Work, work! ..I am about ready to pack it all in, so thank my lucky leprechaun vacation starts on Friday. I can't even imagine a packed suitcase at this stage, never mind know what I am going to put in it. All I know is, I need To get away to seas of blue and calm.
I am taking the Company to participate in the Seatrade Fare in November. Jo, the admin and I are both looking forward to this challenging time to break into maritime health and safety. we have also added an occupational health section to the Company and we closed that deal out yesterday with the doctor. Exciting times.But I find it peculiar why health and safety and training is undergoing a period of growth during these recessionary times. My girfriend who owns the same type of company as myself reports the same. Odd.
Nice thing is ..the Trade show is being held in the south of France, and our government is paying half the airfare and all of the hotel bill for Jo and I. How jammy is that!
Hey ho, hey oh.. Its back to work we go...Hmm, looking forward to today as I have a meeting with a Doctor who wants to take on occupational health for the Company. So I am putting the health into safety now. Its all good :)
23:36 Aug 28 2012
Hope you have fun on your trip :-)