The dentist pulled my tooth out
and he thought it was such fun
he grabbed his pliers
and dental pryers
and pulled another one.
"Yippee! Hooray! What awesome fun!"
he shouted out with glee.
He grinned a grin
then went back in
and pulled out number three.
Then number four and number five
and numbers six and seven
were followed by
a cheerful cry
Of "Eight! Nine! Ten! Eleven!"
He took a few more from the top
and some from underneath,
he yanked them fast
until at last
he'd pulled out all my teeth.
Without my teeth I cannot chew;
I just eat soup and mush.
But don't be sad
I'm kind of glad--
I'll never have to brush!
By My Brother Christopher
Love Him Dearly
I've got a lot of presents
that I'd like to give to you.
I'll give you all my Brussels sprouts
and all my liver too.
I'll give you all my gym socks
when they really start to stink.
I'll give you all my pens when
they are running out of ink.
I'll give you all my broken toys
and empty jars of paste.
I'll give you all my bubble gum
that's chewed and lost its taste.
I'll give you all the dust balls that
I found beneath my bed.
I'll give you all my batteries
as soon as they are dead.
So have a happy birthday,
you're a special friend indeed,
and please accept this trashcan
full of stuff that I don't need.
By my Brother Christopher
Love him dearly
00:48 Mar 10 2009
wow painfully
21:38 Apr 10 2010
very clever