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This is from GreenWitchFantasies, thank you my dear.

19:31 Aug 28 2009
Times Read: 574

You can also do a house blessing.

Before you begin, gather the items you'll need.


o Sage and cedar smudge if you can find it. If not sandlewood incense will suffice.

o A large feather.

o A new broom, never before used.

o A white candle with matches.

o A small bowl for the smudge stick, or an incense holder

o A small flower, bush, or tree for growing indoors, or planting outside in offering.


* Place a small altar or table just inside the door to hold all these items.

o For the Blessing

+ A small bottle of Patchouli Oil


Creating your space, begins with you. Before you can begin any spiritual work, be it a simple mediation or full blown ceremony complete with pomp and circumstance, YOU must be prepared. Being Grounded and Balanced before any spiritual work is essential to both your intent and the effectiveness of you work. So take a few moments to ground and balance yourself internally.

Light candle inside the front door.

Give yourself some room to walk around the table and into the house proper, taking the sage, feather, and broom with you. Put the Patchouli Oil in your pocket.

Some people like to perform this ritual with a partner or friend who can help you.

* Close your eyes and imagine a flame being lit within your own body.

* Imagine your spiritual essence, lighting a flame in your solar plexus. This is your divine light, the spirit within you that will provide the energy to the wick of your candle and the work ahead.

* With each breath you take, imagine the flame inside your being growing stronger and brighter. Until it fills your entire body with it's warmth and bright light.

* Say something like:

o Great Father, Loving Mother,

I (or we), state your name(s), call on you for help ,

to clear, cleanse and protect this home from the muck and mire.

{pick up the smudge stick and present it to the divine forces}

1. Place the smudge over the candle's flame and set it afire.


* Say something like:

o Great Father, Loving Mother,

Through divine love and light,

I call upon your great might,

To open this space for your noble charge.

2. Holding the smudge in your left hand, and the feather in your right step toward your door, blow out the flames of the smudge and fan the smoke clockwise around the entrance of your home. Say something like this:

* Great Father, Loving Mother,

I open this humble door,

and remove the past left here before.


3. Enter the home and allow your helper to precede you into each room, sweeping it carefully with the broom. Follow your helper, allowing the smoke from the sage to permeate each room. Begin facing North and walk clockwise, fanning the smoke as you go. As you pass a window - open it and allow the energy within the home to move out into the world where it can be dissipated and no longer do harm or affect others again. Dot each corner of the room with Patchouli Oil in blessing. Continue though the house until each room has been entered. End at the back door. Have your helper open the back door and sweep the gathered dust forcefully out the back door. As this is done, say something like:

4. "That which was now is no more. Only Love and Life are welcome here!"

5. Dot the back door with Patchouli Oil, then return to the table at the front door.

Setting the protection:

1. On your table, place the smudge in the a small bowl you selected when you were getting ready for this ritual. Extinguish the smudge by dipping into a little water. The continual energy will be coming from your candle. If you chose to use sandlewood incense, you can allow it to continue to burn, just place it in an incense holder.

* Say something like:

o Great Father, Loving Mother,

I have set forth this protective shield

to guard this home and those who enter

from outside influences. This home is sealed.

Thanking The Father and Mother

1. Many people find it appropriate to honor the spirits and deities that they've asked to assist them. I happen to be one of these people. However, for rituals such as this, giving honor through an offering of life, instead of food can also be appropriate. By that I mean, planting a seed or plant in honor of the deities. One that supports or represents the energy of the deity. In this case, a rose bush or small flowering plant would be an appropriate offering.

* Raise the unplanted bush and present it to the divine forces. Say something like this:

o I give this offering of rose and thorn as my symbol of gratitude and honor.

To the Great Father and Mother whose light and love shall shine through it's pedals of beauty, to remind us all of your unselfish gifts.

Blessings Be to all within these walls as we bless your names.


1. Conclude your ritual by grounding yourself and withdrawing your energy.

When you have completed this step, give thanks once more for this sacred space. Then back away and allow your candle to burn out if possible.




Not really a spell, but part of christianity

19:29 Aug 28 2009
Times Read: 575

This is something I have done to get rid of bad spirits out of a home I use to live in. Since I'm doing both Christianity, and Wicca. I'm putting this Holy blessing for Christianity in here.

Items needed:

- 1 cotton ball

- Lourdes Water (Holy water)

- the prayer below

The Prayer to St. Michael

St. Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And you, O Prince of heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and the other evil spirits who prowl about the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy one us. (Repeat 3 times)

The blessing of the house:

1. Begin at the front door of the home, take the cotton ball, add a bit of holy water to the cotton ball. Make motions with the cotton ball splashing holy water on the door. and say the prayer while splashing.

2. Do the cotton splashing in every room, walking around the room saying the prayer.

3. And end at the back door of the home.

And if this doesn't work, and you still feel the evil or so. You need to speak to a preist.



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