I feel so alive. Something hit me like a fucking mack truck last night. I realized that i need to be out on my own. I know now that my faimly loves me but what they dont see is that they are hurting me. I know that my family wants me to be the person that they want me to be but im not. It just makes me realy unhappy and i cant keep living this way. I am being someone im not becuse im not aloud to be who i am. With them fighting all the time about shit and screaming at me it just fucks with my head. Makes me do fucking shit i regrate and i just cant live that way. So now im going to leav this place and never look back. I have someone i love so vary much and i want to try to make this life better so i can be with her. I am tired of losing the ones i love. I know it is going to be hard out on my own but it is worth it.