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Dip me in chocolate, and throw me to the lesbians!

13:16 May 04 2011
Times Read: 450

I went to this gay right celebration and bought a T-shirt that says "Dip me in chocolate, and throw me to the lesbians!". I thought it was the cutest thing in its own way. But seriously, I simply must say something about my view of gay rights since it seems to be such a debate: I'm very bisexual. At some points I'm more attracted to men, and at some points I'm more attracted to women. Sometimes I love emboth at once. I'm not one of those girls who goes and blabs my business out to everyone I meet, but whoever knows me knows that I'm open-minded to both sexes. I'm pretty much against prejudice of any kind, and I believe being totally straight is something of a prejudice. I hate racism, agism, prejudice against religion, sexism, etc etc etc, plus I hate straightness because I can really honestly be sexually attracted to women and not feel different or weird about it. So these bitches who tell me that I need to pick one or the other need to shut the fuck up. Ahem ...

Also, I think it should be a right for gay people to get married and have children. Debate all you like, that's my opinion. thanks ya's much. :DDD



13:22 May 04 2011

Have children as in make babies or adopt hehehehe :p

13:59 May 04 2011

LOL Have you looked at what you have written? To be straight is to be prejudice..

You hate prejudice..

Yet...you are JUST that!

Do you see the contradiction here?



01:01 May 04 2011
Times Read: 453

Ugh. That fucking song is stuck in my head. I hate it! Hate, it! Rebecca Black should have her ass kicked for even attempting to sing, let alone forcing us all to endure her ugly ass voice, and ugly ass face and ugly ass life. (btw, for y'all who have no fucking clue what I'm talking about, Rebecca Black, an 8th grade girl, posted her song Friday on youtube a long ass time ago and it's absolutely ... horrible.)

That being said, I'm not one to get so damn upset over a little 8th grade girl trying to do her thing on youtube. Thinkin she's a star, wanting to be the next Justin Bieber, bla bla bla. I get it, ok, it's a phase. But holy shit, that freakin song gets so easily stuck in your head that suddenly you're humming it at work, and then you're singing it in the car, and pretty soon you're surrounded by that fucking disgusting, horrible voice whether you like the fucking song or not. I hate it and I sinceerly hope that this girl's little career goes absolutely nowhere.





19:02 May 02 2011
Times Read: 458

I know which one I can beat up just by lookin at em. Most bitches think I can't tell which one's bad ass and which one isn't, but trust me my dear friend I can. The one's who sit there runnin their mouth, like so many of my wonderful little pets who I dislike, I know they're a bluff. They get right up in your face, acting all bad, yelling and cussing and all, and I just know that this is gonna be a quick scrape and a trip to DQ. Listen, I am not in the least bit intimidated by a bitch who can't keep her mouth shut. Nor am I scared to fight a woman who cusses me out like I'm the shit on the bottom of her shoe. It amuses me, if anything, to see a girl trying soooo hard to scare me by running her lip like she's gonna do something but knowing that she's stalling.

It's the person in the corner, sitting and quietly observing everyone around them, not looking shy but just looking like they don't give a shit, those are the ones I don't wanna mess with. I'm one of those people who sit back and let it all unfold. I like my solitude, I like my peace, and if you interupt it, I'm not gonna back down. I don't waste time on talking; I do what I say I'm gonna do and I do it quick. It's what these little loudmouths don't like. They hate to stand their running their mouth and not get a rise. If you wanna look tough, let me enlighten you: Stand there and look calm. Watch them hard to see when they're gonna make the first move, be ready to fight, but don't yell and scream and throw a fit; it makes you look fucking stupid. The bitches who stand there and fucking yell and throw a temper tantrom are the bitches who are gonna get their ass beat because they're nothing but a bluff. Jus stand there looking composed and till they're finished. You wanna be tough, fucking walk it and don't talk like you've got something to say. That's my rant for the day.



22:34 May 02 2011

Never in a corner..but absolutely quiet.

When one decides they're actually going to knock the shit out of someone,what really IS there to say.



17:09 May 01 2011
Times Read: 459

Ok, I'll start off by saying that popular myths and beliefs don't really affect my picture of vampires. I have my own logic worked out in my head, things that I write about a lot, and things that I could explain if I had to.

What explanation is there for vampires not having a reflection? First of all, being a corpse that rises from the dead does not turn invisible. A vampire, in my mind, has enough mass that they can appear in a mirror. Now our imaginations like us to believe that vampires are ugly and disgusting, looking like a rotting corpse and bloding up with redness gushing out of them after feeding. Would you be easy prey for a grotesque monster who's chasing you, or would you run? Um, I'd be easier prey for some gorgeous guy hitting on me then for a big ol gross dead guy. So I believe that vampires are naturally more beautiful than normal humans to lure their prey.

Believing that vampires sleep in a coffin is reasonable I guess, but believing that they're killed by garlic is rediculous. Nuff said about that. I don't think that the only way to kill a vampire is a stake through the heart, but something more along the line and burning them alive. Silver burning the skin, even if that's strictly werewolves, doesn't really make sense.

Lastly, though, vampires shouldn't burn to a cripse in the sunlight. Maybe their skin would be more sensitive in the sun, but I think the reason they sleep during the day is because they need energy for the hunt, which is just safer at night.

Idk if there's vampires or not, but anyways that's how I look at it.



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