All Profile Comments for undevvided
Times Rated: | 234 |
Rating: | 8.508 |
Showing: | 26 - 50 of 234 |
Darkest Greetings!
Welcome to VR... And Happy Birthday!
Feel free to stop by for a visit anytime!
You have been rated 10 by Tzaddi! Please stop by and rate me if you like!!! =^^=
You have been rated by Crossoflorraine1.
You have been rated by Wildsorkid please feel free to drop by and return the favor
EcstasyThe vision of beauty follows the mist, Flowing into the dark. Tripping through the light, Flowing into the mind. Ecstasy follows the soul, Wondering though world. My real life fantasy, A more beautiful vision, never felt, never seen. As the rush comes, I fall through the holes in my thought. The whole process weakens me.
Dark Greetings You have been rated a '10' by the midniteangel!
***Welcome to the rave***10* ; )
Welcome to the Rave. Enjoy your stay here amongst us. Know that you have been rated fairly by me.. Should you need anything, do not hesitate to message me, and I shall do my best with getting you what you seek. Let me know when you've updated so that I may return and re-rate you.
.embrace the darkness.
- immortal -
You have been rated by DARKCHYLD...
Feb 02, 2007
Great Profile
Feb 02, 2007
You've been rated fairly by duh hehehe :p please return the favour and let me know if you add me =^_^=
Remember that in the darkness you are never alone...
~A Raver is as a Raver does, Rave on and Do your part, Rate and be Rated~~
Proud Member of the
"Life Is Like Live Theater, Act On It."
You've been rated by Mieta Proud Assisstant Coven Mistress for The Coven of the Stone Guardians. Please return the favor and rate me back. Also feel free to add me to your friends list.
To Love is to suffer. To avoid suffering one must not love. But then one suffers from not loving. Therefore, to love is to suffer and not to love is to suffer. To be happy then is to suffer. Therefore, to be unhappy one must love, or love to suffer.
| 1 - 25 | 26 - 50 | 51 - 75 | 76 - 100 | 101 - 125 | 201 - 225 | 226 - 234 |
Venerable Sire (133)
Haunt (40)
Venerable Sire (133)
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