I really hate haveing feelings that keep coming back and kicking my head in. I am about to go crazy with all this damn drama in my life. I have one guy beging me to come back I have another wanting to be with me but he is lost and dosen't know what he wants and then there is the last one. He is really strating to piss me off. He keeps saying oh i'm sorry it didn't work out between me and you hell he wouldn't even give it a fuck try. Hell he can't seem to relize that he is the one i want to be with he is the one my heart crys out for at night he is the one i see in my dreams every night and it kills me a little more each time even thought he dosn't know it. hell i don't know what to do anymore. Hell I listen to him grip and complane and all this other bull shit that he has to grip about every fucken night hell he got me in trouble to day because i was yelling at him over the phone cause we got into an arrgument. He just has to go and tell me what his plans are especally if there with another girl and i have to swallow my pride and pretend like i don't care. But no he dicied to go and jump down my throught saying i alwayz get mad at him when he has plans and he tells me about it and i don't get mad at him i'm trying to keep what little pride i have left in me insted of losing it. But my feelings always seem to stop me from completlly swollowing it when i'm on the phone with him. well i guess i have said enought so i must bid you a fond farewell