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welcome to the beginning of the end vampire rave you suspended me for doing nothing and I wanna know why you did what you did to my profile. you admins seem to be keyboard warriors and are to scared and chicken to actually talk to me face to face about the situation you like to just brush it under the carpet and that is unacceptable. so now I am going to take things into my own hands against you all you will not hear the last from me and you may have won the battle with your little suspension button but I will win the war when each and everyone of you die a painful and horrible death mooniepie vampire witch and imagesinwords you can all burn in fucking hell and death to your kids as well the little horrible bastards ps cancer thats a nice sorce code you got there buddy pity your security is shit and can be destroyed from the inside so advise for you is watch who you have working the site for you your close admins