okay.. so what am I doing writing this sh**.. haha.. I really don't know why, but anyway.. Just love to let you people know what's on my mind right now!!
i'm really really tired.. OMG.. haven't really slept for days.. I just had a relaxation time today..tomorrow, I got a gig again.. and on 28, will be hittin' on 4 gigs in a single night.. wtf?! haha.. but being in a band is fuckin' cool and this is what I love... eventhough, I haven't got much time for myself, i still love to be in a band and give one hell of a time to the people.. with my bandmates..
I hope people her in the rave will be as friendly as possible to me.. haha.. i'wahahaha.. I'll kill you if you don't.. haha.. kidding!!!
OMG... i'M REALLy really tired today.. Lots of work to do.. Haven't got much time for myself lately.. haven't been able to sleep well too.. if I could just have a relaxing vacation.. y not??.. i could really use a vacation now.. oh well.. I've justbeen a caitiff now.. it's quite tiring to post comments here and there, but it's also fun in another way.. it's great to kill time.. i miss her.. now..
I hate this day again... People around me are so insensitive.. What a fu@#%* day!!!..Don't they have anything to do with their life so they just annoy others?!..Today was also a tiring day.. Can't get enough sleep these days.. huh.. I'm really tired.. I'm a little narcoleptic u know..But still.. Even if I am that, those 5 mins sleeps is not good enough for me.. I am really pissed at this.. I am also pissed at insensitive people.. cause I am sensitive.. They don't know how to act well.. They don't know what is the meaning of privacy.. Can't they just be quiet in a corner and don't butt in my life?!