Every day feels the same.
wake up....go to work.....come home...go to sleep.
nothing of exitement only the pathetic attempt to live,
have a life.
Or experience any joy what so ever.
Nothing can complete me.
The only thing that can has moved on.
As should I but the chains that bind my heart are too strong.
Nothing to break them.
Nothing to move me.
The same old Shit that happens every day.
wake up...go to work....come home...go to sleep.
no life.
no love.
just the constant loneliness that is my being.
The empty pit in which my heart used to be
consumes my every movement.
Sorrow, Regret, Loneliness, and abandonment.
That is what my Spiraling Vortex consists of.
With no relief. no Remorse. Nothing to pull me out.
Depression that set in like an iron curtain.
Weighs me down till my very existance is compromised.
To my only love farewell.
Loving and loosing is a hard thing.
Though i may be breathing and moving as if alive.
there is no life. no blood flowing through my veins.
There is no heart to pump it.
There is no heart to love....or be loved..
only an empty pit.
The Center of my Spiraling Vortex of decaying chaos.
The endlessness of the day that passes brings me one step closer to death.
Such a beautiful thing.
To feel no more.
To stop moving.
Such painlessness.
how beautiful.
And yet my day of reckoning feels as if it will never come.
admiring those who have fallen in the past.
Holding on to nothing.
No longer bound by the chains of love.
No longer feeling anything.
As maggots eat at their flesh.
Consuming them in their final resting place.
No longer being.
No longer tortured by love....
Endlessness.....Imortal in their own world,
of decay.