In down town hamilton today a group of teens ranging from ages 13-18 we're gathered to fight the passing of law 1118, in which skateboarding is to become outlawed. They have named this rally the "skate without debat" protest. A number of the teens where sported holding signs and shouting slogans like "We will not break, let us skate." and "down with law 1118, what about Article nineteen." Article nineteen is the act that state everyone has a right to freedom of expression, and to these kids skating is how they express themselfs. Earlyer today our own Donna Nelson interviewed Richard Stevenson, the leader of the group and he had this to say.
" The police said there using the ban as a way to stop vadilsm, we say it's going to happend regardless of the ban, if not more. the pigs are just using this stareotype to get back at the skateboarders, skaters and cops never got along."
Joined by his friends and other determined youth, they plan on standing out front city hall till they collect enough signatures to put a hault to this ban.
i dont know about you Alexxys but im glad im not the one out there in this weather, speaking of which we now join Minority with the weather