted arguments.
Someone said, “Jesus was a vampire” or “Jesus created vampires” or “Jesus ‘was /is’ a vampire” and the term Jesus Vampire became popular. And yes, admittedly, there can be a intellectual argument made by such a statement as outlined from the Bible, but again…why bother arguing, just make a choice of your own to either accept it or not in a way that makes you comfortable.
But what? BUT, the term was used LONG before the modern quest for definitions and massive attacks of word play and meaning came about….and it can be proven with actual accredited documentation that was once hidden or so called lost, but are now readily available….if you’re willing to do some reading and research.
What do you mean who used it, when and what proof? You don’t want to look it up yourself?
Okay, but this is a tool, not a means to an end by any means. Every stone you look under is going to raise more questions and sometimes…and every answer is an interpretation and subject to your own final acceptance of what is or is not correct for you....not necessarily everyone ok?
One of the oldest and most recognized means of faith, worship, praise, acknowledgement or religions in the Christian view is certainly the Catholics. We need to go back in time and use their own record of events as documented, thus becoming a fact of record. What? You don’t honestly believe the records of one of the world’s largest churches would keep such records? They did and it is a fact. It will also become known as a fact that even though the records exist, they where later “modified” to streamline a specific view thus changing doctrine, law and application. But that too is outside the term being questioned. So, let’s see who documented the term “Jesus Vampire” or to be specific, the term “Vampire Jesus”.
Way back….and I mean way back in terms of the calendar only, the Catholic Church began a structuring of enlightenment for its most devout and faithful within the educational and political sections of the church itself. The top of the chain of earthly command, as most if not everyone knows is the Pope.
The Pope can and always has had the rite and right (don’t be confused about that because although they sound the same, they have different meanings) to make into law or order a specific of any kind to the practice of the Catholic following. Loosely, this is called Papal Law. Ok, I’m getting there…
Back in the 600 A.D. era, the true definition and use of the “Vampire Jesus” was used to describe Jesus Christ himself. Not only is that insightful, but guess who said it and thus made it Papal law? Good guess, a Pope of the Catholic Church…but which Pope? Come on, take a crack at it without the assistance of Google. Benedict the First…no, try again…John Paul the First or Second? Nope…Who said “Boniface the Third” over there? No, that’s wrong too, but I was curious…anyway…Boniface V or the Fifth is damn close, but no. Ok, the Pope who documented the name was Pope Honorius the First. Seriously! He was Pope of what even the Catholic’s call the Old Rome or Old Roman Catholic, Rome. He wasn’t some two or thirty plus day wonder either; the man had top-dog spot from 625 A.D to 638 A.D.
And now for the point of real interest when Pope Honorius the First identified the man known a Jesus Christ as the “Vampire Jesus”.
During the Byzantine Empire…what we now call the Middle Ages the Pope Honorius the First was the top-dog. The Empire itself lasted a thousand years or more, give or take a few calendar modifications. All in all, it was popularized or made famous for a host of reason between the mid 16th to late 19th centuries. What made it famous? Beside when a Pope of the Catholic Church used the term or a version thereof to proclaim Jesus a vampire? Let’s see, the Gothic Period itself with it’s architecture and sculptures, the wars between men over pretty much the same issues that go on today…the cultural diversities that where being explored, learned and established…the list goes on.
But getting back to the topic, this documentation is also supported by other facts of notable declaration. Among them, the now named Saint Peter. You know the guy that’s name is used for a host of things including a large, rather cool building in the Vatican. Yeah, that guy…anyway did you know he belong to the Order of the Pipistrelle? No, it’s not a joke and the Order itself is believed to be about as old as the Church itself. Anyway, this Order had a very unique task as recorded. One was to protect (like a personal body guard unit) the man we know as Jesus Christ. Second, and don’t take my word for this either, check out Vatican Law for yourself…the second was to over see the last secret task of the incoming Pope. That was to be fed on from or by Jesus. Yes, fed “on” from the one then called The Vampire Jesus, who was reportedly still alive and existing, or living in the underground areas of Saint Peters Basilica itself.
According to the record of events “then” and mysteriously inconclusive now, the order did something else too. They “staked” the out-going Pope for burial. Yes, they staked the Popes and for well over 2000 years.
According to the records, and adlibbed to some degree because many things are lost in translation, here is a cut and past of one such notation:
‘to be briefly fed upon by Jesus. The new Pope lost just enough blood to satisfy the vampire. In over two thousand years, only Pope Honorius I was ever transformed into vampire, although the Order staked every pope upon his natural death from that moment forward. Another pope, John Paul I, lost too much blood to the vampire, and died only 33 days into his reign as a result’….or so it was written.
Many things are or have come to pass sense then of course. Pope Honorius the First was anathematized (fancy word for kicked out, benched, written off or just plan marked as nuts) by the First Trullan, or Third Council of Constantinople in 680 A.D. Yes, there was a capital city known as Constantinople…look it up too.
Anyway, now you know the first time it was used and by who as it is documented. The Vatican has the record of events, now called folklore, but retained none the less as a recognized, but not “established” set of facts….other than released archives that is. You have a book by Harry Turtledove “The Secret History of Vampires” that also covers some of this too. The thing about Jesus being buried under Saint Peter’s part is largely a mystery.
Was Jesus a Vampire? That is not for me to say, but a lot of time was taken to read a lot of pages…and again, there are some embellishments here. All knowledge is based on learning and accepting. We’ve learned something, some of which is really documented, some of which is interpreted and passed along for entertainment. How much of any of it you choose to accept for what ever reason is solely your own.
But the end result is now you know the first time the term Jesus is a Vampire, or the close terminology thereof was actually used by a person acknowledge by one of the worlds most recognized organizations; the Catholic Church….right from their own list of Popes and “honorable” mentioning’s.
Hope you liked the read and feel free to comment in any way you see fit too.
As it’s close to the day most the world celebrates the birth of Christ, respectfully to all who celebrate the date for the “intended” reason and not the presents; Merry Celebrate, Happy Holiday, Merry Christmas.
This submission is part historical record as noted herein and part adlibbed. It is not meant to be anything more than a means to scratch your head, maybe look some things up and pass some time away. Have a good day and thanks for reading this.
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