i have two friends whom i love so much. its so hard on me because it always puts me in a bad place. one has a girl friend and the other isnt in a relationship, well except with him, only she's not the girlfriend. she loves him so deeply. he cares 4 her, jus not the same way. i think he's a dog, but i love him anyway and i hate the way he hurts her. but i cant say or do anything because i am friends with both. and yes she knows about the girlfriend. i cant convince her to walk away, i've tried. and just when i think i have, their right back together again. i know the magnitism they share, hell my husband and i have it. thats what got us together. its not just primal, its energetic and spiritual. they cant stay away from each other. i've been there, i know all too well how that works, my husband and i went through it. but there is someone else involved, but there was when my husband and i started. but i watch and see the hurt it causes both, her mostly, and he asks me to help her get thru it. ugh. i just dont know how much more pain she can take and how much more i watch her go through it. i hope something changes soon for both of them.