well this is your chance to say what you think of me you can put anything down here and tell me what you think of me and you got to be truthful
This is just a random question to people
but what if the men traits such as trying to be the best and trying to get all sort of muscle and of course they can be sluts
and women traits like being pretty and trying to go out with all boys to show how good they are
imagine if they go swtich around
what your thoughts if that happened :)
had to change it casue people got annoyied
honestly, i'd laugh.
i'd be standing by and see some skanky dude, twisting his hair and giggling at my every word!
it would be kinda funny because pretty boys are so funny to watch
Thats what it was like in "Heaven" there the Satan Character is red horny female trying to get in on the original couple and its her domain and sje picks from the men and thryre all sluts and whores and slaves and the females have dominion and play a more wjat we think of as ma's cline role with butch cuts while men sport long hair and high ponytails...no im not kidding....she cut iff her gorns and killed herself to get to me...she talks like this...I gotta whiz....ladies dont talk like that...other shit too...it's a trip. Shes cool tho
drugs a word that seems to be outlawed by all police and people in power but are they really that bad I mean I was watching the fresh prince of bel hair :) and do not get me wrong I think it is a great show apart from the fact most of the people on that show are stuck up fuckers who never done a good day work in their extistence and then the main guy got given some speed that a drug by the way for people who do not know and some and his cousin another person in the show took a pill and he had to go straight to hopstial and then this big dramtic scence at the end of the show now apart from this being quite obvious it is a scare tatic for people not to do drugs but are drugs really that bad when ever you see them on the tv they always say do not do drugs otherwise you die a horrible death which is bullshit I have done drugs before as well and I never had any problems or had to go to the hopstial and it I just hate when ever there a show on tv they always show the bad side of drugs and espically them cops show fucking hell and most of them cops are irrgont people who have been propely raised and I am not a big fan of them casue they talk down to you casue there fuckers
dats 1 way 2 speak wats on ur mind. ^_^
I have to say that i think its a good thing that tv talks bad about drugs, it´s better to give a negative pichture then a positive.
And i dont see why you think thats wrong? i mean you may like drugs and have been taking it but why talk good abot something that can mess your life up? That to me is just silly.
i did drugs once, it sucked i felt stupid....and not myself -_-, and i felt like the rest of the world...and i like to b diffrent....
"Reality is just a crutch for people who can't cope with drugs." -Robin Williams
“See I think drugs have done some good things for us, I really do, and if you don't believe drugs have done good things for us, do me a favor: go home tonight and take all your albums, all your tapes, and all your cds and burn 'em. 'cause you know the musicians who made all that great music that's enhanced your lives throughout the years.... rrrrrrrrreal f**kin high on drugs.” -James Manyard Keenan
drugs are a really fun way to completely waste YEARS of a person's life, as opposed to say...nintendo. but the government and society in general want people to invest their money in frivolous things like houses, vehicles, foodstuffs. it's silly really, but that's why t.v. will never encourage drug use.
well maybe this is just me but bad words why do they sound so nice :) like the word hate it just sounds like such a lovely word when you spell it out and saying it all loud feels really good :)
another word I love is loathe :P
I think it such a great way of expressing anger
it just the way there words sound
think maybe I am just werid but they are so fun to say out loud
I no I think they r tooo
I agree with you too...
hm... u have a point there
Pretty words. Maybe it's because of the comfort they can hold?
i know how you feel....the word kinky holds the same cherm for me....maybe its all the k's......
Our language is prrveryed and framing to certain other galatics...I had one come to me and tell me some of this...for example when we say excuse me it translates to them as rape me and looking at sll the rape on earth frames us as a party to it....he said the word fuck is complimentary...he was some high level angel never been here before....it was interesting and upsetting to hear but then in a way kind of comforting to understand we were framed maybe theull help if they understand our language barrier better
23:23 May 10 2008
wonderful and in new of someone.. ^_^
14:00 May 11 2008
I actualy think ur pretty kool and awsome. I love ur pf.
20:12 Jul 03 2008
your pretty cool......someof your points of veiw are twisted but i agree with most of them.....if i knew you in real life i'd definatly hang out with you
21:55 Jul 16 2008
well, i think ur a sweet guy with a gr8 personality^^
20:29 Mar 28 2011