CHERUB is a slapstick parody of Joss Whedon's ANGEL, released as an internet video series by Seattle-based Caution Zero Network. I was the creator / director / head writer. Season One featured twelve 4-7 minute episodes about the adventures of Cherub, the vampire with bunny slippers (played by Basil Harris of "Awesome"), and his gang at Cherub Investigations - the aspiring actress Charity Case (played by my lovely wife Jen Moon), the arcane expert Jasper Windham-Hill, the muscle man Roger Pipebomb, and the inter-dimensional traveler Barney. Season Two raises the stakes (so to speak), with dramatically improved production values, more ambitious episodes, and wackier villains and situations - including appearances by Cherub's old friend Edmond the Squeaky (otherwise known as Squeak), the irrepressible wiccan Wallow, and an iPod that turns Cherub into a roll of toilet paper. The series is at once a wild send-up and loving homage of Whedon's vampire with a soul. Season Two features thirteen 7-10 minute episodes that promise a wide range of "hijinks", "hilarity", and "just what exactly were they thinking" - including a crazy zombie episode that was shot all in one take.
Basil Harris, Jennifer Boyd Moon, Ben Laurance, Chris Haddad, and Brynn Hambly