omg god it thought this was funny and you dont know what you are misssing
This is to the best band ever Nickelback and To Santana who help with one song called "into the night"
This one is called "gotta be somebody"
"savin me"
"Far away"
"If everyone cared"
Well here goes
I hate the parts my hyper active person like because they are not what makes up me and it really starts to pisses me off
I think I have made one of my friends a enemmy because that person has been on my nerves since i have said i had to have space from that person
There are mmore videos that iI love and that is so cool.
02:04 Apr 02 2009
*falls over laughing*
It's waka laka time!!
05:52 Apr 03 2009
Evil child...
There is no doubt you are my child.. as that little song there is enough torture for more then a few thousand people...