I bought a ticket for my Mother to visit my brother in Spain for two months as her birthday present, and she is home in less than four weeks. I know I had selfish motives in doing that, but I really, and truly needed a break. It was all getting on top of me; looking after my mother, studying for further exams and sitting them, keeping the customer satisfied, my audits, work, work, getting the cafes ready for the Easter season. Now, she is home 4 weeks earlier than planned, and she called to tell me "surprise, and guess what, I have to go to the Doctors on Tuesday.. I have never been so ill... "
I wonder at times if I wasn't in business what fundamental impacts that would have on my life. To survive in challenging times requires all the qualities Sulks writes about in her journal.. another masterpiece wee 'un :)
Thing is Emmy, you have all these qualities and more :D
Right. And when I close the door after making a deal, my knees and hands shake when I question how I did that! It's not always lovely, and sometimes it scares me living on the edge, but it excites me in a passionate sort of way.. i'm addicted to business now. Sad really.
Nothing sad in doing what you're good at!
If your good at it, keep doing it...feel that buzz and take it with you always.
21:44 Apr 29 2011
Ah, yes that is hard when the rest of the family isn't taking part in their responsibilities. I had a lot of the same things when my Gram was sick before she passed. I lived the farthest away and yet the family living less then 3 miles away would do nothing. "Chin up my friend, this too will pass"
23:13 Apr 29 2011
I'm sure when you first decided to take all this on you thought you would cope with ease. Maybe it's now time to rally the family.