This is bad, no good. Since she broke my little heart last month she hasn't contacted me but then last week out of the blue she sends a pic to my phone. And good god she looks BEAUTIFUL!!!! But I was strong and didn't respond to it.... until 10 mins ago. Shit why am I such a reject? I told her I figured that she sent it accidentally but no she txt me back sayin it was intentional. ok this means nothing, she doesn't want me and I am dating the sweetest person in all the world now, someone who goes out of their way to make me all kinds of happy. k I have to keep that in mind. right? She doesn't want me and she pretty much treated me like... actually, I can't blame her for the way I was treated waaaaah but I want her more than anything. Who cares if Im just a mat for her. I'll be a damn good mat like one with daisies and huge letters that read WELCOME :) Maybe I did something wrong the first time and now is my chance to fix it. Or maybe just having her as a friend will be enough, just to talk to her and ask her how her day went. I can keep my feelings to myself. I don't ever want to be without her in my life. Alright yes that's settled then right? It's up to her now.