Alright, I'm bored and this entry is the result of that. Okay, anyways. Why should you watch Searph? The best anime of all time?
1. Cute anime boys
2. Has vampires and is based around vampires
3. Has a great storyline
4. Great plot and plot twists
5. Has AMAZING art and graphics
6. Great fight scenes
7. It has good humor when necessary making it light hearted but also deep and depressing when need be
8. Emotional and captivating
9. Mika
10. Mika and Yuu
11. Good and in depth characters which are easy to relate to
12. Great sound track and opening themes (X.U, Two Souls Towards The Truth, ScapeGoat)
Anyways I'll shut up now. Watch Searph Of The End
Yeah. So as the title states I'm currently at my dads place avoiding him agaisnt my will. Though it is difficult challenge it isn't as hard as one may think. This however is due to the fact that my shitty excuse for a sperm doner isnt exactly the sharpet tool in the shed. All I told him is that my stomach was upset and he pissed off for about three minutes!!! That's a new record!!! 🥳🥳🥳 for once Im actually just the tinnest bit proud of him =)