So for the past year I have been attending a program called Job Corps. I am learning to be a construction craft laborer and am earning my GED from scratch. This place has helped me so much and I am happy to say that I will be graduating next month with my GED and a ton of certifications for my trade credentials. I have made tons of friends and am grateful to every single one of them. Because without them I wouldn be where I am today. To be quite honest I would still be in my moms house smoking pot and playing videogames and watching anime. Which I still do other than pot. But this time around I've learned to balance all of it with work. I look at gaming and anime as my reward at the end of a long hard day at work. And where I was a loner I am now somewhat social. I'll be on here more often after June. My goal on here now is to become a Sire and start a coven. or just become a premium member and enjoy my VR family. Well thats all for now, your probably all zoning out and thats cool...because I would too. Chow!. :)
07:31 May 10 2015